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Masculine Activities for Gaming

Masculine Activities for Gaming

We had a thread about activities that turn women off (anime, stamp collecting, etc).

I grew up with a single mother, so I wasn't exposed to any masculine activities. Thankfully, my best friend's dad (who everyone called a sexist pig and loved anyway), made sure to include me on all their adventures. Later in life, I realize that I don't like spending time in clubs and bars. I find that masculine activities are the most fun, and help you get a bunch of chicks.

Here are some masculine activities that are easy to get into:

- BJJ / MMA / Kickboxing / Judo. While I do BJJ and Muay Thai, I'm no expert. There is a great thread here on martial arts:


Not a place to meet women, but knowing how to handle yourself in a street fight is immensely helpful and manly.

If you're not eventually sparring with other men, it's not worth your time. The point of martial arts is to be able to kick the shit out of another man (or at the very least get away) if need be.

I once "play sparred" with a plate when she saw the gi in my living room, and we banged like 10 minutes afterwards.

Every man should know how to handle themselves in a fight.

- Hunting / Fishing / Camping. The buy in is relatively low compared to most other things, and the benefits are phenomenal. After a few days in nature you'll feel great.

Works well for gaming. Take a few women out to the woods and show them your ability to setup tents, start fires, and bring food back to the camp site. You'll be banging all night.

That said, I prefer camping with men because women complain the whole time "I'm cold! I saw a bug! I'm a gluten free vegetarian and I don't eat that! Ewww, fish guts! Is that a snake??? OMG!" A bunch of dudes will sit around quietly, smoke cigars, and sip whiskey.

If you bring women out to the woods, remember that they are big children. Bring extra sleeping bags, gay granola bars ("I haven't eaten in 20 minutes and I'm haaangry!"), candy, and a portable phone charger.

Fishing and crabbing are easy to do, and very inexpensive. You can rent a boat for four people and pay about $80 for the entire day.

Same as camping - if you bring women, remember to advise them ahead of time not to wear nice clothes because there will be fish guts all over them.

I wrote a thread about camping, do a search for it if you want to know what you need.

- Crossfit. I did Crossfit for a few years. It's a good workout, and you meet some good people. However, I don't like olympic lifts and it can get kind of cliquey. There are tons of hot chicks in Crossfit gyms, most of whom are fit. After awhile, I simply built a gym in my house, and spend that money on BJJ / MMA. All you need is P90X, a squat rack, some mats, and mirrors. Total cost of a home gym is like $1k - $2k if you have the space.

However, if you're looking to get out of the house, meet some people, and get into shape, Crossfit isn't a bad option. About 80% of Crossfit chicks are hot and in shape.

- Cigar smoking. Pairs well with camping. Humidors are cheap, and it's cool to be able to know more about different cigars. Smoke shops are also places where masculine men tend to congregate. Insanely cheap buy in - go to a cigar shop, pick up a humidor, and buy a variety of cigars. Figure out which ones you like.

- Cooking. Cooking is not feminine. All the best chefs in the world are men. This is the perfect book to get you started:

Has three main functions:

1. You know what's going into your feed, so it keeps you healthy and not fat
2. Nothing is cooler than going out in the woods, catching something, and then turning its heart into a tasty meal
3. Gives you a good excuse to get her over to your place. "I'm making etouffee tonight. Swing by."

The ultimate is going into the woods, hunting something, and then cooking it over cast iron. While drinking coffee from a tin cup on a cold day.

- Guns Watch all your libtard friends cry on Facebook when they see you out in a desert firing AR-15s and AK-47s. Then watch women swoon when you take them out in the desert and show them how it's done.

I have gotten more lays from my gun collection than you would ever believe. Even the most liberal of libtard women swoon over firing guns. I take them to firing ranges, into the mountains, or outdoor ranges.

And there's this:

- Woodworking. Not as difficult as you would think. All you need are some nails, wood, a saw, and measuring tape. Start out with something easy like a planter box and then build other shit. You save money around your house, and end up building some awesome stuff.

My buddy built a headboard and it gets him laid like crazy.

- Classical philosophy and history. Back in the days when men were masculine and noble. The ancient Greeks and Romans laid the foundation for virtuous civilizations. If you want a little bit of fiction but based on real history, read Steven Pressfield.

Almost every single day I find myself saying akin to "Ah, this is like Alcibiades and Lysander..."

Also read the sayings of the Spartans, and learn how to use Laconic wit, as opposed to over communicating. I love responding to texts and emails with one or two words.

- Bike riding. Get a good bike. Riding it is fun and healthy. I pop on my iPod and ride everywhere when it's nice enough. Personally, I ride a racing bike because they're light, fast, and fun. I found my mountain bike to be too heavy, and my cruiser to be too slow.

- Motorcycles / cars. I don't own a motorcycle, but my buddy does and he pulls more woman than anyone I've ever met.

BMWs, luxury cars, whatever. I actually pull a decent amount of tail with my truck, which is built for off-roading (which is what I do).

Women love it when a man is able to fix a car, which I've gotten decent at.

Gardening. Yeah, you read that right. Gardening. It's not for little old ladies. There is something awesome about building a planter box, filling it with real soil, and growing stuff. Tonight I made a salad from escarole, raw beets, tomatoes, and snap peas. Drizzled with apple cider vinegar and a homemade olive oil. Tastes better than anything you would get in a restaurant, and makes you feel great. I wouldn't call myself a "gardner", but having a garden isn't feminine.

I'm sure there are more, but those are the things I like doing. While Joe Simp was on Facebook hoping she responds back or likes his post, I was out trying to beat up other men, lifting weights, and then cooking beef heart.

Masculine Activities for Gaming

I submit for inclusion under cooking, gardening food crops. Ive never known a woman that wasn't moistened by a man that could visibly nurture something with strong experienced hands from seed to maturity. [Edit: Its almost as if being among growing living things launches some kind of fertility script in their heads, Ive had 3 girls "pick from my garden" and all 3 were bangs that night] You could throw out "you pick the side dish from my garden", then you of course give her personalized instruction on selecting the ripest specimen which produces almost effortless kino possibilities. Could be as simple as a tomato or herb plant in a planter, or a square foot garden on a roof or patio, or a 20x20 plot in the backyard. Plus nothing beats a tomato thats less than 5 min off the vine.

Good thread.

Masculine Activities for Gaming

What state are you in where you get to go into the mountains and shoot?
I'll be able to shoot in a few months, I'm decent with rifles and will get handgun training soon too.
I'd like to talk this up once I start shooting

Masculine Activities for Gaming

Quote: (06-27-2016 10:14 PM)toejam Wrote:  

What state are you in where you get to go into the mountains and shoot?
I'll be able to shoot in a few months, I'm decent with rifles and will get handgun training soon too.
I'd like to talk this up once I start shooting

Pennsylvania. We have the most relaxed gun laws in the country.

Masculine Activities for Gaming

Surfing, it has to be the number 1 activity for masculine gaming.

Chicks universally love it.

If you take a chick surfing for her first time and can make her ride her first wave it's over.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Masculine Activities for Gaming

..but at a driving range. You don't want to be stuck on 18 holes with girls who don't know what they're doing - trust me. There's a place called Top Golf in a few American cities that's ideal for this. Your group gets a table and you can order food and drinks. There's nothing like standing behind a girl and showing her how to swing a golf club.

can get a bad rap sometimes but if you're on the beach or at the park it's not a bad idea to sling some disc.

Masculine Activities for Gaming

@Hankmoody: that's crazy this chick im trying to game now is in PA philly area.
Any ranges you would recommend in the philly area? I didn't realize how big PA was until I drove through it.....cotdamn PA is massive.

I've been meaning to buy a bicycle I need to stop playing and do it

Masculine Activities for Gaming

Quote: (06-27-2016 11:02 PM)toejam Wrote:  

@Hankmoody: that's crazy this chick im trying to game now is in PA philly area.
Any ranges you would recommend in the philly area? I didn't realize how big PA was until I drove through it.....cotdamn PA is massive.

I've been meaning to buy a bicycle I need to stop playing and do it

Indoor and actually in Philly:

[tacos nearby]

[decent pho nearby]


(they are strict as fuck)

Outside of Philly but fun:

Don't bring hollow points to a range. Bring target ammo.

Masculine Activities for Gaming

When I first clicked on this thread I thought it would be another newbie asking a basic ass question like "WHAT HOBBIES CAN I DO FOR PUSSY?!?!?!?!?". But thats a great list of activities, and from what it looks like, this thread will be a compilation of entertaining yet masculine hobbies.

Astronomy, when I mention to girls that I got a telescope (I dont yet) and love astronomy their eyes light up and it would be real fucking easy to get them to come out under the stars with you (Once I buy a decent telescope). Im only a beginner and I hope by this time next year I'll be somewhat knowledgeable with it and have a non-POS telescope. Real easy to display that you're passionate about a hobby, girls get wet over the romanticism of the idea of being under the stars, and most importantly, space is fucking cool.

Edit: I remembered that I originally got the idea from MiscBrah here: thread-52853...pid1192855

After that I started reading amateur astronomy material from time to time, hopefully Ill purchase a telescope by the end of the summer

“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”

― Hunter S. Thompson


Masculine Activities for Gaming

Kayaking is a good one. Many chicks I've talked to have never tried it oddly enough. Chicks love adventure and trying new shit. I have an 8' sit on top kayak and I have an inflatable as a 2nd option. I let guests use the sit on top for their peace of mind and stability factor. Some are a bit nervous kayaking out where I live(SF Bay).

Biking as has been mentioned is a good one. If you have worked hard on legs in the gym, or are just naturally blessed with a muscular lower half, this is your chance to really show them off. I think we tend to obsess over having the biggest arms or best v-taper. I think legs are underrated when it comes to masculinity.

Fishing. This is my shit right here. A good date will be curious, ask questions and allow me to speak on it. A dimwit will say stupid shit like "eww" when you're baiting your hook while she's taking instagram selfies.

Masculine Activities for Gaming

My favorite "masculine activity for gaming" is................................


The simple act of talking to sexy girls with the intention of having sex with them.

From a biological standpoint, nothing is more masculine than that!

I play sports, I fight, I lift weights, I cook, I camp, I fish, etc,..... But, my favorite hobby and the one that brings me the most pussy is.............


Going out and trying to fuck the prettiest girls I can!

That is my hobby!


Ironically or maybe not so ironically, if you want to get good with women, talking to them on a regular basis is the greatest form of practice that you can do.

So, if you want a hobby that will bring pussy -- Consider gaming AS A HOBBY!


Other than that, the next greatest hobby for getting pussy is fighting. I don't mean practicing for fighting; like hitting bags and mitts or shadow boxing, I mean actual live sparring. Real fighting builds deep masculine confidence. Learning how to really fight is the quickest way to be considered "alpha"!

I also get girls because of my cooking skills, my commitment to health and fitness, my commitment to my aesthetics, and my dedication to social arts.

Masculine Activities for Gaming

Doubling up on the cigar smoking. The smell tends to be a 50/50 turn on for chicks. I've had chicks that really liked the smell and the ones that wouldn't even want to step in to the cigar lounge with me when I was picking something up for later.

It's a really dividing kind of thing.

On the philosophy schtick you have to have the art of the monologue down. I'm horrible with monologuing all the time when I'm with friends or sometimes with chicks, and the only time I don't get shit from either party for doing it is when

A. I'm inserting enough humor
B. I've absorbed them into the conversation already

If you break down talking about Plato's The Apology(which is the one I tend to use the most when referencing philosophy), you're driving up the pussy unless she's into you. More than anything I like talking about my own life philosophy than talking about the classics. That's much more fun and intimate.

Also can confirm laconic wit does work, but anyone with a modicum of game knows it's Game 101 as it is.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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Masculine Activities for Gaming

Dude, an AR-15 and AK-47? Really? Real men shoot 7.62x54r. Even a hot blond I know locally shoots an AR-10. An AR-15 is a good choice for 12 year old girls, but battle rifles are where it's really at.


Masculine Activities for Gaming

If you're good you make even fucking gardening cool and use that to seduce women consistently. However some of those activities you listed do not engage women in THAT WAY that you want. For gaming purposes good choices are cooking, playing with guns, cars/motorcycles, bike riding, woodworking. That's my opinion.

I'd add dancing, making music, acting, being photographer or filmmaker.

FOR MEN though the whole list is great.

Masculine Activities for Gaming

Quote: (06-28-2016 02:45 PM)chicane Wrote:  

Dude, an AR-15 and AK-47? Really? Real men shoot 7.62x54r. Even a hot blond I know locally shoots an AR-10. An AR-15 is a good choice for 12 year old girls, but battle rifles are where it's really at.


Anyway, it´s good to know that the most of those activities I regularly do.

If we talk about fighting,I find this to be very masculline

I would love to learn wood-crafting or knife-crafting.

"Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people."

Masculine Activities for Gaming

I disagree. I've done cooking, gardening, shooting guns, camping, biking, woodworking. Most of what's on that list. I can confirm based on personal experience that none of those activities have anything to do with getting laid.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Masculine Activities for Gaming

Quote: (06-28-2016 06:42 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

I disagree. I've done cooking, gardening, shooting guns, camping, biking, woodworking. Most of what's on that list. I can confirm based on personal experience that none of those activities have anything to do with to getting laid.

You've clearly been leveraging it wrong.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

Fashion/Style Lounge

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Team Skinny Girls with Pretty Faces
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Masculine Activities for Gaming

I second golfing however the vibe i get is that upper class/hotter/educated girls are more into this while the lower class/thug/basic bitch will be less so

Masculine Activities for Gaming

Quote: (06-28-2016 10:48 PM)CaptainChardonnay Wrote:  

I second golfing however the vibe i get is that upper class/hotter/educated girls are more into this while the lower class/thug/basic bitch will be less so

Depends on your game.

Your higher class, college educated women have usually never camped, fished, shot a gun, or watched a man build something from his hands. They find it fascinating - especially if you're a white collar dude. I'm a lawyer by day, mountain-man by night.

A girl who dates a guy who identifies as a "golfer" is probably looking to marry someone who is like her dad, while at the same time fucking a bunch of degenerates.

Masculine Activities for Gaming

Playing guitar. One of the best pussy magnets hands down. Girls get drenched for a dude who can play guitar for them, and the "let me teach you" game is also a winner.

Weight lifting.

Working on cars/bikes.

Riding a motorcycle.

Generally any hobbies that will give you calluses and/or a tan.

Stuff that shows off your physical power and prowess and also makes you get dirty.

Masculine Activities for Gaming

Quote: (06-28-2016 06:42 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

I disagree. I've done cooking, gardening, shooting guns, camping, biking, woodworking. Most of what's on that list. I can confirm based on personal experience that none of those activities have anything to do with getting laid.

Girls aren't going to magically appear just because you have masculine hobbies. I've yet to have my cooking interrupted by a dime piece ringing my doorbell to suck my dick for the flawless execution of a hot dish. No panties have been thrown in my face while reading a history book or building something.

These hobbies are masculine and virtuous because they make you a better, more interesting man. In basic game terms, they allow you to display value through stories when chatting up a girl. The girls don't show up because you do cool shit, they come home with you because you do cool shit.

Leverage interesting things you do into conversation with girls without coming across as a braggart. That's game 101. "That reminds me of when I lived in (interesting place) and was doing (badass activity)...." or "Yeah, X product is shitty, that's why I built my own..."

Once you have them on the hook, you can invite them to join you in a manly activity. "I'm harvesting X from my garden on Saturday and making dish Y. Come over at 4 PM with a bottle of Z and you can prep the sides."

It's really easy if you actually live an exciting life. Some people might say "fake it till you make it" but it's going to be incongruent to tell a story about base jumping in the Himalayas if you are a basement dwelling neckbeard or couch potato. Interesting men aren't wasting time watching TV or playing Call of Duty.

Do interesting things and then learn how to communicate them to girls in an interesting way. Learn how to ramble and tell stories. The success will come.

Masculine Activities for Gaming

Quote: (06-29-2016 12:05 AM)General Stalin Wrote:  

Playing guitar. One of the best pussy magnets hands down.

Ding ding ding. This is true, but you have to perform in public. Girls will then approach you after shows. Just playing guitar won't do anything.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Masculine Activities for Gaming

Traveling alone. While it seems pretty commonplace for guys like us, most people (especially women) can't fathom traveling somewhere without a friend, or at least knowing someone in the area. People who travel alone for pleasure are seen as some weird combination of crazy and fearless. When you go out in a strange place and meet new people, you're bound to come back with some good stories too.

Not on here much anymore. I'm either out on 2 wheels or trying to kill something.

Masculine Activities for Gaming

Quote: (06-28-2016 06:42 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

I disagree. I've done cooking, gardening, shooting guns, camping, biking, woodworking. Most of what's on that list. I can confirm based on personal experience that none of those activities have anything to do with getting laid.
+1 from me.

Masculine Activities for Gaming


My experience is that wealth is a great equalizer - wealth attracts beauty and both wealth and beauty are attracted to great weather. Currently working on a new biz plan with a semi-retired hedge fund director that is now consulting on global trading strategies to a mega global financial. Meet him in a cigar sports lounge and just started shooting the shit. He is brilliant but looks like a burly commercial fisherman if you met him. Intrigued at how he related his trading strategies with the Brexit vote - his mega financial took down over $1B+ in trading in just one day - he rated it the best trading day in over 5 years.

His girlfriend looks like a sweet sexy movie star. Clearly the fact that he is 7 feet tall when he stands on his financial statements has an effect... she knows he provides but he does not dare tell her or his mother she is friends with what his total net worth is...

Game is even more important when you become wealthy as well as being wise enough to sort out and discriminate between the gold digging players versus the sweet and loyal stayers.

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