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The Campus Protest Master Thread

The Campus Protest Master Thread

Quote: (11-13-2015 03:41 PM)Snowplow Wrote:  

Just out of curiosity how would you all handle the situation of that asain photographer? You are standing in one spot and a group of them all come at you and saying that you are in their way and they use their wall to move you.

They are all acting passive aggressive and trying to get a rise out of you on camera to throw the first punch. It's an obvious tactic to lure violence, and we can see that. But how does someone actively defeat that? I wouldn't want to act exactly as he did (which I will admit, he did good by not going nuts or quitting) but what would be something subtle to get them to quit?

At the point where they started herding him away, I would just sit down on the grass. You can't remove a man who is sitting without using force.

The Campus Protest Master Thread

[Image: xjEQT37.jpg]

The Campus Protest Master Thread

Quote: (11-13-2015 10:42 PM)Horus Wrote:  

At the point where they started herding him away, I would just sit down on the grass. You can't remove a man who is sitting without using force.

You might get teabagged doing that, if any of the protestors actually had testicles.

The Campus Protest Master Thread

Quote: (11-13-2015 11:56 PM)BortimusPrime Wrote:  

Quote: (11-13-2015 10:42 PM)Horus Wrote:  

At the point where they started herding him away, I would just sit down on the grass. You can't remove a man who is sitting without using force.

You might get teabagged doing that, if any of the protestors actually had testicles.

So.... there's no danger at all of actually being teabagged.

The Campus Protest Master Thread

Quote: (11-13-2015 12:17 AM)PolymathGuru Wrote:  

[quote] (11-12-2015 10:47 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

(11-13-2015, 01:26 AM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

That was painful.

[Image: snap-out-of-it-o.gif]

What planet did this alien girl come to earth from?...before any of you jokers say "mars, cause its the red planet" I'll beat you to it.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

The Campus Protest Master Thread

[Image: tds7U1W.jpg]

The Campus Protest Master Thread

Quote: (11-14-2015 03:17 PM)Huey Wrote:  

[Image: tds7U1W.jpg]

Dash, which is completely untraceable, will really be the only way that people can protect themselves against these crybabies. The problem is that it's not just SWJs in the US, they're in Europe and Australia too and they're spreading. The question is what country in fifty years will still be capitalistic? At the rate of all these protesting retards, I doubt any.

The Campus Protest Master Thread

Quote: (11-12-2015 08:26 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

Zakim-Bunkerhill bridge in the background of the screenshot explained it enough for me without even having to watch the damn video.

Entitled millennial living and going to school in one of the most expensive places to do to so in the country. Typical uptalk middle-class chick whining about handouts. College students are the worst.

The Campus Protest Master Thread

Quote: (11-12-2015 08:26 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

Did my best, yet could only withstand 2/3 of that idiocy.
Especially noting the poor diction & vocal inflections.

Love the way Cavuto didn't have to raise his voice.
He did not rant nor rave.
Did not portray some kind of 'republican' caricature.

All he had to do was pose several very simple questions to completely shoot down her socialist fantasies.

In addition to which. Is that how the 'organizer' of any group chooses to dress, especially when addressing a national TV audience?

Retard girl is an absolute mess in more ways than one.

The Campus Protest Master Thread

Quote: (11-12-2015 08:26 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  

And, a couple of things on this cringe-worthy video:

This is what happens when you raise young adults in the sheltered environment that is today's college campus.
This chick is so unaccustomed to being disagreed with, that she was unable to handle the most basic of questions. Cavuto really didn't go after like, say, we've all seen a Bill O'Reilly or Sean Hannity do to a guest like this. A convict would probably do a better job at this too.

Make no mistake: Unattended, this mediocre bitch's OKCupid mailbox would get full.
I don't know how many of your have spent any kind of time in the second-tier cities of the Northeast (everything but New York City), but this dumpy-bodied, 6-on-prom-night bitch will have a manifesto of demands on her profile as if she's holding hostages.

There's an often-overlooked element to millenial white-girlspeak.
We've made a lot over uptalk and vocal fry on this forum--as we should, since it's the core of that horrible accent--but there's a third element to this voice. If you're like me, and you do a decent impersonation of this voice, you should turn your letter E turns into a soft A. Example (at 1:08):

Wealth ---> "Walth"

That said, Fox is clearly trolling here. [Image: lol.gif] Everyone knows they hunt around for the dumbest representative for whatever their takedown for the day is . Even Hannity and Colmes had that milquetoast pussy Alan Colmes, who couldn't stand up to that barrel-chested Hannity even if he was allowed to. Just look at this body language:

[Image: Alan%20and%20Sean.jpg?1375223636]

Obviously, this dumb broad in the video could have said like 300 things. I don't even agree with any of that stupid movement's arguments and I could come up with better shit without the advance notice of knowing I'm going to be on that show--or the benefit of actually, at least in theory, knowing their movement.


Quote:Tuthmosis, if he had the same air time Wrote:

--"Neil, just look at tax rates under John F. Kennedy--one of the most prosperous eras in American history--and these affected more than the so-called 1%. But that's back in the bad ol' days, when you could raise a family on one income, send your heterosexual son to college, and have your wife stay home so your daughter didn't end up on a twerking video on Youtube."

--"Neil, do you agree that college isn't for everyone? Some of the smartest people I know never set foot in a silly college class. Maybe it's time to talk about why the world's best blue-collar workers don't have manufacturing jobs left to do, and instead are forced into college, where they don't necessarily belong."

[when he starts in with the stats, a common strategy by these guys]

--"State your source, Neil. Maybe the guy in your headset can help you, because I'm looking statistics that say CEOs are making more money today--as compared to the other hard-working, educated Americans doing the real work at their companies--than ever. [hold up sheet of paper, regardless of what's on it] Do you know that...[ramble on that theme until his-ass cuts me off]"

--"Neil, who sent our jobs abroad? Tell me another thing: why are we granting so many H1B visas to Filipino nurses and programmers when we have Americans perfectly qualified--if not more so--to do those jobs. Who's making those decisions, the 99 percent? Those are the fat cats at the top."

--"Let's be honest, who hires illegal immigrants to keep down Americans who actually set an alarm clock and work for a living? Illegals don't hire themselves. The middle class can't afford to pay their mortgage, let alone some 4-foot-9 Guatemalan lady with no ass to raise their kids. That's your asshole-faced corporate CEO again, and his lazy, fake-tittied, leathery-ass, freckled-chested wife--who couldn't parent Ron Howard when he was Opie. Neil, can you make a commitment tonight--on the air--that you support legislation to imprison anyone who willingly hires an illegal immigrant for 15 years, mandatory sentence--or even the death penalty, since that is a form of treason?"

[Image: Donatella-Versace_teaser_620x348.jpg]

--"Neil, you and I are both patriots--as are, I would venture to guess, the majority of this network's viewership. But let's stop and think for a minute: why do we still have such a large presence in the Middle East, helping freeloaders and terrorists? Why do we keep bases in every country? It's one thing to protect American interests, it's another thing to be the world's police--in places that haven't been a threat since World War II, if ever."

--"How much money do you make Neil? Do you know how much the guy who cleans your pee droplets off the urinal makes? Is he a legal American?"

--"Neil, I saw a picture of your house the other day and noticed that even you can't afford to live in these penthouse apartments overlooking Central Park here in New York City. Do you know who does live there? That's right, bankers. Why aren't we regulating the banks like we used to? Why are these banks "too big to fail," but these bankers have two or three of these apartments than even you, the world-famous Neil Caputo [fuck it up on purpose, to enhance the subtle troll]--don't have."

--"Do you think you should buy a woman appetizers on the first date, or do you think that that communicates a 'weak frame'--telling today's woman, who's more entitled than ever let's be honest, that she doesn't even have to put a drop of her already-high-mileage pussy on the table for you to feed and entertain that hoe for a whole night?"

You gotta get that motherfucker on his heels. Obviously I'm joking about the freckled titties and appetizers, but not about the pandering and baiting to the ignorant motherfuckers who watch that shit. You gotta appeal to the lowest common denominator, even if what you're saying in 95% true. That audience would gobble that shit up like an Instagram whore on her first full night in Dubai. Patriots, treason, Filipinos, Guatemalans, and some folksy Palin-eque references? These guys would hit record on the DVR and jerk off to it later.

Neil Cavuto wouldn't stand chance with me up there, and on shit I could care less about. Could I get all that out? Of course not. That's why you talk in soundbites, get out what you can, and wait for them to "lose the feed."

And fuck that dumb bitch in the video. Worst. Generation. Ever. To think American men are dying so this bitch can continue to drink Starbucks milkshakes.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

The Campus Protest Master Thread

[Image: 1447560790828.jpg]

The Campus Protest Master Thread

I wonder if this Keely Mullen even has enough of a clue to realize she made an absolute fool of herself?
Or would she just rationalize the whole encounter by dismissing Cavuto as one of the 1%.

"Cause ya' know; he wears a suit & tie & stuff..."

Oh & check out - #keelymullen on Twitter.
Girl is getting roasted.

The Campus Protest Master Thread

I'm far more concerned about the brazen, ignorant stupidity brewing and stewing on U.S. college campuses right now than terrorists. Terrorists are going to do terrorist things. I expect that, know that, prepare for that, and have plenty of lead to deal with them if it comes to that. But, the internal rot and insanity from within troubles me.

The Campus Protest Master Thread

[Image: CTyMn70WoAEM2BX.jpg]

[Image: banana.gif]

The Campus Protest Master Thread

Obama praises Missouri protestors.

[Image: facepalm.png]

Take care of those titties for me.

The Campus Protest Master Thread


The Campus Protest Master Thread

Microaggression, Meet Ralph Waldo Emerson
As the Yale protesters don’t know, but the Sage of Concord did: there is weakness in numbers, and strength in standing for one’s principles all alone.


It is not enough, however, to denounce the pathologies of the witch hunters, the childish cruelty of the denouncers, or the timorousness of the population from whom the witches are plucked. What is needed is an argument, and with it a set of values, that can explain to young people what it means to be an intellectually mature—that is to say, an independent and resilient—adult who will reject such behavior as unworthy of an educated person and incompatible with a free society.
To that end one might summon a different representative of Old New England, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and in particular his essay “Self Reliance,” published in 1841. No one can ignore his liberal pedigree: a free thinker, an abolitionist, a feminist, and multicultural before his time (he read widely in and quoted from the Hindu sacred texts, for example). There is much in it, but perhaps nothing so precious as this paragraph:


What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think. This rule, equally arduous in actual and in intellectual life, may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. It is the harder, because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it. It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.

To live this way can be hard, Emerson knew: “For nonconformity the world whips you with its displeasure.” But surely one purpose of an education is to know how to form one’s own conclusions, and stand for them even if the crowd bays against you.

That insolent teenagers behave the way they do is unfortunate. What is menacing is when they become a mob. If their teachers can get them to understand that they are in fact acting as a mob; that by calling for the persecution of those who do not conform they are the heirs not of Martin Luther King, Jr. but of Joe McCarthy, it may be the start of their awakening. The students might even, with assistance, discover the respect that liberal thought once accorded to the lonely individual who stands up for what he or she knows is right—someone like the principled doctor in Ibsen’s Enemy of the People or the retiring sheriff in High Noon.

The Campus Protest Master Thread

They used to show us this in middle school.
Cheesy a bit (considering it's basically an 'afternoon special') but based on real events -- the message was not missed.

Maybe it's time for a little refresher.

The Campus Protest Master Thread

Apparently a cop killed a man for interfering in an assault case or something. Rioters and blacklivesmatter types in Missouri blocking the roads. #JusticeforJamar hashtag going mad. Mister Metokur aka Internet Aristocrat AKA king shitlord is live broadcasting.

Shit isn't de-escalating.

The Campus Protest Master Thread

A leader of the UC-Berkeley Black Student Union has declared that blood will be spilled if the US doesn't, get this, re-write The Constitution.


A New Constitution or the Bullet

I never thought I would be in the place I am in right now. About two months ago, I was in Oakland at a “Say Her Name” protest and was being detained by about 25 cops in riot gear. I had a text message ready to send to my lawyer that I was about to be arrested. Luckily, myself and other protesters were let go. The next day as I was in my kitchen doing dishes and I began singing the freedom song passed down to our generation by elder community activists, “Which side are you on?”. After organizing and participating in numerous protests, cries for freedom rang through my mind. However, I began to feel hopeless.

After what has felt like endless hours of Black protest and uprising throughout the United States, I felt like our progress was moving in circles. Instead of police killings decreasing in the Bay Area, I witnessed an increase in killings of Black men in Oakland. Five Black men have been executed by in OPD this summer alone. I am tired of waking up and checking twitter to see another Black body as a hashtag. Our Black Lives Matter protests have stormed the country, yet cops continue to kill us daily, and the and the judicial system continues to justify our deaths with acquittals, non-indictments and light sentences-all in the name of upholding the Constitution.
I have come to realize that the Constitution is the root of virtually all our problems in America. In order to understand the injustices against Black folks in United States, we must look back to its foundation. The U.S. is a country that was founded on slavery, genocide, rape, and white male patriarchy. The colonizers that we condemn for enslaving Afrikans and murdering indigenous peoples are the same people that produced and upheld the document we use to govern our nation to this day. Our bloodshed is rooted in this nation’s founding document, The Constitution. A body cannot be separated from its head and remain living. The Constitution and all the evil that it allows to be perpetuated are the head of White America, or more so corrupt America. Racist America. If you separate the head the racism will die.

This constitution was written for “all men to be equal”, yet these same white men who cried out for equality and freedom from persecution owned Black people as slaves and participated in calculated genocidal tactics against the Black race. In addition, only white men wrote the Constitution. A Constitution written by only white men will never serve the interests Black people. The Constitution was written for the ruling class of white men which constructed whiteness to be more valuable than any other race. When we discuss institutional racism, it is essential that we realize the Constitution created it.
The Constitution has created a system of governance that has been executing Black people everyday. From slavery, to sharecropping, to debt peonage, to chain gangs, to gentrification, to the for-profit prison industry that is upheld through the 13th amendment which allows for slavery if one has committed a crime. From Emmett Till, to the four little girls, to Mike Brown, to Rekia Boyd, to Maya Hall, to the Charleston nine, and to Sandra Bland. America has not protected us. On the contrary, it seeks to destory our very own humanity. We live in a society that is not safe for us. And as the Declaration of Independence says:
whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness

Do we not have the right to abolish the laws that oppress us? It is time to claim the Declaration of Independence and apply it to our struggle as colonized Black people in America. The United States has declared war against us; it is time we demand a new constitution or tell America that she will get the bullet. I say this not as an act of aggression, but as an act of self-defense. I do not want violence, however, white supremacy’s bullets are killing Black people every day. If America does not protect us, then it is our human right to defend ourselves by any means necessary. It is our human right to overthrow a government that has been destructive to our people. This is why we must rise up and let all people come together and write new constitution to serve ALL people.

The idea for a new constitution is not a new idea, rather an old one that was developed by the Black Panther Party. In 1970, the Black Panther Party organized a Revolutionary People’s Constitutional Convention, however, after infiltration by the illegal COINTELPRO the idea never came into fruition. We must pick up where the Black Panthers left off and declare a new constitution or it will be the bullet.
If America truly wants to be a nation that values the lives of all people, it has one option, and the option is a National Constitution Convention. This is the last hope America has to become whole. If America fails to allow all people of this nation to write a new constitution, then it will be the bullet. Revolution is inevitable in a society that does not value the lives of all people.

Let the bells of freedom ring…

In struggle,

-Brotha B

The Campus Protest Master Thread


If he thinks living in a majority white country is bad, he should try living in a majority black country.

[Image: ohshit.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.

The Campus Protest Master Thread

Quote: (11-15-2015 01:27 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Obama praises Missouri protestors.

[Image: facepalm.png]

Come on dude, did you even watch the video? What he said was pretty damn moderate by any standard. He even made it clear that he's disturbed by students that shut out alternate opinions and called for all to listen to other sides of the argument and respect free speech of all.

I think the Obama hate in this forum is just out of control.

The Campus Protest Master Thread


'F*** you, you filthy white f****!' Black Lives Matter protesters scream epithets at white students studying in Dartmouth library

Too much to copy and paste, basically it's getting even more aggressive.

Bunch of pics and videos in the link as well.

The Campus Protest Master Thread

Dartmouth has been fucked with campus rape and BLM BS since even before BLM became a hashtag. I remember since atleast 2013 there has been trouble. Nothing but a bunch of privileged yet socially mal-adjusted Ivy League kids who weren't truly smart enough to be accepted to and tackle the rigors of a real Ivy League education in the first place, were let in by affirmative action, and now have to wallow in fake classes like WGST just to make acceptable grades.

You don't get there till you get there

The Campus Protest Master Thread

Sargon of Akkad had another great video. I haven't seen these bratty kids posted yet...


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