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The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Yes, every group has good people and bad people. Do we need to do a NAXALT? How are we still at this point in the discussion?

It is undeniable that there is a disproportionally high number of Ashkenazim who control a disproportionally high number of positions of power or influence, or both. And it is close to undeniable that they have a tribal affiliation strongest than everyone (taking it to unhealthy levels in my opinion), based on the Talmud’s condoning of cheating the non-Jews (which Ashkenazim take a step further as there are countless examples of them hurting non-Ashkenazi Jews). Ignoring this at this point is wilful ignorance.

The problem then is that a lot of guys seem to blame Jews for everything, similar to how blacks blame whites for everything, instead of taking responsibility for their own and their tribe’s actions.

For example, it’s important to know that Ashkenazim are and have been for a long time involved in the production of pornography, but equally important to not absolve the goyim from buying everything the merchant sells - and no one seems to love their merchandise as much as the white man.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Quote: (04-15-2019 08:10 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Okay, we're all assholes, but that's kind of the issue, isn't it?

Without a doubt.


Everyone is motivated by self interest (except whites to some degree apparently).

Every nation, and every individual is motivated by his/her self interest. Jews, naturally, have their own self interests (which depend on each Jewish "faction" ). Both of us, as a private individuals, have our own self interests.

And I don't think whites do not follow their own self interests. In Italy for example, Italians (whites) have chosen a leader that represents their interests. The British (whites, mostly) choose Brexit because it represents their interests.


That doesn't mean it's carte blanche for outsiders to fuck me and mine until the end of days. If anything it's precisely the very reason that peoples are better off separate, with treaties and borders to protect the various peoples from each other rather than having to play this stupid game of pretend where team A fucks team B while pretending to give a shit about them and team B gets to pretend they're not being fucked.

I agree. with that statement, And yes, I was called anti Semite because of that.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Quote: (04-15-2019 08:11 AM)ilostabet Wrote:  

Yes, every group has good people and bad people. Do we need to do a NAXALT? How are we still at this point in the discussion?

It is undeniable that there is a disproportionally high number of Ashkenazim who control a disproportionally high number of positions of power or influence, or both. And it is close to undeniable that they have a tribal affiliation strongest than everyone (taking it to unhealthy levels in my opinion), based on the Talmud’s condoning of cheating the non-Jews (which Ashkenazim take a step further as there are countless examples of them hurting non-Ashkenazi Jews). Ignoring this at this point is wilful ignorance.

The problem then is that a lot of guys seem to blame Jews for everything, similar to how blacks blame whites for everything, instead of taking responsibility for their own and their tribe’s actions.

For example, it’s important to know that Ashkenazim are and have been for a long time involved in the production of pornography, but equally important to not absolve the goyim from buying everything the merchant sells - and no one seems to love their merchandise as much as the white man.

What would you do if a drug dealer set up shop in front of your kid's school and when you called the police you found out that the chief was the dealer's brother?

Start blaming the addicts and hope for the best?

This is the problem in a nutshell. When you have hostile outsiders preying on your people it's not a reasonable or effective strategy to simply blame your own people.

Are you going to try to get your people off of porn when it's streamed 24 hours a day free by the pushers?
Are you going to try to keep your people off drugs when it's being pushed by the outsider down the street?

If I came to your house and beat the shit out of you then took your stuff would you think it's fair for people to say "why blame Leonard when really ILAB's weakness is the real problem here".

Why is the onus on people to suffer the depredations of hostile, insular outsiders?

This is one of the most foundational aspects of Western brainwashing. That the onus is on the majority to accept the presence of the minority. It's bullshit. The onus is on the minority to win the good graces of the majority or be given a swift boot to the ass on their way out.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Quote: (04-15-2019 08:32 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

This is one of the most foundational aspects of Western brainwashing. That the onus is on the majority to accept the presence of the minority.

This is not what I was saying at all, but it is again a moral failing (that is what it is in my view) that only europeans seem to have on a wider scale. Is it immoral to exploit a weakness? Yes. Does it cease to be a weakness when it is exploited by outsiders? No. Pretending there is no racial dimension to our failings is as autistic as pretending there are no racial differences at all.

Look at the Roman Catholic Church. Is it the Church who is failing and cucking? Or is it the Catholic Church in Europe and European diaspora? Doesn't anyone find odd that the only Cardinal who is not cucked comes from Africa, saying the truth about migrants while the white anti-Pope has a migrant foot fetish?

The other day I was watching pastor Steven Anderson and he was saying that when he went to Botswana to preach on the second day there were protests calling him 'hate preacher' and the like. He goes on to say that, in a 99% black country, every single one of the protesters was white. Were they all 'fellow white people'? Most likely they were non-talmudic liberal europeans, doing what they do best: virtue signal against the natural order. Meanwhile the black folk were eagerly listening to the white pastor.

Some alt-right figures like the jewish obsessive tribal loyalty and wish for europeans to emulate it, which suggests they approve of it for their own advancement - it's a game everybody's playing! It seems to them the problem is not subversion, but who is doing it. I have seen this same sentiment linked to porn for example, with guys saying that porn produced by the goyim would be fine.

So, yes, we have as much right as any other group to have our own homelands but we were the ones who gave them away in the first place, in exchange for cheap chinese crap and sexual liberation. Everyone was happy with the jew crack until the consequences started showing, but responsibility lies on both sides.

And again, I am no denier of the JQ. I just had my first channel strike and video restricted on my channel for doing an analysis of the word 'semite'. I know their works and I reject them. All I wish for my people, as well as other europeans, is for them to reject them too.


Are you going to try to get your people off of porn when it's streamed 24 hours a day free by the pushers?
Are you going to try to keep your people off drugs when it's being pushed by the outsider down the street?

I will try, but not all of them, because I think tribal loyalty cannot be absolute. If my people are behaving like animals and perverts, and most of them are, I am not going to make excuses for them or feel sympathy.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Porn is an interesting issue, and to ascribe it to the Jews AND assign them moral blame is a product of the confirmation biases that keep getting repeated on RVF without reference to facts or examining the underlying premises.

The threshold questions are:
1. Is the legal regime permitting porn as a part of freedom of expression wrong and should it be changed? and
2. If there's a business opportunity presented by (1.), what's wrong with exploiting it and making cash? Isn't that what entrepreneurship is about?

Porn is bad for an individual man, in my opinion, but should I adopt the moralist and feminist viewpoint that it should be banned?

It's a strawman argument to compare porn producers to a pusher selling heroin, cocaine or addictive drugs. Selling heroin and cocaine are illegal, to start with, and the individual effects are more devastating.

Sp5 remembers the whole rise of porn from Playboy to Penthouse to Hustler to soft-core movies to Deep Throat to internet porn. He used to make package deliveries to a porn complex in a NE US city. The complex had a book and video store, peep show booths and a theater doing porn films. The kind of place that smelled like Top Job all the time, if you have ever been in one.

The office was upstairs, and the chiefs of the business were all Italian Americans of the most Guido / Goodfellas type, down to the open shirts and gold chains.

Anecdotal, I know. But there's public information available about the porn business.
Wikipedia has a page with list of pornography companies.

Looking through these companies' pages, do I see Jews? Yes. Do I see a lot of Jews? No.

Some of the biggest, like Brazzers, YouPorn and Pornhub are controlled by Arabs and Germans, Feras Antoon and Fabian Thylmann are the names.

XVideos is some Czech company, owners are in the shadows, possibly French.

To think that lots of people besides Jews haven't got on the porn gravy train is deceiving yourself. I am just checking the facts.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

It's always circular logic with whites as long as the circle stops at self-blame and functional absolution of everyone else.

"It's not the Jews fault that Whites eat their poison."
"You're right. I'm going to stop letting it slide and call them out for being subversives."
"Why are you focussing on Jews when you have your own problems? Clean your own house first."
"I am, by trying to stop Jewish subversion."
"It's not the Jews fault that Whites eat their poison."

And round and round it goes.

Get called a bigot > stop being a bigot > get cucked > stop being cucked > get called a bigot

The only ones that have broken out of this well-maintained cycle are guys that have functionally accepted that the various peoples are better off alone. If some of my guys peddle porn or drugs then I can deal with them without being called a bigot or being shamed into letting it slide because "muh antisemitism" or "muh racism". The funniest Hitler meme is the one where he's saying "can't be racist if there are no other races". Obviously worldwide genocide is not reasonable but the kernel of truth in that joke is very real.

What possible benefit of living together is there that outweights the benefit of your people being in the sole control of their own destiny, free to fail or succeed by their own merits without having to govern while treading around a dozen special interest groups, some of whom are wealthy beyond imagining and not even loyal foremost to your very nation?

All institutions are like an immune system, be they a nation state or a religion or the local football team.

They must be exclusionary by definition or they will inevitably fail. Parasites and disease attach to any host that does not by default exclude outside influence which is not proven beneficial. I have nothing against Jews acting in the self interest of their people but I am under no obligation whatsoever to allow it to occur where it harms so much as a single hair on the head of my people.

How do I know the difference between my people and their people? Easy. They are exclusionary enough to make that utterly clear. What neighbourhoods can I walk through without being stink-eyed? What businesses can I attend where people don't start talking in hushed tones at my arrival? What places of worship am I welcome in?

Others are as others do.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Quote: (04-15-2019 08:32 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

What would you do if a drug dealer set up shop in front of your kid's school and when you called the police you found out that the chief was the dealer's brother?

Start blaming the addicts and hope for the best?

This is the problem in a nutshell. When you have hostile outsiders preying on your people it's not a reasonable or effective strategy to simply blame your own people.

This is a good metaphor.

You don't even need to add the bit about the brother.

Just imagine drug dealers joining together and playing the victim when they get some pushback.

I am going to use this in the future, but I know what the response will be:

Change the subject. Probably in the form of a counter accusation.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Quote: (04-15-2019 09:35 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

Porn is an interesting issue, and to ascribe it to the Jews AND assign them moral blame is a product of the confirmation biases that keep getting repeated on RVF without reference to facts or examining the underlying premises.

The threshold questions are:
1. Is the legal regime permitting porn as a part of freedom of expression wrong and should it be changed? and
2. If there's a business opportunity presented by (1.), what's wrong with exploiting it and making cash? Isn't that what entrepreneurship is about?

Porn is bad for an individual man, in my opinion, but should I adopt the moralist and feminist viewpoint that it should be banned?

It's a strawman argument to compare porn producers to a pusher selling heroin, cocaine or addictive drugs. Selling heroin and cocaine are illegal, to start with, and the individual effects are more devastating.

Sp5 remembers the whole rise of porn from Playboy to Penthouse to Hustler to soft-core movies to Deep Throat to internet porn. He used to make package deliveries to a porn complex in a NE US city. The complex had a book and video store, peep show booths and a theater doing porn films. The kind of place that smelled like Top Job all the time, if you have ever been in one.

The office was upstairs, and the chiefs of the business were all Italian Americans of the most Guido / Goodfellas type, down to the open shirts and gold chains.

Anecdotal, I know. But there's public information available about the porn business.
Wikipedia has a page with list of pornography companies.

Looking through these companies' pages, do I see Jews? Yes. Do I see a lot of Jews? No.

Some of the biggest, like Brazzers, YouPorn and Pornhub are controlled by Arabs and Germans, Feras Antoon and Fabian Thylmann are the names.

XVideos is some Czech company, owners are in the shadows, possibly French.

To think that lots of people besides Jews haven't got on the porn gravy train is deceiving yourself. I am just checking the facts.

The problem (benefit?) with discussing a conspiracy (that is what this thread is about after all), is that it is very hard to cite verifiable facts/specifics in support of the conspiracy. If any tom dick or harry could rattle off verifiable facts, details, and specifics...well the conspiracy would no longer be a conspiracy. The thing would be out in the open. This, of course, is something that conspiracy theorist know and count on. There is always some man behind the man behind the man. There is always some motive that you need to read between the lines to understand. There is always some obscure "event" or "fact" that they know but you don't and boy oh boy if you only knew that one fact, by george, then you would understand.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Majorstyles what internet synopsis did you read before posting about Purim?
You have quite a few of the primary details of the story wrong.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Quote: (04-15-2019 09:35 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

Porn is an interesting issue, and to ascribe it to the Jews AND assign them moral blame is a product of the confirmation biases that keep getting repeated on RVF without reference to facts or examining the underlying premises.

The threshold questions are:
1. Is the legal regime permitting porn as a part of freedom of expression wrong and should it be changed? and
2. If there's a business opportunity presented by (1.), what's wrong with exploiting it and making cash? Isn't that what entrepreneurship is about?

Porn is bad for an individual man, in my opinion, but should I adopt the moralist and feminist viewpoint that it should be banned?

It's a strawman argument to compare porn producers to a pusher selling heroin, cocaine or addictive drugs. Selling heroin and cocaine are illegal, to start with, and the individual effects are more devastating.

Sp5 remembers the whole rise of porn from Playboy to Penthouse to Hustler to soft-core movies to Deep Throat to internet porn. He used to make package deliveries to a porn complex in a NE US city. The complex had a book and video store, peep show booths and a theater doing porn films. The kind of place that smelled like Top Job all the time, if you have ever been in one.


Looking through these companies' pages, do I see Jews? Yes. Do I see a lot of Jews? No.

Some of the biggest, like Brazzers, YouPorn and Pornhub are controlled by Arabs and Germans, Feras Antoon and Fabian Thylmann are the names.

XVideos is some Czech company, owners are in the shadows, possibly French.

To think that lots of people besides Jews haven't got on the porn gravy train is deceiving yourself. I am just checking the facts.

When it comes to confirmation biases, you're not even trying Sp5, it would only take you 10 minutes to research the Jewish role in pornography.

In Israel, zionist leaders instinctively understand that porn is a powerful tool for subversion, and for the destruction of the moral fiber that binds a society together and keeps it strong.

That's why Israel censors porn:

All porn sites to be blocked in Israel

Porn sites blocked out in Israel

You can't pray to God and have a porn addiction. Porn is the most potent tool in the use of sexual liberation to undermine family and Church, it's been weaponized to maximum effect. When Israel invaded the West Bank in 2002, they took over the TV stations, imposed a curfew and broadcast porn:


"Porn movies and programs in Hebrew are being broadcast by Israeli troops who have taken over three Palestinian television stations of Ramallah, irate residents of the besieged West Bank town have told AFP. The offices of three local television and radio stations were occupied by soldiers yesterday morning, a few hours after tanks and hundreds of troops stormed the town in Israel's biggest offensive against the Palestinian Authority and its leader Yasser Arafat.

The soldiers started broadcasting the porn clips -- considered extremely offensive by most Muslims -- intermittently this afternoon from the Al-Watan, Ammwaj, and Al-Sharaq channels, the residents said. 'The pornographic movies started on Al-Watan television at around 3:30 pm,' one 34-year-old Palestinian mother named Reema told AFP. 'I have six children at home, they have nowhere to go with what is going on here and can't even watch TV,' she said angrily. 'It's not healthy really. I think the Israelis want to mess with our young men's heads,' she said.

Anita, a 52-year-old mother of three children, complained about "the deliberate psychological damage caused by these broadcast.'. 'I am furious, these are the people who are shooting at us that also play this disgusting trick on us,' she said. 'We are desperate for news and constantly flipping channels and get these terrible pictures instead,'

There is no question that porn has been weaponized and used strategically with nefarious intentions, and that most of it was Jewish, as were the cultural marxists/social engineers who allowed it to florish by removing cultural barriers:


“Jews in America have been sexual revolutionaries. A large amount of the material on sexual liberation was written by Jews. Those at the forefront of the movement which forced America to adopt a more liberal view of sex were Jewish.” – Dr. Nathan Abrams1

The barriers against pornography and other subversion in films in the US were primarily the Catholic Church, which imposed on Hollywood the Production Code in the 1930s, after a protracted fight in which the Catholic Church successfully brought Hollywood studios and movie distribution/theater owners to their knees through an organized boycott organized by the Catholic Legion. The Code was broken in the 1960s with a movie called "the Pawnbroker", which used holocaust guilt as an excuse to show a bare-breasted prostitute.

The barriers in academia were broken by Frankfurt School agents and like-minded tribal brethren like Herbert Marcuse and Wilhelm Reich. Sex-based laws were repealed by the likes of Herbert Wechsler, director of the American Law Institute (ALI), who drafted the 1955 Model Penal Code (MPC).

[Image: record2016-11c-618x392.gif?w=680&h=431]
Wechsler with Buzzie

There is no question that pornography was a primarily Jewish product in the US and western Europe:


Jewish scholar Dr. Nathan Abrams documented the extensive Jewish role in pornography in an article for the Jewish Quarterly titled “Triple-exthnics.” It begins with the following:

A story little told is that of Jews in Hollywood’s seedier cousin, the adult film industry. Perhaps we’d prefer to pretend that the ‘triple-exthnics’ didn’t exist, but there’s no getting away from the fact that secular Jews have played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped to transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana. These are the ‘true blue Jews’.

Reuben Sturman, whom Dr. Abrams calls the “Walt Disney of Porn,” and Ford calls the “Godfather of Porn,” was the foremost distributor of porn in America throughout the 70s and 80s.

“You wanted to know how the sex industry started,” Sturman said to his biographer, Eric Schlosser, “well you’re looking at the person who started it.”12
Reuben Sturman

The empires of Sturman’s three closest competitors, according to Schlosser, “were easily dwarfed in size” by his.13

“In 1991,” Fredrick S. Lane notes in his book Obscene Profits, “Time estimated that Sturman’s empire grossed roughly $1 million per day ‘from the sale of lewd magazines, videos and marital aids.’”14


The real question is: why? Why are the Jews so prominent in pornography? Pornography is an extremely profitable business, of course. But are the Jews only motivated by money when they produce and distribute porn?

“The adult industry was pretty much founded by the Jews,” says Mike Kulich in a 2015 filmed interview. Kulich, who is now deceased, was the Jewish owner of “the biggest porn company in the world,” Monarchy Distribution, when the video was recorded.

Kulich explains that most of the male porn stars since the 70s have been Jewish, while most of the female performers have been Roman Catholics. He says when he asked many of these male Jewish performers what their motivation for doing porn was, their answer was always because they get “to fuck Roman Catholic chicks” and “fulfill like every fantasy that every Jewish boy has ever had” (“Roman Catholic,” in this context, is basically just a euphemism for “White gentile”).


Kulich specifically named Ron Jeremy, the repulsive Jew who has been turned into a sort of folk hero by the Jewish-dominated media, as being one of the porn stars who told him this.

Kulich’s statement parallels what Harvey Cohen had allegedly told “undercover Jew” Adam Goldstein: “As you’re aware, it’s Jewish fantasy to screw gentile women…Besides, why would Jewish pornographers care about gentile fantasy?”

Dr. Nathan Abrams also says the same of the Jewish male/White female porn star dichotomy: “The standard porn scenario became as a result a Jewish fantasy of schtupping the Catholic shiksa.”

“Shiksa” is a derogatory Yiddish term Jews use for White women. It translates to English, according to Lambert, in his book Unclean Lips: Jews, Obscenity and American Culture, as: “‘unclean creature,’ reptile; abomination, detestation, uncleanliness.”15


When Al Goldstein was asked by Luke Ford why there were so many Jews in porn, he replied: “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.”

Here is one final quote in regard to the Jews’ motivations for producing and promoting pornography. It again comes from Dr. Nathan Abrams, and is probably the most revealing and shocking of them all:

Jewish X-rated actors often brag about their ‘joy in being anarchic, sexual gadflies to the puritanical beast.’ Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Quote: (04-15-2019 11:58 AM)trickster Wrote:  

Quote: (04-15-2019 09:35 AM)Sp5 Wrote:  

Porn is an interesting issue, and to ascribe it to the Jews AND assign them moral blame is a product of the confirmation biases that keep getting repeated on RVF without reference to facts or examining the underlying premises.

The threshold questions are:
1. Is the legal regime permitting porn as a part of freedom of expression wrong and should it be changed? and
2. If there's a business opportunity presented by (1.), what's wrong with exploiting it and making cash? Isn't that what entrepreneurship is about?

Porn is bad for an individual man, in my opinion, but should I adopt the moralist and feminist viewpoint that it should be banned?

It's a strawman argument to compare porn producers to a pusher selling heroin, cocaine or addictive drugs. Selling heroin and cocaine are illegal, to start with, and the individual effects are more devastating.

Sp5 remembers the whole rise of porn from Playboy to Penthouse to Hustler to soft-core movies to Deep Throat to internet porn. He used to make package deliveries to a porn complex in a NE US city. The complex had a book and video store, peep show booths and a theater doing porn films. The kind of place that smelled like Top Job all the time, if you have ever been in one.

The office was upstairs, and the chiefs of the business were all Italian Americans of the most Guido / Goodfellas type, down to the open shirts and gold chains.

Anecdotal, I know. But there's public information available about the porn business.
Wikipedia has a page with list of pornography companies.

Looking through these companies' pages, do I see Jews? Yes. Do I see a lot of Jews? No.

Some of the biggest, like Brazzers, YouPorn and Pornhub are controlled by Arabs and Germans, Feras Antoon and Fabian Thylmann are the names.

XVideos is some Czech company, owners are in the shadows, possibly French.

To think that lots of people besides Jews haven't got on the porn gravy train is deceiving yourself. I am just checking the facts.

The problem (benefit?) with discussing a conspiracy (that is what this thread is about after all), is that it is very hard to cite verifiable facts/specifics in support of the conspiracy. If any tom dick or harry could rattle off verifiable facts, details, and specifics...well the conspiracy would no longer be a conspiracy. The thing would be out in the open. This, of course, is something that conspiracy theorist know and count on. There is always some man behind the man behind the man. There is always some motive that you need to read between the lines to understand. There is always some obscure "event" or "fact" that they know but you don't and boy oh boy if you only knew that one fact, by george, then you would understand.

Which facts you are struggling with? The fact these folks are so unscrupulous they financed the death of 100k or so of their own brethren while simultaneously setting up banking structures and the ADL far before there was a WWII. Fact is their own holy book encourages the extortion of non-tribe members at no penalty. What about the fact there was no great Exodus or the fact they hid their role in the transatlantic slave trade? The list goes on and on and I didn't even bring up the stuff that's pure speculation or theory. You see the facts in front of you yet you choose to reject them.

Which reminds me of a quote from KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov
"As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore," said Bezmenov. "A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures; even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him [a] concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it, until he [receives] a kick in his fan-bottom. When a military boot crashes his balls then he will understand. But not before that. That's the [tragedy] of the situation of demoralization."

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Here comes 911, who, yet again, wants to discuss things he knows nothing about!

First, did you read those articles you posted? I don't think so. Here, I did some homework for you.

First article is a proposal which didn't pass (I do not need to tell you why - violation of freedom of speech). Ironically, that proposal came from a criminal (yes, Olmert was #Metooed way before it became popular). EDIT: Wrong politician- Olmert was accused of multiple charges of corruption. Katsav was the predator.

The second article (which you didn't read, obviously), speaks about a law that requires a private individual (you), which wants to watch porn, to contact his ISP in order to grant access. And...the most interesting thing...


Legislators behind the bill pointed to the example of places like Britain, which has already implemented a ban on some pornographic websites.

In other words, it's a copy-paste of a British law (I agree with it. Not "pornography for thee, but not for me" stuff Alt Retard/Leftard crew likes to make.

If you want to post an article, read it first, before embarassing yourself.

Moving on...

Second thing is pure Pallywood propaganda. I heard a good one which accused Israel of giving Palestinians in Gaza some sort of chewing gum, which causes them to become infertile. And yet...for some reason...Gaza has one of the biggest (if not the biggest) TFR in the Arab world.

And finally, a Wordpress site called Merchants of Sin (horrible web design, by the way) is surely a credible source. Can you link some Stromfront articles too, as well? Or some David Duke videos?

Be right back, need to shoot some more porn. So much youth to corrupt, and so little time... .

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Dr Karl Wiehe, in his book - Germany and the Jewish Question:


Well before 1933 the Jews had taken possession of the film industry even more thoroughly than of the theater. That was understandable, because the earnings in the film industry overshadow the earnings of any other artistic activity….
The biggest step in the direction of the decline of the German cultural life [however] was taken in the field of the light entertainment genre. Here—in the genre of musical comedy and above all in revue and burlesque—frivolity and lasciviousness were to rear their ugly heads. So much so that during these years Berlin was quite correctly considered the most immoral city in the world.
It was Jews who introduced this pornographic “art form” to Germany, a debased genre completely unknown before the Great War, and so it is the Jews who can be held responsible for the general decline in morals.
The Jewish sexologists Ivan Bloch and Magnus Hirschfeld became the representatives of “sex research” camouflaged as science—a bogus science that was merely an excuse for pornography and propaganda designed to destroy the institute of marriage and the sanctity of the family.

Jews also pioneered porn in America


In 1968, Goldstein launched Screw magazine, widely touted as the first magazine to publish photos of sexual intercourse. Six years later, he began a late night pornographic talk cable program called Midnight Blue, which ran for decades on New York cable.

Both ventures brought him into scrapes with the law and would transform America's cultural landscape for decades to come.

Even his defenders could not excuse the impact his work had on the country. “He clearly coarsened American sensibilities,” said famed attorney Alan Dershowitz, who long defended Goldstein in a litany of obscenity cases. “Goldstein’s contribution is to be utterly tasteless.”

The New York Times wrote that Goldstein “seemed to embody a moment in New York City’s cultural history: the sleaze and decay of Times Square in the 1960s and ‘70s. ”

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

[Image: x502i7hyzw221.jpg]

Mindgeek is the parent company of Pornhub, YouPorn, Brazzers, Twistys, and many other sites. It claims to have over 115 million daily visitors to its sites, and its Alexa scores (Pornhub is #27 globally, just one step behind Netflix—and Pornhub is just one of Mindgeek’s many assets) suggest these figures are accurate.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Feras Antoon? Looks like an Iraqi Arab name to me.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Quote: (04-15-2019 04:43 PM)Sp5 Wrote:  

Feras Antoon? Looks like an Iraqi Arab name to me.

Does David Marmorstein sound Iraqi Arab as well?

[Image: 1498517969270.png]

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Lets focus on some of the more subversive types of porn.


Lansky stopped working for Reality Kings in 2014 to concentrate on creating his own company BLACKED.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Nathan Abrams | Winter 2004 - Number 196


A story little told is that of Jews in Hollywood’s seedier cousin, the adult film industry. Perhaps we’d prefer to pretend that the ‘triple-exthnics’ didn’t exist, but there’s no getting away from the fact that secular Jews have played (and still continue to play) a disproportionate role throughout the adult film industry in America. Jewish involvement in pornography has a long history in the United States, as Jews have helped to transform a fringe subculture into what has become a primary constituent of Americana.


Though Jews make up only two per cent of the American population, they have been prominent in pornography.


Is there a deeper reason, beyond the mere financial, as to why Jews in particular have become involved in porn? There is surely an element of rebellion in Jewish X-rated involvement. Its very taboo and forbidden nature serves to make it attractive. As I written in these pages before, treyf signifies ‘the whole world of forbidden sexuality, the sexuality of the goyim, and there all the delights are imagined to lie . . .’ (‘Reel Kashrut: Jewish food in film’, JQ 189 [Spring 2003]).

According to one anonymous industry insider quoted by E. Michael Jones in the magazine Culture Wars (May 2003), ‘the leading male performers through the 1980s came from secular Jewish upbringings and the females from Roman Catholic day schools’. The standard porn scenario became as a result a Jewish fantasy of schtupping the Catholic shiksa.


Wait for it...


Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion.

From the mouth of your own kind.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Ya nobody disputes that some Jews do porn. Everyone knows Ron Jeremy.

You've got Larry Flynt, non-Jew, Staglione, Guccione, etc, etc, too.

You can run down the whole list here:

But so what? It's a legal business.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread


Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion.

That's what people have a problem with.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Quote: (04-15-2019 05:25 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  


Jewish involvement in porn, by this argument, is the result of an atavistic hatred of Christian authority: they are trying to weaken the dominant culture in America by moral subversion.

That's what people have a problem with.

I thought they were trying to make money, like the non-Jews Larry Flynt and Guccione etc are.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

When I see commentators like the guy above, there no wonder why the Alt Right failed to gain any traction.

From Vox Day:


I’ve been pondering the origins of the AltRetard. Who are they, and why are they? They are, by and large, young white men, probably middle to lower class, who are the products of the environment and culture that they have been raised in. They know that this environment and culture is broken, is pozzed, and they are seeking an alternative. They are seeking health and well-being in a sick world, and this is good. But they haven’t found it yet.

I have some sympathy for these young men. Their condition is largely not their fault. As a GenXer, my own working class childhood situation was far from ideal, and things have only gotten worse for this demographic since then. We all stumble around in search of knowledge and wisdom that we don’t have, because they have not been passed down to us as they should have been.

“Tradition” means “that which is passed down.” The Western tradition - Christianity and Greco-Roman philosophy - teaches us how to be in the world, teaches us what we are and what to do with what we are. But this tradition has been systematically removed from the education system for the vast majority of Americans and Europeans. Only those whose parents have the foresight and the money to send their children to private schools that still teach the Classics and the Bible have learned much about it. And those men, because they have financial privilege, have mostly sold out for the sake of their own comfort. They have not handed down the tradition.

When my boomer parents and GI grandparents were young, they had to take Latin in high school. They had prayer in school. They learned about the history of Western civilization, its principles, its heroes, its triumphs and tragedies. The average public high school graduate from 1960 knew more about Western civilization than most graduate students today.

As for me and my GenX classmates, not so much. We had the beginning of today’s anti-Western education, not quite as bad as now, but bad enough. As for Millennials and Gen Z (or whatever they’re called), what have they got? Those that are “woke” are only awakened to just how bad things have gotten. But because they have been cut off from their native tradition, they do not have the intellectual tools with which to think things through and find solutions. They are not grounded in anything real.

So they become extremists. Partly because the problems are extreme, and the times themselves are extreme, but also because they lack the wisdom, gleaned from a knowledge of history, that extremes seldom produce good results. Extreme reactions to extreme problems often just become a new problem.

The German National Socialists of the 1930s could only have emerged from the Weimar era - in other words, from a thoroughly pozzed and degenerate environment. That’s why they had so much degeneracy within their ranks, in spite of their public opposition to much of it. The Nazis were not a traditionalist movement, and they were not a Western movement. They were not pro-European, but were German chauvinists, at the expense of many other European ethnic groups. They were not pro-Christian, but were either outright pagans or embraced heretical versions of Christianity such as Alfred Rosenberg’s gnostic-Catharist ideas. Lastly, they were not truly based upon the Greco-Roman tradition and Western history, but upon a dubious, revisionist version of European history that was cooked up by the Ahnenerbe in order to be used as propaganda, a kind of Tacitus-inspired We Wuz Kangz pseudohistory which even Hitler found embarrassing, and wished that Himmler would knock it off already.

You can see the continuation of this sort of non-thinking in much of today’s Alt-Reich, which embraces all kinds of strange conspiracy theories, up to and including the Flat Earth theory of Eric Dubay.

Similarly, the extreme elements within the Alt Right, who openly espouse Nazism and Fascism and any other extremism that they think will get a rise out of people, are the result of a thoroughly pozzed and decadent society not unlike Weimar (hence the oft-used Weimerica theme). They are a reaction to it - an understandable reaction, but not a healthy one. Since they have no moral or philosophical grounding (which, again, is not their fault) the only thing they can think to do is the opposite of whatever the culture is doing. So the solution to anti-fascism is necessarily Fascism. The solution to Jewish influence and power is blanket anti-Semitism. The solution to anti-white racism is white chauvinism. The solution to feminism is “white sharia” misogyny. And since Nazism is held by the dominant culture to be the supreme evil, it must, ipso facto, be the supreme good.

But it isn’t. It wasn’t the supreme evil either, and to that extent it’s the (((media’s))) fault for creating such a powerful taboo in the first place. But while it may feel good for hopeless young men to meme out images of Schutzstaffel Pepes gassing hooknose rabbis, at the end of the day it’s just reactionary child’s play that produces nothing and leads to nothing - nothing for the young men themselves, and nothing for the Western civilization which needs to be not only defended, but first rediscovered by generations of miseducated young men that have been denied their birthright and their spiritual home.

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Quote: (04-15-2019 03:48 PM)Irenicus Wrote:  

Here comes 911, who, yet again, wants to discuss things he knows nothing about! First, did you read those articles you posted? I don't think so. Here, I did some homework for you.

First article is a proposal which didn't pass (I do not need to tell you why - violation of freedom of speech). Ironically, that proposal came from a criminal (yes, Olmert was #Metooed way before it became popular).

The second article (which you didn't read, obviously), speaks about a law that requires a private individual (you), which wants to watch porn, to contact his ISP in order to grant access. And...the most interesting thing...Legislators behind the bill pointed to the example of places like Britain, which has already implemented a ban on some pornographic websites.

In other words, it's a copy-paste of a British law (I agree with it. Not "pornography for thee, but not for me" stuff Alt Retard/Leftard crew likes to make.

Second thing is pure Pallywood propaganda. I heard a good one which accused Israel of giving Palestinians in Gaza some sort of chewing gum, which causes them to become infertile. And yet...for some reason...Gaza has one of the biggest (if not the biggest) TFR in the Arab world.

And finally, a Wordpress site called Merchants of Sin (horrible web design, by the way) is surely a credible source. Can you link some Stromfront articles too, as well? Or some David Duke videos?


The restriction on cellphone porn was actually enforced in Israel weeks before it was in the UK. In any case, the UK's position is very unique in the West, so it doesn't detract from my main point, it's a pretty minor sideshow in my main point establishing that the porn industry is mostly Jewish.

Your second sideshow issue about Israel pushing infertility is very clumsy, because they are on record of having forcibly sterilized thousands of Jewish Ethiopian women. If that's how they treat some Jewish women, lord knows what they could have done with Palestinians...

Finally, shooting the messenger, the Merchants of Sin site, is pretty clumsy too, because their main argument was mostly based on the works of Jewish scholars like Dr. Nathan Abrams, and strongly buttressed by the statements of Jewish porn industry moguls themselves. Their dossier on the subject, and those of many others, is irrefutable.

[Image: quote-the-only-reason-that-jews-are-in-p...-52-16.jpg]

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

Quote: (04-15-2019 03:36 AM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

^Thats kind of a bad example because Rigsby has obvious mental health issues.


But even if I do have 'mental health issues' as you so put it, does it make that post any less valid? Did you not see the humour in it? The higher point I was trying to convey? No?

Quote: (04-15-2019 03:36 AM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

The guy has an incomprehensible posting style.

To you! Many others get it. Some, get it some of the time, very few probably get it all of the time, then there's the few that don't really get it at all. That's ok. I try to be polite and respectful - to play the ball and not the man. I'm not unaware of the fact of how I come across. Again, your summary of me 'Rigsby - the man' is not wholly unaccurate.

Quote: (04-15-2019 03:36 AM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

I get all sorts of weird vibes from him.

I don't really get many vibes from you.

Quote: (04-15-2019 03:36 AM)TigerMandingo Wrote:  

That being said, not everything is about the Jews..

No, and that was my point. Specifically in that post I made about nomadbrah. But I wasn't singling him out. It wasn't personal. In fact, he had the intellect and IQ to realise that and came back with a very witty one liner that had me in stitches. Not only was it very funny (to those with a sense of humour), but it displayed a certain amount of humility, a distinct lack of narcissism, and it only confirmed for me further that nomadbrah is a 'modern thinker' who thinks for himself first and foremost. It only strengthened my high opinion of him. Whilst not agreeing with everything he writes.

But as I said, it really wasn't me singling out nomadbrah, it could have easily have been Leonard say, but nomadbrah always plays on those 'jew' words so I thought it was an easy shot. I'll admit that much. Dissecting Leonard's arguments and trying to interject humour in to them would take more time than I care to give. Besides, I don't actually disagree with most of what Leonard writes, as I don't disagree with most of what nomadbrah writes. It was just easier to do a bit of 'satire' and 'parody' rather than get in to a deeper philosophical debate.

Both nomadbrah and Leonard (and again, I'm only using them as examples and not singling either of them out) are just on their journey of seeking knowledge, as they move from pill to pill - at least they move - don't stay stagnant - question themselves and their motives as well as the wider world around them. At least I think so. I really don't see them as being jew-haters for the sake of it. I can't stand people like that. And I won't engage with them.

My critcism of 'people like that' who focus so much attention on 'da jews' is this: Yeah we get it!

That is why I used those very words in my attempt at parody and satire in regard to nomadbrah's post. We get it! I get it.

But there is a world beyond that realisation again. I'm not going to refute the facts they put forth - they are unrefutable, many of them - but I would make the critique that they focus a little too much on a subset of the whole problem we face as a species.

Yeah, all those things are true. Disproportionate representation in positions of power across many fields from the judiciary to the music business. Not afraid to stick together and stick it to the goyim whenever they can. Seeing themselves as wholly superior, not just to the common man, but Christians in particular. Using subterfuge and takkiya (like the muslims) in a way to outwit others the way a women will play the long game with a man that is physically stronger than her. "By way of deception thou shalt do war" - Mossad motto.

How do I know this? Years of observation. I've taken that pill myself, but I had to move on. Btw, I have that Mossad motto burned in to my brain and quoted it verbatim (after checking google to see if it was right).

I've worked for jews. I've had girlfriends who worked for jews. I've had dealings with them in the modeling business and the music business. I've lived amongst them in some of the most 'Frum' areas on this planet outside of Israel. Look that word up. Was it in your vocabulary? It was in mine. Planted there by a jew none the less. I've heard many stories about the most orthodox schools in London and how it was growing up.

I've lived a long time on this planet. I've lived at opposite points in this world. I grew up in the Middle East. But I don't claim to know it all. But sometimes, I'll just give my opinion. FWIW.

I have my opinions.

When someone like nomadbrah reacts to a post of mine that I made about him ostensibly, I can tell I'm dealing with someone capable of higher abstract thought. Perhaps this is where you are getting tangled up in the weeds TM?

I also know for a fact, that should I take the time, and engage with someone like Leonard, he would engage right back on a line by line basis and maybe even both of us might learn something from the debate. But at this moment in time, I'm not quite mentally sharp enough to go fight that particular battle. And what does it matter anyway? I have my opinions.

I like the jews. I like how they all stick together and have big families. I like how they are the ultimate 'tribe'. Hell, I even like the way they dress with their funny little hats and their women wearing those wigs! Because I don't hate. I play the ball and not the man.

But that viewpoint of mine is not mutually exclusive with the fact that it's not that I don't see the shit they are pulling. That they would never want to be my friend and that they would never dirty their doorstep by letting me through the threshold. Though I have been in to some jew's houses and was warmly welcomed. Never say never.

I moved about Stamford Hill, where you will find the most 'Frum' jews on the planet. Saw them collecting their kids from the 'frum' schools. Saw them always playing the numbers game. This is an area of London where blacks routinely mug white people. They don't mug the jews though. Probably because they aren't out at night that much, and when they are they are 20 deep. I like that. No hate in this man's heart, despite what might be going on in my brain...

My Jamaican girlfriend worked in Covent Garden for a famous Israeli dessigner. She was a complete bitch. When she went back to the 'holy land' for a jolly, she took the snowflake white girl with the killer model looks. She didn't want to take a Bantu Queen with dreadlocks. Why is that? She was quite upset about it. The Israeli was 'racist'. The Bantu Queen was all well and good to be 'ever so cosmopolitan' in the confines of London, but back in the holy land, that shit just wouldn't fly. In fact, talking about flying, they would have never even let her on EL-AL. More stories about that, but for later...

So yeah, institutionalised racism. The jews don't like 'white' people, but they dislike 'blacks' just as much. They dislike anyone who isn't of 'their kind'.

I get it. We get it.

The manager of my band way back was a jew. He managed some of the biggest acts in the world. He would call you 'my boy' when talking to you and smoked a big fat cigar. He died not so long back. I was fond of him. He didn't do us many favours, but that didn't stop me from liking him. No hate in this man's heart.

But I've worked for other jews and they have been complete bitches. They really do hate muslims. I learned to keep quiet about growing up in the middle east, as what I thought might have been some kind of bond, was in fact, just something to hang me by. Or crucify me.

This is where I am at now. After my long journey.

I don't discount or pooh-pooh the more sensible arguments put forth about the tribe. But consider this: if other people weren't so weak and so fucking gullible, if they had some kind of deeper moral compass, through say, oooh, religion, perhaps, if they weren't so fucking degenerate in the first place, maybe they would stand a fighting chance if they stuck together? Just a thought.

You can't con an honest man.

I do realise as well that this is just half the argument, as those who are the top of the tree consolidate their power, and so it makes 'sticking together' a moot point. But the 'whites' and the 'blacks' have been warned for a long time now that they have been having a game played on them, and none of them will listen. Divided and conquered, pretty much by this point in time.

So there is no rennaisance of the mind coming. The tribe will keep ramping it up, the goyim will keep falling for it.

The Christian church will continue to keep getting 'cucked'. The muslims will continue to move forward with their taqqiya and jihad.

The 'blacks' will blame the 'whites'. The 'whites' will blame the 'blacks'.

Rinse, repeat, profit.

I could go on and on. I know about the porn game. I know people that made a lot of money out of it, though I was never directly involved myself. Yeah, that shit is bad for the soul. But we move on...

Just think about optics. Seeing a jew under every bed is all well and good, put it puts off the normies and is a counter-productive argument. Not to mention there are laws against talking like this. I risk 10 years in jail for this post if my identity ever gets out. That's no joke.

In fact, when I see low post count low rep posters jumping in to these topics using language like 'getting jewed' and all that shit talk, I tend to think they are working from Tel Aviv and part of the 'Hasbarah'.

That's another word I knew how to spell, and knew what it meant. I've been long in this 'game'.

It's good to have a forum where these things can be discussed - where there is not a disproportionate side of one argument put forward in a partisan manner. That's pretty precious, and it won't last for ever.

Just some rambling thoughts from someone with 'mental health issues' (and thankfully still a sense of humour).

You laugh, you cry.

Whatever gets you through your life...

The Jewish Question (JQ) Conspiracy Theory Thread

I’m glad you said the word “rambling”, because I have no idea what that wall of text above is about. You jump from one thing to the next without any coherent meaning. I’m guessing you are treating this forum as your personal diary.

I may disagree with guys like Sp5 or Irenicus, but at least when I read their stuff I know exactly what they’re saying. Your posts are like the musings of a cluttered and confused mind. It’s like reading Franz Kafka or something lol.

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