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Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

His wife looks ok for being 51. Still bangable at least.

I think the best thing for the family would have been to let Ewan bang other women. His SMV is obviously much higher than hers, and women are willing to share their alpha under the right circumstances. Family stays together, and Ewan gets young pussy a few times a month.

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Quote: (11-21-2017 03:37 PM)Cane Toad Wrote:  

Quote: (11-21-2017 12:38 PM)CJ_W Wrote:  

So stupid, if you're gonna live with a chick why the hell would you NOT give her kids? .

You made some great points but I don't agree with this one.

Sure, if you are rich and can afford to provide the kids a stable home and give them your time as father then it's a good idea.

However, it's a different reality for many guys in many countries. Many guys are facing issues of job security, housing affordability, having work long hours just to keep a job and increasing expenses for just about everything. If you then add a couple of kids the strain on the family quite often causes family breakdown, divorce etc. And then there's the impact on the kids when things go really bad with stuff like domestic violence, drug abuse at home etc.

I'm not saying having kids is a bad idea, but I do think it needs to be a joint commitment rather than something done to keep a girl happy. It can become an unhappy situation very quickly.

Puhleeze, there are Mexicans and other malcontents who spit out kids left and right regardless of finances and they come up just fine. God forbid if you have to change one's lifestyle in order to accommodate kids! I don't get why you think domestic and drug abuse are factors in preventing men having children in their relationships. Domestic abuse and alcoholism/drug use proclivities are readily apparent early on. Don't get involved with drug users and women who drink excessively.

My own opinion: wasting a women's fertile years is an insult. If you're too lazy or afraid of children, don't waste a woman's time by marrying her or worse dating for 10 years and then dumping her infertile ass. Fuck around with women and do short-term arrangements, just don't waste a woman's fertility.

I see dudes doing this all of the time and it makes my blood boil. Have a friend who just hit 40 and dumped her boyfriend of 10 years. Ten fucking years because he was too much of a pussy to propose to her. Not only was she a looker even in her early 30s, she wanted children, and was too afraid to leave him after 2 years when it was apparent the guy was too much of a pussy to commit.

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Quote: (11-21-2017 04:32 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  


Wasting a women's fertile years is an insult. If you're too lazy or afraid of children, don't waste a woman's time by marrying her or worse dating for 10 years and then dumping her infertile ass. Fuck around with women and do short-term arrangements, just don't waste a woman's fertility.

I see dudes doing this all of the time and it makes my blood boil. They take an otherwise fertile woman off of the market and end her genetic line by being an immature child not to mention ruining another man's chance of having a family.

Women are fully fledged humans. They are capable of independent thought. A man has no responsibility to plot out not only his own life, but the life of every woman he deigns to hook into a LTR. If a woman is content to be in a LTR with a man who shows no desire to have children then that is her prerogative. We need fewer humans going forward, not more, anyway.


It's time we start tying in retirement, welfare, medical, and other government handouts to those who actually have 2+ children. Want social security and medicare but didn't have any children? Too f*cking bad, you're on your own.

Sure. Just don't make me pay the fucking payroll taxes for medicare and social security if I'm not going to qualify for the benefits at the end. Hell, if it were up to me I'd institute an "opt out" so that you can choose whether you want to be eligible for these benefits and pay or not pay the taxes accordingly. As if I'm really going to be collecting financial benefits from an entity called the United States Government in the year of our lord 2050...lmao.

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Quote: (11-21-2017 04:44 PM)Higgs Bosun Wrote:  

Women are fully fledged humans. They are capable of independent thought. A man has no responsibility to plot out not only his own life, but the life of every woman he deigns to hook into a LTR. If a woman is content to be in a LTR with a man who shows no desire to have children then that is her prerogative.

Ah yes, the clichéd MGTOW talking point: "It's my life and my decisions don't have any consequences for anyone but myself."

I've heard the same selfish and childish argument from alcoholics levied towards family members who don't like their drinking habits.
Try taking the wishes of those you care about into consideration, you'll be happier for it.

Quote: (11-21-2017 04:44 PM)Higgs Bosun Wrote:  

Sure. Just don't make me pay the fucking payroll taxes for medicare and social security if I'm not going to qualify for the benefits at the end. Hell, if it were up to me I'd institute an "opt out" so that you can choose whether you want to be eligible for these benefits and pay or not pay the taxes accordingly. As if I'm really going to be collecting financial benefits from an entity called the United States Government in the year of our lord 2050...lmao.

Blah blah, enjoy the decline, blah blah. Same tired MGTOW talking points.

Some of us like our the west and are happy to do what it takes to keep it going, which leads me to my next point:

Quote: (11-21-2017 04:44 PM)Higgs Bosun Wrote:  

We need fewer humans going forward, not more, anyway.

It would be great if more people who thought like this would do the world a favor and remove themselves from it seeing as they view more humans as a problem.

Remember, if you don't have kids you are a failure in the eyes of nature. Refusing to have children means your genes, behaviors, and thoughts are unfit for the next generation and as such are being culled from nature. Survival of the fittest is a bitch ain't it?

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Obi Wan is no alpha. Sure he might be more than the soy husband there, but that's not saying much.

Obi Wan is a multi-millionaire famous actor who married a woman 5 years older than him, then dumped her and his responsibility to his children to publicly get a second-hand 32 year old woman from a soyboy, shaming his entire legacy (including children) in the process.

If any of that sounds alpha to you, you should check your thirst level immediately.

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

As a couple they looked more or less equal SMV here:
[Image: 4689D8D500000578-5099995-image-a-9_1511178854208.jpg]

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Quote: (11-21-2017 05:19 PM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

Obi Wan is no alpha. Sure he might be more than the soy husband there, but that's not saying much.

Obi Wan is a multi-millionaire famous actor who married a woman 5 years older than him, then dumped her and his responsibility to his children to publicly get a second-hand 32 year old woman from a soyboy, shaming his entire legacy (including children) in the process.

If any of that sounds alpha to you, you should check your thirst level immediately.

Agreed, abandoning the mother of your children after several years of marriage is disgusting and shameful. No amount of money will fix the hurt his children will feel for a lifetime. They will forever have real bonafide daddy issues.

I normally side with the man, but in this case, Obi Wan's wife did nothing wrong.

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Quote: (11-21-2017 12:22 PM)Beirut Wrote:  

Shes 51, shes not gonna look 18. I understand being dismissive of post wall women who demonstrate bad behavior, but in this story nothing indicates she did that.

His new girl isnt gonna look better at 51 either.

As for him, if he chose to live all his life banging 18 yo models, good for him. But he chose to form a family. When you get married you know your wife wont look 18 all her life, but you make that choice. An alpha in my book takes responsibility for his choices and keeps his family together and gives his children a healthy home.

Not quite true. An alpha "keeps his family together and gives his children a healthy home", but at the same time has a twenty-something mistress, or two, on the side, discreetly. Which is an absolutely normal behaviour by the way for all rich men in Asia, currently. Here, what an Asian Alpha man of 50 would fuck in his "second apartment", while keeping his older wife and putting his kids through the best Singapore colleges: thread-26660...pid1683026

And it used to be normal behaviour for our fathers' generation in the West, too: rich men used to have the wifey and kids well provided for and quietly happy, plus discreet younger mistress(es) for the fun.

So, I can't understand rich Western men anymore. What do they do with their money, marry appropriate ladies (whom my middle class buddies would not even want to fuck) and stay put in their feminist cities?

Or maybe... I think I might actually understand: too much money is a curse (except for exceptional men, yes I'm thinking the Donald here), it makes you nice, all pampered and soft. And you end up with old wives, never leaving your billionaire mansion in SF, eating vegan, snorking coke and voting "Liberal".

(Quite often actually I think about what Jesus Christ said about rich men... very important to ponder!)

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi


Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Quote: (11-21-2017 05:27 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

Quote: (11-21-2017 05:19 PM)StrikeBack Wrote:  

Obi Wan is no alpha. Sure he might be more than the soy husband there, but that's not saying much.

Obi Wan is a multi-millionaire famous actor who married a woman 5 years older than him, then dumped her and his responsibility to his children to publicly get a second-hand 32 year old woman from a soyboy, shaming his entire legacy (including children) in the process.

If any of that sounds alpha to you, you should check your thirst level immediately.

Agreed, abandoning the mother of your children after several years of marriage is disgusting and shameful. No amount of money will fix the hurt his children will feel for a lifetime. They will forever have real bonafide daddy issues.

I normally side with the man, but in this case, Obi Wan's wife did nothing wrong.

I concur wholeheartedly.

On this forum, we are constantly taking women to task for discarding dutiful beta providers after years of marriage to Eat, Pray, Love and divorce rape their husbands. And rightly so. Now we have a woman who, to all appearances, did everything right (met and married her husband in her 20s, gave him 4 children, stood by him when his career was non-existent, etc) and so had every reason to expect to share in the rewards of his stardom& wealth, and be by his side to witness the accomplishments/maturation of their children...but was instead robbed of this and betrayed. The consensus here should be that absent some evidence that she was not fulfilling her wifely duties (ie, cut him off from sex, was cheating on him, was on drugs, beat their children, etc) that this guy is an asshole and a shitty husband & father and ought to be ashamed of himself.

Yes, there are tons of red pill lessons here about how an aging woman cannot compete sexually with younger/hotter/tighter, that a man is only as faithful as his options, etc. No doubt. But we shouldn't give Obi Wan a pass--having too permissive an attitude toward this type of shit not only destroys families, but whole societies.

She'll certainly make him pay in court. But worse than that he'll have to explain this to his kids one day.

Fuck him.

Apparently, he was seen making out with his new girl at a cafe. This nigga weak as fuck--on some high school lunchroom shit. Guy didn't even have the decency to avoid the public humiliation of his wife & family.

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Ewan is creating discord with his family and this cheating hoe - who doesn't care if he's married is going along with it.

If this ends up in divorce, his kids won't just resent him, they might be messed up from it. Children NEED their fathers. It's a significant factor to their development.

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Quote: (11-21-2017 04:44 PM)Higgs Bosun Wrote:  

Women are fully fledged humans. They are capable of independent thought. A man has no responsibility to plot out not only his own life, but the life of every woman he deigns to hook into a LTR.

[Image: laugh5.gif]

Man. Have you even been reading this forum?

Anyway, some dude tapping the same ass for ten years without creating a family is just a lazy piece of shit. There's no sugar coating that. Are you telling me that her pussy was just so sweet that despite not wanting to commit he just couldn't find a better sloot to bang?

There's three words that sum the dude who stays with a girl for more than a couple of years without making babies or bouncing.

"Mother with benefits."

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

One thing people are missing re: Soy Husband not knocking up his cheating ho wife---

Actresses are the UBER careerist, hold-off-on-kids type of all. The strivers keep waiting because that ultimate part is just around the corner. Then suddenly they're 40 and infertile. (See: Jennifer Aniston)

I know so many formerly gorgeous women who have become these childless, desperate professional auditioners. Great, you gave up your only chance at a family and happiness so you could book a co-star on Ray Donovan?

GTFO with that shit.

And maybe I'm in the minority here, but I think the wife is actually more atttactive (adjusted for age, of course). No way this new broad looks that good at 50.

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

I wouldnt call Ewan an alpha too soon everyone.


Ewan Mcgregor is an actor with an identifiable face now he made heart and dagger tattoo on his right arm and featuring the names of his daughters Clara and Esther and wife Eve.

He would need to remove the tattoo...

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

She probably always had a thing for McGregor, relationship was on the rocks, Ewan was tempted and in a few yr will probably go full circle like johnny depp.

This woman won't ever love him, not really and when bad times come calling she will run for the hills. I feel sorry for him.

He who dares wins - Del Boy

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Quote: (11-21-2017 04:32 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

I see dudes doing this all of the time and it makes my blood boil. Have a friend who just hit 40 and dumped her boyfriend of 10 years. Ten fucking years because he was too much of a pussy to propose to her. Not only was she a looker even in her early 30s, she wanted children, and was too afraid to leave him after 2 years when it was apparent the guy was too much of a pussy to commit.

So then she's equally responsible for not dumping him. If he's 'too much of a pussy to commit', she's 'too fucking stupid to realize that and act in her own interests'.

No disrespect, but this sounds like a white knighting knee-jerk reaction to this situation. You are placing the blame entirely on him when you know full well she was a willing party there and is capable of making her own decisions.

Quote: (11-21-2017 11:57 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Unfortunately, it would be impossible to reach McGregor, since he's surrounded by a passel of bodyguards and yes men. That's not Alpha. That's being a pampered pussy. Take away the bodyguards and their guns and muscles and let's see whose wife he steals. Maybe this guy couldn't take him on, but I'll bet he could raise some money and pay someone to do it.

For the bolded portion, if you're going to say Mcgregor isn't alpha because of his bodyguards, then soyboy using hired goons to enact his revenge would be equally non-alpha. All else being equal, McGregor out alpha'd soyboy. It's cut and dry. I'll take it a step further and say that hiring goons to beat someone up because they hurt your feelings is entirely BETA when compared to hiring bodyguards to protect you from jealous hubbies (for the sake of this example, anyway).

To those arguing about what behavior 'is alpha' and what 'isn't really alpha':

If it gets the pussy wet, it's alpha. End of. The rest is male hamstering.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Quote: (11-21-2017 11:57 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

What he needed to do was round up a posse and give "actor" Ewan McGregor the beatdown of his life. I'll take it a step further: The law should give men some degree of leeway to do this.

Reminds me of a story I read the other day:

"In 1815 John Lewis served as a soldier at the Battle of Waterloo. The story goes that he returned home from Belgium and was working in the fields when he saw dusky Sarah and the Woods walking near by.  John was smitten by her, but both families opposed the marriage. Finally, the Woods agreed under two conditions. Firstly, John had to fight for Sarah, bare-knuckled, against a cousin who also loved her. Secondly, he had to provide them with potatoes, dairy food (pre-soy) and barrels of beer. John managed to fell the cousin and supply the produce so the couple were able to marry.  Eventually, they had eight children."

But if you are going to go out of your way...

[Image: drinking-fountains-1.jpg]

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Quote: (11-21-2017 08:13 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

To those arguing about what behavior 'is alpha' and what 'isn't really alpha':

If it gets the pussy wet, it's alpha. End of. The rest is male hamstering.

I agree. The ideas of alpha and beta are used to describe of animals too, therefore they have nothing to do with concepts of morality.

There's no need to say, 'that's not alpha' or "a real alpha would do ... " or "In my opinion an alpha should... "

If you want to go down that route, you could just say "A man worthy of respect would ... " or "doing that is bad for society because of x".

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Quote: (11-21-2017 12:02 PM)Vill@in Wrote:  

Quote: (11-21-2017 11:48 AM)911 Wrote:  

His new woman looks great, but this is not an optimal situation for a father of 4, his kids and his ex-wife are going to resent him. Life is about choices and trade-off, he traded in his family for a hot new woman, it's a choice that he might come to regret later in life.

I hear what your saying, and being resented by your kids is something he doesn't want (I'm assuming). But who gives a flying fuck what his ex-wife thinks?

Is he living his life for him or for her? Should he stay married to someone who no longer gets his dick hard? Who no longer makes him happy?

The short answer: yes.

The reason: he has four children to set an example for.

Including two daughters, god help us all. Wikipedia doesn't have any details on their ages, but given the length of the marriage the odds are good they're in their late teens or early twenties, i.e. still in the stupid part of their lives where they unconsciously look at what their father does to their mother as what they are likely to get from their lovers or husbands.

Once you have kids, by definition you are no longer living your life for you; you are living your life for them.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Quote: (11-21-2017 08:13 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

Quote: (11-21-2017 04:32 PM)The Beast1 Wrote:  

I see dudes doing this all of the time and it makes my blood boil. Have a friend who just hit 40 and dumped her boyfriend of 10 years. Ten fucking years because he was too much of a pussy to propose to her. Not only was she a looker even in her early 30s, she wanted children, and was too afraid to leave him after 2 years when it was apparent the guy was too much of a pussy to commit.

So then she's equally responsible for not dumping him. If he's 'too much of a pussy to commit', she's 'too fucking stupid to realize that and act in her own interests'.

No disrespect, but this sounds like a white knighting knee-jerk reaction to this situation. You are placing the blame entirely on him when you know full well she was a willing party there and is capable of making her own decisions.

I had a reply written up, but Leonard's is more succint:

Quote: (11-21-2017 06:37 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (11-21-2017 04:44 PM)Higgs Bosun Wrote:  

Women are fully fledged humans. They are capable of independent thought. A man has no responsibility to plot out not only his own life, but the life of every woman he deigns to hook into a LTR.

[Image: laugh5.gif]

Man. Have you even been reading this forum?

Anyway, some dude tapping the same ass for ten years without creating a family is just a lazy piece of shit. There's no sugar coating that. Are you telling me that her pussy was just so sweet that despite not wanting to commit he just couldn't find a better sloot to bang?

There's three words that sum the dude who stays with a girl for more than a couple of years without making babies or bouncing.

"Mother with benefits."

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Many members here are saying that the kids will be traumatized (by the divorce), and never forgive their father.

Sadly, it is more complicated than that. And sadly, truth is, the kids of this Hollywwod (or Brit? he looks Brit) actor will become teens and young adults, and then they'll LOVE their (mostly absent) father.


Because he will give or leave them (in his will) tons of money.

We live in the 21st century, my friends. On them reaching 20 years or age, this rich actor will give a luxury car to each of his 4 kids, and they will love him more than middle-class kids love a caring father with no money.

21st centuries kids will love parents who give them tons of money, a car to get pussy or holiday in Cancun or an Iphone - meanwhile, the caring but poor parents will be despised and probably hated.

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Quote: (11-21-2017 09:49 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

Many members here are saying that the kids will be traumatized (by the divorce), and never forgive their father.

Sadly, it is more complicated than that. And sadly, truth is, the kids of this Hollywwod (or Brit? he looks Brit) actor will become teens and young adults, and then they'll LOVE their (mostly absent) father.


Because he will give or leave them (in his will) tons of money.

We live in the 21st century, my friends. On them reaching 20 years or age, this rich actor will give a luxury car to each of his 4 kids, and they will love him more than middle-class kids love a caring father with no money.

21st centuries kids will love parents who give them tons of money, a car to get pussy or holiday in Cancun or an Iphone - meanwhile, the caring but poor parents will be despised and probably hated.

[Image: RealisticPoisedDamselfly-max-1mb.gif]

There's a difference between loving daddy and loving daddy's money.

I can only speculate about your own family issues, and I mean no offence by that. Why you would suggest that a child's love is bought with trinkets rather than earned with care and guidance is beyond me.

These Hollywood celebs are not raising children that will dote on them when they get old and infirm. Who will sit by their side as cancer slowly takes them. They won't be thinking "I can cheer pop's up by bringing him some of his favourite candy, given that he sent me on all those trips and bought me all that stuff while he was on set, utterly ignoring me."

I've seen parents who pour money into their kids rather than time. The kids are invariably entitled fuckwits who utterly revile their parents as being "those annoying people I have to pretend to like if I want a new car."

All the average guy sees is the loving selfie as little Becky kisses pops on the cheek the second he hands her the keys. Five minutes later she's asking "you gave me a car but you're too cheap to pay the registration? Like, what fucking difference does a few hundred bucks make?"

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Quote: (11-21-2017 09:49 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

Many members here are saying that the kids will be traumatized (by the divorce), and never forgive their father.

Sadly, it is more complicated than that. And sadly, truth is, the kids of this Hollywwod (or Brit? he looks Brit) actor will become teens and young adults, and then they'll LOVE their (mostly absent) father.


Because he will give or leave them (in his will) tons of money.

We live in the 21st century, my friends. On them reaching 20 years or age, this rich actor will give a luxury car to each of his 4 kids, and they will love him more than middle-class kids love a caring father with no money.

21st centuries kids will love parents who give them tons of money, a car to get pussy or holiday in Cancun or an Iphone - meanwhile, the caring but poor parents will be despised and probably hated.

Have you been around rich people? Ever hear of the expression "poor little rich girl"? No amount of material comfort can make up for the emotional void of a child who grows up with a mother dumped by her husband. In addition to their own jilted feelings, their mother will transmit her pain to them.

Besides, they're going to get half his money plus support, so they won't grow up poor or in need for his money.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Quote: (11-21-2017 03:37 PM)Cane Toad Wrote:  

Quote: (11-21-2017 12:38 PM)CJ_W Wrote:  

So stupid, if you're gonna live with a chick why the hell would you NOT give her kids? .

I'm not saying having kids is a bad idea, but I do think it needs to be a joint commitment rather than something done to keep a girl happy. It can become an unhappy situation very quickly.

I agree with this. Why give her kids? Kids is what often breaks up families. Also, why subject your wife to pregnancy and being torn in child-birth? Many women are seriously damaged mentally and physically as a result of bearing kids, which often leads to divorce. And it certainly would not make her happy. Feck kids.

Beta makes death threats when he is dumped for Obi Wan Kenobi

Quote: (11-21-2017 11:13 PM)Filbert Wrote:  

Quote: (11-21-2017 03:37 PM)Cane Toad Wrote:  

Quote: (11-21-2017 12:38 PM)CJ_W Wrote:  

So stupid, if you're gonna live with a chick why the hell would you NOT give her kids? .

I'm not saying having kids is a bad idea, but I do think it needs to be a joint commitment rather than something done to keep a girl happy. It can become an unhappy situation very quickly.

I agree with this. Why give her kids? Kids is what often breaks up families. Also, why subject your wife to pregnancy and being torn in child-birth? Many women are seriously damaged mentally and physically as a result of bearing kids, which often leads to divorce. And it certainly would not make her happy.
In other words, fuck kids. ))

Without kids, there is no family to break up.

It's just a fleeting arrangement between 2 people, with nothing to hold it together, and no potential for anything greater to grow from it.

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