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Dominant lifestyle

Dominant lifestyle

I'm not talking S+M necessarily. I'm talking more about dudes who are like spiders. Slowly devouring their prey item in their web.

I personally have a bad taste in my mouth for words like alpha and dominant because I was into many community schools of thought
and it took me a very long time to learn that certain cults in the community are marketing bullshit. They have NOTHING to do with
having any sort of real world power and dominance over women. It's all filler and fluff and carefully executed manipulation of the clients
To keep them insecure and paying for products and bootcamps.

Time in the field will enlighten you as to how crafty women can be and how detached they can be from the guys they deal with. I
See this from a point of view of clinical detachment. You can act as alpha and dominating as you want to, she's always going to
be in ultimate control of her actions UNTIL you hit those soft spots in her personality. She will straight up pretend to be dominated
by you and even fuck you just to amp your ego up. It's a game they play with all guys and forever because it's how they are trained
To deal with men. "make him think he's the boss but you're actually running the show." It's Dominance by feigned submission.
It's a classic manipulation tactic that comes naturally to people who are inclined towards subtle ways of dealing with things.

I personally go for submissive women because after a long time of trying to do all kinds of other things I figured out that if you want
to behave in certain ways, have certain kinds of relationships and all that, that you need to pick the right girls. Then you go through
A grooming and training process. It's slow. It's methodical. It requires a bit of discipline.

In all actuality all you're doing is making the girls be who they actually are. That's what seduction really is. You are making girls
do and feel what they actually deep down want to do and feel. If she's acting in ways she usually doesn't then you know you
Are seducing her. If she's doing those things then she's always wanted to do them. This is why I say sex isn't really seduction.
Girls have sex all the time. And yeah leading a girl down a familiar and beaten behavioral path of whatever it takes to make
her fall is part of it, but I say seduction has two faces but is the same coin.

For instance, a girl will give you all the information you need to seduce her. If she's willingly giving up deep info quickly about her
parents and private life then all you have to do is act like her father and give her a small taste of what he never did give her. Just
A peek. Small doses and then take it away until she gives you some of what you want, then you condition her to give you what you
want in exchange. It's a lot of the familiar (her father) with some of the new (whatever he didn't do or wasn't and that she's looking

Of course, being dominant also requires boldness and strong setting of boundaries. Yeah I will admit that I violate girls boundaries while
insisting that mine be respected, and I flip their objections to this as them being ignorant. Basically, I just violate their boundaries and
Justify it so that it makes sense to them and even to the point where they think they are wrong.

All in all, I start off violating a girls boundaries. Unapologetically. If she sticks around at all, I know I've got her. Anything less than ignoring
me or a firm and solid enforcement of the boundaries let's me know that she's open to influence. Any hint of weakness and I know she's
a goner. I start off saying something a little rude or a little too sexual or a little over the top, because I'm not there to be a perfect gentleman
Who gets half assed privileges. I'm there to run the entire show. I'm there to see if she's going to allow me to do what I want now, so I can
do what I want later. Then after the initial "shit tests" I figure out what kind of girl she is. Usually the initial shit tests tell me what she's like.
To me these are clues. And when I "pass" the tests I do so honestly and with balls, and if she appreciates that then I know I've got a good
candidate. Why? Because if she doesn't like a man with balls and who speaks his mind, she's either too dominant or full of shit or both. I am
not interested at that point. Passing with balls means that whatever she tries to hit me with I'll tell her exactly what I think about it and how
what she's doing is bullshit. I will be in full control of the conversation and I will change the subject right away after I establish my identity.
So now after I became this dominant male in her mind I have to toe the line and keep it up, but since I'm not acting I don't have to keep it
Up! Just relentlessly do what I want and train her from the very first step. I'm not gaming her. I'm learning about her and learning how to
operate her like a machine. I have to know where everything is. The more I know the better. A dominant man who seems interested in her
life is a great guy to be. She'll open up and give you all the keys. So far you know she's submissive and has poor boundaries. What else can
You find out? As you learn more tell her things about herself that she already knows. It makes everything seem ephemeral and destined.

Subconsciously women have an opinion of themselves. If you can treat them in the way they treat themselves AND also give them what
They are lacking in a controlled and deliberate manner, you own the fucking woman. If she thinks she's a piece of shit you can make her
Into whatever you want her to be, as long as it's something "bad" and within her current character. This is all about working her over, you
Gotta work her over and make her fit your needs like a glove, and for that you need to be very intune into the right channels.

This is where I totally see how the cults out there are bullshit in this community. They tell you to be this weird guy who's all into the Buddha
Or something. To be a "good guy". Personally that's a self defeating mentality because this isn't tuning you into what you really need to know.

What you really need is balls and the ability to see people for who and what they are. If you have the desire to have submissive sluts at your
Beckoned call then it's fun, rewarding and at times challenging. To me it's actually the most sensible thing you can do. Telling you things like
What these cults and these idiots on those horrible forums tell you is counterproductive. You can't be this guy who is all airy fairy trying to
Be good all the time AND a good player and dominator of women. That's not how it works. Either you're a "good guy" or a "bad guy". It's matter of
Degrees. I think most community guys are actually "bad guys" who suck at being bad guys. They are still bad guys though. Real "good guys"
don't mind being taken advantage of by women or raising some other guys kids or any of the dozens of things community guys are trying to
Avoid. Good guys actually have it in them to suffer through humiliation in the name of "love". I don't think guys who are online generally fit this
pattern, they know it's wrong (for them). They may stray due to ignorance but the instincts to want to live a life of winning and not losing are
In them.

I'm not saying you're a bad person, what I'm saying is that these mechanisms that the cults are using to make you feel okay about gaming and
Simultaneously using to keep you misinformed and looking for answers are a fucking fairy tale. It's poison. Real "game" in the sense of having
Relationships as an "alpha" or a dominant man is only about violating the woman's boundaries, taking over her mind and doing what you want
With her while also not needing her or "it" to happen. It's about picking the right targets for your purposes and doing what you have to do to get
It done. It's a way of life and not some mask or suit you wear on weekends.

I enjoy this forum so far and reading the posts because there's more realism here. There isn't much talk of this save the world pie in the sky cult
shit. This is more real and hardcore down and dirty. I'll admit I really am not a PUA fan and haven't been for a while but I'm here to share my
Stories and knowledge and perhaps to learn something as well from the seasoned players.

Dominant lifestyle

You actually get it, just remember in the game women do the choosing. Were all preselected by women before we even approach or speak with them. Some men get it and go far in the game. Some men dont get it and struggle in the game. Majority of the people on the forum dont get it because there to left brain. There is also a metaphysical side to the game... Like attracts like. Hot guys attract hot girls, feminine guys attract masculine women, and etc.

Dominant lifestyle

Quote: (01-08-2017 05:19 PM)kartik13 Wrote:  

You actually get it, just remember in the game women do the choosing. Were all preselected by women before we even approach or speak with them. Some men get it and go far in the game. Some men dont get it and struggle in the game. Majority of the people on the forum dont get it because there to left brain. There is also a metaphysical side to the game... Like attracts like. Hot guys attract hot girls, feminine guys attract masculine women, and etc.

You sound like you come from one of the cults I'm talking about, but a non-pua cult. You sound like Player Supreme or one of his guys.

I don't get into the metaphysical stuff because I'm too right brained as it is, and that knocks me off course. I need to ground myself in the practical (not necessarily the logical) to function at my best. It's like the intelligence that females have (using both left and right hemispheres of the brain), that helps me in life. Women are not dumb unlike what guys in the community think. They are emotional which is both their strength and weakness.

Women do the choosing, sure. To that I say to aspiring players and all that, let the fact that women do the choosing empower you rather than bother you.

I think your "hot goes with hot" and "feminine goes with masculine" statements do have a lot of merit but it's not that black and white. I don't see hot guys with hot girls most of the time, I'm sorry. It's just not the case. What I see are jocks and tough guys with hot girls, and most of them aren't good looking. The pretty boys I see are mostly downgrading to be honest. As far as masculine women? I usually don't see them with any guys to be honest, maybe a girl or two, but guys? Not commonly seen by me unless theres another feminine girl there and it's threesome time or someshit. I don't see weak, passive, feminine males with any women, even masculine women. I have seen one case of a masculine woman who was being punked around by an even more masculine man who didn't give a fuck about anything except lifting weights and talking shit, and the girl chased him for a long time. Then again, to me masculine women are genetic freaks with different hormonal profile than all the other women. I think they'd fuck anything if it excites them to be honest.

At the end of the day, masculine men do in fact get all kinds of women but there is a strong preference for submissive, feminine women I do agree with that.

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