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2014 Quarterly Goals
014 Quarterly Goals
I mentioned in another thread about setting quarterly goals and holding yourself true to them. It allows you to do an analysis of your progress four times a year. .

This isn't a new years resolution thread. I find myself lacking in discipline and sticking to set goals at times. I'm starting this to kind of help me stick to my guns.

So write down some goals. Post them up here. Let the thread die and we'll bring it back when the quarter is over to check our progress and set new goals.

1st Quarter 2014
Jan 01 - Mar 01

1. Drink only 1 night a week.
2. Gain 5lbs
3. Squat 235 x 5
4. Read one non business book a month
5. Finish one intermediate level Javascript course

try not to set your goals too high. It's easier to build on them from quarter to quarter than to accomplish to much at once. Your running a marathon not sprinting 100 meters.

I should be able to accomplish these relatively easily. 1,2, and 3 build on each of just maintaining a healthy lifestyle while hitting the gym. Number 5 is the only one I might have trouble with.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha
014 Quarterly Goals
I like the idea of setting small, short-term goals that eventually lead to something great. It's hard to keep motivated when you have a massive list of things you need to change and how much work it will all take.

For me;
- Study Spanish at least 1 hour a day (every day) and hopefully be somewhat conversational in 3 months. Increase to 2 hours if necessary.
- Read 2 books per month
- Quit smoking for good (i'm down to 2 a day)
- Hit the gym with consistency and gain 5 lbs
014 Quarterly Goals

Those are good goals. What do you want to do with Java?
014 Quarterly Goals
Great Thread.

1) Get my French back to fluent level with 2 x 2 hour sessions per week
2) Visit 5 different countries
3) Gain 5-10lb's
4) Read 2 book's per month.
5) Save 15k
014 Quarterly Goals
014 Quarterly Goals
First quarter only?

Get established in a new place (made a solid start on this already, almost done)
Successfully grow all of the veges in the patch
Be stable enough to comfortably afford a MA gym membership
Finish an Assimil course
Read a bunch of new books
Learn to do a handstand
Try some new foods
Start building a nicer wardrobe
014 Quarterly Goals
Nice thread
1. get back stateside (not that i have a choice)
2. figure out what to do now (not necessarily accomplish anything, but figure out what to accomplsh)
014 Quarterly Goals
Every time I talk to students I give the same advice: mesh your todo list with your goal list. Todos with a goal get a higher priority status than non-goals. This website will help: It has made me better than my colleagues and competitors.
014 Quarterly Goals
Wicked thread! Been thinking long and hard on 2014 goals. Breaking it up quarterly is an excellent idea.

1. $2500 in savings by March 1st.
2. Buy a truck.
3. Gain 5-10lbs.
4. Continue following Starting Strength.
5. Stay on the 1 Year Drinking Challenge Wagon.
6. Ski the mountains atleast once.
7. Enjoy myself more, smile more, laugh more. Erase negativity.

Conceived to beat all odds like Las Vegas
014 Quarterly Goals
1. not drink a drop of alcohol.
2. deadlift at least once a week, every week.
3. handle the work that I have set up, despite time constraints.
4. attend most of my classes.
5. wake up early : I want to try waking up at 5am a few times to hit up the gym and start work. lets see how this goes.
6. read books; minimum 3 hours a week -- (ideally 30-60 min x 6 a week before bed or after morning coffee)
7. listen to podcasts rather than music every monday (while driving), and if I feel like it other days as well.
8. enjoy the relationships I have in life, and be open to allowing some new chicks to enter my life.
9. Keep ice running through my veins when my main chick tries to stress me out.

pretty much it.
014 Quarterly Goals
I'm in. These are all basically steps towards achieving my goals/focuses for the year.

1. Physical

100 Pushups
100 Chair Dips
200 bicycle crunches
Start swimming daily again.
Add pullups to workout.

2. Game & Style

The Roosh Challenge - 100 approaches, etc, repeat at end
Style Consultation & Start New Wardrobe
Reread Bang Books & Models
Practice maintaining the upbeat vibe sober.

3. Business & Money

Secure $4K/month steady income.
Work 5 days/week

4. Creative

Write 1.5 Novels (or equivalent in shorter works)
Publish all finished material on Amazon

5. Misc.

Review goals & progress every morning after meditation.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling
014 Quarterly Goals
1. Complete a significant portion of my epic novel, at least half an act.
2. Gain around 5 lbs of muscle in the gym (a bit difficult for me, but doable if I commit and have a good program).
3. Start putting myself out there more and talking to more people. Not just women, everyone.
4. Get my planned forum off the ground and running.
5. Read a biography or two about Louis XIV.

Read my Latest at Return of Kings: 11 Lessons in Leadership from Julius Caesar
My Blog | Twitter
014 Quarterly Goals
Great thread!


Quit my job 11 months ago so I no longer have to answer to some dick.

Anyone who has a job, quitting is a worthwhile goal.


Release a software tool I've been creating, and make some decent cash.


I got the recommended study books for reading before doing a CELTA/TESOL. While I like my IT job it makes sense to move into teaching in the longer term, due to more part time work opportunities and possible career overlap with IT teaching.


Last year was China and Thailand. This year I'm kind of a man without much of a plan. I need to man up and think of something.
014 Quarterly Goals
Great thread! Here's what I need to do:


Quit my job 11 months ago so I no longer have to answer to some asshole [Image: tard.gif].

Anyone who has a job, quitting is a worthwhile goal.


Release a software tool I've been creating, and make some decent cash.


I got the recommended study books for reading before doing a CELTA/TESOL. While I like my IT job it makes sense to move into teaching in the longer term, due to more part time work opportunities and possible career overlap with IT teaching [Image: sleepy.gif].


Last year was China and Thailand. This year I'm kind of a man without much of a plan. I need to man up and think of something.
014 Quarterly Goals
Thirty days in. I find it helpful to look at your goals every month, kinda like a progress report in between grade school sessions.

Quote: (01-02-2014 03:06 PM)AntiTrace Wrote:  

1st Quarter 2014
Jan 01 - Mar 01

1. Drink only 1 night a week.
2. Gain 5lbs
3. Squat 235 x 5
4. Read one non business book a month
5. Finish one intermediate level Javascript course

1. Doing horrible on that. I drink a lot.
2. I've gained about 1lb. But all my weights are going up and I think I'm losing some body fat. So I'm happy with that.
3. Im at 225x5. Getting to 235x5 in two months should be easy
4. Sucked on this one. I didn't read anything last month
5. Sucked on this as well. I picked up a great JS book, I just need to have the discpline to sit down and open it up.

So far my fitness goals are on point, even ahead of schedule.

My other ones, not so much. I need to get off my ass and make shit happen.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha
014 Quarterly Goals
I'm glad with my progress in January.

I started planning my first trip on my own abroad and am hoping to set it into motion this month.

Saved a bit of cash while working my part time job, spent very little.

Went skiing and had a hell of a good time.

Had one or two outstanding nights out that show my game is progressing.

Slowly bringing my body fat % down, while seeing progress in the gym.
014 Quarterly Goals
Make $100,000 profit for myself
014 Quarterly Goals
1. Read 2 books per month, prefarably non fiction
2. Maintain low carb diet & lower alcohol consumption
3. Improve Spanish significantly
4. Fuck 10 girls
5. Regular HIIT sessions & kettlebell, pull up exercises
6. Master excell
7. Improve dancing skills
8. Set aside 800$ a month for future travels

After one month:
Succeeding in all but the dancing and the excell, need to improve my sports regime as well, but its getting there. Girls Ive had 4 this month and I read 3 books so far... Going good!!
014 Quarterly Goals
Good thread,


Dropped that shit like a bad habit. It was a good job in a solid engineering company but it didn't suit me. Also I'm planning on hitting the Oil Sands soon so I had to do it anyway. I left on good terms so I should get a good recommendation.


Compete in Jiu Jitsu tournaments. I already did one this month and I have another on Sunday. I'm currently cutting weight, dear god I miss salt and carbohydrates.


Finish Empire of the Steppes, on my way currently, it's a great book but fuck me sideways it's hard to get through. Look into brushing up on my Gaelic, have yet to make a significant move to complete this


Get my Canadian Visa taken care of. Currently in the process of this

"You see a mouse trap, I see free cheese and a fucking challenge" Scroobius Pip
014 Quarterly Goals
My goals will be pretty fluid but mostly I just want to try to enjoy life more and get more out of it -- day in and day out.

I'm also not going to care as much if some of things don't happen - as long as I try reasonably hard and half of these things get done I should be content with that. Here goes:

1. Read 5-6 books
2. Start to master my camera and Lightroom / Photoshop
3. Maintain my Russian, pick up a little Czech while I'm here. Also improve my French a bit.
4. Bang 7-10 quality girls (at 1 already for 2014, wanted to say '1 a month = 12' but if I have a few 'mini-relationships and only get to say 4-5 but am getting laid every week then that's ok too) (already a bit behind on this though)
5. Hit the gym 5-6x per week (well on my way there)
6. find a new job, but one I like and that doesn't consume 70%+ of my life
7. travel as much as I can while out of work
8. eat healthy
9. try not to drink more than 1-2x per week
10. start down the path of generating passive income and/or becoming a freelance copywriter who is location independent

2015 RVF fantasy football champion
014 Quarterly Goals
Spotted this thread late, but I love the idea.

1. Get weight down to 180 (currently at 190)
2. Weightlifting - increase squat to 275, bench to 190, deadlift to 315 (currently 250, 175, 275, all at 5 reps).
3. Approaches - getting a bad start on this. Let's say 30 approaches. Less than one a day from here. Keep a diary so I keep myself honest.
4. Get app into iOS app store. I'm about 1/3 of the way done on a simple workout timer app.
014 Quarterly Goals
1. Read The Rational Male, The 4-Hour Working Week and Enjoy the Decline
2. Save some cash
3. Finish my Master's degree research assignment
4. Continue cutting at the gym
5. Internalise the game that I'm learning
6. Visit either Ukraine or Poland
014 Quarterly Goals
Quote: (02-05-2014 09:28 PM)AntiTrace Wrote:  

Thirty days in. I find it helpful to look at your goals every month, kinda like a progress report in between grade school sessions.

Quote: (01-02-2014 03:06 PM)AntiTrace Wrote:  

1st Quarter 2014
Jan 01 - Mar 01

1. Drink only 1 night a week.
2. Gain 5lbs
3. Squat 235 x 5
4. Read one non business book a month
5. Finish one intermediate level Javascript course

1. Doing horrible on that. I drink a lot.
2. I've gained about 1lb. But all my weights are going up and I think I'm losing some body fat. So I'm happy with that.
3. Im at 225x5. Getting to 235x5 in two months should be easy
4. Sucked on this one. I didn't read anything last month
5. Sucked on this as well. I picked up a great JS book, I just need to have the discpline to sit down and open it up.

So far my fitness goals are on point, even ahead of schedule.

My other ones, not so much. I need to get off my ass and make shit happen.

Tomorrow is March 1st, only thirty days left in the first quarter. If your missing out on some goals, its time to cowboy the fuck up and get them done. It's also time to start thinking about next quarters goals.

1. Drinking is way down. Think I have got drunk maybe once in the last month. I have a few beers here and there, but I haven't been drunk in a while. It just isn't worth drinking regularly and feeling like complete shit the next.

2. 5lbs accomplished. I got up to 175. The purpose of gaining weight was that I thought weight and strength went together. I realized I was starting to put on fat. I got up to around 20% body fat, I need to get back down to sub 15% for summer.

3. 235x5 is my goal. This morning I did 3 sets 230x5 comfortably. I'm going to stick at 230x5 for the next weeks, bump up to 235x5 mid march, and last workout of the month I'm gonna squat 3 sets 240x5.

Could I walk into the gym next workout and squat 235x5? 100% confident I could with no problem. However, I work out alone and the squat rack has no safety pins so I like to progress slowly (and I get to make sure my form doesn't suffer to much when going up in weights). Remember, the tortoise won the race.

4. I haven't read a full book this whole quarter. It's something I definitely need to work one. Just half an hour or so before bed every night should be enough to finish a short novel. I don't have any excuses.

5. Javascript is now coming along nicely. I have finished a course, the entire html/css (for review) and javascript tracks on codecademy. I'm also following this self study course: I have coded my own game.

It's a very simple text based game, but it's cool to actually see my skills improve. I've also started work on a fully custom web application as a bit of a side project, I still need to learn jquery and php to finish it. The project gives me a practical application to reinforce the knowledge.

for anyone looking into JS, the above linked course is great. I would however finish the whole track on codecademy and code a very simple project (text based game using some objects, if/else statements, while loops, switch statements) before reading anything from the books mentioned. I say that because the book I have (javascript the definitve guide) is extremely dry and you won't understand any of it unless you have some context to put it in.

So ultimately, I would say 4/5 goals accomplished so far. I just need to read some short novels in my spare time.

God'll prolly have me on some real strict shit
No sleeping all day, no getting my dick licked

The Original Emotional Alpha

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