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Beta Friends

Beta Friends

I discovered game over the summer, wouldn't say I was 100% "beta" wimp beforehand, but I had my downfalls etc from being in a LTR for almost 2 years. Only one or two of my friends naturally have any type of skill, one of which told another friend to not put the pussy on a pedestal, I asked if he'd heard of game or bloggers etc, he said no, but looked in to it afterwards. The rest of my friends are as useless as it comes when it comes when it comes to women and can't even begin with pulling girls let alone being anything more than friends.

The topic of this discussion is: should you introduce "beta" friends to the concept of game and help them out creating competition for yourself, or should you let them learn the hard way and be jealous of the apparent pussy magnet you keep in your jeans, or custom fitted Brioni suit for the classier of us.

Beta Friends

If my friend found out a way to improve my life, but didn't share it with me, he wouldn't be my friend.

Sounds like you have "friends" rather than friends.

Beta Friends

Quote: (10-09-2011 04:48 PM)WesternCancer Wrote:  

The topic of this discussion is: should you introduce "beta" friends to the concept of game and help them out creating competition for yourself, or should you let them learn the hard way and be jealous of the apparent pussy magnet you keep in your jeans, or custom fitted Brioni suit for the classier of us.

There are several threads like this, where I've expressed my opinion on exposing beta friends to game--from experience in the matter. You'll find that a lot of the more seasoned guys on the board would agree with me. I think that, while well-intentioned, it's usually a bad idea. Most guys will repay your generosity with negative judgments of your lifestyle, outright derision, or dogged, argumentative resistance to your ways--even though yours have proven their effectiveness and their's have proven the direct opposite.

I find that it's best to advise guys--friends included--when they seek it out. Game is just one of those types of things. It requires a deep change in your outlook on life and a rejection of the conventional social programming. You can't drop that knowledge on a brain hasn't been scrubbed clean, or at least prepped for a cleaning.

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Beta Friends

You need to start rolling dolo or at least find a like minded friend to go out and scam on girls with.

Don't try to push the game thing on your beta friends. Just put it out there. You can lead a horse to water...ya know?

Just be careful. These are the type of guys that will sell you out in a heartbeat to a girl they like that you may be interested in.

Been down that road enough times. Keep your conquests to yourself or only brag to other players that can keep it quiet.

If a girl calls you out on being a player or sleeping with a skank she knows. Don't deny it. Just be like ...yeah so what? Just don't give her details. They secretly like that you sleep around.

Team Nachos

Beta Friends

Men give love to get sex; women give sex to get love.

Denial. Most men are in denial. Political correctness is killing America. Whenever someone points out the true nature of women, the PC-installed bot inside the man's head immediately turns on and says,"Not all women are like that; you're stereotyping. You have to look at the individual. etc." This is one of the main reasons guys have trouble accepting Game. Growing up, we are all taught that we are special little snowflakes, that it's mighty terrbile to generalize and stereotype. To do so would mean that you're evil, anti-American, politically incorrect, etc. You are swimming up against a giant wave in the opposite direction.

Learning Game is revolutionary. It is as if you are given the stone tablets on how to seduce women from God Himself.

I believe that it takes a certain amount of intelligence, curiosity, and frustration for one to accept Game. Personally, I wouldn't offer advice to a beta unless he was showing signs that he was willing to change. People have reputations to maintain at work, school, and family. Give a person the wrong impression, and it could potentially backfire. For instance, I discovered Game via Roissy through a link on another blog. At first, I didn't know what the blog was about or anything. But after a reading a few posts I was horrified at the idea that men were treating women so badly and leaving them after having sex and treating them as sex toys. I thought,"Women don't want to be treated that way." But then I saw how successful guys were. Beta of the month also helped me see the light.

Humans are emotional creatures. It takes a lot to set aside your current beliefs and analyze them and compare to the real world. People don't like to admit that they're wrong. How many times have you seen two people arguing, and then one person makes a sequence of logical steps that shows that his idea is superior to the other's, and then the other person says,"Wow, you made such a great rational, convincing, logical argument. You win." Never. I've never seen something like that.

Most guys never question the system until they have a bad experience with women. It is not until they notice a glitch in the matrix that they finally start to sense that something is wrong, that things aren't supposed to be this way.

This is a good post about how guys go through accepting Game, which I thought exactly mirrored my own experience:


Denial is where 90% of American men are. These are the beta males who deny the truth of women. When they are rejected and abused by American women, the beta makes excuses. “She only behaved that way because of …” An alpha male never makes excuses for his girls’ misbehavior, as denial is a trait of betas.

Anger is where 90% of game bloggers are. CAN YOU BELIEVE HOW FAT AND OUT OF TOUCH THESE AMERICAN WOMEN ARE?! Once guys leave the denial phase, they are outraged at the abuse women expect these men to take. The talk about unfairness and double standards. Instead of coolly exploiting the system, they vent and rage.

Bargaining is a level of consciousness few men reach, and yet it’s not a high level of spirituality. The “bargaining man” agrees that women are problematic, but claims they will change if he only runs strong relationship game. “My game is tight, so my girl won’t pull the stunts she pulls on other guys.” He is always making deals with women rather than showing them the door.

Depression hits when a man realizes that everything he learned about women was a lie. Once you understand women, it becomes harder to deal with them. Parents avoid petulant children, and a high-level man starts avoiding the women-children that comprise American females. The “depressed man” asks: Why bother?

Acceptance is where a man accepts women as they are, but on his own terms. The “accepting man” knows American women are incorrigible, while also realizing he himself enjoys sex and occasional female companionship. He runs game to get what he wants out of women, but does not believe he will change any given woman. He lives a life of freedom.

Food and sex.

This was one of my biology professor's favorite sayings. If you want to understand and study an organism, you learn how it takes in food and how it reproduces. The primary goal in life is to reproduce and have as many multiple offspring as possible. You eat food to give you the energy to have sex and reproduce. Simple as that.

For the most part, our food supply concerns are mostly taken care of in the U.S. along with other basic necessities. Once a man finally masters the mechanics of human reproduction, he is left wondering,"Is this all there is?" He sinks into depression, a stage which I'm currently trying to get out of. With his life's biological needs taken care of, he ponders the meaning of life, life's purpose, etc. He is enlightened, but sad at the same time. Sort of like how the boy in the The Giver finally sees reality as it is.

I wholeheartedly believe that virtually all men who undertake the study of Game will eventually hit depression. How long they stay in depression, or even if they get out of it, is another matter. If I'm not mistaken, Neil Strauss had to convince Mystery from killing himself.

You have to ask if a man is ready to take the red pill. Is he ready to face the consequences of knowing just how deep the rabbit hole goes?

The Truth About Women:


Beta Friends


I wholeheartedly believe that virtually all men who undertake the study of Game will eventually hit depression. How long they stay in depression, or even if they get out of it, is another matter.

I agree with you. Part of the breakthrough is a breakdown.

Beta Friends

Quote: (10-10-2011 12:46 AM)Amour Fou Wrote:  


I wholeheartedly believe that virtually all men who undertake the study of Game will eventually hit depression. How long they stay in depression, or even if they get out of it, is another matter.
I agree with you. Part of the breakthrough is a breakdown.

Yep, it's inevitable that if you understand women, and understand game, you are looking into the abyss.

This is why it is important for anyone who is gaming to have a profession or career or an avocation that you love and gives you the mental satisfaction you really need. You will not get intellectual stimulation from game -- game is about mastering a set of principles that are, in the end, pretty basic.

In other words, complex intellectually challenging work is the solution. I enjoy banging strange, and it's fun to manipulate them and get them into bed, but the real thrill I get is solving a client's problems, or getting them to see how what I offer adds value, or seeing my students ( I teach at the college level) get it.

I will never retire. I will always work. Work will take your mind off the abyss.

Beta Friends

Quote: (10-11-2011 09:34 AM)tenderman100 Wrote:  

Quote: (10-10-2011 12:46 AM)Amour Fou Wrote:  


I wholeheartedly believe that virtually all men who undertake the study of Game will eventually hit depression. How long they stay in depression, or even if they get out of it, is another matter.
I agree with you. Part of the breakthrough is a breakdown.

Yep, it's inevitable that if you understand women, and understand game, you are looking into the abyss.

This is why it is important for anyone who is gaming to have a profession or career or an avocation that you love and gives you the mental satisfaction you really need. You will not get intellectual stimulation from game -- game is about mastering a set of principles that are, in the end, pretty basic.

In other words, complex intellectually challenging work is the solution. I enjoy banging strange, and it's fun to manipulate them and get them into bed, but the real thrill I get is solving a client's problems, or getting them to see how what I offer adds value, or seeing my students ( I teach at the college level) get it.

I will never retire. I will always work. Work will take your mind off the abyss.

“It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.”
Joseph Campbell

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