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Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

My first Russian city is Tomsk. Located in Siberia, it has a population of 500,000, though it feels much smaller than European cities of the same population size. Slubu wrote a data report at

[Image: attachment.jpg19119]   


Nightlife is pretty much a Friday/Saturday affair. Unlike slubu, I did not notice crowds during the week. Even Friday could be dead sometimes, though he came during the summer when school was out of session.

Teatro - The richest club in town. Girls are not as snobby as you would think, but they aren't exactly looking for a passionate affair with a traveling foreigner. Nonetheless, they'll hear you out, and if they like your story, you'll advance to the next level. Here you see a lot of iphones and girls perusing through their carefully maintained instagram accounts. Absolutely do not go here without wingmen or some type of social proof. The attached karoke bar is a good place to post up.

Studio 46 - This is Tomsk nightlife for all intents and purposes, a pleasant club/bar with great drinks. Face control is minimal---just don't look like a slob (they usually reject drunk guys and girls dressed sloppily). The quality is quite decent and both men and women are extremely friendly to foreigners, so if you go alone it shouldn't be hard to make insta-friends. I almost always have a good time here, but there's a huge problem: roughly the same 300 people go every weekend. Everyone knows everyone and soon you will run out of targets to approach simply because new girls know the old girls you already tried to mack on. This club is either good for a napalm weekend attack where you approach everything in sight or just as a social hour where you run into your friends and drink tasty white Russian cocktails. The best time is usually 1-4am. Upstairs is a different cafe/club that sometimes has a dense crowd.

Harat's Pub (two locations) - I like the layout but it can be really hit or miss. If there's a band playing, there could be a good crowd. Girls are not as pretty as the above clubs, but more receptive.

Pravda - The best way to describe this club is a big, loud, ugly room. I didn't like it all, even though I suspect girls are more receptive than at Studio. I probably should have come here more often, but I invested a lot of time into developing some connections at Studio.

Metro - They closed up during my stay here.

Time Public - Budget-friendly club that is focused mostly on tables. It's good to go with your friends and then try to meet other girls by inviting them to your table for a drink. I wouldn't come here alone.

This site has some information on clubs/bars/restaurants:

The girls who go out at night are quite pretty, but connecting is tough because of the "big village" vibe that you will encounter if you stay more than a weekend. Here's a good example:

Night 1: I approached Girl A at Studio 46. We went on a date. Things progressed.
Night 2: I approached Girl B at the same place. Talked for a while. Nothing happened.
Night 3: Ran into Girl A at the club, found out she is good friends with Girl B. Things with Girl A mysteriously cooled.
Night 4: Went out on a date with new girl, Girl C. I met her through a guy and his girlfriend, Girl D.
Night 5: I ran into Girl D, and find out she is close friends with Girl B.

Anyone you talk to will be connected in some way to someone you talk to the next night. I have no evidence, but I'm pretty sure my club reputation is in the gutter, simply because I'm approaching and trying to get laid (I was received much better when I arrived than in my most recent nights out). There is usually 1 or 2 degrees of separation between people. If you're going to live here, your approaches should be targeted. Try to rely on mutual introductions instead to give you plausible deniability.

Overall, I did mediocre in Tomsk's night scene because of a combination of four reasons:

-Unconvincing backstory which did not convince girls of my permanence (I tried a few different ones, but no "businessman" or "writer" has to live in Tomsk)
-Average Russian ability
-Lack of deep social network or status
-Inability to find English groupies or sluts who just wanted to get laid


Tomsk is one of the few places where night game was actually better than day game. I was received well, and most girls went out of their way to go for insta-date walks, but most numbers didn't convert to dates. Girls were more eager to meet a foreigner than to know one. Also, I saw zero day game being done here. I get the vibe that in Tomsk girls don't think meeting a random guy on the street is preferred to meeting one through friends. In Tomsk, girls have deep social circles with lots of guys in them, and don't really need to meet random men. You don't encounter girls who are new in town and lost or lonely, in need of companionship.

There are really only three locations worth mentioning:

-The big park off Prospekt Lenina. If you see a girl alone here, either she's waiting for her boyfriend OR she won't mind a chat. I find that girls sitting on benches are not usually waiting for a guy, but girls standing up near the fountain are. Early in your approach you can just ask if she's waiting for anyone. There are always a lot of girls on Lenina, the city's main street, but it's quite loud. It felt like I was hitting on girls next to a highway, not my ideal scenario.

-Tomsk State University. One of the largest universities in Russia that is crawling with girls. Focus on girls walking alone on campus by asking them for help on finding the library, language faculty, or what have you. The library always has girls, but they are in quiet zones, so you can't really strike up a chat.

-Traveler's Coffee. A Russian coffee chain with one location in Tomsk. It's the closest you'll get to a European style cafe, even though the food, drinks, service, and internet speed is average in spite of high prices. Nonetheless, it's comfortable and I spent a couple hours a day here. Odds are you will encounter girls who are alone or in pairs. I approached a few girls here with success, and the staff didn't care. Not good for a hit-and-run type of game, however. It's also a good location for a first date with a girl who doesn't drink.


Within university grounds, there is about 60-70% women, but once you get out of that, it becomes pretty equal. The farther you get from the university, the worse the ratio and quality gets. Even the park, which is near the university, rarely has good-looking girls that are alone. Sometimes it takes me quite a while of waiting and walking just to find a 7 who is alone to approach.

You would logically think that it would just be best to approach in the university, but younger Russian girls (18-21) have been significantly harder and slower for me. I don't think it's my age, as girls always say 34 is "perfect" for a man, so I think it's a cultural thing where Russian women take longer to find their more promiscuous nature, and actually become sluttier in their mid 20's than early 20's. Girls under 22 turned out to be a complete waste of time for me (weird how 22 is such a reliable cutoff). I started avoiding the university because it was getting torturous---tons of pretty girls but high difficulty.

Club ratios are usually 1.5 guys to 1 girl or worse, but sometimes god smiles down on you and you see stretches of 2-3 girls to 1 guy. I didn't find any ladies nights.

The biggest problem with Tomsk is age. You have a huge amount of young girls in the 18-22 range, and almost nothing from 22-26. Then you have some older girls who are usually married and with child. From my experience in Ukraine, a girl in the 22-26 range would be most open to me, but I couldn't find them in decent enough quantities here. They are rarely single, and if they are, they are a 6 or lower.


Proficient English is rare. Absolutely do not come here without some Russian ability. Many girls could understand English, but only speak it a bit. I found a few mediocre girls who spoke it quite well, but I passed. At first I was excited to be practicing Russian all the time, but it got exhausting.

To summarize...


-Lop-sided demographics of girls who are too young
-No English
-Too small
-City is boring, with few nightlife, eating, and European cafe options
-Big village mentality (social circle is very important)
-Weather is terrible (June 1 and I was still wearing a coat) with near daily rains in May.
-Entertainment, food, and modern lodgings is limited and not that cheap


-Practice your Russian on a receptive population
-Friendly males who will introduce you to girls (good for permanent residents)
-You will be the first foreigner many girls have met, so initial interest is easy to achieve
-No noticeable racism against blacks or men who look Middle Eastern


When I was in Wroclaw, I got tired of all the Spanish guys and other foreigners who were there. I wanted to be the only foreigner in a city. Tomsk provided that---in my time here I heard of one other American living here, and I estimate that there are less than 100 foreign students. I'm more exotic here than any other city I've been to, but it didn't translate into sexual plenty within a short timeframe. Wroclaw was still easier for me in spite of the massive conquistador horde.

In Tomsk in 2014, being exotic, or the first American a Russian girl has met, is not enough to propel to fast bangs. Other structural requirements, like demographics, permanence, and Russian ability are more important than merely being unique. This experience has greatly affected my thoughts on living in cities without foreigners.

Tomsk girls are more relationship minded, but they want to get into that relationship with someone permanent. Even if a girl knows she will leave Tomsk upon school graduation, she still wants a permanent guy. Yet it will be very hard for you to construct a permanent back story, because why would anyone on Earth live in this place compared to Moscow or St Pete? I came for some adventure, to be the foreign rock star, but it didn't pay off. I've had too much success with women in pleasant cities (Zagreb, Odessa, Poznan, Wroclaw) that I can't live in a place like this just for girls, even to grind it out and eventually land a great girl rated as an 8, which I believe would happen in Tomsk if I planned on 3 month time frame. I think I can compete well in harder big-city environments to get sex faster and easier, so I have to put aside the notion of 3rd tier Russian cities.

Tomsk was a great warm up to the Russian mentality and my Russian language ability advanced greatly to where I can meet and date girls in entirely Russian, but it's time to hit a bigger city and see what that has to offer.

For general Russia questions, refer to the master Russian thread. We can discuss Tomsk specific questions here.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

Great report and insights but think I'll cross this one off my list given how tricky the scene is what with the same people going out all the time.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

I don't think anyone guessed Tomsk. Talk about a 3rd/4th tier city.

If girls didn't buy your backstory, what did they think you were doing there? Tomsk is not like Kiev, with its hordes of sex tourists. You should have just come out and said: I write a popular blog for men on how to sleep with foreign women. And I'm doing some research here in Tomsk.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

Quote: (06-06-2014 09:06 AM)Ardbeg Wrote:  

I don't think anyone guessed Tomsk. Talk about a 3rd/4th tier city.

If girls didn't buy your backstory, what did they think you were doing there? Tomsk is not like Kiev, with its hordes of sex tourists. You should have just come out and said: I write a popular blog for men on how to sleep with foreign women. And I'm doing some research here in Tomsk.

Well, a Russian girl will not come out and say "I don't believe you," but if your story is not strong, she will not commit further time to you. Sex tourism never came up, because what idiot would come to Siberia for sex? Now of course I want sex, but I thought I truly wanted to live in such a city for the long-term. Tomsk dispelled me of that notion, and now I'm considering larger cities.

Somewhat unrelated, I learned something interesting. When I would tell a girl where I was from, about 33% of girls would ask "But where are your parents from?" If she did that, it would soon be over. These are the types of girls who wouldn't date a man with a Middle Eastern background and wanted to quickly know my bloodline.

The exception is if she asks about my parentage later, like on the first date. But if it came immediately after I said "I'm from USA," she has a specific preference when it comes to heritage.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

Good info Roosh, thanks for the reporting, I've never been east of the Urals so this is interesting to read about.

I have found the smaller European-ish poor Russian cities are the same, but more enjoyable. Smolensk, Vyborg, Pskov, Novgorod the Great are all beautiful cities with crazy talent, but mostly uncrackable in a short time frame. Still they are probably cheaper than Tomsk, and pleasant to walk around in, might be worth hitting one of them up just to see if you are staying in Russia for a while.

As a resident of Moscow I'd encourage you to go to Petersburg, if for no other reason to see more information about the place. Either way, I hope you find what you're looking for in Russia, but I think the greener pastures lie in Eastern Europe.

Also you might consider a second-tier city, Nizhny Novgorod or Kazan or something. But Petersburg would be at the top of my list if I wanted a more cosmopolitan environment.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

Quote: (06-06-2014 09:09 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Sex tourism never came up, because what idiot would come to Siberia for sex?

[Image: laugh3.gif]

Quote: (06-06-2014 09:09 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Somewhat unrelated, I learned something interesting. When I would tell a girl where I was from, about 33% of girls would ask "But where are your parents from?" If she did that, it would soon be over. These are the types of girls who wouldn't date a man with a Middle Eastern background and wanted to quickly know my bloodline.

The exception is if she asks about my parentage later, like on the first date. But if it came immediately after I said "I'm from USA," she has a specific preference when it comes to heritage

I get this from time to time because i can pass for an array of ethnicities. It's usually no problem but i can see how conservative Russians would take issue.The thing is, Siberians can be quite mixed as well, but whatever. Did you play up the Armenian vs Persian angle?

I'm getting the feeling you're going to have another Croatia moment. Bang your head on a wall on the outskirts then drown in sex in the 1st tier, especially with your improving language skills.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

Quote: (06-06-2014 09:06 AM)Ardbeg Wrote:  

I don't think anyone guessed Tomsk. Talk about a 3rd/4th tier city.

Well once he said 500,000 in Siberia I did guess Tomsk, just because the other cities of that size are no-name industrial wastelands, and after Roosh's experience in Kharkov I know he wouldn't want to repeat that kind of thing.


If girls didn't buy your backstory, what did they think you were doing there? Tomsk is not like Kiev, with its hordes of sex tourists. You should have just come out and said: I write a popular blog for men on how to sleep with foreign women. And I'm doing some research here in Tomsk.

I think this is one of those "easier said than done." It's easy to armchair quarterback a conversation in a park in Siberia, but when you're actually there you would find such statements aren't going to get you anywhere. I mean maybe a small subset of girls would go for the shock value, but Russian girls like cool, calm and collected successful men, not peacocking frat boys.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014


Did you play up the Armenian vs Persian angle?

Armenian, because the people are Christian. I suspect it's worse to be considered Muslim in this part of the world, but it probably depends on the girl.


I'm getting the feeling you're going to have another Croatia moment.

There was a more severe shutout (in the first month). I was in borderline panic mode. Here it's more like "I'll just finish my new book instead of work in this low reward game environment." My experience here is just middling, and my main problem is more a dislike of the city than the girls, though the girls I at least kissed here weren't above a 7 (in the first 3 weeks). I have had to lower my standards a bit than compared to Ukraine.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

Quote: (06-06-2014 10:09 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Armenian, because the people are Christian. I suspect it's worse to be considered Muslim in this part of the world, but it probably depends on the girl.

True, no sense rocking the boat. i met a girl from Bashkortostan who had no signs of being Muslim until she told me. She was the hottest of her friends, though they were all hipsters except for her.


Here it's more like "I'll just finish my new book instead of work in this low reward game environment.

Hopefully the new book comes out soon, then you can splurge a bit in a big city.

I need to start applying for a visa. All these reports are getting me anxious.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

Quote: (06-06-2014 09:09 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Somewhat unrelated, I learned something interesting. When I would tell a girl where I was from, about 33% of girls would ask "But where are your parents from?" If she did that, it would soon be over. These are the types of girls who wouldn't date a man with a Middle Eastern background and wanted to quickly know my bloodline.

The exception is if she asks about my parentage later, like on the first date. But if it came immediately after I said "I'm from USA," she has a specific preference when it comes to heritage.

What about lying? My heritage was a killa in Toronto so I would lie blatantly and reveal after the blaze.

Just say, you are <insert the favourable nationality that you can get away with>.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

this is a very fascinating datasheet for me, primarily because I am in a Russian city of a similar size population wise, albeit geographically much further West.

The biggest frustration I am having (and I know Roosh touched upon it in the "Russia" thread) is that the difficulty is not finding girls, the difficulty is finding girls without a boyfriend or husband.

I think for me I will take my summer vacation and try somewhere different........

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

Two more examples of the "big village":

-Met up with two friends that are a couple. The girl tells me that she saw me on Instagram. I told her I don't have Instagram. She said, "Yes but it was on the instagram of a friend of a friend. The description said you were cool." I think I know who those girls were. They took pictures of me (which I thought was strange at the time) and then left abruptly. So I was cool enough to post on their social networks, to improve their value, but not to actually get to know. [Image: lol.gif]

-Weeks ago I hung out with a guy and met his friend. Today, with the couple, a completely different group, I found out that guy knows them quite well. This is kind of like high school. What's funny is you can point to random people in the club and ask your friend who that is and there is a chance he knows of them enough to give you info.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

This seems like a carbon copy of my experience in Irkutsk (another Siberian city, and apparently the epicenter of "Harat's Pubs" in Russia, with 8-9 such establishments).

Roosh, if you want something in between Tomsk and Moscow, I suggest Yekaterinburg. Foreigners are rare enough, however, it is a hub of business and industry, so English is more prevalent.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

Quote: (06-06-2014 04:55 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Two more examples of the "big village":

-Met up with two friends that are a couple. The girl tells me that she saw me on Instagram. I told her I don't have Instagram. She said, "Yes but it was on the instagram of a friend of a friend. The description said you were cool." I think I know who those girls were. They took pictures of me (which I thought was strange at the time) and then left abruptly. So I was cool enough to post on their social networks, to improve their value, but not to actually get to know. [Image: lol.gif]

-Weeks ago I hung out with a guy and met his friend. Today, with the couple, a completely different group, I found out that guy knows them quite well. This is kind of like high school. What's funny is you can point to random people in the club and ask your friend who that is and there is a chance he knows of them enough to give you info.

I see this even in Moscow. I was in a hipsterish club recently and ran into 3 people I knew, including two huge sluts who have caused problems between my guy friends.

There must be huge numbers of young people who just never go out. In Moscow the night life scene is surprisingly small given the huge size of the city (largest in Europe) and the fact that there is no bar culture to speak of.

Think about Tomsk. 500,000 people, say 250,000 men and 250,000 women. That makes something like 5,000 women for each year of age: 5,000 19-year-olds, 5,000 20-year-olds, etc.

That's a huge number, but I guess 95% of those just don't have the opportunity to go out, except for special occasions like birthdays.

That's one of the former Soviet Union's big drawbacks, the thin stratum of society that is middle or upper class dominate the social venues where you have to spend money.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014


That's one of the former Soviet Union's big drawbacks, the thin stratum of society that is middle or upper class dominate the social venues where you have to spend money.

I noticed this in Ukraine too.

I found that Poland was the most egalitarian... you always see fresh faces. Zagreb and Iasi was a little incestuous but still much more varied than what I'm seeing in Tomsk.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

Quote: (06-06-2014 05:04 PM)BigDave Wrote:  

Quote: (06-06-2014 04:55 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Two more examples of the "big village":

-Met up with two friends that are a couple. The girl tells me that she saw me on Instagram. I told her I don't have Instagram. She said, "Yes but it was on the instagram of a friend of a friend. The description said you were cool." I think I know who those girls were. They took pictures of me (which I thought was strange at the time) and then left abruptly. So I was cool enough to post on their social networks, to improve their value, but not to actually get to know. [Image: lol.gif]

-Weeks ago I hung out with a guy and met his friend. Today, with the couple, a completely different group, I found out that guy knows them quite well. This is kind of like high school. What's funny is you can point to random people in the club and ask your friend who that is and there is a chance he knows of them enough to give you info.

I see this even in Moscow. I was in a hipsterish club recently and ran into 3 people I knew, including two huge sluts who have caused problems between my guy friends.

There must be huge numbers of young people who just never go out. In Moscow the night life scene is surprisingly small given the huge size of the city (largest in Europe) and the fact that there is no bar culture to speak of.

Think about Tomsk. 500,000 people, say 250,000 men and 250,000 women. That makes something like 5,000 women for each year of age: 5,000 19-year-olds, 5,000 20-year-olds, etc.

That's a huge number, but I guess 95% of those just don't have the opportunity to go out, except for special occasions like birthdays.

That's one of the former Soviet Union's big drawbacks, the thin stratum of society that is middle or upper class dominate the social venues where you have to spend money.

That is common mentality in FSU. Establishments cater to the Elite. They make money on exclusivity. Based on that marketing model, establishments don't look to get packed and make money on quantity like here in the west.

Basically a club could have free cover and good music and be cheap and it will be empty simply because it tries to serve the humble majority.

This model is one of the reasons FSU is often overpriced as well as Russian venues even in immigrant western cities.

An example of how this goes beyond nightlife is my SIL. She was taking taxi's to work. When I asked her why, she answered that she was avoiding being seen by someone she knows on the bus. Even the average income workers try to give off that they have money. Even when they don't. My mom was like that come to think about it!

A Russian joke from the 1990s: Two Novy Russkis meet on the street. “Nice tie,” says the first. “How much did it cost?”

“Its Hermes,” says the second. “It cost a $100!”

“You’re crazy!” says the first. “I know where you can buy the same one for $200!

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

Quote: (06-06-2014 05:04 PM)BigDave Wrote:  

That's a huge number, but I guess 95% of those just don't have the opportunity to go out, except for special occasions like birthdays.

That's one of the former Soviet Union's big drawbacks, the thin stratum of society that is middle or upper class dominate the social venues where you have to spend money.

Incidentally, I noticed the same thing in Jakarta, Indonesia, a metropolitan area of about 20 million people. Once I've spent about 3 weeks there on 2 separate visits, I started running into the same party sluts at two high end night clubs I frequented: X2 and Dragonfly. Also, some of the sluts who hooked up with foreigners on dating sites also went to these clubs for the same reason.

When I showed some girls' photos to my buddy who lives there and parties all the time, he recognized, like, half of them, told me who they dated, whether he slept with them, etc. That was like running Carfax reports on bitches. I was on vacation having fun, so I even stopped showing him these photos to keep my illusions.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

so did you get laid at least once? I hope you ll write a book called "bang russia" or "dont bang russia" after this. I mean you devoted a whole book to a tiny Latvia and Iceland, sure Russia deserves one too, whether negative or positive

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

I'm going to make a strange analogy to something completely unrelated. In drug discovery (like big pharmaceutical companies do), when you start a project you need to find a lead compound. Then what you do is you try to find something better. So you run more screens, spend tons of time and money, but in the end, you typically don't find anything as good as the first lead you discovered. I wonder Roosh, if Poland is basically your first lead. If we're staying in the EE frame, maybe for you there really isn't any place that's better; Poland is the optimal drug for you.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

What about day game outside of central area/ big parks?
In Russia it is common inside the neighborhoods between the old soviet buildings to buy a big beer from the near grocery store and drink it in the low condition 'garden' around on some bench. This is the 'entertainment' of low class girls which cant afford nightlife or elegant cafe. Russian is essential though google translate on the phone might help.
In this way even in a city size like Tomsk you would have enough talent to work on, just move from neighborhood to another.
Those are likely to be bored as hell and easy to approach and have first talks, buy them the next beer (very cheap) and you can progress. Try to understand what they like and offer it.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

Quote: (06-10-2014 08:38 PM)diego69 Wrote:  

What about day game outside of central area/ big parks?
In Russia it is common inside the neighborhoods between the old soviet building to buy a big beer from the near grocery store and drink it in the low condition 'garden' around on some bench. This is the 'entertainment' of low class girls which cant afford nightlife or elegant cafe. Russian is essential though google translate on the phone might help.
In this way even in a city size like Tomsk you would have enough talent to work on, just move from neighborhood to another.

Be careful, some skanks among these girls. Also, another tradition, at least in some regions, is for street gangs to take your money, smart phones and shit if you show up in their neighborhood. I'm not saying don't do it - i have in my days - just be careful.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

Quote: (06-10-2014 04:34 PM)MaxRitter Wrote:  

so did you get laid at least once? I hope you ll write a book called "bang russia" or "dont bang russia" after this. I mean you devoted a whole book to a tiny Latvia and Iceland, sure Russia deserves one too, whether negative or positive

In due time, all will become known.

Last year I did announce I'm retiring from travel guide writing. I'm bored of writing essentially the same book over again.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

Quote: (06-10-2014 08:44 PM)Brodiaga Wrote:  

Quote: (06-10-2014 08:38 PM)diego69 Wrote:  

What about day game outside of central area/ big parks?
In Russia it is common inside the neighborhoods between the old soviet building to buy a big beer from the near grocery store and drink it in the low condition 'garden' around on some bench. This is the 'entertainment' of low class girls which cant afford nightlife or elegant cafe. Russian is essential though google translate on the phone might help.
In this way even in a city size like Tomsk you would have enough talent to work on, just move from neighborhood to another.

Be careful, some skanks among these girls. Also, another tradition, at least in some regions, is for street gangs to take your money, smart phones and shit if you show up in their neighborhood. I'm not saying don't do it - i have in my days - just be careful.

Now go and learn what "gopnik" means. Preferably not by going to Tomsk and meeting some. This will be very enlightening.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

^ Fun fact. A few people I met in Tomsk always carried pepper spray in case if some gopniks showed up and wanted trouble. Both guys and girls. These gopniks can be very unpredictable.

Several gopniks has approached me but usually they only ask for smokes.
Never had a problem with them though. In most cases they are drunken loudmouths.

Tomsk, Russia Datasheet 2014

A risk exist everywhere but it does not very common to be robbed in those neighborhoods. Surely Russia is vast with many cities so you should check before.
To minimize the risk I am going only on day time and also carry limited amount of cash and not expensive watch so in case a robbery happen it will be minor money for me, this is true to any place in the world. I only got robbed once and roamed the world for years, it was in Brazil. BTW, Latin america in general is by far more dangerous than most Russia.

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