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Need Some Academic Help

Need Some Academic Help

I need to write a research paper for school and am debating about doing either something fitness related like I usually do (obesity-shaming type stuff) or the decline of American civilization/modern western relationships due to feminism and the like.

I need some good sources and also feminists who are easy to criticize, preferably ones with woman's studies degrees or some other 'ethos' I can prove is not legitimate.

All in all just good information sources to read through and further develop my viewpoint. Hopefully I can create an RoK worthy paper and end up submitting.

Quote:MtnMan Wrote:  
Life is definitely too short to go without dome.

Need Some Academic Help

Personally I would love to see real research done on the supposed campus rape epidemic. Feminists cite their 1 in 5 number, based on quite biased research from the 80's and early 90's (Mary Koss being a key name). Others have attacked her methods, pointed out how few rapes are reported (rape crisis centers empty, hotlines remaining uncalled), and done the math. Even if reported rapes are multiplied by 10 to account for unreported crimes (a generous estimate), it doesn't yield nearly enough rapes to add up to the 1 in 5 number.

Here's a skeptical overview of the supposed rape epidemic

And here's an attempt to look at the numbers and debunk the 1 in 5 claim:

But basically what we seem to have is a huge dispute as to what the facts are on an important, divisive, and topical issue. And as far as I know nobody is really digging into it. Feminists just keep citing their 1 in 5 number based on old studies, others keep disputing it, and, perhaps for political reasons, no one is doing any new studies to get to the bottom of it. Meanwhile there's a movement across the country of students suing universities under Title IX for failing in their responsibility to report and respond to sexual assault...all based on anecdotes, with no one firmly establishing or debunking this supposed epic wave of serious violent felonies sweeping across our quiet college campuses.

Need Some Academic Help

General stuff about the sexual marketplace and how it's fucked up

Heartiste's article on the Fundamental Premise which underpins everything: sperm is cheap, eggs are expensive

Heartiste's analysis of some F Roger Devlin describing how human nature when unleashed is decivilizing:
Articles by F Roger Devlin

Also, his analysis of a paper by Baumeister:
(Heartiste links to a few of Baumeister's papers on sexual economics.)

Baumeister also wrote the article Is There Anything Good About Men?

Heartiste comparing the Fall of Rome to the modern day West:

Heartiste quoting from a book published in the 1930s:
The price of female sexual freedom
The book itself:
Sex and Culture - J.D. Unwin

Wikipedia article:
Decline of the West - Oswald Spengler

Links to lots of articles and books on human biological diversity
(Ignore the stuff on race and find the sections about gender and population cycles)

You could potentially look into how feminism / liberalism has fucked the black community, and / or how the black community predicts our future. Obviously heavily inspired by Athlone's fantastic article: How black America has predicted our future

(There are obviously tons of great RoK articles so I've only included a few in this post.)

JustFourGuys has some excellent posts:

Dalrock has lots of excellent posts. A few to help understand why society is declining - basically marriage is becoming a worse and worse deal for men due to the choices by women, so men are rationally responding.

Debunking the pay gap myth

Why Men Earn More - Warren Farrell

Woman sets up a company and hires only women. Predictably it's a disaster:

The Misandry Bubble / Fempocalypse - analysing why feminism leads to the collapse of society

Transcript of Fempocalypse

The manipulation of men by women
The Manipulated Man - Esthar Villar

An argument for the return of traditional sex roles / the patriarchy

Paradox of Declining Female Happiness

All of the Traditional Sex Roles Week articles, e.g.

Other excellent stuff from RoK:
(As before - there's too much awesomeness to post it all.)

Women studying worthless subjects

Captain Capitalism / Aaron Clarey - Worthless
Summary: arts degrees are practically worthless.

Other potential books to read:
Charles Murray - Coming Apart
Summary: society seems to be dividing into the elite and the underclass.

Men on Strike - Dr. Helen Smith
Summary: Men are increasingly going on strike, ala Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

The Way of Men - Jack Donovan
Summary: the way of men is the way of the gang. The masculine virtues are strength, courage, honor, mastery. We get confused between 'being a good man' and 'good at being a man' and no longer train young men to be good at being men.

The Rational Male - Rollo Tomassi
Summary: his blog, e.g.

Articles by women that went viral
Could be analysed.

Kay Hymowitz
Where have the good men gone?

Hanna Rosin
The end of men
(She turned it into a book which has just been debunked on RoK:

Kate Bolick
All the single ladies

Susan Patton
Advice for the young women of Princeton

Tons of Feminist Bullshit

Good luck! [Image: biggrin.gif]

Need Some Academic Help

Damn Player... Just, damn. Can you turn that into it's own datasheet on... holy shit that's a lot.

Skye, can you be more specific about what criteria you need to meet? Is this high school or college? Do you need peer reviewed resources/news articles/any old thing off the internet? How many sources? What's the length of the paper?

I'd be really careful about attacking feminism while in school if you're in high school or if you're an undergrad.

If you are going to impose your will on the world, you must have control over what you believe.

Data Sheet Minneapolis / Data Sheet St. Paul / Data Sheet Northern MN/BWCA / Data Sheet Duluth

Need Some Academic Help

Shit son were you holding that for the right moment?

In any case, props.

[Image: clap2.gif]

Need Some Academic Help

I'm all for any of these topics, but be careful about your audience. If your prof, or better yet your TA who will be marking the paper are left-leaning and may take offense to these topics, I may even put off attempting this. Even the most well-written documents can be slated by people who don't agree with them. I admire your ambition to do this, but just be sure your audience is prepared for what you're sending them.

As well, if ever you're going to write something that goes against the current status quo, make sure there are no holes or faulty arguments because the people who may want to give you a zero without even reading it are going to be looking for the smallest thing to substantiate their claims against your paper.

I do applaud you for going after this though. Good luck.

'Logic Over Emotion Since 2013'

Need Some Academic Help

If you wanna go after a fat feminist that is also a giant hypocrite look up Chanty Binx aka big red. That's a treasure cove of worth tearing apart.

Chicago Tribe.

My podcast with H3ltrsk3ltr and Cobra.

Snowplow is uber deep cover as an alpha dark triad player red pill awoken gorilla minded narc cop. -Kaotic

Need Some Academic Help

Instead of writing some ideological manospere screed for the sole purpose of sticking it to feminists, why don't you write an actual paper on a specific topic that has academic merit?

Need Some Academic Help

Quote: (04-01-2014 08:31 PM)Osiris Wrote:  

Damn Player... Just, damn. Can you turn that into it's own datasheet on... holy shit that's a lot.

Skye, can you be more specific about what criteria you need to meet? Is this high school or college? Do you need peer reviewed resources/news articles/any old thing off the internet? How many sources? What's the length of the paper?

I'd be really careful about attacking feminism while in school if you're in high school or if you're an undergrad.


I'm convinced I got fucked over in a subject in my very first semester of college because of this. It was graded by a feminist who spent a great deal of her written comments on it criticizing my work for criticizing a primary source for not being consistent as to whether she was raped or sexually assaulted while she was a political prisoner in East Germany during the Cold War. I wasn't even questioning that she was raped, but criticizing her for being vague and not specifying when and by whom exactly she was raped because she was being moved from prison to prison quite often, or if she both raped and sexually assaulted in different instances.

From then on I thought she was grading me harshly all semester and being very cold to me in class. It wasn't until I did much better on the exam (which are all anonymously double-marked) that I became sure she had something against me because of that assignment, which seemed ridiculous to me until then because I hadn't even committed "thought crime". Since then I've steered well away from saying anything to do with feminism at college. If I had no choice however, I'd toe the line and parrot back whatever feminist orthodoxy they wanted me to, nothing is worth messing up your degree. Thankfully however it has barely come up in my classes since I was a freshman.

Need Some Academic Help

Quote: (04-01-2014 02:10 PM)Skye Wrote:  

I need ...feminists who are easy to criticize

Dept. of Redundancy Department.

Need Some Academic Help

I am willing to guess from the difference between the two suggested topics that it's a hs paper - but, of course, it could be for sociology or something. I think in both cases it's best to tread very carefully. If a hs paper it won't be held to as high standards (peer-reviewed sources, etc. as mentioned above), but that just makes it all the easier to grade badly if the teacher disapproves of it for ideological reasons. If it's a university paper I'd be even more wary. So many feminists up in thurr!

That being said, I take great joy in writing anti-feminists paper for university. However, I disguise them as neutral or feminist papers. I remember my first A in university was on Swift's poem The Lady's Dressing Room. The poem's about a guy who sneaks into this broad's room and finds out it's a total fucking pig sty. Everything's strewn all over the place and smeared with sweat and makeup. The poem climaxes in one of the best lines ever written in poetry when he finds her chamber pot: "Oh! Celia, Celia, Celia shits!". Essentially, I argued that it humanized women by depedestalizing them. Really I just wanted to quote that line.

So my advice is that you disguise the intent of your paper. I find the best way to do this is by isolating a smaller detail that either deals with an issue that you imagine would upset feminists or taking a single point from a feminist's argument and turning it on its head.

Good luck.

Need Some Academic Help

You will all have to excuse me I'm currently in between computers and all my posts are from my cell.

Also I wasn't just suggesting blindly blasting feminism I was thinking the effects of feminism as far as the decline of relationships in the west.

Ryre- it's interesting but I don't believe I could hold interest for the length of the paper.
Player- +1 that was a great list I've yet to totally sift through.
Osiris- Technically hs teacher for comm college class/ credit. So basically highschool. 8-10 pages or 2500 word minimum, 5 legitimate sources and other 'opinionated' type ones.
Frontenac and Snowplow- Thank you both.
J r- I know you're just either 'lolol trolling' or whatever you call it. How about giving me a suggestion? I'm legitimately attempting to write a good paper and rather than just giving me garbage about my ideas it would be productive for us both to tell me better topics in your eyes.

The Father- Got me there.

Samson- That's great advice and I will attempt to disguise it if I believe it ends up being offensive idealogically.

Quote:MtnMan Wrote:  
Life is definitely too short to go without dome.

Need Some Academic Help

Quote: (04-01-2014 11:32 PM)Skye Wrote:  

Osiris- Technically hs teacher for comm college class/ credit. So basically highschool. 8-10 pages or 2500 word minimum, 5 legitimate sources and other 'opinionated' type ones.

I wouldn't risk going for something quite so controversial over a class like that. You mentioned an interest in fitness, this seems like it would be a perfect time to expand your knowledge base in that area.

I know it's not the answer you probably wanted to hear, however, there are plenty of guys here on the forum who can help point you in the right direction in regards to some interesting and (relatively) controversial subjects in the realm of fitness.

Also, feel free to send it to me to proofread (regardless of your subject) when you're done.

If you are going to impose your will on the world, you must have control over what you believe.

Data Sheet Minneapolis / Data Sheet St. Paul / Data Sheet Northern MN/BWCA / Data Sheet Duluth

Need Some Academic Help

draguer - I've been collecting bookmarks for a while. [Image: wink.gif]

I agree with everyone else. Extreme caution must be exercised. I trolled a forum with some red pill truths and all the women and some white knights became hysterical. I learned that anything which could possibly be critical of women and their choices, or suggest that men have preferences when it comes to women, will piss people off. [Image: dodgy.gif]

Instead of "How Has Feminism Led To A Decline In Relationships?" I would consider something like "How Have Relationships Changed Since The Sexual Revolution?" A RoK spin off article could then be more brutally truthful.

The dominant ideology is that everyone should be free to do whatever they like as long as it doesn't hurt anyone (but men should man up because we don't have feelings and are privileged to work hard to pay for sluts, single mothers and other degenerates [Image: dodgy.gif]). Furthermore women are not responsible for any of their problems - it is all a man's fault.

Your article should be non-judgemental of women. Sex positivity when it comes to women, but strong disapproval of promiscuous men. Use the Apex Fallacy and disregard the vast majority of men who are screwed in this sexual market.

Dalrock has some articles about this bullshit. Some is from a Christian perspective but reveals the prevailing culture:

Feminism would work if we didn't have weak men screwing everything up
Promiscuity is good so long as it is done on women's terms
Women have rights, men have responsibilities
Single mothers and the failure of Christian men to man up
A proper dressing down for unchivilrous men
Denying the existence of feminism

Your article must follow the feminine imperative.

Why do people in power spread this bullshit? Because they want to increase their money and power. One sentence persuasion: People will do anything for those that encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions and help them throw rocks at their enemies.

Tell women they can have it all - encourage their dreams.
Tell women their problems aren't their fault - justify their failures.
Tell women that 40 is the new 30 - allay their fears
Tell women that men are sexist pigs, patriarchal oppressors, potential rapists, useless layabouts who need to man up - confirm their suspicions
Promote misandry, redefine 'domestic abuse' as 'anything the woman doesn't like or makes her feel bad' - help them throw rocks at their enemies

To get a good grade, it would be wise to ignore all criticism of feminism and blame any problems on men.

Damn I hate this culture. Reading my own post:

[Image: fuckthat.gif]

Need Some Academic Help

Thanks Osiris. And I don't know if it's anything but the teacher is a man.
Yea it's ridiculous, I guess I shouldn't have used the F word and then I would be able to look at the decline of relationships like increase in divorce.

Are they any other controversial topics you all would suggest then?

Quote:MtnMan Wrote:  
Life is definitely too short to go without dome.

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