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Official introduction thread

Official introduction thread

Hey all,

I've been a reader of this forum for a while and I figure it's time to actually register and start interacting here. I'm a third year college student in the States and really appreciate the depth and quality of information to be found here. There's lots to learn and I look forward to joining.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Official introduction thread

Good day Sirs.
Shane, 20, Ireland. Studying Science in College and have a part-time job for the weekends.

Started reading Roosh's ,M3, Samseau etc blogs during my exam period.

Pretty much digested the pill and put some of it into practice after my exams, turned out much better than the usual "beta" game.
Hopefully, I won't talk too much 5hit

Official introduction thread

Hi guys, like almost everyone else I've spent about 6 months reading the forum before deciding I wanted to start contributing..

I'm 19, from London, on a year out before I go to college in september. Spending the next 6 months working a dead end retail job and splashing almost all my cash on travelling. (Planning to hit up Estonia & Finland, Croatia, Poland and Iceland (again). Learnt a great deal from the forum already, and my game, fashion and lifting have all improved massively.. can't wait to get stuck in..

Official introduction thread

Hello Everyone,

I've been a long time anonymous lurker, and it's about time I gave back to this amazing community that has helped me out tremendously. I look forward to learning and exchanging useful information with you fine gentlemen. I'm currently working on a game datasheet, and I'll do my best to have it up soon.

Official introduction thread


Official introduction thread

Another lurker here. Have only been following the forum for a few months but the vast amount of knowledge on display here, made me want to sign up and cast my betaness into oblivion.

I'm 22 and from the UK. Currently living in the west side of London. I'm another retail slave but I'm working on getting onto something bigger and better, although my crippling laziness is doing me no favours.

Hopefully I can contribute something to this community as I have learnt a lot from it so far.

Take it easy.

Official introduction thread

Hello to everyone,

I just thought I would introduce myself. I've been meaning to join for about 2 months now but I kept on forgetting on the 1st of the month haha. I bet it's the same old story for a lot of us. I'm a 24, from Toronto, currently living in Berlin.

First got into game a while ago while in University, I somehow found the "sosuave" forums, perhaps some of you know it. Anyways, I guess in those days the "manosphere" had already existed but I didn't know about it, and most of the game materials I found was all the PUA stuff, which I found to be kind of fake and so didn't get into to it too much. At this point I still wasn't really a beta or a loser with girls, I just needed more confidence and finding ways to get girls interested in me sexually on a more consistent basis. I think most of the problem was that until about a year ago I looked about 16 years old. The final stages of puberty were finally good to me Smile

Anyways, i've travelled alot, play music and I'm working on my third language. I hope I can learn a lot from you and offer whatever knowledge I can give in return. Looking forward to taking part and perhaps someday even meeting some of you.


Official introduction thread

Hey everyone.

Not much to say about me aside from the fact that I am in the Eastern United States and I'm younger than the ROK writer, Athlone McGinnis. Stumbled upon this whole red pill thing through Roissy, who is kind of loopy at times. I like Roosh's stuff better tbh.

Carry on.

Official introduction thread


I've been reading this forums for a while now. Figured I'd finally sign up. I'm currently in the US, age 23 and pursuing graduate studies. I've been a beta for most of my life, always being nice to women and getting nothing in return. After reading Roosh's blog and books, my attitude suddenly changed. I started acting more cocky and although I live in a pretty isolated place, have definitely seen more interest from women than before. Planning on working out and eating more healthy soon as well.

Not happening. - redbeard in regards to ETH flippening BTC

Official introduction thread


I'm from the San Francisco Bay Area. I'm 34. About to be security guard. Taking lots of lessons from the forum. I got turned on to Game by a sidewalk vendor in Baltimore in 2000. Never followed up until the mainstream exposure in late 2012. Still full of approach anxiety. Trying to become a minimalist, mentally and physically. My goal is 125 notches in ten years and I'm liking the idea of one approach a day.

Official introduction thread

I'm 42 and in the midst of a divorce which will be final at the end of the month. I was married for 20 years and wanted some advice from the group. I never really developed any game since I met my wife so young. I’ve always been ok with women though. I’m unsure what to do next. Looking back I clearly contributed to our breakup with my blue pill ways. Constant catering to her and a lot of pedestalizing. About 6 months before the end I found the manosphere and had just started taking the first steps but it was too late. My wife even said I wasn't “exciting” like I used to be. Of course working two jobs with two teenagers may have contributed to that.

My questions are this. How do I start working on my inner game? After 20+ focused on serving others needs (legitimate or not) I’ve really lost any sense of what I like to do. I started back doing martial arts again (BJJ) and have always kept myself in good shape so I think I’m good on that. It’s just I feel wrecked mentally about 90% of the time. I guess over time this will disappear but it’s really hurting any motivation I have to approach women. It’s like I want to approach but at the same time the mental effort to do it just seems like too much. Has anyone experienced this after LTR breakups?

I’m a pretty introverted guy (INTJ) so I read on one of the threads how I should make myself get out more during the week. I’ve been doing that some but the weekends are what is hurting me. I find myself looking at this huge empty space of time that I’m used to spending with my family but not anymore. How did you guys discover things you wanted to do totally by yourself? Money isn’t a big issue since I get paid well and like what I do.

I’m currently living in a cheap rental that a friend owns but will be moving to a nice apartment complex in May. The house I’m in now is old and dark which isn't helping things but even just visiting the apartment made me feel better since lots of people were out and about while I was there. I think that will be a good move. I picked it on the recommendation of friends since it has a high single population and also it’s close to my daughters. Do any of you recommend apartments over houses or is it just a personal preference thing?

Sorry if maybe some of this is too much detail but I wanted it to serve as a reminder to me in the future when hopefully I look back in a couple of years and see how much better things are for me.

Official introduction thread


Mike from Toronto here.

Official introduction thread

Age: 57
Location: Los Angeles
Stats: White/5'10"/165/fit
Marital Status: Twice divorced, first was a "bad decision" back in the mid-80's, the other lasted 16 years and ended July 2012 - the divorce was finalized on 2/7
Profession: Finance/accounting since 1979, have held the same job as a controller for 20 years - have enough bank to retire in style today, but will continue to work probably another 2-3 years. Once I'm done, I plan to focus on my creative pursuits - composing music and landscape/concert photography.
Stuff I Dig: surfing, snowboarding, playing music (multi-instrumentalist), producing music, travel, foreign language, the arts, reading, film, billiards, women.

Game Level: Having come of age in the late '60s/early '70s, when getting laid was as easy as saying "free love, Baby!", my game skills were never properly developed as a result...I took what was handed to me - and was eventually taken in by the late 70's myth that women dug betas like actor Alan Alda ("M.A.S.H."), and that women wanted you to love 'em before they were going to spread their legs. Dumb, dumb, dumb...First exposure to the PUA concept was VH-1's "The Pickup Artist". I consider myself, at 57, to be a beginner - as I am working to try to break a LIFETIME of erroneous technique in my interaction with women. At the tail-end of my marriage, I fell into the "pay for play" arena - which was a mixed blessing - lots of beautiful women who honestly "got" me, increasing my self-confidence, but it was largely an illusion and a drain on the bank account. As a newly-minted single guy, I've sworn that off...if I can't get laid on my own, why fuckin' bother!

Game: I've been relying largely on online game. Since September 2012, I've gotten six bangs and three flags - all via and I've certainly made more than one error in judgment in the process, but I'm annotating as I go, reading (have bought/read all of Roosh's books, Neil's book, and the other "bibles" of the phenomena) and hanging on RFV - which has been a tremendous source of great information - thanks! My strengths are 1) my creativity - chicks love musicians, and my landscape photos have dampened more then one pair of panties, 2) my demeanor - laid-back but confident and 3) I'm fairly good-looking and look like I'm in my late 40's. My weaknesses are 1) I tend to reveal too much - need to keep my cards close to my vest and leave the baggage in the fuckin' closet, 2) I need to improve my open/conversational technique in day/night game situations and 3) do more approaches overall IRL and not depend upon the pre-qualification aspect of online game. My DHV needs work as well - I've accomplished a lot in my lifetime and have a lot going for me, but I'm having trouble converting it into routines without seeming overly boastful or blow-hardy. My biggest mental block is in day-game approaches - I know by the level of women that are giving me IOIs online that I can pull quality (I'm really only aiming at 40+ women), but I'm rusty at this and my subconscious mind is still putting too much focus on possible I puss out and don't approach. Night game is better - I've relocated to a bedroom community close to work (wife kept the house in the Hollywood Hills) and there are SOME venues within walking distance, and I've been going out regularly - but I know there are far better venues for an older guy in LA. Problem is, as thegmanifesto has pointed out, night-gaming in this vast wasteland known as LA dictates and you either a) nurse your three drinks over the entire evening or b) risk getting popped for DUI. So I'm going to continue to work the "within walking distance" venues for the time being - the upside of which is it's close to my crib, which is very upscale and tastefully decorated.

Travel Game: Having not done a lot of travel in my younger days, I'm now making up for it in spades...gonna' travel to all those exotic places I've always wanted to visit, hopefully armed with some decent game so that I can capture some mo' flags! In April I'm hitting Cancun - staying at an all-inclusive adult's only resort know for its wildness, then in September I'm going to Barcelona and Catalonia for two weeks, primarily to photograph, but also to game. I know Spain/Barcelona is a difficult location - hoping that since I'm gaming older gals, my results will land me at least a Spanish flag! Studying both Spanish and Catalon, Spanish history, etc. ~ and doing a bit of pipelining as well!

Official introduction thread

Evening gents.

Like most of new people on here, I've been lurking for a good, long while before I decided I should start contributing to a site that has done wonders for me.

I'm currently working on shoring up my inner game, but thanks to the awesome advice on here, I packed up and moved from England to Japan (a personal dream I always didn't have the balls to do) and I've already had 4 new notches this year, which is about half of what I had my whole life up to 2013.

Half of the battle for me is trying to overcome the whole "What will people think of me if I do X?" Even something as mundane as talking to a random girl. But the more I don't give a fuck the more it works out how I want it to.

The amount of fantastic advice and debate on here is unbelievable. Looking forward to joining in.

Official introduction thread


Read Bang and Day Bang a while back, been a huge fan of the new wave of pickup blogs over the "just be rich and dress like you're from LA/NYC" scam artists.

Living in New Orleans, work at the zoo, and working okc as best as my shitty quality pictures will allow, which is still a good amount.

Reading 7 Habits now, as well as Power of Habit and just ordered that one book about Focus the other day so I'm on the path.

Just picked up my mother-ful ACV yesterday, and been on the soda for acne for a month. Started Convict Conditioning (huge fan) two months ago and quit the gym at the same time.

Psyched to dive in head first to the sphere and break through the wall of intermediate, complacent game to the hard earned top notch level I've seen y'all achieve.

Official introduction thread

Longtime reader of the blog and the forum. Thanks to all who contribute here, and thanks Roosh for contributing the spirit of open sharing and helping our fellow men.

Official introduction thread

Hey guys,been reading this forum for like half a year or maybe more and i think it's an awesome source of information,finally decided to join and i hope that over time i can contribute to this forum.
I'm a nautical student,22 years,from Europe.

Official introduction thread

Good to have you on board guys!

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Official introduction thread

Hello all,

Big Will in the house.

I'm from Michigan and I just started doing quite a bit of traveling late last summer. Just came up on this site this year.

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Official introduction thread

Howdy lads [Image: wave.gif]

Pleasure to finally join this forum.

I was getting so frustrated missing registration at the start of each month, so decided to paint myself a reminder screen saver [Image: lol.gif]

Looking forward to being able actually contribute, after assimilating an abundance of beneficial advice already. Hopefully, my comments can help others as much as the members on here, have helped me.

So a Big thanks to all the previous and active posters for maintaining such high standards of quality information.

Turning long term lurkers into members, out of guilt alone.

Well at least that's the case with me !!

Official introduction thread

Good evening genlemen.

Topdog here, long time lurker (since 2012) and finally decided to give my 2 cents.

@A_Clizzy: I almost did the same thing to register the 1st of the month, ha!

Official introduction thread


Pretty new to red pill and this forum, only introduced into it January this year, have always felt that things were different from when I was younger and this forum and other sites have put everything into perspective on what I always believed to be true. Age 22. At the moment currently living in Melbourne, Australia and I am travelling to America in June/July, from what I have read on this forum it doesn't seem the place to visit but I shall make the most of it [Image: smile.gif]. If anyone is willing to meetup from melbourne I wouldn't mind just shoot me a pm.

Official introduction thread

The once-a-month registration makes me feel like I'm part of an induction class, cheers. I'll echo the previous guys in saying thanks to everyone who's shared their knowledge so far. You have no idea how fun it was to watch the shitstorm on Facebook in Toronto after "15 reasons" was shared around.

Looking forward to contributing and meeting you guys in the real world as well.

Official introduction thread

Hello all

Glad to be part of the forum - have been counting down until the 1st.

I've only been lurking for a couple of months, but I'm already experiencing marked changes in not only game, but life & attitude in general (obviously for the better).

I'm about a quarter of the way through a 100 approach challenge, and it's been interesting to say the least. Each new little discovery is like opening another door to previously unknown possibilities. I'm 34, 6'4" and fitter than I've ever been, after focussing on my health the last few months (lifting/cardio/swimming/nutrition). I'm on ACV and drinking green tea (as well as eating a sensible, high protein diet along with supplements), and can attest to the health benefits. The last girl I swooped thought I was 28, so I must be doing something right.

Another thing to note, is that it's always good to have a multi-pronged (excuse the crudeness) approach, to see what areas you can exploit for little effort and see where your natural strengths/weaknesses lie. E.g. I need to work on rolling dolo (maintaining high energy etc), but have no problem at all with a wing - in fact when I go out with a wing, I find I don't have to approach much at all as women tend to approach us (and give unsolicited compliments)!..having a wing that is as tall or taller than you (but not better looking) is helpful I've found. Couchsurfing has also proved to be beneficial - hosting, and attending pub crawls etc. My logistics were already perfect as I live in an apartment in the CBD, so that has worked out great.

Enough banter from me....

Official introduction thread

Hey guys, will introduce myself and I liked this format so am copying (hope you dont mind stardust)

I'm from the UK. I work hard, party hard. Have an alcohol, BDSM, woman and travel addiction. Currently living in Vienna/Munich for work.

Age: 22.
Game level: Natural
Cash level: been at the top and bottom, now somewhere in between.
Languages: English, German and Spanish fluently, working on Hebrew and Russian
Fitness: Not working out atm

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