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Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

Yet Australian women are still entitled because there is no apparent shortage of thirsty men. I have yet to meet a obese woman here without a man.

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

Quote: (03-03-2017 01:14 AM)kinjutsu Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2017 11:01 PM)cascadecombo Wrote:  

[Image: thumb_thisthreadisworthlesswithoutp.gif]

Don't say i you didn't ask for this...

[Image: SC5NtlJr.jpg]
Man she is rough...

And if you have any doubt about what kind of body she has...
[Image: IMG_1217.jpg]

She's well below my threshold.....and i love Asian women.

Yuk, WNB.

Also, look at the body language of those two effeminate "men" sitting with her in that picture. Particularly the guy on the left, how can he comfortably sit with his legs together like that!?

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

Australia, Canada - (Toronto area) and Switzerland have become the worst countries for men. Sure - you can bang beautiful women there too, but the odds are terribly against you.

The gender ratio in those places is crazy bad for men and the women behave perpetually like a 6 who just entered a club with a 90-10 male to female ratio. Even a 5 in that environment would behave like a raging bitch who thinks she is hot shit.

In addition you have of course feminism and the entire media-academie driven madness being poured into their moronic brains - and voila you have the modern SJW fat aggrobitch.

The author could be cute and even attractive if she dropped 20-40 pounds and also dropped her shitty attitude - too bad that it has permeated her entire personality in this life:

[Image: 1456131788557.jpg]

And of course the assessment of some of you is likely correct. She got banged by the very top of ripped tall White good-looking men and later dumped since she is fat and probably has a personality that matches this picture.

Also many Beta men approach her because they correctly assume that Asian women are more forgiving of their Betaness.

Either way - women always want to be desired for their unique snowflake feature of personality and their brain.

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

One of the biggest problems with Australia is that the men are full of game and hilarious, while women are just full of themselves.

She did not even realize that these blokes were dropping mad game - not quite at the "chong ching ding dong" level - but good enough. All this means to her though, is to fake outrage and look for accolade from her hipster friends.

This girl, unfortunately for her, is even more out of relevance that Gagnam Style. I have not seen anyone dress like that outside of pictures that could be from 2009 - 2016. Her relevance, in her mind, is that she can't quite figure out why her double standard is not creating a submissive Australian to faun over her. She wants to be the one to have the fetish, she wants to be the one to be relevant, and mostly she wants to be noticed for nothing more than being Asian in a country of white people.

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

Jesus this is a godzilla sized hamster.

There's alot of self hate here - you can see it bleed through.

She's not happy with herself so she blames others and lashes out and writes about it.

You can't call guys racists when you're banging white dudes 99.9% of the time.

I'd also lump quite a few south asian westernized lizards as well.

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

God save Australia from Hipsters.
Most of the time I think being a hipster is just a competition about who can look the most unattractive.
It amazes me that hipster girls manage to get wet for hipster guys or mainly that hipster guys manage to get it up over hipster girls. I just couldn't do it.

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

In memoriam: Daffodildo Gashmashin, 2016 - 2017



When nobody cared for me, not even myself, he was there for me. When Jack, Dave, Johnny, Steve and Mike wouldn't text back, he was there for me. When the nurse told me I should go easy on getting raw-dogged by strangers from tinder... you know who was waiting for me.

From the moment I walked into Adult World and spotted him, I was smitten. I fell in love harder than ever before – it may have seemed reckless to others, but it felt unstoppable, especially when I started convulsing on the high-speed rabbit setting after the mass dosage of Zanax kicked in.

The chemistry was wild, yet also manifested itself in fiery arguments, like when he was too "tired" even after I'd changed his batteries that morning. And it got worse. Despite meeting me in Australia, it turned out he was born in China and moved here when he was young. My mother, a proud Vietnamese at heart, was furious when she heard. Couldn't he have just told me from the time I pressed start, instead of his hiding his true origin in tiny writing on the battery panel?

Looking back, it seems petty. Why couldn't I just have enjoyed all those nights curled up together, one hand barely keeping the wine bottle from spilling onto my jizz-stained carpet, the other reaching for the 'so you're gonna be a cat lady' DVD?

The breakup was the worst I've experienced. Once he didn't turn on, I was stricken with grief. Not to mention the guilt. I barely slept for weeks and kept wondering "what if, what if, what if… I just turned him off once a week?"

Goodbye my darling vibae, and thanks for the batterings.


^ Inspired by
her piece; 'The under-appreciated value of short term relationships'. The rest of her archive is paved with humongous, golden hamstering too, for instance; 'My STI scare and why we need to change the way we talk about safe sex' (an actual quote follows) -

Quote:Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyen Wrote:

I once had a GP, who seemed unfamiliar with the concept of asymptomatic diseases, slut-shame me by saying that if I was "taking the proper precautions", I'd never need to get tested. I suspect he may have gotten his medical certifications from an overflowing bin.

[Image: HurrjOo.gif]


Next up:


Who wants a crack at this one? [Image: lol.gif]

([url=]See here for the reference)

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

Quote: (03-03-2017 01:36 PM)Dream Medicine Wrote:  

In memoriam: Daffodildo Gashmashin, 2016 - 2017



When nobody cared for me, not even myself, he was there for me. When Jack, Dave, Johnny, Steve and Mike wouldn't text back, he was there for me. When the nurse told me I should go easy on getting raw-dogged by strangers from tinder... you know who was waiting for me.

[Image: HurrjOo.gif]


Next up:


Who wants a crack at this one? [Image: lol.gif]

(See here for the reference)

As we predicted - she got banged out by an assortment of buff masculine Australians who are probably in aggregate some of the most laid-back masculine men in the world. And we can safely assume that she banged the very best she could get - all of them not willing to truly date her.

I assume she was really slimmer and cuter back then - before the full Lindy West disease broke out.

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating


Comment: Do you have a type, or are you just racist?

What’s the difference between having a “type” and fetishisation? And how does it feel when you’re constantly approached sexually and romantically because of your race? Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyen breaks it down.

By Giselle Au-Nhien Nguyen
27 FEB 2017 - 12:12 PM UPDATED 28 FEB 2017 - 3:51 PM

“I have a real thing for Oriental women.”

“I’ve always wanted to have sex with an Asian.”

“I travelled to Vietnam a few years ago. I love the food!”

When I was 25, following a major breakup, I dipped my toes into the pool of online dating for the first time. I had never casually dated, and was cautiously excited to explore this new world.

The first Tinder date I went on was with a white guy who quickly revealed that he generally liked to date “Asian girls” or “hipster girls who ride bikes”. Lucky me, right in the middle of those two! He also referenced ‘Gangnam Style’, a whole two years after it was even remotely relevant. There was no second date.

There’s a difference, though, between having a “type” and reducing people to a singular, uncontrollable factor about themselves, like race.

In the years since, I’ve received more than a few messages on these apps fixating on my race or ethnicity, whether to test out their rudimentary Vietnamese or to straight out tell me about their sexual fantasies. ‘Yellow fever’ – a phenomenon whereby men (usually white) fetishise Asian women – is terrifyingly common, and in the age of online dating, your exotic dream girl is only a click away.

“But what’s wrong with having preferences?” I hear you cry. “We all have types!”

There’s a difference, though, between having a “type” and reducing people to a singular, uncontrollable factor about themselves, like race. I don’t message white guys to tell them I love garlic bread (for the record, I bloody love garlic bread); why would a white man think that telling me how much he loves bánh mì is a hot ticket into my pants?There’s a difference, though, between having a “type” and reducing people to a singular, uncontrollable factor about themselves, like race.

In the years since, I’ve received more than a few messages on these apps fixating on my race or ethnicity, whether to test out their rudimentary Vietnamese or to straight out tell me about their sexual fantasies. ‘Yellow fever’ – a phenomenon whereby men (usually white) fetishise Asian women – is terrifyingly common, and in the age of online dating, your exotic dream girl is only a click away.

“But what’s wrong with having preferences?” I hear you cry. “We all have types!”

There’s a difference, though, between having a “type” and reducing people to a singular, uncontrollable factor about themselves, like race. I don’t message white guys to tell them I love garlic bread (for the record, I bloody love garlic bread); why would a white man think that telling me how much he loves bánh mì is a hot ticket into my pants?

This fetishisation often comes down to problematic stereotypes of Asian women: docile, subservient, sexually submissive but totally down to fuck. In the eyes of these men, we assume a monolithic identity. We’re both infantilised and sexualised – an accessory for the white man’s sexual and emotional satisfaction. They see us as a blank page, waiting for them to bring us alive on terms that are anything but our own. We are a trophy, a prize catch.

Karen, 26, didn’t list her race, or that she could speak Japanese, when she used OkCupid “to try and minimise my encounters with weebs”. “It kinda worked,” she told me, “but in hindsight, it’s really fucked that I have to do so much to keep them away.”

Kelly, 26, has been called racist for stating on her profile that she wasn’t interested in contact from those specifically seeking Asian women (WHAT THE???), while Tash, 28, went on a date with someone who “proudly” told her he only dated Asians, and then “got angry and aggressive” when she pulled him up on his objectification.

The expectation of Asian women is that we’ll be quiet, obliging and never talk back. When I’ve told men off on dating apps for their overt sexualisation of me based on my race, their tones have often changed from sweet and flirty to violent.

“Fuck you,” one said. “You’re not that good anyway.”

When I’ve told men off on dating apps for their overt sexualisation of me based on my race, their tones have often changed from sweet and flirty to violent.

What’s interesting about the politics of sex and race online is that Asian men often face the opposite problem of having their sexuality and desirability erased altogether. “No blacks, no Asians” is a common catch-cry on apps like Grindr, with the more nefarious users going a step further to categorise ethnicities by food names (“no rice”, “no curry”). The archaic “small penis” myth continues to work against Asian men, who are often seen as effeminate or undesirable due to this Western social conditioning.

Sexual fetishisation and racism existed before the Internet, of course, but the rise of online dating has given further oxygen to predators. You can filter searches based on who you do, or don’t, want to find. You can prey more aggressively than you’d dare to face-to-face. It becomes a game, where the prize is a person who’s seen as an object. To be on the receiving end of that is both tedious and insulting.

Why being 'really into Asian chicks' is not okay

White guys who say they're into 'Asian chicks' might think they're super progressive, but some Asian women disagree – strongly.
That said, dating several people of the same race is not necessarily a sign of fetishisation – an ex and dear friend of mine currently has an Asian partner, but has also had multiple white partners, and from our interactions both as lovers and friends, I know that race was not a drawcard for him in either relationship.

There’s a difference between singling potential partners out because of their race, and happening to get into respectful relationships with more than one person from the same racial background. To assume that anyone who’s dated more than one Asian woman is a fetishiser, lumps all Asian women into a singular entity and personality type.

I can tell from the way the person talks to me, the topics they choose to speak about, the manner in which they treat me and the tone with which they discuss race, if they discuss it at all. And I can tell from the way they handle my humanity – as a living, breathing being, or as simply something to be collected, stripped and pocketed.

I must also acknowledge that most of the people I have dated or slept with have been white men. This has drawn ire from some, with one man asking me on Twitter why I care about “the plight of Asian men” when I “never seem to date them”.

There’s a difference between singling potential partners out because of their race, and happening to get into respectful relationships with more than one person from the same racial background.

Growing up surrounded by Western media and ideals, I know I have been conditioned to have an unconscious bias myself, and I am trying to decolonise my desire – this is an ongoing process of unlearning. But at the same time, as Natalie Tran puts it, I belong to nobody. People of Colour do not owe our minds or bodies to anyone – not those who look like us, not those who don’t.

As Australians, we are lucky to live in a country where we can, for the most part, exercise our sexual agency. We cannot help who we are attracted to, but we can examine the roots of that attraction and recognise their implicit prejudices.

Our sexual desires and preferences do not exist in a vacuum – they are a result of what we have been surrounded by and taught.

White is still viewed as the default, which is why men like to tell me I’m exotic, exciting.

But I am not a stamp in your sexual passport.

I am not your China doll.

I am not yours at all.

Love the story? Follow the author here: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

She worships whites dudes, knows its wrong, and does it anyway. And then hates on guys who date Asian girls.

This woman is cancer. I would pity her, but she's not dealing with her cancer AND she's trying to spread it. So fuck her.

To paraphrase a Metallica song, she should keep her hate for herself.

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

Quote: (03-03-2017 01:14 AM)kinjutsu Wrote:  

[Image: IMG_1217.jpg]

I think it's kind of sweet that someone her age is still seeing so much action on online-dating sites.

She's an inspiration to post-menopausal women everywhere.

Quote: (03-03-2017 12:09 PM)Roardog Wrote:  

It amazes me that hipster girls manage to get wet for hipster guys or mainly that hipster guys manage to get it up over hipster girls. I just couldn't do it.

I always sense that there's something platonic about 90% of Hipster couples, like they're in it for the company. The guys serve a function somewhere between a Gay Bestie and a Cat, and I've noticed the guy always need the girl more than the girl needs the guy.

I saw a classic pair last night outside the front of one of those new American Ice-Cream Franchise stores that have become a thing recently amongst the Urbanites, whose name escapes me, because I'd never go in there. They were sitting at an alfesco table outside as she finishing porking up a waffle cone, paying loving attention to it, and bored indifference to her partner.

Normally, I wouldn't have noticed them, but the afternoon light was reflecting off her painfully-white legs, shadows dancing across my face from the undulations of her cellulite. She was wearing tiny jeans shorts, obviously lacking an honest best friend who would tell her she had no business trying to pull them off.

He was your classic Michael Cera weedy boy-man type, sitting far forward on his chair, lying against her stomach with his arms around her thick waist, with a droopy, sad expression, like he was a maiden throwing himself across her beloved's coffin when they bought him back from the war. From a distance, I thought it was a mother and her son must have dropped his ice cream and was having a little sulk. It was only getting closer I realised they were a couple.

As I got closer, they got up to leave, and he went in for the kiss. The sudden, unconscious recoil of her head as his lips approached made me chuckle, whipping back like her car had crested the peak of the roller coaster and gravity had finally, savagely, kicked in. Seeing him stand up, I realised he wasn't upset that about anything in particular after all: he probably just always looked frail and frightened.

Legs as chunky as a good jar of tomato chutney, she waddled off into the evening air, her goofy-looking and awkward man-boy scuttering along a couple of steps behind her like an asthmatic pug trying to keep up with its owner.

I observed all this in about 30 seconds of me approaching: the hell of walking while INTJ.

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating


she finishing porking up a waffle cone, paying loving attention to it, and bored indifference to her partner.


the afternoon light was reflecting off her painfully-white legs, shadows dancing across my face from the undulations of her cellulite.


He was your classic Michael Cera weedy boy-man type, sitting far forward on his chair, lying against her stomach with his arms around her thick waist, with a droopy, sad expression, like he was a maiden throwing himself across her beloved's coffin when they bought him back from the war


As I got closer, they got up to leave, and he went in for the kiss. The sudden, unconscious recoil of her head as his lips approached made me chuckle, whipping back like her car had crested the peak of the roller coaster and gravity had finally, savagely, kicked in.


Legs as chunky as a good jar of tomato chutney, she waddled off into the evening air, her goofy-looking and awkward man-boy scuttering along a couple of steps behind her like an asthmatic pug trying to keep up with its owner.

[Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif]

"Gold Jerry, Gold"

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

Quote: (03-03-2017 02:21 PM)Sumanguru Wrote:  

She worships whites dudes, knows its wrong, and does it anyway.

Huh? Why is it wrong? It's damn right! Asian girls and white dudes are like yin and yang, neutrons and protons, lock and key (heh). They are meant to go together [Image: banana.gif]

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

Quote: (03-03-2017 03:23 PM)Fast Eddie Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2017 02:21 PM)Sumanguru Wrote:  

She worships whites dudes, knows its wrong, and does it anyway.

Huh? Why is it wrong? It's damn right! Asian girls and white dudes are like yin and yang, neutrons and protons, lock and key (heh). They are meant to go together [Image: banana.gif]

Eh. I wouldn't dedicate my life (get married) to a fetishization (worshipping white guys/worshipping Asian girls). Nor do I think people should be valued for something--their skin color--that's out of their control. Nor would I want to exclude from my life possible good people who don't happen to be born a certain race. She gets that on some level, but doesn't have the courage to face it.

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

I can`t believe... racism in online dating.... It was said to put social commentary in the Everything Else forum... And now I am typing her..

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

Quote: (03-03-2017 01:50 PM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (03-03-2017 01:36 PM)Dream Medicine Wrote:  

In memoriam: Daffodildo Gashmashin, 2016 - 2017



When nobody cared for me, not even myself, he was there for me. When Jack, Dave, Johnny, Steve and Mike wouldn't text back, he was there for me. When the nurse told me I should go easy on getting raw-dogged by strangers from tinder... you know who was waiting for me.

[Image: HurrjOo.gif]


Next up:


Who wants a crack at this one? [Image: lol.gif]

(See here for the reference)

As we predicted - she got banged out by an assortment of buff masculine Australians who are probably in aggregate some of the most laid-back masculine men in the world. And we can safely assume that she banged the very best she could get - all of them not willing to truly date her.

I assume she was really slimmer and cuter back then - before the full Lindy West disease broke out.

There's no way any of my aussie mates would touch that. Knowing how thirsty the guys are though after a couple, could possibly see it happening for your average aussie bro. Flat out busted. I couldn't get my dick hard if I snorted Viagra.

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

Quote: (03-03-2017 01:14 AM)kinjutsu Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2017 11:01 PM)cascadecombo Wrote:  

[Image: thumb_thisthreadisworthlesswithoutp.gif]

[Image: SC5NtlJr.jpg]
Man she is rough...

And if you have any doubt about what kind of body she has...
[Image: IMG_1217.jpg]

WOOOOW That bitch is UGLY.

Is she ever came out to Japan, she NEVER get LOOKED AT by ANYONE holy fuck! she would just be straight up ignored.

Isaiah 4:1

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

Urgh urgh urgh.

I was on team WB for the skinny big headed marathon cheat, but I doubt anyone sober suffers from Japanese-girlfriend-syndrome enough to date the above 'author'

Likes denote appreciation, not necessarily agreement |Stay Anonymous Online Datasheet| Unmissable video on Free Speech

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

I've come to a point in this thread that if you repost her pictures, you deserve a 25% warning [Image: lol.gif]

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

What I find troubling is this epidemic of drug use among millennial girls. "Red wine and Xanax"? Okay are you 45 going through a bad divorce, or did your husband just get locked up for the third time? Those were the types who used to partake in downing hardcore pills with liquor.

The doctors just hand them out like candy as well, what do they care I guess.

These girls just go down a path with self-destruction as they keep on torturing the hamster. A woman can't live a life of hopping on random cocks and ignoring her natural feminine energy. Eventually, she will start to go crazy, and then you slowly start to see them alter their appearance drastically as they can't look themselves in the mirror, which then leads us too....

Quote: (03-03-2017 01:14 AM)kinjutsu Wrote:  

Quote: (03-02-2017 11:01 PM)cascadecombo Wrote:  

[Image: thumb_thisthreadisworthlesswithoutp.gif]

Don't say i you didn't ask for this...

[Image: SC5NtlJr.jpg]
Man she is rough...

Lefty trash. She looks exactly how I expected her too.

Her story is common. She only likes fucking white dudes but gets mad when low-quality white dudes with yellow fever thirst her up online.

It is like she typecasts herself big time. She attracts the type of men that she wants, but she also gets too much attention from those that she doesn't. She won't ever have an issue with Asian guys hitting her up though because none would ever poke her with a stick let alone their dicks.

No Asian brother would put up with that trash heap, they would all laugh at her ass.
No Black brother is going even to acknowledge she is alive.
No Latino brother going to sweat that
No South Asian brother even going to think about that.

She is typecasted, you know it, I know it.

She knows the types of dudes that she deals with. She broadcasts and adverts for them 24/7.

This is why these Asian broads are all foaming at the mouth in regards to race and dating. Far too many typecast themselves into broadcasting that they are open for business for white guys, but then get mad when hordes of white guys they don't like thirst them up.

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

Quote: (03-03-2017 05:38 PM)kosko Wrote:  

Her story is common. She only likes fucking white dudes but gets mad when low-quality white dudes with yellow fever thirst her up online.

It is like she typecasts herself big time. She attracts the type of men that she wants, but she also gets too much attention from those that she doesn't. She won't ever have an issue with Asian guys hitting her up though because none would ever poke her with a stick let alone their dicks.

No Asian brother would put up with that trash heap, they would all laugh at her ass.
No Black brother is going even to acknowledge she is alive.
No Latino brother going to sweat that
No South Asian brother even going to think about that.

She is typecasted, you know it, I know it.

I'm curious what makes you say that. Personally, I have never seen a single Asian/Black couple "in the wild" when living in America despite being in a city with a very large black and a quite sizeable Asian population so I can't speak as to what standards black men have with Asian women.

With that said, the level of base fatness and ugliness many black dudes seem to tolerate when it comes to white women makes me skeptical that their standards for Asian women would be so much higher than what white men with yellow fever would tolerate.

As someone who has yellow fever myself, I can tell you that fucking overweight Asian chicks is not in the cards. A large part of my attraction to Asians comes from their petite frames. Overweight Asians don't really register in my mind as "true Asians" and I'm pretty sure the same goes for the vast majority of white dudes with yellow fever. Black guys on the other hand seem to have a much higher tolerance/preference for the extra 'cushion.

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

Quote: (03-03-2017 08:43 AM)Steve McQueen Wrote:  

Bitches for an entire article about racist white men, only dates white men. Shes the racist and she is projecting

The petulant feminist cries only when she nears the wall and the steady stream of high value males dries up like leaves on a tree in autumn. Slowly, imperceptibly to the naked eye minute by minute, but one day they wake up and their inbox contains nothing but low-class betas.

THEN the bitching about racism and patriarchy and whatever else begins.

Nobody joins a trade union while the pay/work ratio is golden.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

Quote: (03-03-2017 02:41 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

I always sense that there's something platonic about 90% of Hipster couples, like they're in it for the company. The guys serve a function somewhere between a Gay Bestie and a Cat, and I've noticed the guy always need the girl more than the girl needs the guy.

[Image: potd.gif]
Hell, that's post of the week!

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

Quote: (03-03-2017 02:41 PM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

He was your classic Michael Cera weedy boy-man type, sitting far forward on his chair, lying against her stomach with his arms around her thick waist, with a droopy, sad expression, like he was a maiden throwing himself across her beloved's coffin when they bought him back from the war. From a distance, I thought it was a mother and her son must have dropped his ice cream and was having a little sulk. It was only getting closer I realised they were a couple.

As I got closer, they got up to leave, and he went in for the kiss. The sudden, unconscious recoil of her head as his lips approached made me chuckle, whipping back like her car had crested the peak of the roller coaster and gravity had finally, savagely, kicked in. Seeing him stand up, I realised he wasn't upset that about anything in particular after all: he probably just always looked frail and frightened.

Legs as chunky as a good jar of tomato chutney, she waddled off into the evening air, her goofy-looking and awkward man-boy scuttering along a couple of steps behind her like an asthmatic pug trying to keep up with its owner.

I observed all this in about 30 seconds of me approaching: the hell of walking while INTJ.

Apt description. I see that quite often around these parts.

That and triplets of gay men prancing through the city, hand in hand.

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating


What I find troubling is this epidemic of drug use among millennial girls. "Red wine and Xanax"? Okay are you 45 going through a bad divorce, or did your husband just get locked up for the third time? Those were the types who used to partake in downing hardcore pills with liquor.

The doctors just hand them out like candy as well, what do they care I guess.

Do some research and ask the chicks you get talking to online if they are currently on meds or have been on them in the past.

Doctors hand them out like M&Ms, no questions asked.

These women are broken.

Vietnamese-Australian hamster denounces racism in online dating

Jesus fuck, WNB. Ever. Maybe if I just got out of a 20 year lockup and that's still a maybe.

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