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What professions attract the most girls?

What professions attract the most girls?

lots of good answers. not mentioned is life guard and drug dealer.

What professions attract the most girls?

Quote: (01-03-2018 08:42 AM)Hazaer Wrote:  

Interesting thread, but how would you answer if a girl asks about your profession at a later part of the conversation and genuine curiosity rather than gold-digging, maybe you touched on what she does and now she wants to know yours out of curiosity.
What are your replies? You guys tried Roosh's reply of 'I am sitting in my dad's basement reading forum...' line with good results? In the Mad Men show, Don Draper replies 'I blow up bridges.'

Would these 'mysterious man' replies dampen the connection and piss women who up to that point were seriously interested to know more about you?


It's weird having a "high value" profession when it comes to game...

If I immediately come out and tell her I'm a lawyer, it comes off like I'm insecure and the only value I have is my profession. To use Mystery's lingo, it's actually a demonstration of lower value to brag about your profession.

I'll normally joke around and tell her I'm a fighter pilot, a yoga instructor, cat chiropractor, MMA fighter, personal shopper, etc. "I do a lot of things."

Then later it always naturally comes out in conversation that I'm a lawyer, because one of my friends will mention it, or I'll get a phone call that I actually need to take (i.e. a judge, client with an emergency issue, etc). Women find this to be a demonstration of higher value - that I didn't feel the need to immediately brag about how I'm a big important lawyer with lots of leather bound books and an office that smells of mahogany.

That's actually the biggest mistake I see lawyers / doctors etc. make in game - they spend way too much time talking about how important and awesome they are. It's way better to downplay it. My conversations are always light and never law related.

What professions attract the most girls?

^ Very true. Absolute zero need for her approval is the frame we should be coming from. However, even these clever / evasive answers can still come across to her as approval seeking in that they're designed to get a reaction / avoid giving her information that might affect your chances with her (I also guarantee she will have heard them all before or similar). Why not just answer honestly with one word "Lawyer", and then immediately put the spotlight back on her, and get her qualifying herself to you.

What professions attract the most girls?

Met a random guy at the bar the other day and we got to talking. He was suited up and dressed very nicely. He was in his early to mid 40's. When I asked him what he did for a living, he looked at me like I was crazy and said "Work? I don't have a job. I'm retired"

Thinking about trying that line on women and see what kind of reactions it get's.

What professions attract the most girls?

Unless you're a complete slob, I would have to say Chef of course.

"Women however should get a spanking at least once a week by their husbands and boyfriends - that should be mandated by law" - Zelcorpion

What professions attract the most girls?

Quote: (01-03-2018 03:43 PM)ChefAllDay Wrote:  

Unless you're a complete slob, I would have to say Chef of course.

Burger flippers and french fry dippers could use that line.

What professions attract the most girls?

Quote: (01-03-2018 02:42 PM)Kieran Wrote:  

^ Very true. Absolute zero need for her approval is the frame we should be coming from. However, even these clever / evasive answers can still come across to her as approval seeking in that they're designed to get a reaction / avoid giving her information that might affect your chances with her (I also guarantee she will have heard them all before or similar). Why not just answer honestly with one word "Lawyer", and then immediately put the spotlight back on her, and get her qualifying herself to you.

Makes for a more fun conversation.

"Hank, what do you do for a living?"
"I'm a doctor. Of chiropractic. I adjust cats."
"What do you do for a living? Really?"
"A lot of things, really..."

I like to keep it fun and light.

When I say lawyer, the the next question is always "what type of law do you practice?" And then it becomes a pretty boring discussion about trying to explain the complexities of what I do. I'd rather steer the discussion away from what I do. They don't understand it anyway.

The more I can steer the discussion away from myself, the better.

What professions attract the most girls?

Hank, do. you ever find a threshold where a woman will get exasperated with the cagey/evasive game and shut down? I try to get straight (still going low-key like you do) after some time to show I'm not a total clown, but calibrating that point is difficult.

What professions attract the most girls?

"what type of law do you practice?"

Damn, that could be an awesome opportunity for hilarious bullshit...procotology malpractice would be my go-to made-up specialty.

What professions attract the most girls?

Women generally love artistic professions. I'm a comedian for example and it has verifiably gotten me laid on more than one occasion.

What professions attract the most girls?

In the short term obviously anything cool, as has been mentioned already. Long-term, something cool but sustainable. Very few guys ever find this without resorting to beta on some level.

What professions attract the most girls?

Quote: (01-03-2018 09:42 AM)Hypno Wrote:  

lots of good answers. not mentioned is life guard and drug dealer.

If you're only out to fuck hot girls with no long term plans for family etc you're much better off peddling dope than spending years becoming a doctor, lawyer etc. (There are lots of risks in that line of work however.) I think the "respectable" professions box you into "marriage" material rather than "hit it from the back with no kinda strings attached" material to many women.

What professions attract the most girls?

Quote: (01-03-2018 07:12 PM)BadgerHut Wrote:  

Hank, do. you ever find a threshold where a woman will get exasperated with the cagey/evasive game and shut down? I try to get straight (still going low-key like you do) after some time to show I'm not a total clown, but calibrating that point is difficult.

This is a matter of calibration...

It's not about concealing what I do. It's about not leading with what I do. I don't care that she'll eventually learn that I'm a lawyer. In fact, that's ultimately helpful.

However, where professionals shoot themselves in the foot is making the entire conversation about them and their profession. E.g.:

"Hank, what do you do for a living?"
"I'm an attorney. Very high profile. You might have read about one of my cases in the newspaper last week. I do this [very niche stuff that she won't understand] and it's so awesome. I make a ton of money doing it. My office is cool. I'm cool. Did I mention that I'm a lawyer? Have you ever dated a lawyer? I did this one case and blah blah blah blah blah..."

That's what kills some professionals. They make the entire conversation about them and what they do. It comes off like they bring nothing to the table except an advanced degree. While you're talking about how important you are, she's fantasizing about blowing the tattooed bartender in the bathroom.

The key is to downplay your profession. I'll usually get a call from a judge's chambers or a client, and then she'll ask if I'm a lawyer. At that point I'll let her know, but I won't shift the focus to me.

You want to keep the entire conversation about her. Letting it come out that you're an accountant, doctor, lawyer, realtor, engineer, etc. ultimately helps you, especially when it comes to LTRs, but if you make the whole conversation about that you're going home alone.

And don't worry, if you don't have a "high status" profession that isn't a game impediment. Women don't date jobs, they date men. Hell, my ex-wife who has a masters degree is currently dating a mechanic (though she complains that his grammar is terrible).

What professions attract the most girls?

I like that r/K selection theory was brought up in this thread.

It seems the jobs most attractive to females are the ones that would not matter in a post-apocalyptic world (except maybe for bartender) [Image: lol.gif]

What professions attract the most girls?

Quote: (01-04-2018 06:13 AM)HankMoody Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2018 07:12 PM)BadgerHut Wrote:  

Hank, do. you ever find a threshold where a woman will get exasperated with the cagey/evasive game and shut down? I try to get straight (still going low-key like you do) after some time to show I'm not a total clown, but calibrating that point is difficult.

This is a matter of calibration...

It's not about concealing what I do. It's about not leading with what I do. I don't care that she'll eventually learn that I'm a lawyer. In fact, that's ultimately helpful.

However, where professionals shoot themselves in the foot is making the entire conversation about them and their profession. E.g.:

"Hank, what do you do for a living?"
"I'm an attorney. Very high profile. You might have read about one of my cases in the newspaper last week. I do this [very niche stuff that she won't understand] and it's so awesome. I make a ton of money doing it. My office is cool. I'm cool. Did I mention that I'm a lawyer? Have you ever dated a lawyer? I did this one case and blah blah blah blah blah..."

That's what kills some professionals. They make the entire conversation about them and what they do. It comes off like they bring nothing to the table except an advanced degree. While you're talking about how important you are, she's fantasizing about blowing the tattooed bartender in the bathroom.

The key is to downplay your profession. I'll usually get a call from a judge's chambers or a client, and then she'll ask if I'm a lawyer. At that point I'll let her know, but I won't shift the focus to me.

You want to keep the entire conversation about her. Letting it come out that you're an accountant, doctor, lawyer, realtor, engineer, etc. ultimately helps you, especially when it comes to LTRs, but if you make the whole conversation about that you're going home alone.

And don't worry, if you don't have a "high status" profession that isn't a game impediment. Women don't date jobs, they date men. Hell, my ex-wife who has a masters degree is currently dating a mechanic (though she complains that his grammar is terrible).

I agree. For this question from her, its better not to actively conceal or make a joke out of the reply unless this comes up at the beginning of the convo. If she is really invested in you, you have been talking for quite a while and she is asking such a relatively personal question (it is an IOI for daygame), it is better to give a more genuine answer or she may lose that connection built so far and even take that as an insult or lack of maturity on the guy's part to treat her seriously.

'I do quite a few things really..' is a good answer as might be 'guess' because you might have hobbies which you can include if she later probes further and switch the questioning to her.
And yeah, never go on about yourself, its a recipe to get her bored and can make one look like a show off which is a turn off.

Another issue is asking about her profession. Is it a good convo builder? What have been your experiences? And what might be a good vibe to keep when going into her profession. Is it teasing her, addressing stereotypes, what she wants to achieve in her career etc?

What professions attract the most girls?

If you are a professional and do not want to lead with your job here are some canned answers that I use:

"I do my job for 70 hours a week and I am not there now, lets talk about something interesting-like you"
"do you have trouble sleeping, because if I start talking about my job you are going to take a nap, it is like verbal Ambien"
"I am a janitor, I have a PhD in Sanitation Engineering-I wrote my thesis on Wax on vs Wax off"

Or just lie
"I am a consultant for a military contractor, my specialty is chemical weapons-I just got back from Syria, what a shit show..."
"I just came over here to talk to you because I have spent the last three months in a warzone surrounded by nothing but men my name is AM, nice to meet you."

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

What professions attract the most girls?

Quote: (12-21-2017 07:54 PM)Pancho Wrote:  

I heard of a radio once about a guy who knew how to do women hair. He was a legit expert in women hair. You would think that a guy being an expert at a salon would be gay. But no, he was just an expert in doing hair. He had his clients all over him and would get it in with his women customers all the time.

Moral of the story was that women like a man who is an expert at something and knows what he's doing. Especially things that have to do with women.

that's cool. I wish there was a hidden camera. I'd love to know what he said to them whilst he was doing their hair in order to seduce them

What professions attract the most girls?

Complicated question with a lot of variables. I would say the jobs that will net the best possible looking women(or let me rephrase, the girls who would be normally outside your value range) would be jobs that put you in close contact with the women for extended periods of time. For example a DJ or bartender might have access to more volume of women but I bet a photographer, hair dresser or personal trainer would have an advantage in getting the highest value women based on the long term interaction with a high end client. Let me put it this way, if a girl is a 9 I'd bet more money on a guy who has to interact with her over long periods on getting into her world over a bartender pulling her with limited contact. Routinely the stories where i hear guys pulling in girls way out of their leagues are the ones who are in the slow play positions where the build rapport of a period of time. Some of the girls I heard that personal trainers have pulled would have typically been way out of their league....girls they never would have had a shot at sitting behind a bar. I'm talking about pulling celebrity level girls with money.

What professions attract the most girls?

Just a side note here. I believe a unspoken token that nobody really mentions is having your college degree. Every time I mention that "I graduated from XYZ" to a sloot at Starbucks who is still busting her ass for a exam I see a little twinkle of admiration in her eyes. Graduating college does give you a status booster over the average blue collar Joe. Pending your game is just as strong as his.

It's just the way society (at least in America) is structured. The degree is a sense of status that gives your game a bump.

Now if you're working at McDonalds or something with the degree that's a different story...

Growth Over Everything Else.

What professions attract the most girls?

Quote: (01-03-2018 06:07 PM)HankMoody Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2018 02:42 PM)Kieran Wrote:  

^ Very true. Absolute zero need for her approval is the frame we should be coming from. However, even these clever / evasive answers can still come across to her as approval seeking in that they're designed to get a reaction / avoid giving her information that might affect your chances with her (I also guarantee she will have heard them all before or similar). Why not just answer honestly with one word "Lawyer", and then immediately put the spotlight back on her, and get her qualifying herself to you.

Makes for a more fun conversation.

"Hank, what do you do for a living?"
"I'm a doctor. Of chiropractic. I adjust cats."
"What do you do for a living? Really?"
"A lot of things, really..."

I like to keep it fun and light.

When I say lawyer, the the next question is always "what type of law do you practice?" And then it becomes a pretty boring discussion about trying to explain the complexities of what I do. I'd rather steer the discussion away from what I do. They don't understand it anyway.

The more I can steer the discussion away from myself, the better.

100% agree, it keeps the convo light and fun and doesn't let it get bogged down into boring details.
Asking what someone does is such a small talk I-can't-think-of-anything-else fallback question.

Also, if you have a more hard to understand/niche job like I do then saying what I do either leads to a blank expression or a boring explanation of what my job involves. Both will make her dryer than the Sahara.

Keep it light and fun and say what you do eventually but don't let the convo linger on the boring details.

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