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Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

So this mediocre looking broad writes this article in National Review about all the men who find her irresistible and street harass her and it caused a mini shit storm in the comment section.

Now far be it for me to endorse crude catcalling (for one, it is really bad game). But I can't shake the feeling this broad is looking for attention and is humble bragging. Some of the commentators picked up on this as well.

Some excerpts from the article:


No, Catcalling Is Definitely Not Flattery
Why conservative skeptics are wrong about street harassment.
By Christine Sisto

I’m sorry, fellas, but the feminists have it right this time: Catcalling needs to end and the conservatives need to stop defending it.

In the beginning of the Vocative video, a young woman says, “It’s constant, it’s inescapable, it’s hard to get away from.” “Inescapable” is the perfect word to describe street harassment. Contrary to popular belief, it doesn’t matter what a woman wears or how she walks or what she’s doing — she will still be singled out in public as a sex object.

Before you even say it, let me beat you to the punch. No, I do not dress like a skank, and this is an argument I hear too often — that women are dressing a certain way because they want the attention is simply an excuse to allow men to continue to misbehave. I was not the kind of 13-year-old who wanted to be 25 and dressed like it. That day in the restaurant, I was not dressed in any way that was meant to attract a man’s attention. I wore Limited Too when I was thirteen, not Abercrombie & Fitch.

[Dusty: one of the commentators found her pic on Linkedin. This is her profile pic in Linkedin. I kid you not. Look at that cleavage.]

[Image: 3e9641a.jpg]

At the end of the Vocativ video, all of the women agree that the men that have verbally assaulted them seem proud of their work. “I think that most women who have been assaulted know this look,” one woman says, speaking about a “smirk” on the face of her abuser, “It’s ‘I’m getting off on you being uncomfortable.’” This is exactly why catcalling upsets me enough to write this piece. The practice is not about flattering a woman; it’s about power.

During a previous job, I worked on a political campaign in my home neighborhood in Brooklyn. A supermarket was being built during my tenure on the campaign, right next door to the campaign office. The verbal abuse from the construction workers was relentless. I know “literally” gets misused, but literally every time I exited the building, the construction workers would shout at me. Sometimes, their words were tame, “Hey baby,” but eventually their catcalls became more graphic. Because I worked for an elected official, I held back from my normal response, which was to drop every curse word listed in Urban Dictionary. Eventually, I asked my boss to speak to the supervisor at the construction site and the abuse ended — for about a week. They never spoke to me again, but they did make it a point to drop what they were doing, run to the fence and stare at me, often chuckling under their breaths. I don’t believe that those construction workers were trying to give me a compliment. I’ve never met a man that cared that strongly about flattering someone.

Everyday experiences aren’t like the one just described — the main problem, in fact, is how constant the comments are. People say, “hey honey” and other seemingly innocent platitudes to me, conservatively, once a week. It is exhausting being embarrassed that much.

Every time I pass a group of men, loitering along a sidewalk, my throat seizes up, and I think, “Please let them just leave me alone.” My prayers are often not met and when they do shout, I think, “Will they just shout, or will it get worse? They’re not following me, are they?”

Guys, I see attractive men all the time, but I don’t feel an urge to loudly request to see their genitalia while they walk to Barnes & Noble with their mothers. (Yep, that happened to me, too.) No one can stop you from looking, but you choose to take the effort to make us uncomfortable, and that, I think, is the most hurtful thing of all.

Maybe her problem is she is not attractive enough for quality guys who can spit decent game.


[Image: DoHcZ4qC_400x400.jpeg]

Take care of those titties for me.

Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

Looking at those front teeth, I might hire her if I needed a dam built.
But catcalling? Nah.

Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

Another NRO female writer shot back with this post in the NRO Corner:


Considering Catcalls
By Molly Powell
August 30, 2014 2:30 PM

No one is catcalling Rosie O’Donnell, Barbara Bush, or Janet Napolitano.

[Image: agree.gif]

No one is catcalling my plump elderly mother as I wheel her down the sidewalk in her wheelchair. Marilyn Monroe once observed that she could walk down the sidewalk without drawing attention — without anyone recognizing her, let alone ogling or whistling. She could turn her sex appeal on and off at will. Clearly the question of whether or not a woman is treated as a sex object by strangers on the street does indeed turn upon her physical appearance. To state otherwise is to ignore reality — which is not a conservative position.

Most women who are young or halfway attractive will at some point experience rude and occasionally frightening behavior from men. So what? I’ve had some of the same kinds of unhappy experiences that Christine Sisto describes. Once, at the age of 18, while on a train in France, a derelict man — the only other passenger in the car — pleasured himself to the point of satisfaction while leering and grunting at me. Gross and scary. But you know what? I’m fine. I felt sorry for him. What a sad, lonely wreck of a man. He didn’t hurt me, though, except by giving me an unpleasant window into human nature.

Despite this disgusting experience (and a few others like it, including when I was much younger than 18), I’ll second the views of the lovely ladies of Fox News’s Outnumbered: Catcalls can be flattering, so long as they don’t cross the line into physical groping, intimidation, or assault. When I wear a tight skirt and heels down the street, and some guy catcalls, I think, Okay, I guess this does look rather good on me. And when I wear baggy jeans and a loose-fitting T-Shirt and no lipstick, no one gives me a second look. As women we can choose how we present ourselves. And if we are treated as mere pieces of meat, we bear at least some of the responsibility. This is not to say that we deserve to be harassed if we are naturally alluring or if we wear sexy clothing. And, yes, “attractiveness” is not the reason that hard-core sexual predators assault girls and women.

But I have some advice that might comfort my colleague Christine Sisto: Be patient. Time heals. When you are fat and gray-haired and have three chins and cankles, I wager that no one you will catcall you.

[Image: ohshit2.gif]

In fact, if you end up like some of the Alzheimer’s patients I have known, hungry for human connection and sexual vitality, being catcalled might even make your day. Not to make light — and no woman should feel she needs a bodyguard to protect her from harassment, as Sisto wrote — but: Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. There are far worse sorrows on this earth than being considered sexually appetizing.
[Image: agree2.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.

Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

The problem with women is in getting what they think they want somehow means they have power or are changing society for the better. All this dumb conservative unwittingly wants is to increase the state's power over its citizenry. In the name of protecting the white women, of course.

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

Yup, she's a fatty. I found this video of her (she is on around 13:20). She's fat but not yet obese (but she is young so will be obese in her 30s). Her buck teeth also interferes with her speech. She sounds pretty vapid and inarticulate.

Now I read her article before I saw what she looked like. I assumed she was hot because of all the attention she claims she gets. I was wrong.

I really can't imagine all the construction guys dropping what they were doing to run over to the fence to stare at her lustfully.

Take care of those titties for me.

Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

Fuck I got thrown off by the first pic side view. Seemed cute.

The second frontal pic. wow that was like a kick to the nuts/punch to the face shocking.

Fate whispers to the warrior, "You cannot withstand the storm." And the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm."

Women and children can be careless, but not men - Don Corleone

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Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

She has a big bouncy rack. That's what the construction workers were ogling. She probably was wearing something low cut or form fitting often as well.

Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

Should be a cute and beloved little wife and mother, instead she jockeys for SWPL status and fills the void with Ben & Jerry's and snark. God bless America.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

I found it weird that a publication like National Review is pushing something like this. They have wacky stuff sometimes, but not of such a liberal bent.

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Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

Both these articles are great. I like how the chipmunk chubster says:

"This is exactly why catcalling upsets me enough to write this piece. The practice is not about flattering a woman; it’s about power."

Damn, she's on to us! Tell Patriarchy HQ!

So, the story is, men are so inflamed by desire and/or Nietzschean will-to-power at the sight of her that they drop whatever they're doing and run to stare at her.

However, Chateau Heartiste has a more convincing explanation of why secret internet fatties may find the idea of building site workers wolf-whistling at attractive women distressing:


a common way women deal with the threat represented by a remarkably powerful or beautiful woman is by insisting on standards of equality, uniformity, and sharing for all the women in the group and making these attributes the normative requirements of proper femininity.

Unless glaucoma runs rampant through her local construction industry professionals, it's more likely that she isn't, in fact, a regular target of catcalls at all. Perhaps she was before she piled on the fat, and now bitterly resents the attention that thinner, prettier women receive. The only thing more injurious to the female psyche than unwelcome male attention is no male attention.

Molly Powell's article has a brilliant quote:

"Once, at the age of 18, while on a train in France, a derelict man — the only other passenger in the car — pleasured himself to the point of satisfaction while leering and grunting at me."

He then pretended to be trapped in a box:

[Image: 1803oykw3er2bjpg.jpg]

Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

It's indeed a humble brag, and a completely bs one at that.

As I said when this first came up a month or so ago, the women complaining about this on my social media consisted entirely of former coworkers who are dumpy semi fatties to outright land whales. Not a single attractive woman I know said anything about this.

I think they make it up and tell these stories as a way to impart the idea that they are attractive and physically desired. Or that these women are flat out just getting attention from men they consider beneath them.

It's also very likely these women get stares from guys on the street, but they aren't stares of attraction, they are stares of "why is someone so fat and full of themselves and dressing like a hooker? If I wanted to see a whale I'd go to Sea World".

Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

Quote: (08-31-2014 01:32 AM)SteveMcMahon Wrote:  

Both these articles are great. I like how the chipmunk chubster says:

"This is exactly why catcalling upsets me enough to write this piece. The practice is not about flattering a woman; it’s about power."

It is always funny how those fucking fem-morons make it all about some evil power and oppression.

No one cares about power here - it is the male sexual drive and letting off some steam as far as construction workers are concerned.

If it were about power, they would catcall every fat, old, obese and even homeless woman too, but I guess those women are not being oppressed, despite the fact that some 50+ rich society lady might be exactly the one the men feel oppressed from. No - men do not care about power - it is about sex.

The very same girl would be invisible in the Ukraine, since there is so much hot ass going around, that she could very well be in her 70s as far as comparative attraction goes.

Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

Seems to be the new thing

Walked by a silent protest yesterday in union square by a bunch of ugly woken and their white knight beta provider game enablers

Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

Quote: (08-30-2014 11:52 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

[Image: DoHcZ4qC_400x400.jpeg]

She looks like a SIF and she's hit the wall. WNB.

She may be getting "catcalled" at now, but I'd bet that as she gets older and men stop giving her attention she'll be complaining how all guys are pigs for only being attracted to younger women.

Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

Anyone whose been on construction sites knows plenty of guys will cat call to get laughs and to have a break from staring at men all day. Tits are tits and workers will always holler at women with tits.

Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

Quote: (08-31-2014 10:42 AM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Anyone whose been on construction sites knows plenty of guys will cat call to get laughs and to have a break from staring at men all day. Tits are tits and workers will always holler at women with tits.

Yes, sometimes it's crude humor - cat call the obvious fuglies to get a laugh out of the guys.

I just can't imagine guys with their tongues hanging out for real for this fatty.

Take care of those titties for me.

Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

Quote: (08-31-2014 11:14 AM)Dusty Wrote:  

Quote: (08-31-2014 10:42 AM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

Anyone whose been on construction sites knows plenty of guys will cat call to get laughs and to have a break from staring at men all day. Tits are tits and workers will always holler at women with tits.

Yes, sometimes it's crude humor - cat call the obvious fuglies to get a laugh out of the guys.

I just can't imagine guys with their tongues hanging out for real for this fatty.

Big, bouncy tits from an average/chubby chick is more appealing than some labourers arse crack sweltering in the sun.

Trust me, I have been there. [Image: monkey.gif]

Fat Conservative Broad Pens Humble Brag Article about Catcalling

I'll tell you one reason I know this is bullshit. On about half of the construction sites I've been on since 2004, cat-calling is grounds for immediate dismissal. These fat bitches won that particular war over a decade ago, and now they're upset that they don't have legitimate problems to complain about, so they have to invent this crap.

Would not bang, would not cat-call.

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