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The Bill Cosby thread

The Bill Cosby thread

Quote: (12-03-2014 09:36 PM)Cattle Rustler Wrote:

I'll just post the summary below:

"Lawyer Gloria Allred has urged US comedian Bill Cosby to waive the statute of limitations to allow women alleging he sexually abused them to "obtain justice"."

Really? She wants him to waive his right so a bunch of nutzos can sue him and take his money?

She also wants Bill to set aside 100 million and have a panel of judges decide what to do with the money. We all know how that's going to turn out, she will pressure them until they give the women the money.

[Image: laugh6.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.

The Bill Cosby thread

Gloria Allred is a bottom-feeding scumbag. What she really wants is to get her own greasy, sleazy hands on Bill's money.

The Bill Cosby thread

Chuck, they'll be coming for you next Sir.

"I have refused to wear a condom all of my life, for a simple reason – if I’m going to masturbate into a balloon why would I need a woman?"

The Bill Cosby thread

Quote: (12-03-2014 11:23 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

Gloria Allred is a bottom-feeding scumbag. What she really wants is to get her own greasy, sleazy hands on Bill's money.

Gloria Allred to me isn't as bad as the ladies coming out against Cosby. Gloria simply wants money, these women want attention and power. They want the power to take power away from those who actually have it, which is the great disease of our time: envy without ambition.

The Bill Cosby thread

Are they coordinating with each other? Or is some one organizing this behind the scenes? And why now?

The Bill Cosby thread

I've also been talking about the concept of a stand alone complex recently and I believe this is an example of it.

Have any of you seen the sixth episode of Ghost in the Shell: SAC? Basically you had a bunch of copycats coming out of the woodwork to commit a capital crime shouting "I'M THE LAUGHING MAN!" They weren't infected by any kind of a virus or anything. They were literally just following a popular meme to commit a crime, showing how vulnerable people are to crowd manipulation.

(Skip to 17:00)

But here's the thing. There was never a laughing man. They were all copies without an original under the manipulation of a crowd.

This is what I see happening with Bill Cosby right now. Notice that none of these copies even came out until some unknown comedian called him out (a strategy out of the 48 laws which I can respect), but he got quickly swept aside as the meme took hold. One girl that had bad sex probably came out, looking for attention, and then the floodgates opened as hamsters went wild.

There's simply no way that someone, especially as high profile as him, can keep on doing what he supposedly did and not get caught. He would have made way too many enemies in the process of getting his fame (no one gets to that level of fame without having made a few), who would have used it to bring him down if none of these girls would.

What I believe we're seeing here is a social justice stand alone complex centered around Bill Cosby. There was no rape. There was no crime, no "original." Bill just used his status to get some hot young tail, one girl, remembering the encounter and feeling somehow unsatisfied, came out in the wake of the no-name comedian's act, and this opened up the floodgates.

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The Bill Cosby thread

I wrote and submitted this article to ROK a couple weeks ago. Apparently the crew there didn't like it [Image: lol.gif] But I figured I might as well post it here.

It's missing some of the newer stories, since it was written before they came out.


Bill Cosby Didn't Rape Anyone

As you probably know, Bill Cosby, famous for his long and extremely successful career in comedy and television, has been accused of rape. Something like 14 times, to be exact.

With cases ranging from 1967 to 2005, the statute of limitations has long since passed on nearly every one of these alleged incidents. Cosby has yet to be convicted of sexual assault – or even to stand trial.

But he currently sits in a different court, the court of public opinion. News outlets, blogs, and random women on Twitter will serve as judge, jury, and executioner in these proceedings. Judging from the biased reporting and enraged comments, many of them have already found Mr. Cosby guilty, if only in their mind.

Surely someone accused so many times must have done something, right?

That's what the agenda driven media would like us to believe, but we're smarter than that. We'd prefer to weigh the facts ourselves before casting the burden of judgment.

What are the facts here? Well, since most of these women waited at least a decade – if not two or three – to so much as mention that they may have been raped, there is no physical evidence. We have only their stories to go on.

Fortunately, many of their stories are quite telling. Cosby refuses to respond to their allegations specifically, but we will.

- Janice Dickinson

We'll start with an easy one. For those of you who don't know, Janice Dickinson is one of the most notorious sluts in Hollywood history. She herself claims to have slept with over 1,000 men, most of them celebrities. Chances are, she banged at least one of your favorite actors or musicians in '80s.

Cosby at one point served as her mentor, setting her up with a singing coach in hopes of creating the next pop star. Unfortunately, Janice was too drunk during her debut and forgot the words. This led to one of her several stints in rehab.

When she got out, she met up with Cosby at his hotel in Lake Tahoe, where she claims he gave her wine and a pill. In the morning, she realized she wasn't wearing any clothes and recalled the two of them having sex.

Interesting. Let's take a look at some direct quotes from Janice's memoir and interviews to see if we can get some more background.

“Back in the early Eighties, I was at the peak of my modeling career and partying hard. I was on the front cover of almost every magazine in the world and could pretty much take my pick when it came to men - even the very famous ones. And I did.”

This is an excerpt directly from her book. She claims the Cosby assault happened in 1982, during this same time period.

On a random meeting with director Steven Spielberg:

“But I couldn't remember meeting him - I must have been really drunk. The alcohol-induced blackouts that I was starting to suffer from didn't help my recall.”

Another interesting quote, straight from Janice herself, about a threesome she had with actor Dolph Lundgren and singer Grace Jones:

“People ask me what it was like...but I don't remember. We were all so high.”

Here we have a woman who admits to regularly blacking out on drugs and alcohol, then fucking whoever in the room caught her eye, all during the same time period that her “incident” with Mr. Cosby was said to occur.

Taking that into consideration, “the last thing I remember was Bill Cosby in a patchwork robe, dropping his robe and getting on top of me”, sounds like pretty much a normal night in young Janice's life.

Given these very public quotes and the rest of Janice's extensive history of lying, attention whoring, and substance abuse, you can be certain that a prosecutor wouldn't dare use her as a witness. Yet we have media outlets referring to her claims as evidence of Cosby's guilt.

Why? Because they don't care about fact checking or credibility. They can spin things however they want, and most people won't even pay enough attention to realize.

The fact that they're using reality TV disaster and tabloid fodder queen Janice Dickinson as one of their star witnesses is absolutely laughable for anyone even remotely aware of who she is.

- Therese Serignese

Then we have Therese Serignese. According to her story, she met Cosby in Vegas back in 1976, when the then 19-year-old caught his eye in a gift shop, and he invited her to his show that night. After the show, they went back to his hotel room, where he allegedly gave her two pills and a glass of water.

When Therese came to, she was bent over in the bathroom having sex with Cosby – or he was having sex with her, at least, according to her allegations.

Sounds terrible, right? Poor girl.

Her mother thought so too, which is why she suggested that Therese go back – “maybe he'll take care of you”.

She did. And they dated. For weeks. She stayed in a penthouse at the Vegas Hilton, which he payed for.

He eventually broke up with her after a pregnancy scare.

But the story doesn't end there. They kept in touch. For decades.

Like in 1985, when they had sex again. Or 1996, when Cosby footed Therese's medical bills after she was involved in an unrelated car accident.

Who says Hollywood can't come up with an original story anymore? Boy meets girl, boy rapes girl, boy and girl date, then keep in touch for the next twenty years.

Nothing says traumatic experience like staying on friendly terms with your rapist. Or having sex with him almost ten years later.

It's almost like she was in love with Cosby, but obviously that can't be true. He raped her, after all.

- Joan Tarshis

Tarshis marks the earliest entry on the Cosby “rape” timeline, having met him all the way back in 1969. Her story, as published in a blog post, recalls her going to Cosby's hotel room to work on some comedy writing.

He “was always generous with his food and drinks”. Tarshis had a few strong Bloody Mary's, topped off with beer. At some point, he began undressing her.

She told him she had an STD, which Cosby would catch if they had sex and thereby blow his cover with his wife. He had her perform oral sex instead.

The thing is, nowhere does Tarshis claim he forced her to do anything. In fact, her STD excuse seems to imply that they couldn't have sex because of his wife, not because she didn't want to. His generosity with drinks is framed in an attempt to prove he drugged her but in reality, Cosby could just be a gracious host. We should also mention that Tarshis was an admitted alcoholic before she even met Cosby, something she struggled within into middle age, so it's not as if he was pushing these beverages on the young lady.

Her only proof that he “drugged her” was that she felt particularly inebriated after multiple drinks. Could this be because she was drinking strong Bloody Mary's and mixing liquor with beer?

Is it really that far-fetched that a girl small enough to earn the nickname “Midget” from Cosby could become drunk after consuming two or more stiff cocktails, including different types of alcohol? On the second night, she even had another unspecified drink.

Oh yeah, the second night. We didn't get to the part where she returns to Cosby's hotel room again, after attending one of his shows. After consuming multiple drinks, Joan is somehow uncomfortable trying to stand in the back of the crowded theater for the duration of his show.

There's obviously no reason that “Midget” would want to go pass out in the car after drinking hard liquor and beer, other than the drinks being laced with drugs.

The next thing I remember was waking up in his bed back at the Sherry, naked. I remember thinking ‘You old shit, I guess you got me this time, but it’s the last time you’ll ever see me.’"

Is that the reaction of someone who's just been raped by their mentor? Sounds more like a Scooby Doo villain cursing the “meddling kids” to me, but I digress.

Joan brought her allegations public just a couple weeks ago, some 45 years after it happened. And if you recall, she was struggling with alcohol abuse for almost 20 years during that period, not to mention however long she spent in recovery.

Let's Wrap This Up...

- Andrea Constand: Waited over a year to bring her story to the police and did so in an entirely different country. Her interactions with Cosby occurred in Pennsylvania, but she had since moved back to her native Canada.

There wasn't enough evidence for a criminal case, so she filed civil suit and settled out of court. Why was she only seeking $150,000 from a man worth hundreds of millions?

When the spotlight was recently recast on Cosby, Andrea and Bill's attorneys filed a joint statement saying their issues had been satisfactorily resolved. $150,000 is a satisfactory resolution for rape, apparently.

- Barbara Bowman: When Constand's trial was going forward, a group of women offered to testify against Cosby. Most of them chose to remain anonymous, but Barbara specifically requested to be named.

Her allegations at the time including groping and assault, which Bowman says she endured for two years. Today, she claims rape. Funny how her memories are somehow clearer 10 years later. And why did she stay around for two years?

- Louisa Moritz: Louisa claims she was sitting in her dressing room at The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson (this was in 1971), when Cosby came in. During a conversation, he pulled out his penis, which was now at eye level to the seated Moritz. He pulled her head in and Louisa proceeded to fellate him.

This is actually not even assault. Sexually aggressive, yes. Sexual assault, no.

Moritz is certainly aware of this as a former attorney herself. We say former because she was disbarred and is unable to practice. Apparently she was just upset that the blowjob didn't give her acting career the boost Cosby implied it would.

- Angela Leslie: Claims Cosby used her hand to jack himself off. Leslie didn't protest or physically refuse. She even wet her hair beforehand at Cosby's request.

- Linda Joy Traitz: Alleges Mr. Cosby offered her drugs and then tried to have sex with her. This is not even a crime.

Well, drugs are illegal, but this is something Linda has no qualms about, however, having done jail time in the past for drug trafficking.

- Carla Ferrigno: Cosby forcefully kissed her in 1967. She pushed him away, saying, “I've never been kissed by a black man before”. He stopped. Not rape.

Carla grew up in a bar and was working as a Bunny at the Playboy Club, at the time.

- Lachele Covington: Filed a police report after Cosby pushed her hand towards his penis. Police determined no crime had been committed, since he stopped his advances as soon as she protested.

- Beth Ferrier: Dated Cosby, claims that she came to his dressing room after they broke up and he drugged her cappuccino. Woke up in her car later, with her clothes disheveled.

Why would her ex-bf drug her for post-breakup sex? Surely there were other women at the show who would have willingly hooked up with him.

Why would he then leave her in a parking lot, when all his other accusers were chauffeured around in limos, put up in penthouses, had their schooling paid for, etc.? Why did she wait 20 years to say anything?

- Renita Chaney Hill: Cosby served as her mentor from age 15 to 19. Renita says he once kissed her and told her to lose weight. He would give her drinks, and she would feel funny and not remember what happened next.

Hill says she doesn't know if she was actually raped. And if she suspected it so strongly, why did she continue to see Cosby for 4 years? Why did she wait 30 years to come forward?

Couldn't she have told her parents he was, according to her claims, forcing her to drink? Even just mentioned it?

- Tamara Green: Says Cosby gave her a pill for her cold, helped her home, and tried to undress her. He claims he's never even met her.

What Proof?

Story after story is being published recently citing the 14 women who have accused Cosby. But the thing is, many of these accusations don't even involve crimes. Five of the women specifically state that he stopped after his advances were refused. Several others didn't even try.

Half of the women who claim Cosby successfully assaulted them continued the relationship after the fact. Then you have the extreme character issues, from prolonged substance abuse, to disbarment, to imprisonment.

Is it possible that Bill Cosby raped someone? Sure. But where is the proof?

These women's stories are the only evidence presented, and they don't hold up. Not only would they not fly in court, they aren't even enough to warrant a criminal trial, as proven in Constand's case.

Look past the bias this “scandal” is being presented with. Is some 20-year-old story enough to ruin a man's legacy?

The Bill Cosby thread

Now, mind you this was originally reported by TMZ which is more gossipy than anything, but they claim they obtained court records.


Quoted below:


Bill Cosby is firing back at Judy Huth, the California woman who alleges the comedian molested her at the Playboy Mansion around 1974 when she was 15 years old.

In her lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles Superior Court this week, Huth states that Cosby gave her drinks and then sexually assaulted her.

New lawsuit claims Bill Cosby sexually abused 15-year-old
Now according to TMZ and Gossip Cop, Cosby's lawyer, Marty Singer, has filed legal documents (obtained by the sites), calling the accusations "absolutely false," "unreliable" and "untimely" -- and filled with fabricated lies.

The docs say Huth's attorney demanded $100,000 for silence -- or risk criminal penalties. According to Cosby's filing, Huth's lawyer later increased that to $250,000 as more women came out with their own allegations against the comedian.

Huth said in her suit that she and Cosby first played a drinking game, but Singer says Cosby is "a lifelong non-drinker."

Cosby is asking that the lawsuit be dismissed and wants monetary sanctions, too, reports TMZ.

Cosby's career continues to spiral as more women come out against the 77-year-old actor in the ongoing alleged rape scandal. On Thursday, the Navy announced it would revoke his title of honorary chief petty officer, saying allegations of sexual abuse made him go against its core values.

This comes after networks pulled his shows and venues continue to cancel his stand-up gigs.

I am so happy to hear that he is defending himself as this will make it much more likely that the truth can come out and he has a chance to be exonerated.

[Image: icon_popcorn.gif]

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"Failure is just practice for success"

The Bill Cosby thread

Every time I see another organization dump him based on 'allegations' I shake my head over this witch hunt. This is such garbage.

If the Clinton/Lewinsky thing happened today, she would have said she was raped and Clinton would have been impeached soley on those 'allegations' not even her testimony.

Next its going to be "tie up throw the accused rapist in the river, if he floats, we know he is a rapist."

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

The Bill Cosby thread

A GITS reference on RVF?

No wonder I can't quit this board. People just end up being oddly awesome.


Quote: (12-04-2014 09:25 AM)Libertas Wrote:  

I've also been talking about the concept of a stand alone complex recently and I believe this is an example of it.

Have any of you seen the sixth episode of Ghost in the Shell: SAC? Basically you had a bunch of copycats coming out of the woodwork to commit a capital crime shouting "I'M THE LAUGHING MAN!" They weren't infected by any kind of a virus or anything. They were literally just following a popular meme to commit a crime, showing how vulnerable people are to crowd manipulation.

(Skip to 17:00)

But here's the thing. There was never a laughing man. They were all copies without an original under the manipulation of a crowd.

This is what I see happening with Bill Cosby right now. Notice that none of these copies even came out until some unknown comedian called him out (a strategy out of the 48 laws which I can respect), but he got quickly swept aside as the meme took hold. One girl that had bad sex probably came out, looking for attention, and then the floodgates opened as hamsters went wild.

There's simply no way that someone, especially as high profile as him, can keep on doing what he supposedly did and not get caught. He would have made way too many enemies in the process of getting his fame (no one gets to that level of fame without having made a few), who would have used it to bring him down if none of these girls would.

What I believe we're seeing here is a social justice stand alone complex centered around Bill Cosby. There was no rape. There was no crime, no "original." Bill just used his status to get some hot young tail, one girl, remembering the encounter and feeling somehow unsatisfied, came out in the wake of the no-name comedian's act, and this opened up the floodgates.

The Bill Cosby thread

Stefan points out in the "Truth behind Bill Cosby" that he never drank because his father was massive alcoholic and he did not want to end up like him. he didn't smoke weed either, didn't swear, due was as strait edge as you could get.

The Bill Cosby thread

Cosby is going after one of his accusers for extortion:

The Bill Cosby thread

Breaking news:

Associated Press is reporting that one of Cosby's accusers also accused sportscaster Marv Albert of attempted sexual assault -- she was a "surprise witness." (For those of you who are young, the Marv Albert case was a total media circus in 1997.)

The woman in question is P.J. Masten, a former Playboy bunny. Story is below. Highlights are mine.

Cosby accuser also testified against Marv Albert

By JOSH CORNFIELD Associated Press

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) -- A woman who said Friday that Bill Cosby had drugged her and sexually assaulted her in 1979 also accused another famous man of attempted sexual assault: sportscaster Marv Albert, who pleaded guilty to assault and battery the day after her surprise testimony against him.

P.J. Masten said in an interview with CNN that she woke up naked and bruised in a bed with Cosby in Chicago after he gave her an alcoholic drink and that she believes she was raped. She discussed the details of her allegations against Cosby in an interview with The Associated Press.

Cosby's attorney, Martin Singer, did not immediately return calls and emails requesting comment. Singer has denied some of the recent allegations, while another Cosby attorney has called others "discredited."

Masten was a surprise witness against Albert in his 1997 trial, testifying that he bit her and tried to force her to perform oral sex in a Dallas hotel room in 1994 while he was wearing women's panties and a garter. Masten said she escaped by pulling off Albert's toupee.

Albert was originally charged with assault and sodomy after a longtime lover claimed that he bit and attacked her in a hotel room. He pleaded guilty to the lesser charges.

Albert maintained after the trial that Masten's accusations were a "complete fabrication." He said in a November 1997 interview with Barbara Walters on ABC's "20/20" that he had a hair stylist ready to testify that he was wearing a hair weave that would not have come off.

He said in the TV interview that he did not have a sexual relationship with Masten, who was then a VIP representative for the Hyatt hotel chain.

Representatives for Albert and CNN didn't immediately respond to requests for comment Friday.

Masten, 64, of Lyndhurst, New Jersey, described herself Friday as the "blond, bombshell ambush witness" against Albert. She said she didn't want to talk about that case.

"I really don't want to go into that because it's not about him," she said.

She said she knew Cosby from working at Playboy clubs in New Jersey, Los Angeles and Chicago. She said she was instructed at the time not to report the assault because Cosby was Hugh Hefner's "best friend," but she decided this week to come forward with her allegations after a woman sued Cosby, alleging that he forced her to perform a sex act at the Playboy Mansion when she was 15.

Since early November, at least 15 women have accused Cosby of sexual assault. Cosby has never been charged with any of the allegations, though one accuser met Friday with Los Angeles police detectives.

"I just want him exposed for the serial druggie rapist that he is. He's got to be stopped," Masten said. "I don't care if he's 77 years old. He's got to be stopped."

The Bill Cosby thread

I just watched Nancy Grace and Jane? Dickinson.

She's lying. 100% el mech bullshit cunt detector level 10

The Bill Cosby thread

Bill Cosby raped me while I was studying at UVA in 1932. TOP THAT MOTHERFUCKER'S!!!!!

The Bill Cosby thread

Quote: (12-09-2014 08:58 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

I just watched Nancy Grace and Jane? Dickinson.

She's lying. 100% el mech bullshit cunt detector level 10

[Image: Janice-Dickinson-after.jpg]

Take care of those titties for me.

The Bill Cosby thread

Quote: (12-09-2014 09:25 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

Quote: (12-09-2014 08:58 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

I just watched Nancy Grace and Jane? Dickinson.

She's lying. 100% el mech bullshit cunt detector level 10

[Image: Janice-Dickinson-after.jpg]

She looks like a female Mick Jagger.

The Bill Cosby thread

Quote: (12-09-2014 09:19 PM)Aliblahba Wrote:  

Bill Cosby raped me while I was studying at UVA in 1932. TOP THAT MOTHERFUCKER'S!!!!!

You ass, how's Texas treating you dude

The Bill Cosby thread

Janice Dickinson.....and Aerosmith's Steven Tyler...separated at birth?

You decide.

The Bill Cosby thread

" The docs say Huth's attorney demanded $100,000 for silence -- or risk criminal penalties. "

That tells you everything you need to know .

I tell all my friends man , don't ever delete your texts and emails , you never know when your going to need to prove your innocence.

I honestly believe that the penalty for a false rape accusation should be equivalent to that of statutory rape.

Give these hoes a meaningful deterrent to stop wrongly excusing innocent men . They're out of control right now .

The Bill Cosby thread

I submitted my article to RoK but they are not sure if they are going to publish it or not because someone submitted a Cosby article before me.

These are the pics of Cosby accusers I wanted in my article:

Janice Dickinson

[Image: Janice-Dickinson-after.jpg]

Linda Traitz

[Image: Linda-J-Traitz_mugshot.400x800.jpg]

Joan Tarshis

[Image: joan-tarshis.jpg?w=780&h=440]

Louisa Moritz

[Image: Louisa-Moritz.jpg]

Take care of those titties for me.

The Bill Cosby thread

I'm willing to bet some money, that just like men who rape, tend to do it again, women who falsely accuse do it again as well.

The Bill Cosby thread

Surprise surprise!

Not sure if the info below has been mentioned here, but this news story write-up summarized it well, and the story was actually posted on a local news outlet in my area.

Histories Of Several Cosby Accusers Cast Doubt On Tales (bold and italics provided by me)


A number of women who have accused comedian Bill Cosby of sexual assault either have factual contradictions in their accounts or have personal histories that cast doubt on their claims, The Daily Caller has learned.

Five of Cosby’s recent accusers, including multiple women currently or previously represented by prominent feminist attorney Gloria Allred, have engaged in statements and behavior that warrant increased scrutiny of their public accusations against Cosby.

“There is virtually no standard by which the media are holding Mr Cosby’s accusers,” Cosby attorney Marty Singer told The Daily Caller in a statement. “Anyone and everyone who wants to file a suit or get on television can be guaranteed fawning coverage. The very same media have demonstrated an unconscionable disinterest in the veracity of his accusers and their motives.”

The wave of sexual assault allegations against Cosby recently re-emerged in the media after comedian Hannibal Buress referenced past accusations in a standup routine.

Allred held a press conference last week with three recent accusers calling upon Cosby to pay $100 million in damages to the women or to agree to waive the statute of limitations on civil lawsuits.

The accusers presented below — gathered from an analysis of the women speaking out against Cosby — represent those individuals whose personal histories have raised red flags about either their credibility, their mental stability, or their run-ins with the law.

Chelan Lasha

Chelan Lasha accused Cosby of sexual assault in a televised press conference with Gloria Allred on December 3, where Allred demanded Cosby pay $100 million in damages for Lasha and other alleged victims. Reached for comment, Allred directed TheDC to Lasha’s statement from the press conference stating the details of her alleged assault, which she claimed occurred in 1986.

Public records show that Lasha has long criminal rap sheet.

She has been arrested for crimes including false reporting and prostitution.

Lasha was arrested in 2007 and charged in Arizona with false reporting to law enforcement and trespassing — she pled guilty on both counts. Lasha was previously arrested for theft in Oregon in 1988 and was convicted.

Lasha was arrested on October 18, 2014 in California and was charged with possession of a billy club. She was also arrested in 2008 in Arizona for assault, disorderly conduct — fighting and trespassing, and pled guilty to disorderly conduct – fighting.

Lasha pled guilty following a 2008 arrest in Arizona for prostitution, which was her second prostitution charge, according to available public records. Lasha failed to complete a mandatory diversion program stemming from her prostitution arrest. A warrant was issued for her arrest.

Louisa Moritz

Actress Louisa Moritz, Bill Cosby accuser, seen at the 2011 Autograph Show

Moritz, 68, recently told The New York Daily News that Cosby forced his penis into her mouth in the dressing room and then threatened her backstage at the Johnny Carson-hosted talk show, which was then based in New York City.

But Internet Movie Database records show that Cosby and Moritz never appeared together on an episode of The Tonight Show in 1971.

Cosby appeared on The Tonight Show that year on March 3 with fellow guests Clifton Davis and Bob Kaufman and on October 19 with Buddy Greco, Sam Levenson, Jose Molina, and Gay Talese.

Moritz, meanwhile, appeared on the show on July 23 with Troy Donahue, Stan Kann, Rex Reed and Julie Wilson, on Aug. 23 with Bob Crane, Bob Russell and Nipsey Russell and on August 26 with Cliff Gorman, Vivian Reed, and mentalist Kreskin.

Presented with the discrepancy by phone Thursday, Moritz admitted that she wasn’t actually sure what year the alleged assault occurred.

“I think it was the year,” Moritz told TheDC.

“I was on the same episode,” Moritz said. “When they called my name and he went out. He went out when they called my name and he said ‘Hi.’”

“I’m not sure exactly when it was but my attorney was looking for that,” Moritz added. “I’m not sure because I’m in bed and I’m tired.”

Moritz provided the name of her Washington-based attorney Joseph Cammarata, who represents multiple Cosby accusers. Cammarata did not respond prior to publication.

P.J. Masten

P.J. Masten appears on HLN to discuss Cosby allegations

Former Playboy bunny P.J. Masten claimed in a group CNN interview with other Cosby accusers last Friday that Cosby drugged her and raped her in a Chicago hotel, and alleged that other Playboy bunnies were also raped by Cosby.

But this isn’t the first time Masten has accused a high profile celebrity of sexual abuse.

Masten also joined in sexual abuse accusations against sportscaster Marv Albert in the 1990s, and was represented by lawyer Gloria Allred during the Albert case. Masten accused Albert of biting and assaulting her after Albert had already been accused of biting and assaulting another woman. Albert called Masten’s claim a “complete fabrication.”

Even Marv Albert’s original accuser, Vanessa Perhach, accused Masten of “riding my comet” and joining in the allegations against Albert only “for the money,” according to a 1997 New York Daily News article.

Allred told TheDC that she does not currently represent Masten in the Cosby matter. A message for Masten on social media was not returned by press time.

Tamara Green

Cosby accuser Tamara Green has filed a defamation suit alleging that Cosby sullied Green’s “good name and reputation” by denying Green’s sexual assault allegations against him.

Several years ago, Green was suspended from practicing law by the State Bar of California and was placed on probation.

The State Bar Court of California recommended on Dec. 27, 2005 that Green be “suspended from the practice of law in the State of California for a period of two years” and that she “be placed on probation for a period of five years.”

The court found that Green “has a mental health problem, and the court found that there is sufficient evidence of a nexus between that mental health issue and respondent’s misconduct in this proceeding.”

Green also failed to disburse a $20,000 medical settlement to a client and instead pocketed the settlement for herself. Green also accepted a $1,000 retainer from a client that she did not contact or represent, and disconnected her telephone and changed office addresses without even informing a client that had retained her services in a civil case.

Green did not undergo rehabilitation for her mental health problem.

“Although Respondent [Green] has a mental health problem … she is not found to have undergone a meaningful and sustained period of rehabilitation from her mental health problem,” according to the court.

Green’s lawyer Joseph Cammarata, who also represents Moritz, did not respond prior to publication.

Beth Ferrier

Former model Beth Ferrier has also accused Cosby of sexual assault.

But Ferrier made a point of visiting the set of The Cosby Show with her friends even after she claimed the sexual assault against her occurred.

Ferrier joined Allred’s press conference last week and later gave a CNN interview with Allred by her side. Ferrier alleged that she engaged in a “relationship” with the married comedian after meeting him in 1984, and that he sexually assaulted her after she broke up with him.

Ferrier admitted in her CNN interview that she visited Cosby “several times” after the alleged incident:

“I did go and several times see him in New York on the set at his Silver Star Studios when they moved that, because I felt that when I had my friends with me on the set that I could show him that I was doing very well and I was alive and strong, and –”

“And you felt that it was easier because you had friends with you for safety in numbers,” CNN host Don Lemon interrupted to volunteer.

Reached by TheDC, Allred did not elaborate on the specifics of Ferrier’s case.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

The Bill Cosby thread

Cosby's wife Camille issued a statement today:

[Image: B47WbvLIQAIC2AF.jpg:large]

Take care of those titties for me.

The Bill Cosby thread

Quote: (12-12-2014 02:20 PM)heavy Wrote:  

Surprise surprise!

Not sure if the info below has been mentioned here, but this news story write-up summarized it well, and the story was actually posted on a local news outlet in my area.

Histories Of Several Cosby Accusers Cast Doubt On Tales (bold and italics provided by me)


A number of women who have accused comedian Bill Cosby of sexual assault either have factual contradictions in their accounts or have personal histories that cast doubt on their claims, The Daily Caller has learned.

Five of Cosby’s recent accusers, including multiple women currently or previously represented by prominent feminist attorney Gloria Allred, have engaged in statements and behavior that warrant increased scrutiny of their public accusations against Cosby.

“There is virtually no standard by which the media are holding Mr Cosby’s accusers,” Cosby attorney Marty Singer told The Daily Caller in a statement. “Anyone and everyone who wants to file a suit or get on television can be guaranteed fawning coverage. The very same media have demonstrated an unconscionable disinterest in the veracity of his accusers and their motives.”

The wave of sexual assault allegations against Cosby recently re-emerged in the media after comedian Hannibal Buress referenced past accusations in a standup routine.

Allred held a press conference last week with three recent accusers calling upon Cosby to pay $100 million in damages to the women or to agree to waive the statute of limitations on civil lawsuits.

The accusers presented below — gathered from an analysis of the women speaking out against Cosby — represent those individuals whose personal histories have raised red flags about either their credibility, their mental stability, or their run-ins with the law.

Chelan Lasha

Chelan Lasha accused Cosby of sexual assault in a televised press conference with Gloria Allred on December 3, where Allred demanded Cosby pay $100 million in damages for Lasha and other alleged victims. Reached for comment, Allred directed TheDC to Lasha’s statement from the press conference stating the details of her alleged assault, which she claimed occurred in 1986.

Public records show that Lasha has long criminal rap sheet.

She has been arrested for crimes including false reporting and prostitution.

Lasha was arrested in 2007 and charged in Arizona with false reporting to law enforcement and trespassing — she pled guilty on both counts. Lasha was previously arrested for theft in Oregon in 1988 and was convicted.

Lasha was arrested on October 18, 2014 in California and was charged with possession of a billy club. She was also arrested in 2008 in Arizona for assault, disorderly conduct — fighting and trespassing, and pled guilty to disorderly conduct – fighting.

Lasha pled guilty following a 2008 arrest in Arizona for prostitution, which was her second prostitution charge, according to available public records. Lasha failed to complete a mandatory diversion program stemming from her prostitution arrest. A warrant was issued for her arrest.

Louisa Moritz

Actress Louisa Moritz, Bill Cosby accuser, seen at the 2011 Autograph Show

Moritz, 68, recently told The New York Daily News that Cosby forced his penis into her mouth in the dressing room and then threatened her backstage at the Johnny Carson-hosted talk show, which was then based in New York City.

But Internet Movie Database records show that Cosby and Moritz never appeared together on an episode of The Tonight Show in 1971.

Cosby appeared on The Tonight Show that year on March 3 with fellow guests Clifton Davis and Bob Kaufman and on October 19 with Buddy Greco, Sam Levenson, Jose Molina, and Gay Talese.

Moritz, meanwhile, appeared on the show on July 23 with Troy Donahue, Stan Kann, Rex Reed and Julie Wilson, on Aug. 23 with Bob Crane, Bob Russell and Nipsey Russell and on August 26 with Cliff Gorman, Vivian Reed, and mentalist Kreskin.

Presented with the discrepancy by phone Thursday, Moritz admitted that she wasn’t actually sure what year the alleged assault occurred.

“I think it was the year,” Moritz told TheDC.

“I was on the same episode,” Moritz said. “When they called my name and he went out. He went out when they called my name and he said ‘Hi.’”

“I’m not sure exactly when it was but my attorney was looking for that,” Moritz added. “I’m not sure because I’m in bed and I’m tired.”

Moritz provided the name of her Washington-based attorney Joseph Cammarata, who represents multiple Cosby accusers. Cammarata did not respond prior to publication.

P.J. Masten

P.J. Masten appears on HLN to discuss Cosby allegations

Former Playboy bunny P.J. Masten claimed in a group CNN interview with other Cosby accusers last Friday that Cosby drugged her and raped her in a Chicago hotel, and alleged that other Playboy bunnies were also raped by Cosby.

But this isn’t the first time Masten has accused a high profile celebrity of sexual abuse.

Masten also joined in sexual abuse accusations against sportscaster Marv Albert in the 1990s, and was represented by lawyer Gloria Allred during the Albert case. Masten accused Albert of biting and assaulting her after Albert had already been accused of biting and assaulting another woman. Albert called Masten’s claim a “complete fabrication.”

Even Marv Albert’s original accuser, Vanessa Perhach, accused Masten of “riding my comet” and joining in the allegations against Albert only “for the money,” according to a 1997 New York Daily News article.

Allred told TheDC that she does not currently represent Masten in the Cosby matter. A message for Masten on social media was not returned by press time.

Tamara Green

Cosby accuser Tamara Green has filed a defamation suit alleging that Cosby sullied Green’s “good name and reputation” by denying Green’s sexual assault allegations against him.

Several years ago, Green was suspended from practicing law by the State Bar of California and was placed on probation.

The State Bar Court of California recommended on Dec. 27, 2005 that Green be “suspended from the practice of law in the State of California for a period of two years” and that she “be placed on probation for a period of five years.”

The court found that Green “has a mental health problem, and the court found that there is sufficient evidence of a nexus between that mental health issue and respondent’s misconduct in this proceeding.”

Green also failed to disburse a $20,000 medical settlement to a client and instead pocketed the settlement for herself. Green also accepted a $1,000 retainer from a client that she did not contact or represent, and disconnected her telephone and changed office addresses without even informing a client that had retained her services in a civil case.

Green did not undergo rehabilitation for her mental health problem.

“Although Respondent [Green] has a mental health problem … she is not found to have undergone a meaningful and sustained period of rehabilitation from her mental health problem,” according to the court.

Green’s lawyer Joseph Cammarata, who also represents Moritz, did not respond prior to publication.

Beth Ferrier

Former model Beth Ferrier has also accused Cosby of sexual assault.

But Ferrier made a point of visiting the set of The Cosby Show with her friends even after she claimed the sexual assault against her occurred.

Ferrier joined Allred’s press conference last week and later gave a CNN interview with Allred by her side. Ferrier alleged that she engaged in a “relationship” with the married comedian after meeting him in 1984, and that he sexually assaulted her after she broke up with him.

Ferrier admitted in her CNN interview that she visited Cosby “several times” after the alleged incident:

“I did go and several times see him in New York on the set at his Silver Star Studios when they moved that, because I felt that when I had my friends with me on the set that I could show him that I was doing very well and I was alive and strong, and –”

“And you felt that it was easier because you had friends with you for safety in numbers,” CNN host Don Lemon interrupted to volunteer.

Reached by TheDC, Allred did not elaborate on the specifics of Ferrier’s case.

Damn, this is messed up.

The thing is though, that given the climate, these women could use such pasts to rationalize the fact that they were indeed raped. The problem lies is once again, since it can't be proved it should be dismissed, no question. I think the longer this goes, the more likely he will make a similar claim.

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