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Hamster vs hypergamy

Hamster vs hypergamy

Hypergamy kicks in and the hamster emerges for sudden death combat

Attraction and passion are non-negotiable

Hamster vs hypergamy

First, this is a poor thread title.

Second, your description is not only lacking but also telling of what sort of twisted mindset the manosphere can inculcate in a person.

Yes, the man has poor body language (leaning in to her in both pictures) and most likely has poor game. But, so what?

While don't agree with her post and her clear rationalizing about her relationship with a man she isn't really sexually attracted to, at least she actually spends time reflecting on how the world teaches women inappropriate lessons on what to expect from a man. Maybe it's just puffery on the Internet (most likely is), but she is actually thinking about the ridiculous messages media and parents send to women about their future husband.

Will she actually follow up on her thoughts and truly behave as she says she should? I doubt it. But, at least the recognition is there. I know it's not much, but awareness is always the first step.

The problem with your glib opinion is that it really means nothing. All too often men in the manosphere simply label any thinking or rationalizing of women as inherently a "hamster" issue or "hypergamy" issue. Ain't a single person in this world that can exist without a minor spot of rationalizing. Her rationalizing, here, seems to be over the desire to be a part of the world (the flesh) and the Word (the spiritual). Like most modern women, her desire for the world greatly outweighs the Word (which is why she leads off with the horribly basic appeal to movies), but -- like I said above -- at least there is a dim glimmer of awareness.

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

Hamster vs hypergamy

I might get some hate for this, but I genuinely agree with the article.

It really isn't nothing new for the rational, but there is a world filled with people living in a social media fairytale. Too many people are looking for that relationship with zero conflict. They see people post their perfect relationships on Facebook and begin to create unrealistic expectations of a relationship. Obviously there has to be one person out there that can offer that relationship, so they keep cycling through candidates looking for that perfect person. However, that person doesn't exist. The more intimate relationship, the more work required.

I'd be able to buy a fancy steak dinner for two if I received a dollar for every time a girl I was dating said "It isn't supposed to be this hard." My response has always been the same: "It isn't hard." Followed by: "Anything worthwhile takes work". The fact that your man forgetting to compliment your looks ruined day really shows how good you have it. You are able to eat good meals and sleep under a stable roof. You don't have to worry about your man ever laying your hand on you. How hard to you really have it?

Anyway... with that being said... I imagine that girl that wrote the article will be divorced in under 5 years. I don't know anything about her past, but I do know girls that write these articles tend to overthink things. She will wonder if Jeremiah not getting her flowers on their anniversary means that he has fallen out of love.

Hamster vs hypergamy

Thanks for the schooling

Attraction and passion are non-negotiable

Hamster vs hypergamy

^ good to see the OP display some humility

I thought this was a good article. It seems like this girl is at least listening to her church sermons. She realized that the 'perfect' partner for her isn't the one that she envisions, its the one that god has deemed perfect for her


But the WORD says it has nothing to do with you. The Word says the covenant of marriage has everything to do with God. The Word says the journey of navigating a lifetime promise has everything to do with Jesus. And the only thing perfect for YOU in the equation is grace.

that partner may be God's way of giving a woman a means to learn the lessons of humility, compassion, selflessness and learning how to be a woman vs. a sexually mature spoiled brat.

Thats all good, but there is always the grain of salt taken that this is written on a blog, attached to a store, attached to this woman's public image and business. This is her best foot forward and her public face seen in this writing.

As her future husband I would be somewhat offended at her presenting anything less than a united and confident front about our relationship to the public (she hasn't heard the honor your husband part enough I guess) and also with an 'about me' like this


// Bulimia beater. Suicide survivor. Car crash overcomer. // Inspirational speaker.

This chick has got way more skeletons in her closet and demons in her head than she lets I always am suspect of anyone that uses their faith to make money outside of the clergy. Matthew 10:8 lays it down "..freely you received, freely give. Do not acquire gold, or silver or copper for your money belts" ie. the word of god was given for free, so don't you be making money off of giving it to others"

She's writing the right things but I can't tell if she's on the churchianity bandwagon or ready for the real hardships of being a wife, dropping her internet fame and taking a back seat to her husband.

edit: I watched one of her video blogs. She's a professional journalist, comes across as disingenuous/very scripted and is way too into LSU football....Churchianity.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Hamster vs hypergamy

Quote: (10-28-2014 11:52 PM)Mufasa Wrote:  

Thanks for the schooling

Don't be sacred off Mufasa. Everyone gets their first posts razzed by old time members here (myself included!).

Welcome to the forum! [Image: banana.gif]

Hamster vs hypergamy

While the overt religious aspect may make this article somewhat difficult to relate to for some people out there, I can see a bit of truth and reason to it.

Essentially the message is that our culture teaches us that we should be 100% selfish and idealist with our decisions in love and if anything is out of place or imperfect to our ideal then we should dismiss it entirely. Her bit about a deity having a plan for her and giving her the opportunity to feel something more divine through the vessel of marriage I take as her being a bit more realistic about the idea of commitment. Basically saying she realizes that no love is "perfect," the world is chaos, and finding a partner that possesses a lot of wonderful qualities and a minimal about of disagreeable but tolerable qualities that loves you and wants to support you and commit is a "blessing" and a "godsend." I can't really disagree with that.

Hamster vs hypergamy

Pet Project time:

The author of this blog intrigued me on my doubts of churcianity vs. "the real deal". So I read around her blog and checked out some videos. There are these 'between the lines' red pill truths in there that are just more of the same lessons on women.

1. Female athlete, collegiate goal keeper, attention magnet
2. Her Dad, a man she looks up to, finds out some sort of 'secret', disappears from home, a year later kills himself. She writes alot about her Dad but not anwyhere can I find mention of her Mom. Yet her Dad is the guy who struggled with demons? My guess is that her dad became a divorce or infidelity statistic, swept under the rug and blamed on his own failings.
3. She, in college, goes ballistic on partying, booze and guys...though claims to have maintained her virginity (this is perhaps one of those blowjobs and anal doesn't count type things)
4. A car wreck towards the end of college re-dedicates herself to god
5. at age 25 she accepts a proposal from a guy she has dated for a year and writes a post about her doubts about accepting the proposal. Her athletic career is done, she's out of the college limelight, her time to shine is done and she's not 'working out with the LSU football team anymore'
6. After her engagement she has gone to posting videos in sweats with a hair bun and no makeup...

Her story reads like a softcore/christian/light version of the non religious cock carousel rider settling down after the wrinkles set in at age 30. She is probably genuine in her faith but veneer of churchianity, using the bible for business and the red pill colored glasses makes is all come off like the same well intentioned, yet bad advice you can find in any 'christian bookstore'

Edit/PS: Seems like she also decided to try out for division 1 men's soccer and twice to be the kicker for the LSU football team. Thats really all I needed to know before my other reading.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Hamster vs hypergamy

If I were him I'd terminate the engagement after reading that article and tell her why. She shouldn't be airing her doubts about him or the relationship in public like that. It's embarrassing for the both of them, but more for him, and it shows she's either dumb or doesn't care about his reputation.

Not only that, he needs to learn game. Pronto.

Looking at him I get that same feeling I do when I see boring beta Churchanity guys. These are the dudes who get used by carousel riders who suddenly found religion and want to appear respectable.

A person's past matters. God will forgive them if they're earnest and repent but that doesn't mean you have to or should wife them up.

I'm with Doc Howard on this one. Too many red flags.

"Men willingly believe what they wish." - Julius Caesar, De Bello Gallico, Book III, Ch. 18

Hamster vs hypergamy

Quote: (10-29-2014 11:24 AM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Pet Project time:

The author of this blog intrigued me on my doubts of churcianity vs. "the real deal". So I read around her blog and checked out some videos. There are these 'between the lines' red pill truths in there that are just more of the same lessons on women.

1. Female athlete, collegiate goal keeper, attention magnet
2. Her Dad, a man she looks up to, finds out some sort of 'secret', disappears from home, a year later kills himself. She writes alot about her Dad but not anwyhere can I find mention of her Mom. Yet her Dad is the guy who struggled with demons? My guess is that her dad became a divorce or infidelity statistic, swept under the rug and blamed on his own failings.
3. She, in college, goes ballistic on partying, booze and guys...though claims to have maintained her virginity (this is perhaps one of those blowjobs and anal doesn't count type things)
4. A car wreck towards the end of college re-dedicates herself to god
5. at age 25 she accepts a proposal from a guy she has dated for a year and writes a post about her doubts about accepting the proposal. Her athletic career is done, she's out of the college limelight, her time to shine is done and she's not 'working out with the LSU football team anymore'
6. After her engagement she has gone to posting videos in sweats with a hair bun and no makeup...

Her story reads like a softcore/christian/light version of the non religious cock carousel rider settling down after the wrinkles set in at age 30. She is probably genuine in her faith but veneer of churchianity, using the bible for business and the red pill colored glasses makes is all come off like the same well intentioned, yet bad advice you can find in any 'christian bookstore'

Edit/PS: Seems like she also decided to try out for division 1 men's soccer and twice to be the kicker for the LSU football team. Thats really all I needed to know before my other reading.

In my experience, it's not hard to spot these types. You can always tell by the personality.

Hamster vs hypergamy

She seems like the infamous Jenny Erickson to me.

Hamster vs hypergamy

If they actually get married (which I doubt), I 'd put the over/under at 2 years for divorce.

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"Failure is just practice for success"

Hamster vs hypergamy

Quote: (10-29-2014 01:00 PM)Sp5 Wrote:  

She seems like the infamous Jenny Erickson to me.

Thats the name I was trying to remember Sp5. The question in my head was "will she be a future Jenny Erickson?" I don't think she will be quite the trainwreck as they aren't coming from the same place.

Erickson was spiteful in her departure from husband and church, I think this chick would be regretful instead of angry, but would still leave anyway, hanging her head that her husband wasn't the man her father was...

@Aneriod - they are married now. Remember, these are people that have deprived themselves of sex. Once that engagement ring is on its like playing just the tip... so they weren't going to delay that.

I wouldn't bet on 2 years, I'd bet on 6 years after the first kid that real trouble hits. I don't know if I'd bank on a divorce but that would be the likely point for it to occur.

If I was a chick, that would be a major point of depression for me. Not only do you deal with your looks fading since college, but the spotlight of fame and athletics is also fading on the same timeline since its college peak.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

Hamster vs hypergamy

This Southern bitch is fuckable in the extreme. I mean, really nice.

Sometimes an LSU girl like that with her great skin, perfectly done hair and mock-modest Christian jeans hits the spot more than anything else.

same old shit, sixes and sevens Shaft...

Hamster vs hypergamy

Quote: (10-29-2014 09:20 PM)The Lizard of Oz Wrote:  

This Southern bitch is fuckable in the extreme. I mean, really nice.

Sometimes an LSU girl like that with her great skin, perfectly done hair and mock-modest Christian jeans hits the spot more than anything else.

WB is a no brainer. Would wife up is the bigger question. I would say no.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

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