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Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

So I hit up the local campus bar/club/watering hole at the university.

Recap from last night -

I open two girls. Run my game. One's hooked. About 5 minutes in, her friend asks "hey do you want to go find Lisa?" Pulls my girl away.

I open another two girls. Run my game. One's hooked. About 5 minutes in, her friend pulls her away to go dance.

With both sets of girls, I barely had 5 minutes to spit my game before I got c-blocked. And both times, the girl I was targetting was interested and was engaged in what I had to say, but the friend either got bored or jealous from a lack of attention, and pulled my girl away. Neither even acknowledged me as they left.

This happens every night I go out.

WTF? Why do we let girls get away with this sh*t? How does a playa deal with this?

Conventional wisdom dictates that one should win over the friend first, and then ask the friend for "permission" to isolate your target. But in an overstimulated environment like a club - with the constant interrupts, cell phones, texting, loud music, dancing, "all guys are creepers", "girls night out","we're lesbian" etc. - this is pretty ****ing hard.

Keeping the attention of even ONE 20 year old girl with the attention span of a fruitfly is a monumental struggle; engaging 2-3+ ADD club girls and keeping them hooked when you can barely be heard is a damn near Herculean epic.

So for the players here, how do you deal with c*ckblocks?

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

Well it's a hard situation here if you don't have any wing but personally what I try to do is to get the two girls involved in the discussion that is not only talk to your target and have the other one just standing there and listening what you are telling. So you have to make the ugly one participate in the discussion, you ask both their opinion on some stuff for example and most important thing, make them laugh and be funny.

Anyways if the ugly one is jealous/ in a bad mood because she sees you are hitting on her friend she will blow your game sooner or later and I don't think you can do anything about that...

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

I suppose my frustration lies in losing  girls immediately at the "icebreaker" step, before I can even start running my attraction game" about 5 minutes in. It ticks me off when I get c*ck-blocked before I can even make my pitch.

I understand the "win over the friends first" premise on priciple. Usually I make an honest effort to address ALL the girls in the group, but I'm finding that factors out of my control - loud music, texting, constant interrupts, ADD & short attention spans - constantly get in the way. And there's the obligatory Debbie downer/mother hen of the group who'll simply refuse to engage and make things unnecessarily difficult.

I usually game with a wingman. Usually these sets last longer, but they tend to fizzle after 10-15 minutes - at which point my wingman loses the interest of his girl and she'll leave the set, pulling my girl away with her. This tends to happen before I can get to the point of isolation. Maybe I need a competent wingman that can hold his own in set and keep the obstacles occupied.

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

Why are you using a * when you are trying to say cock-blocked. You're allowed to say cock here. Cock, cock sucker, cock block, cock tease, cock fight, cocker spaniel, cock ring, cock cock cock, it's all good homie.

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

Spina: 3 options as I see it:

1.) try day game. Checkit:

2.) Help end cockblocking ala Roosh

3.) Leave the country.

I haven't seen a true cockblock down here in Bogotá. People are just less rude. Girls here won't blow you out just for fun either. Imagine that.

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

Quote: (11-06-2010 01:18 AM)InternationPlayboy Wrote:  

Why are you using a * when you are trying to say cock-blocked. You're allowed to say cock here. Cock, cock sucker, cock block, cock tease, cock fight, cocker spaniel, cock ring, cock cock cock, it's all good homie.

Those are all the cock words except for cock tail and cock knocker. I can't think of any more?


Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

as a bar/club owner I see this every night I go into my business. American women have become masters at the "neg hit" and cock blocking. AT the point they derive more feminine satisfaction from blowing you out of the water versus any perceived benefits- which is often enough....then they will blow you out.

If you can engage them in a group activity you can hit on the target while earning the trust of their friends (at my bar I have beer pong, and a large twister board to help the guys out, haha).

The other strategy is to get a good female wingman. I used to have a bi stripper girlfriend and my brother and I would send her in to disarm an entire group, then introduce my brother. Worked like a charm. A good female wingman is social proof and can do things that a male wing man can't. How do you get one? Ask a female friend. The more attractive, the better. Tell people she's your cousin to further disarm them. Offer a free bar tab and dinner to your wing.

American women are a complicated piggish lot, and that is the reason I make zero effort with them anymore. If they drive to me, if they spend time and energy, maybe i'll fuck them. If not, forget it. They aren't worth the chase anymore. I'd rather wait until my next trip to get with REAL women who know how to actually ACT like women, and not crude sailors with a weight problem.

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

So this is mainly an American women phenomenon? Because I posted this on another forum and got this reply:

"I can still pull from clubs fairly easily, you just gotta choose your targets better. I almost never approach groups that have more than 2 females. If the girl's alone, it's usually a no brainer. Flirt a bit, build rapport for at least 20-30 minutes. Then bring some bs excuse why you two should bounce elsewhere, while making sure she's DTF before you move her. Done.
And I don't know if it's because of slight cultural difference, but if I'm talking with a girl and her friends see that she's enjoying it, they're not going to cockblock me. Usually they just run off to dance/smoke/whatever and leave me alone with the girl and sometimes even wing for me.
Then again I got the advantage of being tall and fairly good looking, but most girls aren't such bitches over here even against guys with average looks."

The I noticed this - Location: Estonia.

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

Went out to a hipster dive bar last night.

Set #1 Black girl and white girl. Black girl is receptive. White girl isn't getting any attention. About 15 min white girl says "Let's go for a smoke" to black girl. Black girl leaves for a smoke but asks if I'm still going to be here. I say yes. Never see them again.

Set #2 Mean Asian, nice Asian and Sri Lankan girl. Run game, Sri Lankan girl is receptive and hooks. Mean Asian girl isn't getting any attention. About 10 min in Mean Asian tells her friends "let's go to the washroom." They leave. After 15 min we see them again. Mean Asian cockblock immediately makes a sour face and tries to pull her friends away. I approach mean Mean Asian before she can do any more damage, get Mean Asian girl hooked and asking me questions, but she wears me down with her testiness and Nice Asian interrupts our conversation. I switch to the Sri Lankan girl who is friendly and get some kino going. But again Mean Asian girl isn't getting any attention and she pulls Sri Lankan girl away. They leave the venue.

Both times I was getting good reactions from the girls but got cockblocked due to circumstances outside my control. What's the solution here - find competed wingmen? I don't understand how some guys here have success flying solo. I think it's the player-hater "girls gotta stick together" feminist culture in Toronto makes cockblocking an inevitable reality - girls here are ridiculously overprotective of their friends.

On the plus side I found $60 on the floor. [Image: banana.gif]

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

It is complicated.You need to comprehend the group dynamics.If her friend did not intervene this girl would have had one thousand boyfriends.They expect their girlfriends to save them.You have to be approved by the whole group.The best is to talk to both of them together at an angle and focus on the one then the other and when the former gets bored again to her.Always checking for boredom expressions and other guys trying to intervene.

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

look up GAMING GROUPS in my sig (particularly section 2)

it's not complicated. in fact it should be an autopilot thing since you isolate and deal with situations in every interaction.

in case of 2sets i usually game them both at first as if it was one person. when both love me or potential cockblock at least tolerate me the key is to take your girl and isolate her. whisper in your girl's ear "hey come over here.. it's ok.. your friend won't see.. just 2 minutes.." and tell the cockblock "hey.. you know we love each other.. give us just 2/5/10 minutes of privacy.. i promise i'll be nice.." then simply turn her around to turn away from her friend to face you (or grab physically take her to the other side of the venue if you can) or. that will do. now all she sees is you and everything else dissappears.

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

With polish women it is usually not a problem.The second woman not only approves you instantly if her girlfriend does but they try to gain your sympathy as well.Quite a few times I had my hand settled on one polish woman's leg while hugging her girlfriend's back with the other.Polish women can even touch and hug you first in many cases if you talk to their girlfriends.I remember in some extreme cases they urged me to kiss their girlfriend by making kissing movements on the air.In general cockblock by women works mainly in western Europe(very common in Scandinavia,Netherlands not so in Germany) and in some cases in FSU.

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

Quote: (09-16-2012 11:05 AM)XXL Wrote:  

look up GAMING GROUPS in my sig (particularly section 2)

it's not complicated. in fact it should be an autopilot thing since you isolate and deal with situations in every interaction.

in case of 2sets i usually game them both at first as if it was one person. when both love me or potential cockblock at least tolerate me the key is to take your girl and isolate her. whisper in your girl's ear "hey come over here.. it's ok.. your friend won't see.. just 2 minutes.." and tell the cockblock "hey.. you know we love each other.. give us just 2/5/10 minutes of privacy.. i promise i'll be nice.." then simply turn her around to turn away from her friend to face you (or grab physically take her to the other side of the venue if you can) or. that will do. now all she sees is you and everything else dissappears.

Location: Poland

Not sure how relevant your advice is for dealing with American and Canadian women.

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

Quote: (09-16-2012 11:30 AM)Greek kamaki Wrote:  

With polish women it is usually not a problem.The second woman not only approves you instantly if her girlfriend does but they try to gain your sympathy as well.Quite a few times I had my hand settled on one polish woman's leg while hugging her girlfriend's back with the other.Polish women can even touch and hug you first in many cases if you talk to their girlfriends.I remember in some extreme cases they urged me to kiss their girlfriend by making kissing movements on the air.In general cockblock by women works mainly in western Europe(very common in Scandinavia,Netherlands not so in Germany) and in some cases in FSU.

Mind blown. North American women will never do this. So is cockblocking a uniquely Western phenomenon? Why?

Check out this video of club pick up in Toronto.

Every American and Canadian guy here can relate. I have had this happen countless times.

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks


Location: Poland

Not sure how relevant your advice is for dealing with American and Canadian women.

as long as the person is woman with a vagina it's very relevant. i've learned it from professional pickup coaches who do it around the world.

women are women. there is some element of randomness in every situation but overall women psychology is universal. and that's what you address here, the women psychology:

- no accountability (no woman will take proactive resposibility for making lay happen in general, therefore you must lead relentlessly and take care of obstacles for her)
- anti slut defense (no woman will compromise her status/image for you in public, she won't let other judge her just to get with you, therefore you must take care of her being judged at all cost)
- external motivation (all women are seduced by environment and external stimulus/influence, therefore you must stand out, affect her emotionally and keep her attention solely on you)

all of these are universal no matter where you are. what i wrote above is the way to deal with female nature.

PS. in that video Mark instead of holding his girl could have easily IMMEDIATELY let go off his girl and address cockblock the way i wrote about before, work her and buy some time this way with his girl

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

Cockblocking is American because every American girl believes she's some kind of princess, ordained from birth and destined to marry and tie down a super-alpha like Brad Pitt or George Clooney, despite both having their complete pick of basically every hot woman on the planet.

The thing is that if one of her friends is having good luck with a guy who's clearly a gamesman then it sets off all the ego-driven jealousy switches in her man-brain and she cockblocks out of resentment. For some girls the happiest day of their sad little lives is when their friend's romantic getaway, bridal shower, or honeymoon is ruined publicly.

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

You can't change their behavior, only your own, so think of it this are the problem.

You just aren't attractive/interesting enough for to them to ignore their friends for a guy they just met and don't know.

Nobody walks away from interesting people unless they have a damn good reason.

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

Quote: (09-21-2012 07:45 AM)snoop Wrote:  

You can't change their behavior, only your own, so think of it this are the problem.

You just aren't attractive/interesting enough for to them to ignore their friends for a guy they just met and don't know.

Nobody walks away from interesting people unless they have a damn good reason.

that's a really dumb, unrealistic and unhealthy attitude to take, especially if (i don't know why you would be but guys here apparently still love them) you're hell bent on picking up in clubs.

you're the prize, she is not, and neither are her friends. if you're being constantly cock-blocked and the girls are rude, selfish or just out for attention, stop whipping yourself and get out of there. find a better environment that does your manhood justice.

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

Quote: (09-21-2012 11:31 AM)bliss Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2012 07:45 AM)snoop Wrote:  

You can't change their behavior, only your own, so think of it this are the problem.

You just aren't attractive/interesting enough for to them to ignore their friends for a guy they just met and don't know.

Nobody walks away from interesting people unless they have a damn good reason.

that's a really dumb, unrealistic and unhealthy attitude to take, especially if (i don't know why you would be but guys here apparently still love them) you're hell bent on picking up in clubs.

you're the prize, she is not, and neither are her friends. if you're being constantly cock-blocked and the girls are rude, selfish or just out for attention, stop whipping yourself and get out of there. find a better environment that does your manhood justice.

The problem with that is you actually have to be a prize. Far too many people think just saying you are worthwhile magically makes it so to other people.

My point was that if you have so many people completely blowing you off that you are asking strangers on the Internet for advice about it, then you are most likely the problem, not them. Regardless of what kind of Stuart Smalley, self affirmation nonsense you recite to yourself in the mirror before you go out.

If you don't completely suck, women are usually not that into cock blocking IME. In fact I've had the complete opposite, when I'm being charming, funny and intersting their friends almost always help me.

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

Quote: (09-21-2012 04:38 PM)snoop Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2012 11:31 AM)bliss Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2012 07:45 AM)snoop Wrote:  

You can't change their behavior, only your own, so think of it this are the problem.

You just aren't attractive/interesting enough for to them to ignore their friends for a guy they just met and don't know.

Nobody walks away from interesting people unless they have a damn good reason.

that's a really dumb, unrealistic and unhealthy attitude to take, especially if (i don't know why you would be but guys here apparently still love them) you're hell bent on picking up in clubs.

you're the prize, she is not, and neither are her friends. if you're being constantly cock-blocked and the girls are rude, selfish or just out for attention, stop whipping yourself and get out of there. find a better environment that does your manhood justice.

The problem with that is you actually have to be a prize. Far too many people think just saying you are worthwhile magically makes it so to other people.

My point was that if you have so many people completely blowing you off that you are asking strangers on the Internet for advice about it, then you are most likely the problem, not them. Regardless of what kind of Stuart Smalley, self affirmation nonsense you recite to yourself in the mirror before you go out.

If you don't completely suck, women are usually not that into cock blocking IME. In fact I've had the complete opposite, when I'm being charming, funny and intersting their friends almost always help me.

I think environment has a lot to do with how prevalent cockblocking is. According to sime guys here, girls seldom cockblock in Europe and will actually help you win over her friend. Yet cockblocking is rampant in America and Toronto. Even an advanced player like Roosh has written extensively about being cockblocked routinely. Is there something wrong with his game? Generally, the more feminist/anti-male the place is, the more rampant the cockblocking. You can put the same guy in a different country and he'd get laid a lot more simply because he isn't getting cockblocked so much.

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

I agree that it must be an American/Canadian thing. I cant even remember the last time I had to deal with any cockblocking here in London. Girls will mostly just let their friends be, maybe even help you out if you play it right.

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

Cockblock is also quite common in Germanic countries(Netherlands,Germany,Switzerland,Austria etc).The whole idea is that in order to get a girl you have to gain the approval of the whole group that is her friend will correct her friend's wrong choice if a ''not right man'' manages to gain points with her in the beginning.This makes the pick up process toucher.Also the girl can rely on her friend to ''save her'' and avoid responsibility(actually that is what they txt each other,''save me.'')
Part of being good girlfriend means being ready to save your friend when you think wrong and dangerous conditions for her take place.If her friend overdoes or does this for personal reasons becoming apparent later(eg wanting the guy for herself) she risks the friendship.It is essentially women's chronic bond vs random guy short time bond based on attraction level.(of course girls can open windows to that for example when a girl is bored by friendship to her or angry to her for some reason she may not obey to girfriend's command to leave this guy).It is the usual ''wolf friendship'' between girls as we call it here.

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

Quote: (09-21-2012 04:38 PM)snoop Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2012 11:31 AM)bliss Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2012 07:45 AM)snoop Wrote:  

You can't change their behavior, only your own, so think of it this are the problem.

You just aren't attractive/interesting enough for to them to ignore their friends for a guy they just met and don't know.

Nobody walks away from interesting people unless they have a damn good reason.

that's a really dumb, unrealistic and unhealthy attitude to take, especially if (i don't know why you would be but guys here apparently still love them) you're hell bent on picking up in clubs.

you're the prize, she is not, and neither are her friends. if you're being constantly cock-blocked and the girls are rude, selfish or just out for attention, stop whipping yourself and get out of there. find a better environment that does your manhood justice.

The problem with that is you actually have to be a prize. Far too many people think just saying you are worthwhile magically makes it so to other people.

My point was that if you have so many people completely blowing you off that you are asking strangers on the Internet for advice about it, then you are most likely the problem, not them. Regardless of what kind of Stuart Smalley, self affirmation nonsense you recite to yourself in the mirror before you go out.

If you don't completely suck, women are usually not that into cock blocking IME. In fact I've had the complete opposite, when I'm being charming, funny and intersting their friends almost always help me.

Never believe an excuse.

-I have to get up early

-My friends want to go to the bathroom

-I have to visit my grandmother

The truth is always the same:
She's not into you.

In the US, they're not into you, they're into Facebook.
That's why the cockblocking is worse here.
They're signaling their friends-- or they're not even their friends.

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

Quote: (09-22-2012 07:34 AM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2012 04:38 PM)snoop Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2012 11:31 AM)bliss Wrote:  

Quote: (09-21-2012 07:45 AM)snoop Wrote:  

You can't change their behavior, only your own, so think of it this are the problem.

You just aren't attractive/interesting enough for to them to ignore their friends for a guy they just met and don't know.

Nobody walks away from interesting people unless they have a damn good reason.

that's a really dumb, unrealistic and unhealthy attitude to take, especially if (i don't know why you would be but guys here apparently still love them) you're hell bent on picking up in clubs.

you're the prize, she is not, and neither are her friends. if you're being constantly cock-blocked and the girls are rude, selfish or just out for attention, stop whipping yourself and get out of there. find a better environment that does your manhood justice.

The problem with that is you actually have to be a prize. Far too many people think just saying you are worthwhile magically makes it so to other people.

My point was that if you have so many people completely blowing you off that you are asking strangers on the Internet for advice about it, then you are most likely the problem, not them. Regardless of what kind of Stuart Smalley, self affirmation nonsense you recite to yourself in the mirror before you go out.

If you don't completely suck, women are usually not that into cock blocking IME. In fact I've had the complete opposite, when I'm being charming, funny and intersting their friends almost always help me.

Never believe an excuse.

-I have to get up early

-My friends want to go to the bathroom

-I have to visit my grandmother

The truth is always the same:
She's not into you.

In the US, they're not into you, they're into Facebook.
That's why the cockblocking is worse here.
They're signaling their friends-- or they're not even their friends.

This is true. Women who are interested will go out of their way to stay with you or make sure they can see you again.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Sick of Constant C***-blocking - How to Deal with C***-blocks

Quote: (09-21-2012 05:05 PM)Juan Antonio Wrote:  

I think environment has a lot to do with how prevalent cockblocking is. According to sime guys here, girls seldom cockblock in Europe and will actually help you win over her friend. Yet cockblocking is rampant in America and Toronto. Even an advanced player like Roosh has written extensively about being cockblocked routinely. Is there something wrong with his game? Generally, the more feminist/anti-male the place is, the more rampant the cockblocking. You can put the same guy in a different country and he'd get laid a lot more simply because he isn't getting cockblocked so much.

I'm in America and it really hasn't been an issue for me so I'm not sure where that generalization comes from, but I see it being a more common issue with younger and/or less successfull/interesting people.

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