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Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

Not sure if this was posted. Cosmo staged three couples, where it's claimed the guys own guns, and then their cunty GFs grill them on the subject.

I don't think any of these neck beards own guns. I'm sure they're all actors. But for the sake of discussion, let's pretend they do.

The thirst out of these guys is unreal.
When the AZN girl started with "from a non-American point of view..." I would have cut her off right there. "Bitch you're an AZN in America, live up to the stereotype about your people being the ideal immigrants and get off my nuts."

These guys were so pathetic in trying to rationalize their gun ownership. Sadly, I bet at least 3 of them would get rid of their guns if the gf threatened to place further limits on their already limited access to pussy. They way they all handled it, they set themselves up for further nagging and shit testing. If any of them had given a firm and confident (i.e. shown some balls) their gf would drop the issue immediately. But showing weakness like they all did, the GFs think "he's got guns and he still acts like a pussy."


Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

These "guys" are weak. Not one of them put their foot down. Hell I was almost expecting at least one of them to drop the "I have it so I can protect you baby!".

My ex didn't likeep that I sleep with my gun under my pillow. I shrugged it off and that was that. She kept sleeping over and the gun stayed put.

Chicago Tribe.

My podcast with H3ltrsk3ltr and Cobra.

Snowplow is uber deep cover as an alpha dark triad player red pill awoken gorilla minded narc cop. -Kaotic

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

Most liked YouTube comment -

"lol women have never built societies or protected societies. Why should their opinion matter?"

[Image: agree2.gif]

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

Those guys need to grow some balls. Everything about them seems weak, without even listening to what they're saying. The first dude honestly looks like he's expecting the girl to hit him; he looks like a cringing dog.

It could be real, I dunno. Lots of gun enthusiasts are total pussies when it comes to women.

Sometimes a hippie girl will try to get me not to bring a gun when we're out doing something. I just make it clear I'll leave her at home before I leave the gun. So far, none of them have ever pushed the issue.

Best way to fix girls like this is just bring them shooting, and do a good job of making it a fun experience, not the stupid shit most guys do. "Hey sweetheart, try this 6 pound single barrel 12 gauge with a 3" magnum slug!" is a great way to turn a girl off from shooting forever, but I've successfully introduced plenty of girls and converted them from super liberal anti-gun types to at least somewhat pro-gun.

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

Awful all around. The guys, naturally, are the ones with the guns. The girls don't like guns, don't feel safe with them around.

The women are in charge, confident, confrontational. The men: nervous, uncomfortable and defensive, utterly unable to deal with the women's shit tests.

The last guy literally begs his girlfriend ("Please?") to try shooting with him. She instantly refuses, and he lets out a defeated sigh.

Wouldn't you just love to see just one of these guys lean back in his chair and say: "Guns? Fuck yeah I own guns. If you're lucky, maybe I'll let you see one. And if you're really lucky, maybe just maybe you can feel what it's like to caress that cold, heavy steel in those dainty hands. It'll be unloaded, of course. Wouldn't want you to accidentally blow your pretty little head off." [Wink/smirk.]

On the upside, the video at YouTube is experiencing a worse downvote-to-upvote ratio than the new Ghostbusters trailer — and that's really saying something. The comments are almost entirely negative.

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

men act like women, women act like men. Disgusting bunch.

Deus vult!

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

"I own a bunch of guns, I don't give a shit if you approve, this conversation is over. If you want to go shooting I'll be at the range this weekend."

What a bunch of fucking cucks.

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

IRT shamalamadingdong plot twist: Not a single one of these silly effeminate faggots owns firearms.

It's completely rhetorical.

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

These guys don't understand that women don't care about a "reason" for anything.

The only reason that matters is "because I said so".

Because A to the Dizzle above pointed out, it's the job of men to protect and die for their country.

So women have no business opining on things of which they know very little from their armchair.

Second, these guys argued all wrong.

Well, they shouldn't have argued at all because it's pointless.

But, if one WERE to make the case for gun ownership, it's really quite simple:

If someone has a gun, he can take your property, your family, your woman and your life from you.

If you have a gun, he'll think twice before trying it.

Second, the people who wish to do ill will ALWAYS be able to procure guns whether or not they're illegal.

Because people who do ill have no regard for the law to begin with.

So if you disarm a population the only people who have guns left are ostensible criminals and official criminals - the government.

And at that point you are shit out of luck.

And your pro-gun control biatch will change her tune when dudes come to seize your shit with AK-47s in hand.

Not like it hasn't happened a million times before in history.

You take guns away from the people and they become sitting ducks for any despot who wishes to subjugate them.

And it's just that simple.

p.s. WB the blonde and Asian chicks so long as their mouths were taped shut.

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

I'm not even going to watch that video.

Most problems of both men and women would disappear if men had solid convictions and stood by them. It's about knowing what is right, defending your own interests and not being afraid to further those goals. "No, it's not weird to want a young, beautiful and healthy girlfriend. It's not weird to want guns to defend myself and my loved ones. You're the weird one here."

It would also benefit women. Sexually and mentally they want to feel secure and safe through the fortitude of the men in their lives. It is why they test men in the first place. Tell them when they are being crazy and reassure them when they have doubts. Women are so conflicted. Mainstream culture saying one thing and their instincts saying another. Socially and politically they want their emotions and feelings of empathy counterbalanced by masculine values. You can't expect from them the harshness necessary for the maintenance of a stable society. Give them what they claim to want and they become nervous wrecks, sexually and socially dysfunctional.

This is where different philosophies disagree, but shouldn't (MGTOW, PUAs, traditional conservatives):

It's men's fault, by allowing women to wreak havoc. Yes, women are to blame as well, but they're women and without the balance provided by strong men they will make dumb, emotion-driven decisions. Yes, men are to blame, but mostly as a result of their modern relationship to women. Men wouldn't support these gay policy positions like multiculturalism, feminism and open-borders globalism if they weren't so thirsty and approval-seeking.

"Why do you have guns? Guns kill people."

"Pew pew pew not your business."

"No more sex until you get rid of your murder machine."

"You mean no more sex with you. Lol later bitch!"

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

My research says pro-gun girls are hotter anyway. Some data points:

[Image: ze5uzeme.jpg]

[Image: giphy.gif]


Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

Could only tolerate 45 seconds and then has to close the window. If even ONE of these guys was not a spineless jellyfish, the video would never have seen the light of day.

This is elite propaganda, and these women are fully and completely married to the elites. The lighting, the weird background music, the sexualized clothing, the timing of the captures of the female facial expressions .. did you know that men look at women's faces during sex? There was a study where men's eyes would go to a picture of a naked woman's face most consistently. Anyway, this seriously sophisticated mind control. Glad the people here see through it though.

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

^ There is no such thing as a pro-gun girl though. There is also no such thing as an anti-gun girl.

Girls have no interest in things like guns or cars. Atleast not in the genuine technical obsession sense like men do.

If they do like guns it is because they think is cool or "in" within their social circle. Bitches go with the flow. If the guys she is attracted to are military/gun-nut types she'll be pro-gun. If she's an East Coast liberal where being a pro-gun girl does nothing to raise her social status, then she won't be.

All the "Gun lover girls" i know do it for either attention or as mating strategy. It's just the female instinct of maximizing social status speaking. A cute-ish 6/10 who loves guns automatically becomes an 8 among the gun crowd which means she'll be able to snag a guy out of her league simply by virtue of sharing his interests.

Same goes with other male dominated hobbies women infiltrate. By being one of the few girls in an otherwise male environment she instantly gains top social status. Shit's like crack to bitches.

Like for example with the recent trend of girls getting into MMA and bodybuilding. I suspect that they get wet for fighters and lifters. Their so called "passion" is nothing but a ploy of making themselves available to the types of guys they are attracted to while simultaneously getting the attention their average looks don't warrant.

My ex-fiance used to post the Ethiopian flag and commemorate great battles in our history. She did it because I'm a patriot & history nerd who used to do the same. She's got a new guy now who's into Superhero movies. I checked her Instagram and half her posts are of her dressed in superhero costumes going to Comi-cons with hashtags like #catwoman #marvel and some shit.

If those guys had balls they could easily convert these sluts into gun-nuts.

Bitches have no principles.

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

If you ask for your womens permission, you aren't a man!!

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

These women are right.

There is absolutely no reason to own a firearm when you can run faster than your girl.

[Image: troll.gif]

“I have a very simple rule when it comes to management: hire the best people from your competitors, pay them more than they were earning, and give them bonuses and incentives based on their performance. That’s how you build a first-class operation.”
― Donald J. Trump

If you want some PDF's on bodyweight exercise with little to no equipment, send me a PM and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

So obviously staged, it hurts to watch it.
Where do they find those spineless pansies all the time?
Where's the Iraq/Afghanistan vet, the gangbanger from the hood, the successful businessman telling their bitches why they have a gun and how much they love it?

Notice the blonde chick: "It's this...ahm...extremely powerful...death machine!"
She's loving it.
Guy should smirked, looked into her eyes and said:
"Yeah, and it's mine. I own it, I control it, and I use it whenever and anyway I want."
Proceed to watch her creaming her panties.

Also, why do Asian American girls all tend to have the exact same, highly annoying voice?
Still, WB with the white-hot fury of a thousand suns.

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

My buddy is an actor for these dumbass videos. He makes a couple hundred bucks, eats from the buffet line and usually pulls from the set. All this shit is fake.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

Sometimes the word "cuck" is overused and mildly misrepresented on this forum. But these guys are without a doubt 100% cuckolds.

The fucked up thing is that their girls aren't half bad.

I'm thinking of starting a "Modern-day betas/cucks with attractive women" thread. It happens so much today, probably due to the low-quality options of men for attractive women who want to settle, and I really want to talk about it. I see it so much, and it's fucking disgusting. Chubby/skinny, ugly, glasses-wearing hipsters getting with solid 8's and 9's because most alphas aren't looking to settle.

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

What a stupid video.

Why should any guy act ashamed of owning a gun and why would any woman shame him for owning a gun?

Owning a gun is solid DHV strategy that works on every female on the planet whether she is American, European or Antarctican.

I threw up at the mandatory mention of domestic abuse...

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

No one needs a gun!!! Just trust criminals to be responsible when they victimize you and your loved ones....

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

Their response to guns can be summarised as "eww"
Would they be "surprised" or "disgusted" if someone explained to them that gun control laws are enforced by guns or any law for that matter. I'm sure they support many laws that positively discriminate against women (like alimony) and have no problem with the fact they're enforced by guns. Women's opinions on such matters are naive, childish and dangerous. The men should know some principles and hit them hard with facts until their hamster gets emotional and malfunctions.

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

Quote: (04-04-2016 06:58 AM)RIslander Wrote:  

My buddy is an actor for these dumbass videos. He makes a couple hundred bucks, eats from the buffet line and usually pulls from the set. All this shit is fake.

For real? I suspected but couldn't confirm in any way.

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

That video seems...familiar. I saw this video on a gun forum, pathetic excuse for both "men" and "gun owners". It seems as of late that both are portrayed as bumbling beta imbeciles who either can't or won't stand firm on basic principles.

I like to do a bit of trolling in my online openers with blatant, and not so blatant useless gun related comparisons. This outs them as an anti very quickly.

Such gems as:

-9mm vs 45
-shotgun vs M4 for HD
-Glock vs HK
-KAK BCG worn out bolt rings in 280 rounds WTF?
-What are your suppressor regrets?

I actually found this chick who carries a S&W last night, well see how it goes I told her Glocks are the master race.

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

A pro-gun, semi red pill girl from the US I talk to linked me the original FB article. I was impressed that the top comments were all from women ripping the shit out of this obvious propaganda. Considering this was the original Cosmo FB page, it was pretty encouraging to see... ie even Cosmo's intended audience saw right through it. Made me slightly optimistic.

Four beta cucks talk gun ownership with their femcunt GFs

Quote: (04-04-2016 05:35 AM)weambulance Wrote:  

My research says pro-gun girls are hotter anyway. Some data points:
[Image: giphy.gif]

Damn look at this booty meat after she pops off her gun! Women who own Gun game... let's keep it open!

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