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Name One Thing Manosphere Guys HATE That You Generally LIKE

Name One Thing Manosphere Guys HATE That You Generally LIKE

AB that was fuckin poetry.

Name One Thing Manosphere Guys HATE That You Generally LIKE

Moving past the player stage and learning more about fatherhood and marriage.

Name One Thing Manosphere Guys HATE That You Generally LIKE

Romcoms and soapies. No homo.

Don't debate me.

Name One Thing Manosphere Guys HATE That You Generally LIKE

Quote: (08-02-2016 04:14 AM)AnonymousBosch Wrote:  

^Fantastic post, BTK.

[Image: tumblr_mt8v5vlntw1rk6ce9o1_250.jpg]

I hate do admit... but a couple of my longest and closest friends are kinda losers but I still support them and keep them close. I don't really let their bullshit drag me and my life down, but I am more than willing to get involved and help them out if asked.

They aren't insufferable beta chumps who will cut me out of their lives for some shit female, but they are both almost 30 and haven't done shit with their lives or amounted to anything, and have a habit of getting wrapped up with loser females that ruin their shit.

Good news is, I believe they are both on the cusp of smartening the fuck up, and both have plans to leave the area we all grew up in and come across the country with me to rebuild their lives. I think this would be beneficial for both of them, one of them most specifically.

Name One Thing Manosphere Guys HATE That You Generally LIKE

Quote: (08-02-2016 04:01 AM)The Black Knight Wrote:  

... snip. Exceptional relatable experience...snip

The disappearing act is all too common, I have experienced it before, with my friend Peter.

The worst one was my own brother; the entire family committed 98% of our inheritance, 401k, savings, etc to help him and his family out of a very tough spot(including serious jail time.). My second brother's business went under just to save his ass. My own stock options, 401k, savings, and inheritance was also committed to help him, i have to start over from basically zero. My father also did the same. Our home went into foreclosure only and only because to help him; because family comes first.

While my brother is eternally grateful and evidently racked with guilt because of all these sacrifices that his family made for him. His UNIMAGINABLY CUNT of a wife is another issue entirely. She seems possessed with such irrational envy, jealousy and resentment, of the fact that we as a family, are willing to go to great length for her husband.

She does whatever she can to isolate her husband(my bother) from us(his family)-- starting all sorts of crazy, unexplainable, utterly disrespectful drama. Not just with us(his family), she does the same with ALL OF HIS FRIENDS. Including close members of his church and his pastor that my brother has known for decades. The worst thing, my brother bends over backwards to accommodate her. She has pretty much destroy all his close relationships and friendships; people that have been there for him in his darkest hour of need, people he has known years before he even met this VILE CUNT. This shit went on for 10 years. Finally, 2 years ago, I made it clear I don't want to associate with him or her anymore. It is too much of a mental, financial, and physical drain. Some multitude of sins are unforgivable.

Oh yeah, If you need her help or my brother's help for the smallest of things; she will do everything in her power to block and sabotage it. I have never met such a VILE CUNT in my life. You have to cut your losses, even if they are close family member you love dearly.

People that cannot control their disrespectful wife, I have made it a habit of aggressively getting them out of my life.

I have a another friend(let us call him "K___") with a controlling wife; she likes to tell him who he can associate with or not. In our case, she tells him how many feet I can come near the house when I am to meet him; How many minutes he is allowed to associate with me during this visit. Whenever she is feeling kind and generous, she will allow me to come into the house, but I can only enter the kitchen and only the kitchen; and sometimes, just the living room and no more. All sorts of demeaning nonsense, as if I am a dog with flees. Mind you, my friend is the one that bought the house. This is his house. She likes to use me as a clubbing wedge to beat him over the head. He will arrange all these clandestine hanging out time with me in the hope that his wife will not found out. This shit went on for slightly over a year.

To me this shit is just too demeaning, so I put an end to it; I decided to keep my distance, and I also explained the reasons why I did that. Naturally, he starts rationalizes and aggressively defended his wife.

So I wrote this back to him:


I understand your instinct to defend your wife. It is only natural, after-all she is your wife.

But it is the inherent nature of women to try and control the men in their lives. A woman will try and control what her man eats, they will try and tell their husband who his friends should be, and all other silly little things.

Your wife absolutely doesn't want me around you; that is why she always calling you over and over and over again whenever you are hanging out with me. I am willing to bet that she doesn't call you that many times when you are at work.

Whenever I am spending time with my other friends, their wives does not call every other minute. A___'s wife doesnt do that; R___'s wife doesn't do that; T___'s wife doesn't do that; A___'s wife doesn't do that; J___'s wife doesn't do that. I can go on. I have a basis of comparison to compare your wife's behavior.

Besides, I have been to A___'s house, R___'s house, J___'s house, A___'s house, B___'s house, and a few others. Their wives does not tell me that, If I want to see their husband, I can only come a few feet to their house and no more. Or that I can only stay on the front porch or that they are only giving their husband 10 minutes to talk to me. Your wife doesn't want me around it is as simple as that. So she look for some ridiculous reasons to do that. And I have too much self respect and manly pride, so I stay away and simply mind my own business. If a person doesn't want me around, I simply walk away.

The very last time I was at your house(we went to your mom's place; that was my first time meeting your stepfather and smoking cigarette with him. We watched some soccer on youtube, and subsequently traveled to West Valley to meet your friend Antoine). I remember your wife crying and going to the bathroom to cry, simply because you insisted on me entering your house. It was on that day that I made up my mind to stay away and not cause any more drama between the two of you. For her to go to the bathroom and started crying because her husband(you) insisted that I(your friend) enter his house, that shows me just how much your wife really, really dislike me. Anyways, that was the day I made that decision.

I am writing this to let you know why I have kept my distance. Because in the past, I used to call and come over to meet you all the time. But your wife doesn't want me around, so I have to respect myself and keep away.

Happy holidays,


K__ replied back, asking me if I now dislike him because of this or that, etcetera, etcetera.


I told him, absolutely not. But I still have to stay away. I am not going to put him in a situation where he needs to chose between his friend and his wife. (Like his wife is forcing him to); I am also not going to be engaged in some demeaning gymnastics where I am treated like a dog with flees. Just to be clear my respect and appreciation for me, I also mentioned all the times he has been there for me and how much I appreciate it.

I replied back:


No K___, you will always be a good friend. If you need anything that I can do, just let me know. I am dead serious. You are a completely different person from your wife.

You have been there for me on multiple occasions. I remember when you helped me bought a car(you were living in Allenville, and I was working at Attenburg), you drove to pick me up at North Branch's train station... it was snowing heavily that day.... you picked me up and also paid for the car(I later refunded your money, of course).

But the important thing is that you drove me to pick up the car, and loaned me the money for the car... you then helped pay for the the gasoline to filled up the car, on top of that, you gave me an extra $100... because I haven't yet been paid at work(I just started the job in Attenburg that time).

It doesn't matter that I later refunded all of this money back to you. What matter is that I was in need and you were there for me. To me this is what matters. These are things I never forget.

Same with when I was working at International B____ and I____ in Maytown right after college; this was before I had my own car .... I remember when you will drove from Sommerwick to pick me up there, and drove me to George Park where I was living.... I was taking the taxicab back and forth, which was expensive. You will volunteer to drive me back from work to save me money. I remember all these things, and they all mean a lot to me. I don't forget all the good things that others did for me.

You also tried to get me a job at your previous company(where they were doing animal testing; some celebrities protested the company)....

When I had unpaid red-light ticket and Levingworth police officers pulled me over.... you volunteered to drive TWO hours to Levingworth jail( where they were keeping me) just to pay the ticket and let me go... luckily, you didnt have to do that... because the Police officers allowed to get out and get money from the ATM.(something they initially refused to do at first).... But the fact that you were willing to drive TWO hours to pay my ticket means a lot to me.....

When I injured my knee and I was bedridden, you drove to where I used to live in Arktown; and helped me to get into the car with my crutches, and took me to Bay York and the harbor to get some fresh air; you brought over drinks to meet me. You insisted that I have been bedridden in the house for months, that I need to get some fresh air... It was a very kind thing to do.

I can go on and on.... I don't forget people's good deeds.

You are a really good friend. Regardless of whatever happens, these things I don't forget.

If you need anything that I can do for you, let me know.



Women have a way of destroying good things:friendships, civilizations, etc.

Unfortunately, you just have to move on for your self respect, sanity and emotional wellbeing.



Name One Thing Manosphere Guys HATE That You Generally LIKE

Quote: (08-03-2016 10:13 AM)General Stalin Wrote:  

...Good news is, I believe they are both on the cusp of smartening the fuck up, and both have plans to leave the area we all grew up in and come across the country with me to rebuild their lives. I think this would be beneficial for both of them, one of them most specifically.

Call me cynical or jaded. 10000% doubt that they will follow through. More likely, they will backslide at the last moment, that is after you've gotten your hopes up and invested considerably amount(financial or emotional or physical) well-being into this.

It is not that they are intentionally leading you on only to backslide at the last minute; it is just that there is a gulf between what they really want to do and what they are capable of doing.

Just ask yourself: Are any of these people the kind that always follow through on their great plans in the past? Especially, if these plans are life changing directions? If the answer is not a resounding "YES"; forget it.


Name One Thing Manosphere Guys HATE That You Generally LIKE

So many heartfelt gamma war stories.

Sometimes this forum is therapy of the best kind.

Therapy being another of the things the Manosphere hates that does have its place.

(Fucking Bosch, sees my street metaphor and raises me spider.)

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Name One Thing Manosphere Guys HATE That You Generally LIKE

[Image: 18e8va.jpg]

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Name One Thing Manosphere Guys HATE That You Generally LIKE

Quote: (08-03-2016 10:36 AM)Herr Lucifer Wrote:  

Quote: (08-03-2016 10:13 AM)General Stalin Wrote:  

...Good news is, I believe they are both on the cusp of smartening the fuck up, and both have plans to leave the area we all grew up in and come across the country with me to rebuild their lives. I think this would be beneficial for both of them, one of them most specifically.

Call me cynical or jaded. 10000% doubt that they will follow through. More likely, they will backslide at the last moment, that is after you've gotten your hopes up and invested considerably amount(financial or emotional or physical) well-being into this.

It is not that they are intentionally leading you on only to backslide at the last minute; it is just that there is a gulf between what they really want to do and what they are capable of doing.

Just ask yourself: Are any of these people the kind that always follow through on their great plans in the past? Especially, if these plans are life changing directions? If the answer is not a resounding "YES"; forget it.


Yeah I'm not holding any reservations of their actual commitment. I have no investment in them actually coming out here, but this is more of a "we'll see" scenario. All I'm saying is, if they actually do go through with it, it will have an impact on their lives. Simply moving out of their backyards and away from all the losers they know and have associated with all their lives will make a huge difference in their day-to-day lives.

The friend who would benefit the most from it has been floundering for months and months now with excuse after excuse why he can't make the move at the moment. I tell him over and over again he doesn't need to convince me because I could care less - I already live here and it affects me 0% if he never comes out here. Like I said, we'll see.

But, case in point, supporting loser friends.

Name One Thing Manosphere Guys HATE That You Generally LIKE

What's a Gamma?

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

Name One Thing Manosphere Guys HATE That You Generally LIKE

Here's one I was thinking of today.

Often times it's espoused that we should fight to change what is seen as "the collapse" or merely social decay. From my readings, it's clear to me that others in bygone eras have noted the same trends that we've noted here and yet things collapsed anyways (ancient Greece, Rome for starters). I think at the point we're at now, most large scale "victories" are merely pyrrhic victories (Brexit has surprised me, as has the ascension of non-traditional politicians, but time will tell). I think the take away from studying history and the cycles of civilizations is to know where we're at and where we're going in the short and long-term, not to necessarily try to change anything. It's like shooting or trying to hit a homerun (or a "six" for our British Commonwealth counterparts). You don't aim for where your target is, you aim for where it's going to be. Everything is cyclical, I don't think there is a use in fighting it on a large scale, just do what you can for yourself and those that matter to you on the small scale to stay a step ahead.

We start life off wearing diapers and if we're lucky to live long enough, we end up back in diapers.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

Name One Thing Manosphere Guys HATE That You Generally LIKE


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