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What do we get out of Africa?

What do we get out of Africa?

Quote: (01-26-2017 03:41 PM)Ringo Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2017 12:58 PM)Mekorig Wrote:  

There was this travel forum were an european couple (i think they were from Holland) went in a Land Rover in the DRC from Lubumbashi (i think) to Kinsasa. These were people with some travel experience, and from their interaction with the locals, and from what they told when speaking with other western there (missioners, etc), i have little hope for the black african people.

PD: They are belgian! Here is the link to their trip:

Great link. I'm on page 6 and can't stop reading.

Having said that... I don't get the motivation for such a trip. I'm stressed out reading it, I can't imagine living it, specially with a girl by your side. God knows what would happen if your car broke in the middle of nowhere. They've had some close calls already and it's still like Day 5.

Pros: see cool shit, have a unique travel story, enjoy great moments
Cons: death, rape, robbery, mutilation, etc.

Some people really push their luck.


"Donnez moi de l'argent"

Josephine asked the mob why they were asking us money

"Vous êtes blanc" - "You are white"

What do we get out of Africa?

Quote: (01-26-2017 04:40 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2017 03:41 PM)Ringo Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2017 12:58 PM)Mekorig Wrote:  

There was this travel forum were an european couple (i think they were from Holland) went in a Land Rover in the DRC from Lubumbashi (i think) to Kinsasa. These were people with some travel experience, and from their interaction with the locals, and from what they told when speaking with other western there (missioners, etc), i have little hope for the black african people.

PD: They are belgian! Here is the link to their trip:

Great link. I'm on page 6 and can't stop reading.

Having said that... I don't get the motivation for such a trip. I'm stressed out reading it, I can't imagine living it, specially with a girl by your side. God knows what would happen if your car broke in the middle of nowhere. They've had some close calls already and it's still like Day 5.

Pros: see cool shit, have a unique travel story, enjoy great moments
Cons: death, rape, robbery, mutilation, etc.

Some people really push their luck.


"Donnez moi de l'argent"

Josephine asked the mob why they were asking us money

"Vous êtes blanc" - "You are white"

I´m at page 43, really insane story, it gives a good insight though on the misery and mentality of the people there and off the country and large parts of the continent in general.

What do we get out of Africa?

Quote: (01-26-2017 04:10 PM)wi30 Wrote:  

Three pages in and nobody mentioned pirates?

[Image: somali+pirates.jpg]

Except those above are not Somalian pirates, they look like, say, Malaysian pirates.

Somalian pirates below:
[Image: pirate-yacht.jpg]

[Image: nobody-move-nobody-get-hurt.jpg]

Somalian pirates make a living from the stupidity and political-correctness of the Globalized world.

Because, Political-Correctness is the only reason why big container boats themselves, or patrolling Navy ships, are not allowed to shoot and kill Somalian pirates (in legitimate defense) with real weapons: because it would look bad on (MSM) TV screens, to see Black (pirates) killed.

So, the Establishment prefers to give tens of millions of usd to these monstrous, medieval Somalian criminals, rather than dealing with them like the West should: by giving warning shots, then if required, shooting them all for good. Problem solved, and sunk.

If Somalian pirates were say, Caucasians, I bet they would have been killed years ago.

But anyway, who knows, maybe mister Trump will order the US Navy to deal, fast and hard, with these barbarian Somalian pirates. It would be very easy, in one month these pirates would be all gone, swimming with the fishes. Maybe they would even meet the corpse of Bin Laden down there?

What do we get out of Africa?

^ Google images has failed me. I typed in 'Somali Pirates'.

What do we get out of Africa?

To be fair, wasn't a lot of Somalian piracy caused by waste-dumping in that ocean by other nations? I imagine those pirates were once fisherman who had boats but no fish due to pollution and decided to put those boats (and some rifles) to use.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

What do we get out of Africa?

Quote: (01-26-2017 12:22 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

That said I do agree with the gist of what he's saying and something that I've said before: leave those countries the fuck alone and allow them to work out a system where they can remain stable.

The problem becomes "what do you do when Russia/China/Whoever decide to move in an take advantage of your absence?"

Are you going to engage in globally disruptive sanctions running through to cold war style military standoffs in order to preserve Africa as some sort of wild-reserve for Africans?

Do the Africans get a say?

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

What do we get out of Africa?

Quote: (01-26-2017 06:59 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

Somalian pirates make a living from the stupidity and political-correctness of the Globalized world.

Because, Political-Correctness is the only reason why big container boats themselves, or patrolling Navy ships, are not allowed to shoot and kill Somalian pirates (in legitimate defense) with real weapons: because it would look bad on (MSM) TV screens, to see Black (pirates) killed.

So, the Establishment prefers to give tens of millions of usd to these monstrous, medieval Somalian criminals, rather than dealing with them like the West should: by giving warning shots, then if required, shooting them all for good. Problem solved, and sunk.

The navy simply cannot be in enough places at one time to intercept every dingy and skiff that pounces out from the shoreline.

People think "pirates" and they imagine some group of thugs who live out at sea but a lot of these "pirates" are simply land based raiders covering short distances before boarding vessels and taking over.

Mercs are absolutely the solution and keep these ships safe for a fraction of the costs of piracy insurance, not to mention they protect lives that might be lost during the initial hostilities of a traditional hijacking or if hostages are later executed to make a point. The trouble is in how to bring a ship into port when not only do different nations have different gun laws but quite often the ports themselves have weapons laws that are even more restrictive. You'd think a treaty would be banged out to protect commerce and the people involved but we all know eagerly the UN and the rest of the globalists are so very keen on the idea of ultra-masculine warriors killing scum without the all important uniform of a nation state. [/sarc]

Here's a video of some ship mercs "warning" some pirates into Davy Jones' locker.

Seems Captain Slowpoke was a little late on calling the warning shots and so it all just defaulted to "hose 'em".

As for the idea that these are just downtrodden fisherman fighting back against the man, sorry but that's marxist nonsense. What does the average Somali fisherman make per year multiplied by the years he would work? I can guarantee you it's not in the "tens of millions" range that these guys are demanding. If they were asking for 50k to retire on a fisherman's wage for the fish they were robbed of then they would have my total sympathy and that of the world. The reality is that these operations are funding trips for warlords, islamic and otherwise.

There's a good article about it here:

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

What do we get out of Africa?

Perhaps this is where you and I will disagree, but I think things do stabilize and reach and equilibrium if you don't fuck with them. When I said "Leave Africa alone" I literally meant every nation should just step back and let them do their own thing.

Don't import coca-cola. Let em develop their own domestic brands.

Don't import dura-cell, Let em come up with their own battery brands.

Let the cream of the crop come up with domestic solutions to unique African problems. If enough people die from something someone eventually figures shit out if you incentivize figuring shit out instead of relying on someone else ( a richer nation). "Necessity is the mother" and all that.

Stable dictatorship develops? Look the other way. Let him stay there and keep it stable. Libya was run by a psychopath but at least he kept shit tight.

American/Western ideals flourish in some African countries and prove themselves to be stable? Great! Help em and welcome em into the 21st century but don't go out of your way to elevate them.

Of course, my naive vision will never happen as long as you have the money-grubbing Chinese and the power-hungry Ruskies out there willing to step in and enable the corruption as they see fit but you get the gist of what I'm saying.

I do agree with you and I do think that as long as other countries are fucking around with Africa that places like USA may as well get in on the action as well. China is making bases there so USA may as well do the same to maintain our sphere of influence. The game is escalating and we have to keep up.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

What do we get out of Africa?

The African people are developing a consciousness and it will not be long before we resist the powers that be and bite the hands that try to tame us - both foreign powers (wherever they are from, not just the West) and the African elites who exploit them.

We will come out of no where and take a place at the table as a Great Power. The world will be shocked, seeing this dirty poor place suddenly become mighty.

We will be like the Mongolians of old - coming from dirt poor poverty, but we will seize greatness and resteer the course of history. The time of Africa is coming. The naysayers can laugh all they like.

I believe this. I see it starting. That's why I've chosen to stay in Africa. This is going to be a great place to live in, maybe not in time for me but for future generations. The dark ages are coming to a close. The only problem I foresee Africa will end up having to fight off illegal European immigrants who want a piece of the action (again). They must come in legally.

Y'all talk like Africa will never be anything but a helpless pile of dirt, but I'm on the ground and I see people taking hold of their destiny and I am excited for the future. There are still a lot of problems, but we are now in a position to figure stuff out. It's fine to have supposedly insurmountable challenges. You have to wander through the desert to reach the promised land. Iron must be forged in fire. It will make us better in the long run.

It's going to be amazing. The naysayers can nay say all they like, but I believe in Africa.

What do we get out of Africa?

^ I believe you.

I think we can help the situation by not involving them in our western power struggles. Let them do their thing and they will.

I've met many africans abroad and they've always been pretty impressive and intelligent people. Growing up, I had many neighbors from Nigeria and other spots and they were always very intelligent. I don't think of africans as any less than myself. I'm a black man myself and I don't throw stones because the black american situation is fucked up.

My whole point was that Africans will do their thing when left alone. It may not be what the west or the east wants but it'll be something once they get it together (and it looks like they are getting it together). Just the other day I ran into some people from Kenya running businesses in China. They were all just as intelligent as I am and spoke a few more languages than I do.

I regularly patronize the online store of a dude from Sudan who bounced, learned mandarin and set himself up nicely in china catering to foreigners who want a Halal butcher. Without him I'd be 10 pounds lighter and a lot more pissed off. I need my beef.

I have no hate for Africa or Africans, quite the opposite.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

What do we get out of Africa?

The 3rd Annual Nigerian Email Conference


Like most Nigerians, you're probably finding that it's increasingly difficult to earn a decent living from email. That's why you need to attend the 3rd Annual Nigerian EMail Conference.

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- Dr. Collins Mbadiwe

paging Quintus...

What do we get out of Africa?

Holy fuck, I spent some time reading that DRC thread on the overland forum and some other places (Yukon, Alaska, etc). Man, that was an adventure especially with his wife along. Somewhere along the way I was expecting some african men cucking him down and taking advantage of his wife. He doesn't lift, wears crocs, and looks nerdy. Mad props for his adventure. Some of those passageways look so narrow that it's a feat his LandCruiser managed to cross.

The most interesting part of all of this:


We did meet a few interesting people though. A teacher from the local school came to see us. It was a math teacher. He had heard that I am a computer engineer. He had a question for me. He had heard about Internet and how it was such an interesting tool. But what is Internet exactly? I asked if they had computer here. They did not. He knew there were computers and Internet in Kikwit, but that is several hundreds of kilometers from here.

[Image: mindblown.gif]

There are people out there who have never seen a computer or much less know what the interwebs is. Hopefully all the guys that complain about smartphones, online game, and girls being on Tinder/SA can take note and head out to Congo's BFE villages and drop some game. They'll be swooping dimes left and right. For reals though, That reminds me of the time I first learned what a computer was back in 1997. That's some wild shit right there.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

"May get ugly at times. But we get by. Real Niggas never die." - cdr

Follow the Rustler on Twitter | Telegram: CattleRustler

Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

What do we get out of Africa?

Quote: (01-26-2017 09:16 PM)Fortis Wrote:  

To be fair, wasn't a lot of Somalian piracy caused by waste-dumping in that ocean by other nations? I imagine those pirates were once fisherman who had boats but no fish due to pollution and decided to put those boats (and some rifles) to use.

But of course, the official Establishment answer [Image: dodgy.gif] : Those poor Somalian pirates were once brave, nice fishermen, but White-Man (well, mostly Chinese in reality) big fishing ships have depleted the stock of available fishes, so these poor people had to start kidnapping and murdering for a living...

Yeah sure, everything is the fault of Civilization, business and industry. [Image: tard.gif]

Anyway, using MSM and Establishment logic, if tomorrow I lose my job, I would be entitled to take up arms and become a pirate or a local Mad-Max roaming the streets?

Like, if globalization leads to the factory in my city being closed, then it'd be OK for me to start hijacking cars with a kalash?? Except, as a (so-called) "Caucasian", I wouldn't be allowed to do so. Hollywood would not make teary-eyed movies about my pledge...

What do we get out of Africa?

Quote: (01-26-2017 10:13 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2017 06:59 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

Somalian pirates make a living from the stupidity and political-correctness of the Globalized world.

Because, Political-Correctness is the only reason why big container boats themselves, or patrolling Navy ships, are not allowed to shoot and kill Somalian pirates (in legitimate defense) with real weapons: because it would look bad on (MSM) TV screens, to see Black (pirates) killed.

So, the Establishment prefers to give tens of millions of usd to these monstrous, medieval Somalian criminals, rather than dealing with them like the West should: by giving warning shots, then if required, shooting them all for good. Problem solved, and sunk.

The navy simply cannot be in enough places at one time to intercept every dingy and skiff that pounces out from the shoreline.

People think "pirates" and they imagine some group of thugs who live out at sea but a lot of these "pirates" are simply land based raiders covering short distances before boarding vessels and taking over.

Mercs are absolutely the solution and keep these ships safe for a fraction of the costs of piracy insurance, not to mention they protect lives that might be lost during the initial hostilities of a traditional hijacking or if hostages are later executed to make a point. The trouble is in how to bring a ship into port when not only do different nations have different gun laws but quite often the ports themselves have weapons laws that are even more restrictive. You'd think a treaty would be banged out to protect commerce and the people involved but we all know eagerly the UN and the rest of the globalists are so very keen on the idea of ultra-masculine warriors killing scum without the all important uniform of a nation state. [/sarc]

Here's a video of some ship mercs "warning" some pirates into Davy Jones' locker.

Seems Captain Slowpoke was a little late on calling the warning shots and so it all just defaulted to "hose 'em".

As for the idea that these are just downtrodden fisherman fighting back against the man, sorry but that's marxist nonsense. What does the average Somali fisherman make per year multiplied by the years he would work? I can guarantee you it's not in the "tens of millions" range that these guys are demanding. If they were asking for 50k to retire on a fisherman's wage for the fish they were robbed of then they would have my total sympathy and that of the world. The reality is that these operations are funding trips for warlords, islamic and otherwise.

There's a good article about it here:

Interesting answer, certainly. I nevertheless might disagree with some parts of your answer.

First of all, unless I am mistaken, a boat, any boat, is her own jurisdiction; I mean, you can have guns on your boat as you wish, considering that your boat, like a plane, answers to the laws of the country whose flag it is flying (registered under)...? Why would a foreign port authority search your boat, without cause and in any case, without proper jurisdictional rights? Yes, I have heard they do it, I wonder under what laws?

Also, a container boat is so huge, how could anyone find half a dozen of automatic weapons, plus a RPG launcher, hidden within its bowels?

As to the Navy which cannot be everywhere at the same time, well, it is true of course, but, all it'd take is, a couple of pirate-boats sunken, and all the other ones would understand, and start looking for another job.

We just need a couple of Western Navy boats to shoot (within the normal law of the sea, after warning shots) well-aimed shells, and Somalian waters will be tamed forever.

Also, the Lampedusa problem would be sorted, at the same time. The shells would be a clear sign to all invaders and pirates: "White-Man" (as they see us, well, sometimes, truth be told, replacing Man by Devil) is back, the fuck-feast is over, stay in Africa and work for a better life!

What do we get out of Africa?

Quote: (01-27-2017 06:16 AM)Going strong Wrote:  


Interesting answer, certainly. I nevertheless might disagree with some parts of your answer.

First of all, unless I am mistaken, a boat, any boat, is her own jurisdiction; I mean, you can have guns on your boat as you wish, considering that your boat, like a plane, answers to the laws of the country whose flag it is flying (registered under)...? Why would a foreign port authority search your boat, without cause and in any case, without proper jurisdictional rights? Yes, I have heard they do it, I wonder under what laws?

Also, a container boat is so huge, how could anyone find half a dozen of automatic weapons, plus a RPG launcher, hidden within its bowels?

As to the Navy which cannot be everywhere at the same time, well, it is true of course, but, all it'd take is, a couple of pirate-boats sunken, and all the other ones would understand, and start looking for another job.

We just need a couple of Western Navy boats to shoot (within the normal law of the sea, after warning shots) well-aimed shells, and Somalian waters will be tamed forever.

Also, the Lampedusa problem would be sorted, at the same time. The shells would be a clear sign to all invaders and pirates: "White-Man" (as they see us, well, sometimes, truth be told, replacing Man by Devil) is back, the fuck-feast is over, stay in Africa and work for a better life!

The area is simply too large and the rewards too great to dissuade some Africans, for whom life is cheap, to take their chances. On the minuscule chance a military vessel finds a likely pirate vessel the pirates see the military ship and toss their weapons over the opposite side of the boat. The navy boards the vessel and finds no evidence. But let's say for argument's sake they arrested them all anyway. When there's tens of millions US dollars on the line there will be no shortage of guys willing to take their place. The odds are actually pretty good, and a whole lot better than dying in some rag-tag militia war over a few acres back on dry land.

On the other note, I don't imagine that mercenaries hiding the weapons (while viable) is something the straight and narrow types are interested in doing. And while the ships might be sovereign in a sense they are still bound by relevant treaties and whatnot. You couldn't park a British freighter in a Swedish dock and use it as a floating meth lab for example. You still have to follow the laws and corporate mentality simply does not seem to extend to breaking those kinds of laws.

Obviously it's being carried out on some level. There are ways to get around it I'm sure. But the practice needs to be standardised, which is not unreasonably hard to do if you simply make a catch-all treaty that says no weapons are to be removed from the boats while in port.

Unfortunately we all know how sensible certain political groups are when it comes to "common sense gun control".

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

What do we get out of Africa?

Africa has a lot of smart people, I work with plenty of bright, hard working Africans. Once GM food is proliferated out there, and they have easy access to cheap fossil fuels, then they'll start to pull their weight. They are already doing a better job of holding onto their smartest people - particularly in places like Botswana. They actually do some pretty good stuff given the opportunity - the GSM networks out there are, in many countries, better than they are here in the UK. They need proper nutrition and access to the modcons we take for granted, and then I think you'll see a lot of this HBD stuff dismissed as nonsense. They'll need a bit of a helping hand probably, because the climate is so poorly suited to an agrarian society. The best thing people in the west could do is encourage the use of cheap fossil fuels and the development of cheap GM crops. Those two things, proliferated, would transform Africa. They're capable people given the chance.

What do we get out of Africa?

Rhodesia could feed Africa alone many times over.

Kicked whites out.


What do we get out of Africa?

I readed the whole thread some time ago, the trip that couple did was awesome, and paint a pretty bleak picture of the DRC. The thing is, the most succeddfull countris in sub-saharian Africa were managed by white people (SA and Rodhesia), and now one is in ruins, and the other is going to the gutter.

There is hard working and smart people in Africa? Sure, there is people like that everywhere in the world, but for Africa to reach development levels like Thomas the Rhymer mentioned, it will take one or two centuries of a stable line of good leaders, economic bonanza and a serious industralization (or a global scale incident that leaves the continen unescathed somehow). I am sure that in my lifetime i will not see "illegal european inmigrants" going to Africa.

"What is important is to try to develop insights and wisdom rather than mere knowledge, respect someone's character rather than his learning, and nurture men of character rather than mere talents." - Inazo Nitobe

When i´m feeling blue, when i just need something to shock me up, i look at this thread and everything get better!

Letters from the battlefront: Argentina

What do we get out of Africa?

Quote: (01-26-2017 11:42 PM)Thomas the Rhymer Wrote:  

It's going to be amazing. The naysayers can nay say all they like, but I believe in Africa.

Optimism costs next to nothing, and can pay big dividends. Pessimism has a high continual outlay, and if it turns out the pessimist was right and worst comes to worst, "the pawn and the king both go back in the same box", anyway.

What do we get out of Africa?

Quote: (01-27-2017 12:45 PM)XPQ22 Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2017 11:42 PM)Thomas the Rhymer Wrote:  

It's going to be amazing. The naysayers can nay say all they like, but I believe in Africa.

Optimism costs next to nothing, and can pay big dividends. Pessimism has a high continual outlay, and if it turns out the pessimist was right and worst comes to worst, "the pawn and the king both go back in the same box", anyway.

Not to discount the power of optimism, but poor Africans already tend to be the optimistic people on earth. Most of them seem to think that God has a special plan for their lives and that they will be rich and happy tomorrow, or the day after next. Which, in 99.9 percent of cases, they won't. Optimism is no substitute for a plan and hard work.

What do we get out of Africa?

Quote: (01-26-2017 05:20 PM)rottenapple Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2017 04:40 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2017 03:41 PM)Ringo Wrote:  

Quote: (01-26-2017 12:58 PM)Mekorig Wrote:  

There was this travel forum were an european couple (i think they were from Holland) went in a Land Rover in the DRC from Lubumbashi (i think) to Kinsasa. These were people with some travel experience, and from their interaction with the locals, and from what they told when speaking with other western there (missioners, etc), i have little hope for the black african people.

PD: They are belgian! Here is the link to their trip:

Great link. I'm on page 6 and can't stop reading.

Having said that... I don't get the motivation for such a trip. I'm stressed out reading it, I can't imagine living it, specially with a girl by your side. God knows what would happen if your car broke in the middle of nowhere. They've had some close calls already and it's still like Day 5.

Pros: see cool shit, have a unique travel story, enjoy great moments
Cons: death, rape, robbery, mutilation, etc.

Some people really push their luck.


"Donnez moi de l'argent"

Josephine asked the mob why they were asking us money

"Vous êtes blanc" - "You are white"

I´m at page 43, really insane story, it gives a good insight though on the misery and mentality of the people there and off the country and large parts of the continent in general.


We came across a truck that was parked in the middle of the track. Luckily the surrounding area was pretty open, so we could pass it.

Us: "Bonjour, ca va?" - "Hi, how are you?"
- Them: "Ca va un peu bien " - "I am doing a little bit ok" -> typical Congelese answer this!

Us: "Votre vehicle est en panne?" - "Did you truck broke down?"
- Them: "Oui, mais ils vient avec des nouveaux pièces" - "Yes, but they are coming with spare parts"

So we chat a bit and we ask what their problem exactly was. They left Ilebo for Kananga with a load of building materials for a rich guy in Kananga. Their engine had completely seized. Their cargo was transferred onto another truck and they had taken the engine out and transported the engine to Kinshasa to get it rebuild. In the meantime the truck 'crew' stayed onsite to safeguard the truck. But they were very happy as they just received news that the necessary parts for the engine were now ordered in Germany, so the parts would come arrive in Kinshasa in a few weeks time!

A fascinating story, and they told it as if the was the most normal thing in the world. Fair enough. We said our goodbyes and asked them one more final question. How long had they been here?

"Un peu plus qu'un an maintenant" - "Just over a year"


[Image: raw]

What do we get out of Africa?

Before the first Europeans arrived there the wheel wasn't even invented in large parts. The contact to the west benefitted the continent as a whole a lot.

What do we get out of Africa?

This thread is another excuse to air grievances and resentment. The OP had zero plans to learn and had already made up his mind before he opened this thread.

What do we get out of Africa?

Trump is president now, so he is not going to have any interest in offering financial assistance to Africa. Soon, this kind of resentment from Americans would end, since whatever assistance the USA is giving "Africa" would end. African countries would be compelled to look inwards to solve their problem when the so-called free money stops coming...

What do we get out of Africa?

Trump is president now, so he is not going to have any interest in offering financial assistance to Africa. Soon, this kind of resentment from Americans would end, since whatever assistance the USA is giving "Africa" would end. African countries would be compelled to look inwards to solve their problem when the so-called free money stops coming...

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