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Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

Pretty self explanatory. The thread about guys with the who sleep with the most women was very informative, but I think this thread would be a little more and informative still. At least between all three threads, a lot of important dots would start to connect.


Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

Typically the friend who has slept with the most, has also slept with the hottest.

Sure they may sometime pork hamsters, or the semi hamified, but on average they're banging 8's and 9's.

Are you trying to find out about the friend who gets a 9 to bang on the regular and has a low count number?

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

He's fat. And he's a bit eccentric, but he has a stupidly glorious social circle, great vibe, and a positive mindset. He's a very fun guy to be around, but he doesn't have 'game' in the classic sense.

Maine and Canadian lobsters are the same animal. Prove me wrong.

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

Quote: (01-26-2016 10:19 PM)cascadecombo Wrote:  

Typically the friend who has slept with the most, has also slept with the hottest.

This was my thought exactly. There are exceptions, but in my experience, or at least from the class of society I come from, this tends to be the case.

Guys who bang the most often have a wide spectrum of quality - they can get the hottest, but they'll often stoop low if that's what's available.

It's also a perpetuating cycle where the sheer numbers and range of experiences make them really good with women.

This may be more of a thing with naturals, who tend to learn their game from sheer experience.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women


DJ in major city, tall, funny, jacked, could bang a different chick every night if he wanted to. Bangs both quality and quantity of all guys I know. Studied game just to tweak an already underlying solid game frame. He was already banging lots of girls but the DJing took it to a whole different world. He sends me text messages between him and his girls and its retarded how much easy ass he gets after a set.

I'll also say this. He has several half siblings, the brothers all being more or less beta. His mother got knocked up by his biological father (he and the half siblings only share a mother) and ended up remarrying. This has convinced me of the biological origin of alpha. Not to say that people can't improve but genes certainly play a huge role, which is evident in his pedigree and that of his half siblings.

However, I have seen him crying and say he wanted to kill himself over some basic bitch that broke up with him in the past.

The Maximally Pathetic Schema: Xs who labor to convince Ys that “I’m not one of those despicable Zs!,” when in fact it is obvious to the meanest intelligence that the Ys see no difference between Xs and Zs, don’t care anyway, and would love to throw both Xs and Zs into a gulag.

- Adrian Vermeule

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

I dont know anyone who gets hot girls who doesnt have status in one form or another. Whether it be looks, money, occupation or being team captain, you hardly see girls with someone who has zero value.

Don't debate me.

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

A good looking narcissist, and genuine misogynist. Very high notch count, some were rotters...but he's had instagram 'models' and all sorts.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

Describe your friend series are really catching on I see.

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

Quote: (01-26-2016 10:35 PM)Il Bersagliere Wrote:  

He's fat. And he's a bit eccentric, but he has a stupidly glorious social circle, great vibe, and a positive mindset. He's a very fun guy to be around, but he doesn't have 'game' in the classic sense.

Unless he's doing p4p, he's got some kind of game. There are a lot of guys who have game I don't understand, but the results speak for themselves. Just because we don't understand it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

Quote: (01-26-2016 10:19 PM)cascadecombo Wrote:  

Typically the friend who has slept with the most, has also slept with the hottest.

Sure they may sometime pork hamsters, or the semi hamified, but on average they're banging 8's and 9's.

Are you trying to find out about the friend who gets a 9 to bang on the regular and has a low count number?
Sometimes you have to slay a few dragons ad a bunch of trolls before you get the princess. Practice makes perfect.

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

Quote: (01-26-2016 10:19 PM)cascadecombo Wrote:  

Typically the friend who has slept with the most, has also slept with the hottest.

Sure they may sometime pork hamsters, or the semi hamified, but on average they're banging 8's and 9's.

Are you trying to find out about the friend who gets a 9 to bang on the regular and has a low count number?
Yeah, what I've observed is that guys who sleep with the most aren't motivated by 'looks' alone, they really enjoy the game itself.

Guys who are over-eager to sleep with 'hot women' usually do worse, because they over-idolize women based on their looks alone and come across as 'trophy hunters' or awkward when a 'hot women' shows up.

I think it's improtant to understand 'women' from a general perspective, rather than just split them into the 'hot or not' categories and assume common sense goes out the window when it comes to talking to a 'hot women'.

When a guy is not intimidated by a woman's looks this is a big turn on.

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

I bang the hottest girls of all my friends, though the last place I lived 2 of my neighbors that I hung out with often were both dating hot girls and one of them was tagging some hot strange now and then before he girlfriended up.

The latter one was a bartender who was very friendly and talkative. Had a great social circle due to being so sociable. Was also a little older than me, in his early 30's. He generally had the kind of demeanor that grates me a little bit - kind of a braggart and a know-it-all but it made him the life of the party sometimes because he had shit to say and like to make things fun/interesting even if they were mundane. Bit of a party of animal. One of those dudes where all his friends talk about "when is he gonna settle down?" His current girlfriend is 8/9.

The other guy was a blue-collar guy rode a motor cycle had mad badboy appeal and generally looked and acted older than he was (I think he was only 27 but you would guess he's in his 30's). Heavy drinker recently got a DUI. His girl was a 9 and I think she was a bartender.

Both dudes are covered in tats, have "rough around the edges" looks and play/played music in local bands.

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

There a couple guys on the forum I've met that destroy a lot of my friends in terms of total notch count. They dress well, have great game and are in great shape But if I'm talking about back home....

Friend #1. About 5'10" is now slightly overweight. but was in good shape earlier so hes still kinda muscular. Looks very exotic, even to an American girl. Always had a great game from the day I met him. Dresses quite poorly actually. Has a high status job now to make up for it but he was banging tons of girls when he was broke. A couple of my girlfriends have called him an arrogant ass. He's narcissist, so he'll lie about anything to get the bang if he has too. He'll also string girls along for years. Speaks multiple languages. Extremely intelligent but asks me dumb questions all the time.

Friend #2 About 5'10-6'. Skinny. Basically a guy who looks a step below a male model. Often doesn't understand how he bangs a lot of girls. Even though I would say his game is average, he is aloof and does approach. Can come off as a dick but I dont think he realizes it. He doesnt have a lot of friends because of it. But actually, he's nice guy, I hang with him all the time, probably to my detriment with night game. I haven't actually seen him bring a girl home for a ONS, if the girl lives close by she just invites him to her place. He always comes home in the morning and has a story like...

"So after you walked away for sec, that girl was like.."lets go to my place" and I was like "ok sure".

In some respect, I still don't completely understand how they both do it.

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

Sorry for bump but I feel like this thread has more potential (not as many replies as the "Friend who Bangs Most Girls" thread).

For what it's worth, I used to live with a DJ (spun in some top NYC venues) whose room was a revolving door... not always the best in quality but there would definitely be some hotties sprinkled throughout. Not the best looking guy and fairly average or slightly above-average height (5'10"-11") but funny and of course being a DJ helps.

Anyone have a friend who bangs like 9s and 10s consistently? After a few years of trying to pick up, beginning to feel it's pretty hard just with cold approach unless you have some sort of X factor like extreme looks, money, or status (common threads in the aforementioned replies seem to be looks - height, general, status - bartender, DJ, local band). And of course from the statistical standpoint that there are gonna be more 0s to 8s than 9s and 10s.

New Post:
Men’s Style Guide: For Guys Who Want to Get Laid

You aren't getting laid because you still believe in "game".

Here's how I went from being a 21-year-old, videogame-addicted, Asian virgin to banging too many girls to count (no PUA bs):

BTC: 1A5WUGDNGnsxGJ62CXadV6T2oapKfFu4T3
ETH: 0x9019d135dD1FFA06f0CC53C5942cBce806a943dd

(If I miss your reply PM me)

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

Often the friend who bangs the hottest girls and the friend who bangs the most girls is the same person.

Don't debate me.

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

Yeah, seems to be the case a lot of the time but was wondering if there were any outliers

New Post:
Men’s Style Guide: For Guys Who Want to Get Laid

You aren't getting laid because you still believe in "game".

Here's how I went from being a 21-year-old, videogame-addicted, Asian virgin to banging too many girls to count (no PUA bs):

BTC: 1A5WUGDNGnsxGJ62CXadV6T2oapKfFu4T3
ETH: 0x9019d135dD1FFA06f0CC53C5942cBce806a943dd

(If I miss your reply PM me)

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

Don't marvel at the person you know who pulls the hottest women, instead become the person who others talk about for the same feat.

Quote: (11-15-2014 09:06 AM)Little Dark Wrote:  
This thread is not going in the direction I was hoping for.

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

Kind of average looking guy with a receding hairline, age 25, but his dad was a college professor of Chinese Art, ultra right wing, so the kid was red bull from birth.

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

That would be my younger brother.

He's 5'11, with model fitness and a model face. He just completed a six year stint living in lower Manhattan to include SoHo and the LES.

His game is relatively weak.

He attracts quality pussy like a bug zapper attracts mosquitoes.

His model girlfriend just broke up with him to work in entertainment in L.A., and he's devastated. He has big time oneitis. To console himself, he goes out and pulls pussy without trying. He says that it's empty.


Anyway, I know that this isn't the profile that anyone wanted to read on this thread.

I'm a believer in game, but in truth a lot of game is making up for other things. Though, as my brother's experience attests to, game is what keeps them interested.

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

It seems like there are three camps:

Good Looking / Badboy / Asshole
Life of the Party
Performs Live Music

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

I was in a touring metal band for 8 years, just too bad girls don't want to bone angry metal dudes who scream into a microphone about how women are whores. My B

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

The friends I have who bang the hottest women usually are very popular social circle wise and well known on the nightscene. Generally they are very natural, easy going, fun to be around and very secure in themselves. The main thing is that they don't take chasing skirt too seriously and just seem to enjoy the party and have a good time.

Girls clearly pick up on this kind of 'anti-thirst' is the best way I can describe it and they're drawn to these guys like a magnet. On top of that they generally make friends with the 'big hitters' in the club (owners, DJs etc), mainly through just being friendly, carefree and easy going. This naturally gives them access to the top end talent and they are socially proofed within those circles, despite seemingly not having anything other than their personality to bring to the table.

Back when I was working on my game I noticed these were the guys who although didn't bang the most girls, always got by far and away the best quality generally. So I tried to emulate the way these guys did things and as a result my game seems to have evolved in a similar fashion.

By contrast I know a few guys who do the most volume, way more than the above mentioned guys but it's always low quality dross. What I've noticed about them is however they are generally a lot less secure in themselves and consider a night going home empty handed as 'failure' and they tend to get angry or go into a sulk. However dragging home any old hog, no matter how rancid, means mission accomplished and they're all proud of themselves.

They aim to rack up big numbers mainly to try and impress their mates and it's all a big competition to them. Naturally this can often make them unbearable to be around, particularly when they're giving it the big talk the following day, 'upselling' the quality of their conquests (you can't polish a turd) while simultaneously being patronizingly critical of everyone else's hookups. They also really struggle to hide their mad jealousy of the above mentioned natural guys.

This seems to be at odds with a lot of guys on this thread where the guy who gets the hottest generally gets the most as well in their social circles. But that's just been my experience.


Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

Friend #1
- Middle 20s
- Bartender at a couple of non-trendy pubs (sports bar and an arcade bar)
- Short, maybe 5'9" on a good day
- Talks with a lisp
- Drives a Mustang GT that he can't afford
- Lots of tats
- Jacked
- Dresses "street style"
- Average intelligence
- Complete zero-fucks-given attitude
- Great personality, friendly to everyone, very fun to hang out with
- Consistently pulls some of the hottest women I've ever seen

Friend #2
- Just turned 21
- Bartender/waiter
- Casual pot dealer with excellent weed
- Short, maybe 5'7" on a good day
- Long hair, wears in a faggy bun at work
- Very smart
- Dresses "street style"
- No visible tats
- Skinny, doesn't even lift
- "Caring" personality type, super friendly
- Always pulls VERY hot women (the girl before his most recent was literally one of the prettiest women I've ever met in my life, fucking stunning)

Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

Nightlife middle man whose playing everyone left right and center for money. Great guy to hang out with but scary person to do business with.

He also has a niche where he deals with raver models. His game is his force of personality more than anything. Very intense dude but cool as shit.

"Until the day when God shall deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is summed up in these two words,— 'Wait and hope'."- Alexander Dumas, "The Count of Monte Cristo"

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Describe Your Friend Who Sleeps With the Hottest Women

In my case I have three friends who are successful with girls.

Guy #1:
- He's one year younger than me.
- He has an uglier face (I look like a runway model compared with him).
- He's shorter than me (I'm 5'8, he's 5'5).
- He's a natural player and he doesn't know anything about game.
- He has an irrational self confidence.
- He has got very good paying jobs thanks to his charisma (he works in places where a college title is required but he hasn't any of those titles)
- He has a deep masculine voice.
- Average intellect
- He has a cool personality

Guy #2:
- He's in his early 30s
- He has a mild busted face (he has deep expression lines around his forehead and frown)
- He's mulatto
- He's shorter than me
- For him, talking about game is like a kind of witchcraft [Image: lol.gif]
- He has a relaxed and chill aura around him
- He's a very loyal friend
- He has wild success with white girls.
- He's a very smart guy
- He loves to dress like a million dollar guy.

Guy # 3:
- He's more handsome than me.
- He knows about the game thanks to the Neil Strauss' book "The Game".
- Girls literally throws themselves at him in real life and instagram (On instagram the girls act like thirsty guys commenting things like "You're handsome" "Hi sweetheart" and emoticons expressing their feelings. [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] [Image: lol.gif] ).
- He's a recovered beta guy.
- He dresses better than me.
- He's a guy with a golden heart.
- He's very charismatic.
- He doesn't give a shit about a girl's feelings.
- His dad is a veteran natural player.

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