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The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

Quote: (09-25-2017 10:51 PM)polar Wrote:  

4# in a month sounds pretty fast. I've done that and I'd worry about getting fat at that rate, but will defer to anyone who has more experience than I do.

You had good BF% when we crossed paths, def more cut than me. You have a ways to go before you get "too" fat, but it's also up to you to determine where your line is. I know I didn't think I got too fat until I compared pics of my face to months earlier.

Also, your log has been motivating me to keep up the hard work. Keep it up.

It is a good amount to gain (thanks fast food). Weight is only one measurement, so I like to check the mirror as well. That's the holistic test for me. So far so good.

Rock on.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

Due for an update.


Foam Rolling
deads + 5 s shrug
135 lbs 1 x 10
185 lbs 1 x 10
225 lbs 1 x 9
255 lbs 1 x 5
275 lbs 1 x 2

135 lbs 1 x 20
185 lbs 1 x 10

Had to cut workout short at this point.


Foam Rolling

65 lbs 1 x 11
95 lbs 1 x 5
105 lbs 1 x 3
115 lbs 2 x 1

Chinups 11/9/7

135 lbs 1 x 10
155 lbs 1 x 5 Felt a lot easier than pushing 155 lbs before
185 2 x 11 This felt a easier than pushing 185 before

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

Updates! For my compound lifts I've been working my way up to heavier weight/warming up. Currently I am at 170 lbs and definitely look bigger than when I first started this journal.

10/4/17 B Day:
90 lbs 1 x 20
135 lbs 1 x 20
185 lbs 1 x 10
225 lbs 1 x 5
235 lbs 1 x 4
245 lbs 1 x 3

Neck Curls
25 lbs
3 x 20 extension with neck harness, 3 x 20 flexion supine on bench

10/5/17 A Day:
95 lbs 1 x 6. This is higher volume than I have previously done with this weight.
115 lbs 1 x 2
125 lbs 1 x 1

Close Grip Chinups:
12/9/6/4. Pissed that I gave out at 6 reps on the last set, so took about a minute's rest and decided to do another set from there.

Empty bar 1 x 50
95 lbs 1 x 20
135 lbs 1 x 10
185 2 x 1

I'm still working on pushing singles for 185, but I got a little bit of personal pride from this lift.

I actually failed hard on the eccentric for the second set and got pinned by the barbell. Fuck that was a bitch to get out from! There's no way I could leave the bench results like that. It's like that weight was mocking me and told me that I couldn't lift it.

So I went back and benched 185 again. It's only 1 x 1 for now, but fuck you 185!

Hammer Curls
35 lbs 3 x 15 per usual

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

10/11/17 B Day: WHOO that felt good!
Deads + 5 s shrug:
225 lbs 1 x 10
245 lbs 1 x 5
275 lbs 4 x 1
295 lbs 2 x 1
300 lbs 1 x 1

135 lbs 1 x 20
185 lbs 1 x 12
225 lbs 1 x 7
255 lbs 1 x 2

After consulting with polar, I decided that the 5 s shrug wasn't doing enough for my traps so I threw in Isolation shrugs into this workout:
45 lbs 2 x 15

10 minute steady state cardio, better than none.

Previous weeks have been spotty with lifting, but I know that I am able to lift heavier each and every time. "Life happens," but so does my progress every time I visit the Iron Temple. Can't wait to bench tomorrow

Live and let lift fellas!

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread


95 lbs 1 x 6
115 lbs 2 x 2
135 lbs 3 x ....0 Third time was not the charm! I will have to slay this beast another day. Previous 1RM was 125 lbs.

Chinups: 10, 8, 8, 5

Empty Bar: 1 x 50
135 lbs 1 x 11
190 lbs 3 x ....0 another goose egg. I wanted to break PRs today but it didn't happen for my compound lifts.

Hammer Curls
40 lbs 2 x 15, 1 x 13. This was harder to do than 35 lbs, and my form definitely wasn't picture perfect.

Lat Raises
25 lbs 2 x 12, 1 x 13. Had been working with 20 lbs before but figured I could bump up the weight. Just as I've been doing-acclimate to this weight, push 3 x 15, and move on.

Kroc Rows
45 lbs 2 x 40. Looks like it is time to move on and up my weight to 50 lbs.

10 min cardio

rah rah rah

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

I GUARANTEE you're using too much swing on the lat raises, just based on the weight you're using.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

Quote: (10-13-2017 09:11 PM)Steelex Wrote:  

I GUARANTEE you're using too much swing on the lat raises, just based on the weight you're using.

Yes, I did use a lot of swing/momentum. Slipped my mind because I was thinking "heavier weight = progress." But slowing down reps (and eliminating momentum) is good for muscles to work on both positive and negative motion

I'll find the weight at which I manage no momentum for 3 x 15 and go from there. Thank you.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

More tension on the muscle equals progress. When you swing, you reduce the tension.

I typically do my lat raises with 25's but I pause at the top for a second and lower it down very slowly, like a 4 second negative. I also don't let the weight go all the way down, I stop it just short of where the tension comes off the shoulder. I also turn my thumb down to put a little more tension on the medial head of the delt.

Ultimately what we want is to maximize tension and get a very powerful contraction out of the muscle. We use the weight to progressively increase the difficulty.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread


A memorial workout today:

1 mile run

5 rounds of:
19 Pull-ups
88 Jumping jacks
28 Goblet Squats (35 lbs)
20 Kettlebell swings (35 lbs)
17 Push-ups

Deadlifts 225 lbs 1 x 10

Sometimes I spend too much time on my phone in the gym and forget why I'm there. Youngblade shared with me an idea he got for negative reinforcement: wear an elastic band around your wrist. Whenever you're about to "fall into bad habit," zap yourself with the band. worked for me: seemed like I spent less time on my phone.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

I'm not religious enough about it, but between sets I set a timer on my phone depending on how I'm feeling and what I'm working on. Helps be strict about it.

And you don't need Young Blade to spank you.

Unless you like that sort of thing.

Data Sheet Maps | On Musical Chicks | Rep Point Changes | Au Pairs on a Boat
Captainstabbin: "girls get more attractive with your dick in their mouth. It's science."
Spaniard88: "The "believe anything" crew contributes: "She's probably a good girl, maybe she lost her virginity to someone with AIDS and only had sex once before you met her...give her a chance.""

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

[Image: tumblr_mrsicnmLay1sdug4fo1_400.gif]

YoungBlade's HEMA Datasheet
Tabletop Role-playing Games
Barefoot walking (earthing) datasheet
Occult/Wicca/Pagan Girls Datasheet

Havamal 77

Cows die,
family die,
you will die the same way.
I know only one thing
that never dies:
the reputation of the one who's died.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

^Now that's the kind of spanking I can get behind!

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

95 lbs 1 x 6
115 lbs 2 x 1, 1 x 1
135 lbs 1 x 0: Next time try 120 lbs instead of that 1 plate OHP (which I really want)

Chinups: 5/5/8/6 Lats were sore from 10/16/17 workout. I think my chins have plateaued, and I've been recommended to do higher volume submaximal sets of chins throughout the day. This would mean hitting 6-8 reps (my max is 11-13) whenever I can. What have you guys done to boost your chins?

Empty Bar: 1 x 50
135 lbs 1 x 12
190 lbs 2 x 1

I ought to ease into the heavier lifts with submaximal weight, but I really wanted to push 190

Hammer Curls
40 lbs 12/12/11

Lat Raises
10 lbs 13/11/11 Taking Steelex's recommendation to use a smaller weight and longer 4 sec rep, this weight was harder than I expected.

Kroc Rows
50 lbs 1 x 30, 1 x 35.

This workout and PR was brought to you by the saying: "I will not soy out today!" No soy, no problems.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

Quote: (10-18-2017 08:17 AM)The Man w/ the Golden Gun Wrote:  

What have you guys done to boost your chins?

Do you mean actual chinups (supinated grip) or pullups (pronated grip)?

Chinups are very bicep dominated so you can always work on your bicep strength for accessory.

Pullups are more back dominant so lat pulldowns and rowing to help build up your lats and delts.

Disclaimer: I never do chinups and pobably only max like 12 pullups.

You could also just lose weight, that will make pullups/chinups easier [Image: icon_lol.gif]

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

Quote: (10-16-2017 09:23 PM)polar Wrote:  

I'm not religious enough about it, but between sets I set a timer on my phone depending on how I'm feeling and what I'm working on. Helps be strict about it.

And you don't need Young Blade to spank you.

Unless you like that sort of thing.

What works for me best, is to leave my phone in a locker. To avoid other distractions during training I just count the time of rest period in my head. This way my mind never goes away from training. Since introducing these tweaks,I have noticed I save more time, as my sessions became shorter.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

I have been following your work out journey and your progress. I find it very interesting because we have similar stats. Like you, I am an ectomorph, I am ~5'6" and now weight around 155 (as of this morning.) I also work out at home: you can see my equipment here : thread-44402...pid1295037 it is just a rack with plates.

I sent you a private message asking if I could crash your thread, and join you in memorializing our progress in it, and you are OK with it.

I was always very athletic but had never touched a plate. In around 2008/2009, I found myself smoking too much, drinking too much soda, and eating once a day (a big meal though). My weight was 110lbs. I wasn't sick, nor did I feel bad, but I was WEAK. Started to work out at home with little to no weight: push ups, situps, cobras, lunges, etc . After a couple of years, I joined a gym. I think I had the membership for three years or so. For a long time, I didn't venture with deadlifts, squats, nor overhead press; I was doing mostly dumbbells exercises, and machines for the legs.

Eventually, I graduated to the big compound movements and it was a game changer for me. The positive side was so many years of conditioning and slowly strengthening the body without injuries. Also, I always looked at working out with a long term objective in mind, so I never minded slow improvement as long as I was improving.

The routine that worked for me is the 5/3/1. When I started my RM was at L
Squat 235
Bench Press 170
Shoulder Press 90
Dead Lift 315

After over a year (this at approx. 160 body weight):
Squat 295
Bench Press 225
Shoulder Press 140
Dead Lift 405

Out of curiosity I quit 5/3/1 and started doing other routines, i.e. I tried Candito's, but eventually I injured my shoulder and had to stop doing bench and presses. I started doing an squat everyday program. Took my weight up to 170 lbs and it's been the strongest I have been in my life. My routine was A and B. A day was volume, and B day was going for a one rep max for the day. Sometimes, the volume day would be doing 3x15x225, and other times would be 5x1x275 with 10 second rest in between sets. Then, I started doing the same routine for dead lifts and overhead press. I had very good improvement in a short period of time. But I never did full chest press again. If you look at my equipment even up to this day I don't have a bench; which I plan on eventually buying (its cheap at $150.)

A couple of years ago, I started to prioritize business over workout; thus, my lifting suffered; so I estimate I have put less than 50 work out over the last two years. It's time to slowly get back on. I don't have the time I used to have so I am going to do a routine that I believe will provide the most bang for the buck and it is also a proven winner for me. I will start with the 5/3/1, actually I started late September.

For those not familiar with the 5/3/1, it is a four week cycle that includes three weeks of hard effort and one week of deloading. However, I have always ignored the deloading week; just take a week off every now and then. Each week, you work out four days, each day concentrate on one main compound exercise. Then, there is a 5 week, a 3 week, and 1 week. All sets are done at a specific percentage of your one rep max. In the 5 week, you do three sets of 5 reps each at 75%, 80%, and 85% of your 1RM. In the 3 week, you do three sets of 3 reps each at 80%, 85%, and 90% of your 1RM. In the 1 week, you do one set of 5 reps at 75%, one set of 3 reps at 85%, and one set of 1 rep at 95%. Then you add 10 lbs (deadlift and squat) and 5 lbs (bench press and military press) on your 1RM and go back to the 5 week. If you fail, you can stay on the same weight; however if you fail, I recommend to drop weight, sometimes it is better to take one step backwards in order to make three steps forward in the future. This routine can be done in under 10 minutes, 15 minutes if you count the time it takes you to load the plates.

That is the basic 5/3/1. Then, you can complement with all kind of accessory exercises. What I have found to work is the Big But Boring flavor. I complement the squat day with 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps of dead lifts at 65% 1RM; and the deadlift day I complement with squats. Bench press day, I complement with overhead press and the overhead press day I complement with bent over rows. I like it altogether this way because it has progression, volume, and maxing out.

So thank you The Man w/ the Golden Gun to let me crash your thread and I hope you and everybody else can find some value in my future posts.

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
— Robert Heinlein

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

I like tracking my workouts in Excel on my phone and having music, but that's a good way for sure.

Data Sheet Maps | On Musical Chicks | Rep Point Changes | Au Pairs on a Boat
Captainstabbin: "girls get more attractive with your dick in their mouth. It's science."
Spaniard88: "The "believe anything" crew contributes: "She's probably a good girl, maybe she lost her virginity to someone with AIDS and only had sex once before you met her...give her a chance.""

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

Last post was long and I know I omitted information so as I go along I will fill in the blanks. I omitted that for the bench press I am doing floor presses, basically you lay on the floor and "floor press", the range is motion is limited which for now is good for me because of my injury and I am simply going for the recovery.

So I started the 5/3/1 assuming the following 1RM:
Squat 215
Bench Press 155
Deadlift 285
Military Press 105

I am currently at the 1 Week of the cycle (3rd week)


"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
— Robert Heinlein

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

Quote: (10-18-2017 12:05 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Do you mean actual chinups (supinated grip) or pullups (pronated grip)?

Chinups are very bicep dominated so you can always work on your bicep strength for accessory.

Pullups are more back dominant so lat pulldowns and rowing to help build up your lats and delts.

Disclaimer: I never do chinups and pobably only max like 12 pullups.

You could also just lose weight, that will make pullups/chinups easier [Image: icon_lol.gif]

Yes, working on isolated muscles could definitely help chins (and pullups)! After all, they're one of many muscles that fire in this compound lift. Thank you.

I want to say my chinups have stagnated because I weigh more [Image: icon_lol.gif] Will cut when I get to a 225 bench.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

Quote: (10-18-2017 12:33 PM)Ruslan Wrote:  

What works for me best, is to leave my phone in a locker. To avoid other distractions during training I just count the time of rest period in my head. This way my mind never goes away from training. Since introducing these tweaks,I have noticed I save more time, as my sessions became shorter.

That sounds like it has a ring of truth to it. Thank you.

I've noticed that my swimming sessions are more intense than my gym sessions, if only because I can't surf Instagram on my phone in the middle of a butterfly. I would have thrown that sucker in the locker 30 minutes ago.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

Quote: (10-18-2017 01:24 PM)Plus Oultre Wrote:  

So thank you The Man w/ the Golden Gun to let me crash your thread and I hope you and everybody else can find some value in my future posts.

Looks like you're following a plan that has already borne fruit for you in the past.

I'm not familiar with 5/3/1 so I looked it up and found this link:

^This link has a table which lays out the weight/reps for each week if you like that format.

Welcome Plus Oultre! #TeamManlet #TeamHomeGym

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

Routine: 5/3/1
Cycle: 1
Week: 3
Day: Deadlift
Date: 10/19/2017

215 x 5
245 x 3
270 x 1, +3 extra reps

155 x 12
155 x 12
155 x 14

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
— Robert Heinlein

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread

135 lbs 1 x 20
185 lbs 1 x 12
225 lbs 1 x 7
245 lbs 1 x 5
255 lbs 1 x 3
265 lbs 1 x 2
275 lbs 1 x 1

Deads + 5 s shrug at apex:
135 lbs 1 x 15
225 lbs 1 x 10
275 lbs 1 x 4
295 lbs 1 x 2
315 lbs....1x0 Frankly I was gassed at the last rep for 295 lbs.

Neck Curls
25 lbs 3 x 15

Barbell Rows
135 lbs 1 x 9
155 lbs 1 x 6
165 lbs 1 x 4

Shrugs: To supplement trap growth since the compound lift alone isn't enough to stimulate trap growth (re: Jeff Nippard on Neck Growth
45 lbs 3 x 15

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread


95 lbs 1 x 6
115 lbs 2 x 1, 1 x 2
120 lbs 1 x 1

I realized I'd previously stop after failing on a max weight. That doesn't have to be the end of the workout right there, so I'm working more sets in.

5 sets of 8, submaximal reps

Empty bar 1 x 50
135 lbs 1 x 9
185 lbs 1 x 1 ...nope, had trouble with 185 for this one and wasn't feeling my previous 190.

I saw the following post in another thread and it gave me pause, so I wanted to put it here.

Quote: (07-10-2017 10:39 AM)LINUX Wrote:  

See, losing weight is incredibly easy, I can take a fat-ass, give him a few HIIT sessions a day, some high protein/low carb meals, and cardio, and he can be ready to walk on the beach in 6 months. If you wanted me to do the same thing to a skinny guy who wanted to look like a beast, I would need someone who use to be an coke addcit or something simular, because it takes that paranoia and intensity upstairs to have someone hit the gym 100%, cook all their meals every three days, eat every 3 hours and hit the sack at 9pm. 99% of guys in this lazy ass generation can't do that, which is why they will never look like a God...

Well shit! I am the 99%!

I get good sleep. With regards to meal quality, it's okay: (chicken, can of sardines everyday, milk, with the weekly fast food binge[I am far from fat]). I do not eat every three hours and while I won't jump to that immediately, let's see what happens when I start carrying around protein bars.

The Man w/ the Golden Gun Fitness Thread


Empty bar, 50
135 lbs 1 x 25
185 lbs 1 x 20
225 lbs 1 x 10
255 lbs 1 x 7
275 lbs 1 x 4
285 lbs 1 x 2

135 lbs 1 x 17
185 lbs 2 x 5
225 lbs 1 x 5
275 lbs 1 x 3
295 lbs 2 x 1
315 lbs 2 x 1

You guys have no idea how stupidly happy I was to hit a three plate deadlift. Grand scheme of things, I know that's nothing.
Anyways, right after I had dinner, I came up with a poem about weightlifting:

The Iron Temple

I wished for love and power,
But I came weak and wanting.
I’d heard you were a bleeder,
That to serve you would be daunting.

I knew you’d make me better,
Or proud at any length.
The key to all your treasure
Would be a show of strength.

I first feared my weakness plain
Would lead to much derision,
But I’d stay the course and continue to train
As that was my decision.

As unforgiving as you were,
I began to stack more plates.
I succeeded some, I failed more,
For a new goal yet awaits.

But I won neither power nor admiration.
My reward was only simple:
In my heart, I found determination
When I came to you, the Iron Temple.

May I retire the night a stronger man
Than I was the day before.
May I strive to do more than I can
From this day on and ever more.

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