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Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis


Vladimir Lenin, the Russian revolutionary and architect of the Soviet Union, died from syphilis caught from a Parisian prostitute and not from a stroke as has always been believed, new research has claimed.

I've always wondered why Lenin and Trotsky were never demonized in the schools and media growing up. By all means, the guy was an absolute tyrant who murdered the Tsar's family (children included). In addition to being murderer of children, the man pitted women against men by promoting the sexual revolution. The sexual revolution ultimately lead to female hyper-gamy and low-investment parenting, and it also promoted feminism in the job market. Not only that, but he also confiscated food from peasant farmers which lead to a famine that claimed the lives of millions of people.

Hitler and Mussolini are derided as being incarnations of evil today, but the truth of the matter is these people underwent a lot of privation and sacrifice in their life. Hitler's dad died when he was 12 and his mom died when he was 18 from a battle with breast cancer. He lived on the streets of Vienna as a starving artist, and he also scraped by financially by doing odd jobs in the trades. Like Hitler, Mussolini also underwent a lot of adversity in his life. Mussolini was a general laborer and he also risked his life and limb in WWI much like Hitler. Both of them were also imprisoned for their political views. The two men might have had their transgressions, but they also did some real positive things as well.

By contrast, Lenin and Trotsky grew up in rather wealthy families. Trotsky's family owned a 400 acre farm that hired several day-laborers, it also had a engine operated mill and 3 barns. Lenin too had a privileged background because his father was a superintendent that oversaw the foundation of over 450 schools. After the revolution was implemented, Lenin's cronies married into the former Aristocracy. Lenin also splurged on 9 Roll's Royces. This was at a time when most Russian peasants were using a plow to farm their fields. Lenin eventually went on to occupy a palace, and Trotsky took up residence in one of the finest mansions in Moscow. These people preached equality and re-distribution of wealth, but they themselves lived high off the hog.

What are your thoughts? Do you believe Lenin and Trotsky deserve to be vilified? Or do you believe they are wrongfully maligned by historical revisionists?

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

I read that he was an agent for the German establishment with mission of getting rid of Russia from WWI. He was helped with gold and German soldiers to organize rebellion (October revolution), while then media fabricated story about Russians rising up against the Tzar.

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

Quote: (07-01-2017 01:01 PM)numanist Wrote:  

What are your thoughts? Do you believe Lenin and Trotsky deserve to be vilified? Or do you believe they are wrongfully maligned by historical revisionists?

Killing tens of millions of people usually counts as being a villain in my book. Communism objectively caused vastly more human suffering & death than Hitler, so it's amazing that the historical revisionism places Hitler as the incarnation of human villainy, rather than Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin & Mao.

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

Total evil scumbags, the whole lot of Bolsheviks, unleashed on Russia to destroy a great Christian empire.

A hundred years later, people lke Victoria Nuland and Robert Kagan are working towards the same goals.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

History is written by the victors. That is why Hitler is demonized.

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

I think Trotsky is much the more interesting of the two characters. It is worth noting that he was unusual in being both a good writer, thinker, and extremely competent military leader. Whilst I don't think there'd have been much difference in practice had he got into power rather than Stalin, I do think, from what I can tell from his writing (which has held up pretty well in my non-expert opinion), that despite being completely self-absorbed, he was not a lover of cruelty for its own sake in the way that someone like Stalin really does appear to have been.

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

Mao was apparently a huge womanizer raping and spreading STDs he refused to treat. Just saw an article about that. You won't see anyone talk about it openly inside China though.

Mao is venerated across China. There is a "cult of Mao" following. This canonization is a black and white characterization of him, socialism, Chinese history, etc. It's part of the party control.

One of the "good" things about the USA is that our leaders are not beyond reproach. For all our lore surrounding the founding fathers like Jefferson by this generation it's well established that he had slaves, fucked them, let their own kids live in bondage, etc. We're able to have some cognitive dissonance on our own history. We also teach in school about the genocide against native Americans.

Russia and China are not there yet. I don't expect them to be in my lifetime. Germany on the other hand has had such deep guilt over two world wars it's gone the other way. You can't try to put Hitler's (or Mussolini's) life in context to explain why they became such fucked up individuals. Their misguided politics were a product of harsh, hard lives within failed states.

This is why I'm a democrat. Id like to see a worldwide even playing field for everyone under 25 or so. It'd be the end of pussy paradises but maybe no holocausts or wars.

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

I once read a book called "The Autobiography of Josef Stalin", Stalin's supposed last manuscript found after his death (a good read, I recommend it).
It said that Stalin conspired with Yagoda (the chief of the secret police) to slowly poison Lenin by dropping drops of mercury in his characteristic hat. Isn't mercury used in treating syphilis too?

As for the awe with which Lenin and Trotsky are viewed? The first and foremost reason is that most opinion makers (journalists, teachers/professors etc) got in politics by recruitment from communist or communist leaning groups and got promoted by serving the same people as them: it is very hard to admit your own mistakes publicly and much easier to tow the line in establishments like the media, schools, universities etc..

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

Quote: (07-01-2017 03:45 PM)Travel Museums Wrote:  

Mao was apparently a huge womanizer raping and spreading STDs he refused to treat. Just saw an article about that. You won't see anyone talk about it openly inside China though.

Mao is venerated across China. There is a "cult of Mao" following. This canonization is a black and white characterization of him, socialism, Chinese history, etc. It's part of the party control.

One of the "good" things about the USA is that our leaders are not beyond reproach. For all our lore surrounding the founding fathers like Jefferson by this generation it's well established that he had slaves, fucked them, let their own kids live in bondage, etc. We're able to have some cognitive dissonance on our own history. We also teach in school about the genocide against native Americans.

Russia and China are not there yet. I don't expect them to be in my lifetime. Germany on the other hand has had such deep guilt over two world wars it's gone the other way. You can't try to put Hitler's (or Mussolini's) life in context to explain why they became such fucked up individuals. Their misguided politics were a product of harsh, hard lives within failed states.

This is why I'm a democrat. Id like to see a worldwide even playing field for everyone under 25 or so. It'd be the end of pussy paradises but maybe no holocausts or wars.

Your world view is very naive. Please don't take this as a putdown,
but rather as an encouragement to look beyond what you've been
spoon fed all your life, and to challenge your own assumptions.

The US and Allies set up a network of around 50 concentration
camps were several millions of Germans were rounded up
after WW2 and starved to death. That was just a scaled
down version of the original German postwar extermination plan
put together by Henry Morgenthau, Roosevelt's Secretary of the
Treasury. So you don't have to go all the way back to the Indian
wars for instances of genocides by American leaders.

[Image: 45249695e1f3033bb9b8f773c467aa75.jpg]

This is what a real death camp looks like: people rounded up like
cattle in an open field surrounded by fences and guard towers, armed
guards instructed to kill anyone that climbs the fence, and prisoners
exposed to the elements with no buildings, no bathrooms, barely
enough water and a substandard diet.

The Allies killed more disarmed Germans and German civilians
after WW2 than the Germans killed Jews during the war. This is
a fact that was well-documented by Canadian historian James Bacque
in "Other Losses".


“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

^I knew this occurred but not to the extent you claim. 11+ million Germans. If true, it appears the allies learned their lesson after two world wars - nuder the entire nation. Kill their masculine men so they can never wage war again. Very interesting post.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

My father lived in Germany for a few years in the 1980s, and said (usually playfully and half-serious) that all of that nation's good stock had died in both world wars, and your average kraut was some pathetic scrawny guy barely above 5'5 who couldn't grow facial hair.

Concerning Hitler, I've struggled through about half of Mein Kampf (sadly, it's such a rambling book, even a good translation is tough to get through). Much of what Hitler says about the problems of democracy are spot on, and especially when it concerns European democracy. He also had plenty reason to be as angry as he was - World War I is even TODAY, in 2017, called the catastrophe that destroyed the West. Imagine how horrible it must have seemed around 100 years ago right as it ended.

Sure, the Jews influenced enough of European politics and wartime conflict to be seen as a major problem. I don't know what a "correct" way of dealing with this problem would have been, though, especially since I've only recently begun to question the official narrative of World War II. I can only say that the Holocaust was far from the worst atrocity ever carried out by man, and it should be seen as pretty telling that it's still focused on like it happened yesterday when the even worse atrocities carried out by Turkey in WWI or Rwanda in the 1990s are met with a hand wave and seen as angry sepia-toned people shooting each other.

Sometimes I wonder - if Hitler had never existed, who would the Democrats compare Republicans to every election season? Brutal military leaders like Caesar and Napoleon are REVERED today. It's almost like Hitler was tailor-made to be the perfect curse word.

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

Because history is always written by the winners, it's best to make sure we hear from the losers (such as the Hellstorm documentary below) so that we can have the whole spectrum of the historical event. Also, Hitler could've been tailored made based on a book review on the book entitled "Hitler was a British agent" which is also below.

HELLSTORM | Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany

Was Hitler a "British" Agent?

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

Hitler was a non smoking vegan soy boy.

Most won't admit this.

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis


Lenin in the last years of his life:

[Image: Lenin_1922_in_Gorki--4.jpg]

[Image: 8.jpg]

[Image: 0]

[Image: e101bc58c7032b3ca24cb33555815ce0.jpg]

[Image: moscow-region-july-august-1923-vladimir-...EK3D19.jpg]

[Image: 19191817330_f0ca578573_o.jpg]

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis


real name:

(((Lev Davidovich Bronstein)))

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

Yes and many of the Nazis love animals.

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

Quote: (07-01-2017 01:22 PM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

I read that he was an agent for the German establishment with mission of getting rid of Russia from WWI. He was helped with gold and German soldiers to organize rebellion (October revolution), while then media fabricated story about Russians rising up against the Tzar.

That is 100% correct.

The Germans secretly gave him loads and loads of gold and provided him (and his buddies) safe passage on a so-called "sealed train" from his exile in Switzerland all through Germany and then all the way up to the top of northern Sweden where he illegally crossed into imperial Russia (now Finland) and then made his way to St Petersburg to lead the revolution.

[Image: mar2017_g99_leninsodyssey.jpg]

Some sources:

Without the German financing and logistical help he would have probably never made it back to Russia from his exile.

Shortly after coming to power, he signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with the Germans in March 1918 ending the war between Russia and Germany, conceding vast portions of Russian territory to the Germans, and freeing up all the German troops stationed on the eastern front to now fight in the west.

Germany lost all these territories 8 months later when world war I ended.

The only real question left is which Germans exactly funded and arranged Lenin to come to power.
Nobody talks about that.

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

I wonder how many women the Bolshevik leaders banged. They had absolute power and used it to murder, torture, and dispossess tens of millions of people, all of which is well documented.

But the types of wild orgies with Russian women (willing or unwilling) they must have had? Not many history books talk about this.

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

Quote: (07-01-2017 07:17 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Hitler was a non smoking vegan soy boy.

Most won't admit this.

Hitler spent more time at one of the worst battlefields history has even seen than most of todays right-wingers at Trump, Le Pen etc. rallies.

Most won't admit this.

Hitler had deeper voice than most men that live today.

Most won't admit this.

Hitler had more pussy available at any given moment than any other human alive.

Most won't admit this.

Everyone knows his name and will forever about as same as Jesus.

Most won't admit this.

Hitler had enough balls to die for his beliefs and leave one of the biggest marks on this world.

Most don't have enough balls to talk to bitches.

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

Quote: (07-01-2017 07:53 PM)Mercenary Wrote:  

Quote: (07-01-2017 01:22 PM)sterling_archer Wrote:  

I read that he was an agent for the German establishment with mission of getting rid of Russia from WWI. He was helped with gold and German soldiers to organize rebellion (October revolution), while then media fabricated story about Russians rising up against the Tzar.

That is 100% correct.

The Germans secretly gave him loads and loads of gold and provided him (and his buddies) safe passage on a so-called "sealed train" from his exile in Switzerland all through Germany and then all the way up to the top of northern Sweden where he illegally crossed into imperial Russia (now Finland) and then made his way to St Petersburg to lead the revolution.

[Image: mar2017_g99_leninsodyssey.jpg]

Some sources:

Without the German financing and logistical help he would have probably never made it back to Russia from his exile.

Shortly after coming to power, he signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with the Germans in March 1918 ending the war between Russia and Germany, conceding vast portions of Russian territory to the Germans, and freeing up all the German troops stationed on the eastern front to now fight in the west.

Germany lost all these territories 8 months later when world war I ended.

The only real question left is which Germans exactly funded and arranged Lenin to come to power.
Nobody talks about that.

German and Swedish banksters provided funds for Lenin to destroy Russia, but the main source was from the Schiffs in NYC. The Schiffs were the Rothschilds' closest partners going back to their early days in Frankfort.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

Quote: (07-01-2017 10:35 PM)911 Wrote:  

German and Swedish banksters provided funds for Lenin to destroy Russia, but the main source was from the Schiffs in NYC. The Schiffs were the Rothschilds' closest partners going back to their early days in Frankfort.

If I recall correctly, the Schiff's financed the Japanese during the Russo-Japanese war of 1905...


Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

Wonder if the poor schmucks who had to embalm his body were told he had syphillis.
Sure, normally it's a STD.
Yet, I'm not sure I'd want to be embalming a syphillis laden body.

The Russian methods focus on preserving the body's physical form—its look, shape, weight, color, limb flexibility and suppleness—but not necessarily its original biological matter. In the process they have created a "quasibiological" science that differs from other embalming methods. "They have to substitute occasional parts of skin and flesh with plastics and other materials, so in terms of the original biological matter the body is less and less of what it used to be," says Alexei Yurchak, professor of social anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley. "That makes it dramatically different from everything in the past, such as mummification, where the focus was on preserving the original matter while the form of the body changes," he adds.

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

Quote: (07-01-2017 01:42 PM)Stanfield Wrote:  

History is written by the victors. That is why Hitler is demonized.

Totally. If the Nazi's had won, Churchill would've been tried as a war criminal.

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

Quote: (07-01-2017 07:13 PM)ratoj9 Wrote:  

Because history is always written by the winners, it's best to make sure we hear from the losers (such as the Hellstorm documentary below) so that we can have the whole spectrum of the historical event. Also, Hitler could've been tailored made based on a book review on the book entitled "Hitler was a British agent" which is also below.

HELLSTORM | Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany

Was Hitler a "British" Agent?

Hitler being a British agent is such a laughable conspiracy theory. You overestimate how smart people are if you believe that.

The British brainwashed someone knowing they would before the leader of Germany 20 years later? This all before WWI, where they "let" him serve on the front line where he was almost killed and was blinded.

Vladimir Lenin Died From Syphillis

Most of the elite had untreated syphilis and died from it. The worst part is that it affects the mind and you become a bigger psychopath. I guess that many of the top-down plans of the globalists were concocted by syphilis-infected minds that ventured into paranoia and created grand depopulation plans.

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