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Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I'm absolutely guilty of notch chasing, not harpooning whales for the sake of a number, but also try to enjoy quality, the closer I get to my goal number, the more and more and I'm flaking or not following up on mediocre chicks and dates.

I've found myself driven to more quality and only being around women who are actually enjoyable.

Downside is "connecting" with women, it's basically AWALT to me.

I'm not looking to have a deep discussion about the universe or politics, but I do want SOME substance there.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

For the average man: 100 is unbelievable. 100 is insane. 100 is untouchable.

For the RVF man: That's a pretty good standard of where to determine where you stand with the players on this board. Probably half the forum has knocked down 3 girls in a day with the top players knocking down 5+. It's entirely possible. Imagine of you game for 10 years. That's only 10 bangs a year. Nothing fantastic about that where guys on the forum get 30+ in a month.

Do I think anybody needs to sleep with that many girls?

Probably not. It's still fun though. That drive for new pussy is always there.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

New pussy is always better than old pussy, but each notch sucks away part of your soul.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (09-06-2016 06:26 PM)_GQ_ Wrote:  

New pussy is always better than old pussy, but each notch sucks away part of your soul.

I think its more a reflection of age than soul sucking.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I chased notches until I hit 20. I'm about double that now give or take. I just like having sex with new girls.

I currently have a pretty solid harem of 3 chicks that I'm content with. Between the 3 of them I can easily get laid about every other day with different girls, and they are all different flavors.

I personally would rather have some reliable girls I can hook up with casually and regularly than have to chase new girls down all the time, figure out how to get in their pants, deal with flaking and resistance, etc.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (09-06-2016 10:07 PM)General Stalin Wrote:  

I chased notches until I hit 20. I'm about double that now give or take. I just like having sex with new girls.

I currently have a pretty solid harem of 3 chicks that I'm content with. Between the 3 of them I can easily get laid about every other day with different girls, and they are all different flavors.

I personally would rather have some reliable girls I can hook up with casually and regularly than have to chase new girls down all the time, figure out how to get in their pants, deal with flaking and resistance, etc.

That's what I'm aiming for. I don't even know what my notch count is -- it's at least 40... most of that from nearly 10 years ago.
I've only been back in the game for a few months but I'm already wishing I just had a harem of 3 women that I could be totally transparent with about wanting to have multiple LTRs.
I have one consistent fuckbuddy right now that I'm considering parlaying into the first member the harem. I'm almost certain she'll go for it.

And to answer the question of the thread, banging 100+ women is still something very special. The average man doesn't even hit 10 notches in their entire lifetime, so if you bang 100 you're definitely in the top 5%.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I'm at 85 lays at 24 years old. 100 lays by the end of this year was something I set out to do. All reservations for life choices aside, a man will greatly change (and potentially grow) from having slept with 0 females to 100

100 women slept with is 100 problems solved

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Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Early thirties, approximately 80 women, I stopped counting at about 50. Probably would have been double had I not temporarily converted to LTR-betadom in my mid-twenties.

The vast majority of these were attained on either a student or mediocre professional budget. In fact all of them were. Say 90% from nights out. Let’s be honest, we’ve all had ones we’re not proud of; the odd monster here and there, after heavy drinking. Equally there have been some absolute angels. Let’s say a modest career average of 7.75 / 10; I have fairly high standards and don’t date anyone (regularly) below an 8.

There are a few fairly simple factors at play, none of which imply wealth and or status as pre-requisite to success. Saying 8s, 9s and 10s only go with wealthy guys with status is like saying all guys with money and status are with 8’s – 10’s; it’s simply not true. If a guy looks like the back end of a baboon, then yes, money and status do help. But that goes for a minority anyway. Ninety percent of guys can sort themselves out physically, one way or another.

-Logistics and location really are key. I’ve lived in major European cities for most of the last 15 years. It’s simply provided a larger pool of talent than a small town will. Guys not having success in a small pool should move to or at least visit large cities. If you are going to expensive, pretentious clubs and bars, then yes, you’ll need money; if that’s your game, might as well save time and effort at least and just grab a hooker. Otherwise a downgrade in venue hardly ever means downgrading talent, depending on your timing. That being said, I have picked up on the bus home before. Always be ready – opportunity knocks.

As for logistics, better to be no more than an hour from where you stay (and your own room).

-Timing. Most bars (here) will peak between 11pm and 1am, maybe 2am. After that you’re looking at dregs and only the occasional glimpse of quality.

-Age. The majority of women have been early to mid-twenties; by far the easiest going age group to deal with. As is well documented, between 25-40, agendas change and entitlement (so called ‘standards’) escalates. After this, I have found latterly, there is a revert to the early twenties mentality, as is also well documented – chart those waters at your own peril.

-Zero Fcks Given. I went to university purposefully single. Over the subsequent 3-5 years, I probably averaged a 10+ count per year - 5 in 10 days one summer holiday in Spain; this was largely owing to the mentality of remaining single. Since then, I have found that not caring so much consistently works out better than the converse mentality. I am just now truly getting back to zero fcks given.

Money, status and looks get you so far; sometimes nowhere. Confidence and the right mentality go so much further.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I would say, yes. I've banged close to 100 in my mid-late 20s. If I didn't work night shift, it would easily be over 100 by now. Like others have said, location is key. But 100 women is nothing.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (10-07-2013 08:22 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

[Image: facepalm.png]

If you think 100+ partners is "nothing" you are living in a dreamworld. It's like listening to billionaires sitting around talking about how a million dollars is nothing when the average USA salary is $26k. You're going to be hard pressed to rack up numbers like that unless picking up girls is practically a full-time job for you or you have a job that facilitates being around lots of girls like club promoter, DJ, casting director, etc. Of course there's always the rare natural who is tall, good-looking, outgoing and just has lots of access to pussy. But we're talking about outliers in any event. The average man will not breach 10 partners in his lifetime.

I find your comparison not funny but LMFAO funny. I stopped counting at the mid-70s. Which is around my second trip to Manila. I guess I should feel pretty fucking lucky? (I'd bet money I have hit at least 20 just this year alone). Maybe I'm just good at manipulating people and situations, after all, isn't that what game is all about?

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (09-07-2016 07:07 AM)Gpx90210 Wrote:  

I find your comparison not funny but LMFAO funny. I stopped counting at the mid-70s. Which is around my second trip to Manila. I guess I should feel pretty fucking lucky? (I'd bet money I have hit at least 20 just this year alone). Maybe I'm just good at manipulating people and situations, after all, isn't that what game is all about?

If all you're banging is online pipelined crap in the Philippines, then you're right - 100 is nothing...


Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

True, but most guys still won't get there.

You take 100 random American guys and put them in Manila for a year. Probably 1-2% of guys are players, so you might have 2 or 3 tops that bang a lot of girls. The remainder will be blue pill. 50% will bang a 5 from the internet and end up in a relationship with her and get pussywhipped. 25% will notice their increased market value but lack the social skills or be too blue pill to really play the field. They might bang a couple of girls in a year, most likely online. And the remaining 25% will be hibernating in their apartments.

I have many guy friends, who have good jobs, make good money, in good shape, who did a SEA holiday and didn't bang a single girl. Too pussy to go out to local bars, too scared to meet a random girl off the net. Just went on holiday and got drunk and put photos on Facebook. The idea that "anyone can bang 100 girls" is laughable, even in the most favorable circumstances.

I'm sure there are many guys on here over 100, but this forum is not a good sampling of what the average man goes through.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

This also reminds me of a dating show I watched when I was in my first LTR, I might have been 19 or 20, still completely blue pill. A collection of guys were competing for a date with 1 girl. They put them all on a polygraph and asked them questions, the girl was watching in a separate room. Then 1 guy came on and the interviewer asked, 'Is it true you've slept with more than 100 women?'

He grinned and quietly said 'yes'. Polygraph was clean as a whistle. I remember telling my girlfriend that it was impossible, no way he could have done that at his age. I just couldn't imagine any scenario where a guy would be able to do that. 100 girls banged was literally outside the realm of possibility for me. That was my frame of mind as a blue pill guy (and most of the population is blue pill).

There was also some reddit AMA with a guy who had banged 100 hookers. Same reaction - most people couldn't believe it. So if people find it hard to imagine banging 100 hookers, which almost anyone with a dead end job can do, imagine how distant the idea of picking up and fucking 100 girls from the bar is.

It's easy to forget how different our lives are from the regular Joe.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Man what it would be like to be a fly on the wall of the GP's office of that 100-a-year for 5 years Magaluf guy. At least one holiday slag every 3 days. Dude would be a handsome walking 6'5 Petrie dish [Image: icon_lol.gif]

Also I reckon kaotic is at well over 200 by now, dude is a machine. Scientists should study his power output, check if he has any plutonium in him.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I think this forum has plenty of guys who´ve reached the 100 mark, as do I, but it would be interesting to see who are the guys here making truly insane numbers, see if we have men over 300, 500 perhaps. I´m sure we do.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (09-07-2016 09:43 AM)rottenapple Wrote:  

I think this forum has plenty of guys who´ve reached the 100 mark, as do I, but it would be interesting to see who are the guys here making truly insane numbers, see if we have men over 300, 500 perhaps. I´m sure we do.

Roosh would be up there. Fisto and 20Nation both claimed 100 notch years. So I wouldn't be surprised if they are over 300. Many others I'm sure.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

^ One of them specifically said they had over 300, as I recall. And I believe them based on their manic Philippines "fuck everything" rampages.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (09-07-2016 10:16 AM)Phoenix Wrote:  

^ One of them specifically said they had over 300, as I recall. And I believe them based on their manic Philippines "fuck everything" rampages.

With due respect, it's probably fair to say that pulling 100 (or 300) women in the Philippines is different to pulling the same number of Western women. It's very common for older out of shape European guys with no game whatsoever to go out to Thailand and come back with a wife; like the ultimate blue pill Disney fairy tale - all you really have to do is be nice to them.

No judgement or anything, I don't find Asian women particularly attractive anyway.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Phoenix I wish, sorry to disappoint [Image: lol.gif]

I think there are a handful of players on here that are 200+

From this thread (in 2012) alone of 315 votes it shows about 25 men so about 8% were 100+ notches


From the 2015 notch count thread, out of 166, only 12 were 50+ , I'd say maybe half of those or less were 100+ for the year, so only 3% of the men who voted.


Now we need to take into account people bsing or fudging their numbers.

I don't think it's safe to assume alot of players on here hit 100+, we'd probably have to do another survey to find out.

One man definitely comes to mind as having an astronomical numbers and quality, that would be LINUX - because I followed his Colombia thread closely and he's a guy that's been met by many people.

I know there are a few others we can give dues as well.

Yes, this forum is not a great place to sample notch counts by men.

Any man who hits 100+ woman has something going for him in my eyes, that shit takes work, at least SOME game, and effort.

100+ woman is no simple feat (I know some players will laugh at this)

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

It shouldn't matter.

Life's not judged by the number of notches on your belt. I admire a guy a lot more that is with a quality girl than fucked a bunch of sluts.

That being said it kind of is a right of passage, especially if your lacking confidence. I think it takes some time for a lot of guys to get though it. Though ironically when they do they enjoy life a lot more and are happier than the guys who didn't put in the effort to begin with.

I'm in my mid 20's and at 50'ish. I don't care if I get to 100 I care that I meet quality girls, that I want to spend time with and enjoy.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

The Swoop The World boys and Linux are all up there with insane numbers, I think 20nation said he was at about 300+ since I first met him almost five years ago. Yes 20nation has banged a bunch of SE Asian chicks but the guy has also run through a ton of very attractive Colombians and EE ladies, the pics he's been sending me from the Ukraine lately have been very nice. Of all the guys I've met through RVF over the years, he's one of the top guys who embodies all of the game/traveling PUA/self improvement stuff preached on here. Like anything else though this shit gets old and and I know 20 and Linux have toned down the notch chasing and now focus more on quality. THC is still racking up the numbers in South America (quality too), that guy is fucking machine, I've never seen anything like it.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I hope that I will reach double digits one day. It might not make me happier but there is no greater feeling in my opinion than being inside a girl.

It would be interesting to see what were the numbers before learning game and after.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

I'm over 100 now. If I had to guess... probably 120 or 130.

But... I was below 10 until I was 33 or so. You young guys have plenty of time.

And if it's going slow for you now, don't worry, you can keep improving yourself and you skills with women.

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Once you get good it's just a matter of effort and time. 12 a year on average is a bit over 8 years of gaming (22-29yo). Most guys who have the ability get bored before 100

Is 100+ women banged nothing these days?

Quote: (09-07-2016 03:48 PM)Que enspastic Wrote:  

Once you get good it's just a matter of effort and time. 12 a year on average is a bit over 8 years of gaming (22-29yo). Most guys who have the ability get bored before 100

Underrated reply.


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