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Military draft: What would you do?

Military draft: What would you do?

As a men's site, I'm surprised that this hasn't been fully addressed. It's common knowledge that in the event of a war all able-bodied/aged men are instituted into a draft. I'm sure that if a draft were to be called a lot of the men on this site would be drafted. If you're an American this could soon be a relevant topic, considering the intrusively combative disposition of the ol' USA.

So here's the question, what would you do if a military draft was established?

Would you comply to the draft to avoid severe consequences or try to escape it? If you were to willingly comply to the draft, why? And if you were to try and avoid the draft, how?

Military draft: What would you do?

Get another passport, renounce my citizenship and leave the country. But since I volunteered already because of economic need, too late now.

Military draft: What would you do?

I'm only joining the military if US soil is actually invaded. If the Chinese park a dozen destroyers off the coast of California and attempt to invade, I'll fight.

Otherwise, I'll catch y'all on a beach in Mexico.


Military draft: What would you do?

I'm already in the military. Too late for me. I wound recommend every young man without the proper connections to flee the country

Military draft: What would you do?

"So here's the question, what would you do if a military draft was established?"

First I'd ask aloud why Title IX isn't being applied to the draft while it's applied everywhere else.

Then I'd sit and watch as feminists lose all credibility due to their cognitive dissonance and/or backpedaling on this issue.

Then I'd try to convince as many young guys as possible not to fight because this is not the country or political system we had when we last had a draft. The whole thing is a sham, from the eternal war-on-terror to keep the defense industry rich, to the gov't-funded feminism. We now live in a country where men defect to Russia not the other way around. Imagine that in 1970.

Military draft: What would you do?

Biden openly supported it in the past. Can't be google-searched anymore though.

Military draft: What would you do?

This kind of question has come up before, actually:

My answer to this thread is similar to the one I gave there: I'd take the pre-emptive route and go to officer candidate school, preferably with an aim towards Air Force service. Hope to survive the conflict (which is more likely as an officer in the AF than as a grunt in the Army) and parlay my experience into a lucrative post-war career.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Military draft: What would you do?

I did a research paper on the feasibility of a draft. Needless to say, unless World War III kicks off and actually lasts more than a few months a draft doesn't make financial or military sense.

It should be noted some "experts" believe WWIII will be over before the majority of people even know about it. Others predict a long drawn out war where the supply of fuel, oil, and ammo required by such large mobilized forces will be exhausted in a mere weeks, and hand to hand battles fought in the fashion of medieval times will become the norm.

If it does happen and you dont want to find you better leave the country. If you are willing to fight if called upon, you need to volunteer early so you can actually have control over what branch you go to and what job you perform.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

Military draft: What would you do?

As much as I hate this country and its people I would still fight. At this point my psyche has been molded to relish in the violence. I would love nothing more than to have the sons and daughters of the politicians, big business owners and corporate CEOs and war profiteers be drafted, even though that won't happen. I'd love for their hubris and greed that has created a perpetual cycle of misery and suffering to claim the lives and well being of their own children so they can see how wretched their conquests for the dollar has made the world. I want to see the conflict come to our front doors. Suburbia on fire. Bombed out skyscrapers of credit card companies, a decimated Monsanto HQ building. Desperate urban warfare, where securing and seizing a block can take a week. It is time the west shall reap what it has sown. I don't care if I die.

Instead, it is the young men who couldn't afford college, who had no central father figure growing up, who believed in their deception and false promises of 'honor, courage, and commitment', those who wanted to get away from broken homes and dead towns that bare the burden of become casualties of these new wars. They tell you're doing a great thing by serving your country. What they don't tell you is about the CIA's poppy fields in Afghanistan you're going to be securing. All the patrols you're going to do in a third world shithole some overly educated statie yuppies can nonchalantly sip on their merlot as they marvel on the spectacle of a city eviscerating itself in a civil war.

The draft will only claim the wrong people. The crooks and their children will be safe. This is why I would never advocate getting drafted to fight a foreign war we probably have no business being in. Vietnam, Afghanistan, countless proxy wars, and no w Syria.

Best to dodge it unless vengeance comes to our shores. Then it is your duty as a man to repel the enemy by fire and close combat.

Military draft: What would you do?

Quote: (08-12-2013 02:16 AM)la_mode Wrote:  

Biden openly supported it in the past. Can't be google-searched anymore though.

It is known that the 'honorable' Mr. Biden dodged the draft during Vietnam. The records claim his childhood asthma disqualified him from service, despite openly talking about his exploits as a lifeguard and football player with a distinct fondness.

Plus, I know a few grunts who have asthma serving today. Biden is a snake and a hypocrite.

Military draft: What would you do?

I'm not too concerned about the draft.

The only people that should be concerned are people who are underemployed and saddled with big student loans.

The draft will gobble them up really fast. I wouldn't be surprised if the "welfare" state was intentionally put in to make a nice disposable packet of meat for the next big blunder.

Military draft: What would you do?

I would stay in Peru.

A PuffedHo blogger just put out a piece proclaiming how we need to raise taxes and bring back the draft in order to fight ISIS. This blog post could almost be satire, but it's legit.

"It's time to get off the couch, America, and collectively sacrifice for national security, both through taxes to fund the next conflict and a draft, like previous generations in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. ISIS wants to bankrupt this country and drag us into another quagmire, so if you believe these maniacs need to be destroyed by bullets fired from American guns, it's time for you too to start firing these bullets and paying for the next war. "

What I take away from this piece is that ISIS wants to bankrupt this country so why not help them out by raising taxes, enslaving our men into involuntary servitude and have our ground troops again go gallivanting around Iraq to expedite the process. Makes perfect sense. I realize a draft probably wouldn't happen, but it is unbelievable that there are still collectivist totalitarians who are thinking this way.

I don't think a group of rag tag Arab fighters are going to be able to commence a ground invasion of the US that would necessitate a draft.

Dreams are like horses; they run wild on the earth. Catch one and ride it. Throw a leg over and ride it for all its worth.
Psalm 25:7

Military draft: What would you do?

I'd volunteer for the Coast Guard.

Military draft: What would you do?

Relocate to another country. I have no allegiances or emotional attachment to any govt/nation/territory.

Military draft: What would you do?

I think the problem is that we have begun to fight wars that don't defend our country.

Military draft: What would you do?

Quote: (09-14-2014 11:44 PM)polymath Wrote:  

I think the problem is that we have begun to fight wars that don't defend our country.


Military draft: What would you do?

The only legitimate reason to fight is if U.S territory is being invaded. Everything else is a sham.

I love my home state of Wisconsin, but I hate what the federal government has done to this country.

I will not take any "war" seriously until enemy forces are pushing through U.S borders. And I will fight to the death if that ever becomes the case.

Military draft: What would you do?

Divorce rape and a media image of being treated like a buffoon demonstrates its no longer a civilization worth dying for,

Besides, da womynz and da gayz have fought hard to 'earn' combat positions, they got this.....

Time to sit this one out fella's

Military draft: What would you do?

Thankfully I'm not an American citizen and my country is not prone to getting into pointless wars, but it's always possible to be swept up in the NATO vs. ex-Warsaw-pact/Iran/ISIS/China/whatever war. If that were the case, I'm afraid emigration would not solve the problem, since it would be a World War by definition. I would count on health issues disqualifying me from active service though, and would try to contribute in some logistical field (propaganda? [Image: biggrin.gif] ) to cover my ass.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Military draft: What would you do?

If I'd been asked this question 10 years ago, I would have agreed to fight.

I loved my country. I loved our conquering, controlling, empire building history and was proud of who we were and where we'd come from. Rule Britannia and Jerusalem brought tears of pride to my face every time I heard or sung them.

In 10 short years my country has changed so fast, to the point that I want and am actively looking to leave. I hate what we have become. I hate who we are now.

If there was a draft tomorrow I'd be off to Ireland, my British passport scattered in pieces into the Irish Channel and be drinking a pint of Guinness whilst I watched it all unfold.

I am slightly ashamed that I now dislike my country so much…I console myself that it is not really my country anymore, anyway.

Military draft: What would you do?

C'mon guys! You don't want to fight alongside the brave men & women of the US military?

Besides we need to replace those evil cis-gendered white males that run the army. There are just too many of them. Preferably more women, gays, and trannies like in the video above. The world will fear the buggery brigade! [Image: gay.gif]

I'm 28, they'll probably still draft me even though I am older. It'll probably be a war with some country/group that is threatening Israel. They love to send American men die for Israel. I'll just move to another country that isn't driving itself off a cliff towards socialism and barbarism... Putin save us!

[Image: 1404418150912.jpg]

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Military draft: What would you do?

I don't think a draft would work in this day and age because too many people would basically say fuck that shit. Our country is a fucking mess, were overtaxed, we have no say, there's too much corruption, we live in this PC society where we wanna go to war but we don't want anyone primarily enemies to have their "rights" violated or to get hurt. WTF is that, war is bad, people get killed and for the most part rules are out the window but our gov doesn't really understand that. I'm not going to fight some war where I'm at war but not allowed to shoot at anyone. A good family friend of mine did a number of tours over a few years, left a happy go lucky kid and came back all fucked up, can't sleep, can't eat, can't work, just diagnosed with PTSD and has some injuries from a couple roadside bombs he was hit by twice. I'll pass on that shit. IN the past I would have kind of a patriotic it's my duty kinda attitude but these days fuck it.

Military draft: What would you do?

I agree with the prevailing sentiment against submitting to the draft unless the country was being invaded, even as a retired military man.

Control over the U.S. armed forces has been hijacked into the service of interests other than those of the American people.

The American people have no real interest at stake in who runs Syria, for example.

Military draft: What would you do?

Quote: (09-15-2014 07:07 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

If I'd been asked this question 10 years ago, I would have agreed to fight.

I loved my country. I loved our conquering, controlling, empire building history and was proud of who we were and where we'd come from. Rule Britannia and Jerusalem brought tears of pride to my face every time I heard or sung them.

In 10 short years my country has changed so fast, to the point that I want and am actively looking to leave. I hate what we have become. I hate who we are now.

If there was a draft tomorrow I'd be off to Ireland, my British passport scattered in pieces into the Irish Channel and be drinking a pint of Guinness whilst I watched it all unfold.

I am slightly ashamed that I now dislike my country so much…I console myself that it is not really my country anymore, anyway.

If it's any consolation, many formerly patriotic Americans have undergone the same process

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Military draft: What would you do?

Quote: (09-15-2014 08:34 AM)MrXY Wrote:  

Quote: (09-15-2014 07:07 AM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

If I'd been asked this question 10 years ago, I would have agreed to fight.

I loved my country. I loved our conquering, controlling, empire building history and was proud of who we were and where we'd come from. Rule Britannia and Jerusalem brought tears of pride to my face every time I heard or sung them.

In 10 short years my country has changed so fast, to the point that I want and am actively looking to leave. I hate what we have become. I hate who we are now.

If there was a draft tomorrow I'd be off to Ireland, my British passport scattered in pieces into the Irish Channel and be drinking a pint of Guinness whilst I watched it all unfold.

I am slightly ashamed that I now dislike my country so much…I console myself that it is not really my country anymore, anyway.

If it's any consolation, many formerly patriotic Americans have undergone the same process

Yup. It's been hijacked by the progressives. It's no longer about freedom here in the US. It's about political correctness and treating everyone like a special snowflake.

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