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Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

[Image: 2bF11yK.jpg?1]

If this isn't a sign of the times, I don't know what is.

This article is about Bill de Blasio's crazed, domineering, formerly lesbian wife. The article demonstrates Charlene McCray's madness, as well as the fact that she has her husband's balls in a vice.

(Please note that I will say some positive things about Bloomberg, but don't take them as an endorsement. Bloomberg can only look good when put up next to these two wild-eyed leftists)

She has control of his speeches:


As much as anyone on his staff, Ms. McCray has built and guided her husband’s campaign, thoroughly erasing the line between spouse and strategist.

Political meetings are planned around her schedule. She sits in on job interviews for top advisers. She edits all key speeches (aides are known to e-mail drafts straight to her).

She is solipsistic. When a hospital was razed to make way for condos, she was upset because 30 years ago she stayed at that hospital. No mention of whether or not the hospital was still needed, or why they tore down the hospital.


Ms. McCray was horrified when St. Vincent’s Hospital in Greenwich Village was razed to make way for luxury condominiums: 30 years ago, despite the fact that she had no health insurance, doctors there kept her alive after an acute asthma attack. So at her urging, the closing of city hospitals became a central theme of her husband’s candidacy.

She inserts herself into de Blasio's campaign, and he is glad to let her do it. Note the writer say she "physically balked". How intense was her body language for this to make it into the article?


Together, Mr. de Blasio and Ms. McCray are as much a package deal as Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton, a reality etched into the campaign hierarchy affixed to a wall of the de Blasio political headquarters. It lists “Bill/Chirlane” above a sprawling team of aides.

Asked if she had ever considered playing a less assertive role in the mayoral race, Ms. McCray physically balked, leaning in from across the table at a Brooklyn diner.

“No, no,” she said. “It’s not who I am. It’s not who Bill and I have been as a couple, either.”

She added, “We’ve always been partners in the campaigns and any major thing we have taken on.”

It can seem as if a moment is incomplete for him unless his wife has experienced it, too.

In Harlem recently, Mr. de Blasio was walking to his city-issued S.U.V., a large crowd of residents trailing behind, when he stopped and looked around, disoriented. Ms. McCray was not there.

“Wait, wait, wait,” he said. “Let the first lady through.”

She threatened to divorce her husband if he endorsed the wrong candidate


In an interview, Ms. McCray embraced the model of the Clintons’ working partnership, saying that the former secretary of state is the first lady she most admires. She acknowledges feeling so passionately in 2002 about which way her husband would vote on the next City Council speaker she threatened to divorce him if he backed the wrong candidate.

He sided with his wife

She can barely disguise her contempt with the Bloomberg administration, including Bloomberg's intelligent, pretty girlfriend who did not interfere with the Mayor's office.


They are, in their relationship, their politics and, above all, their lifestyle, a striking departure from the city’s reigning pair, Michael R. Bloomberg and Diana L. Taylor, his longtime girlfriend.

Ms. Taylor, a banker, rarely campaigned with the mayor and kept a studied distance from City Hall, adopting the role of his glamorous sidekick on the city’s charity circuit, often seen but seldom heard.

“We are very different people from him and Diana,” Ms. McCray said

She holds a resentment of upper-class (white?) culture.


She does little to disguise her deep distaste for the Bloomberg era, when, by her lights, the ranks of the poor surged to unconscionable levels (“that’s not sustainable” she said), gentrification brought a commoditized sameness to once quirky neighborhoods (“we are losing our communities,” she worries) and New York City venerated its swelling class of ultrarich.

“I mean, our leader was a billionaire; I think that contributed to it,” she said.

Ms. McCray recalled, with a mixture of awe and amusement, the experience of dining at Mr. Bloomberg’s opulent home on the Upper East Side a few years ago, a home she described, dryly, as “very structured.”

“It was all very, to me, very stiff,” she remembered. “I think everyone was, like, on their best behavior.”

I would not wish the past experiences of racism, featured in the article, that Charlene McCray experienced on anybody (assuming somebody with such a grandiose personality is telling the truth about her past). But, it cannot be denied that she may still be suffering from deep psychological issues, and harboring grievances.


“I had never had a deep sense of belonging anywhere,” recalled Chirlane McCray, whose husband, Bill de Blasio, is now the front-runner to become the next mayor of New York. “I always felt I was an outsider.”

Now, this onetime student of powerlessness, a woman whose early identity was profoundly shaped by feelings of alienation — because of her race, her gender and her evolving sexuality — is emerging as the ultimate insider: a mastermind behind the biggest political upset of the year and a sought-after voice as the city re-evaluates what it most wants from its first family.

So she poured her disillusionment into poems and short stories, many of them laced with adolescent self-loathing. “I’ve spent my life as a Black girl,” she wrote years later. “A nappy-headed, no-haired, fat-lipped, big-bottomed Black girl and the poem will surely come out wrong like me.”

It was then that her social and political activism took root, building on the belief, articulated by a nascent group of like-minded women in Boston, that black lesbians had something different to say about discrimination and identity than the mainstream women’s liberation movement.

[Image: vY7kyOJ.jpg]

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

Great way to lock up in the black vote, the gay vote, and the liberal vote all in one marriage.

[Image: gamerecognized.gif]

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

After being Mayor of NY, I think dude will be a zillionaire, that's connections beyond belief. ( A zillionaire is between a millionaire and a billionaire)

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

I've heard of that woman. My boy was at de Blasio's house recently (they live in the same neighborhood in Brooklyn) so I looked him up and learned about his wife. She refuses to discuss her sexual identity apparently (she's possibly still bisexual).

Pretty odd couple. I wonder how that happened.

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

It is sad who the NYT choses to deify. I think you have to be a self-absorbed control freak to garner their approval.

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

I never thought I'd say this, but I wish Bloomberg would stay on as mayor. I hate that guy, but compared to the de Blasios, he's a regular Nelson Rockefeller. Even Anthony Weiner would make a better mayor than these two.

The big problem though isn't with de Blasio or his butt-fucking-ugly wife, it's with the electorate that supports them. De Blasio and his supporters whine about the heavy-handed way that Giuliani and Bloomberg ran New York, and while I'm not a fan of such things as stop-and-frisk, those policies were a necessity to make New York City habitable after the chaos of the seventies and eighties. The reason why Republicans were able to dominate heavily Democratic NYC for the better part of two decades is because New Yorkers knew the score; the namby-pamby, anti-racist peacenik way that John Lindsay and David Dinkins governed turned New York into a crime-ridden shithole.

But the Crown Heights riot happened 20 years ago, and the working-class voters that formed Giuliani and Bloomberg's base have all been priced out to the suburbs. In their place are clueless Midwestern hipster fuckwits who enjoy a safe, secure, prosperous New York but have no idea what made it possible. Bill de Blasio is their man, a mayor who caters to the overeducated and undersocialized Gawker crowd, the noodle-necked twerps who've never been in a fight, never been mugged, and live in 90 percent white ZIP codes but honestly believe that evil knuckle-dragging racist Republicans are the only thing keeping America from a glorious thousand-year progressive reich.

About the only good thing I can say about de Blasio's coming tenure as mayor is that it might kickstart the moribund art and music scene. The seventies and eighties were an awful time to be a New Yorker, but that era bequeathed some of America's greatest artists: Lou Reed, Talking Heads, Sonic Youth, Suicide, Lydia Lunch, Richard Kern, the list goes on. The neutered New York of Giuliani and Bloomberg has given us Paul Auster, Matt & Kim, and Lena Dunham. I think it was Nietzsche who said that only a culture in decline can produce great art; modern New York is too full of itself.

So while "Bill de Blasio" might be Italian for "David Dinkins," if his idiocy scares all the hipsters and Sam Biddle-types into moving back to their crappy little cul-de-sacs in Wisconsin, I say bring it on.

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

Man, when shit hits the fan in America, its going to make the Revolution and Civil War look like weekend training ops. Citizens being forced out of rural areas, then chased out of metro by wacko's like these. Huge swarms of displaced pissed off individuals looking for someone to place the blame on. [Image: shudder.gif] I need to start buying lotto tickets and find a place to hide. Just glad I never registered Democrat. Whew! [Image: whip.gif]


Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

Sounds like I could make a good money and career from mugging all the pussies in NYC walking around

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Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

First lady? That's a man, baby

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

Words cannot explain the contempt and pity i have for this poor bastard. As to how or why this man let some ugly, bisexual, manjaw cunt control his private and social life, i don't want to know. He is a lost cause. This "woman" is living her deluded power hungry fantasies through him and he is too blind to see this. She threatened to divorce his ass when he wanted to make his own decisions and what does whipped mangina do? "Sorry massa, i did wrong." Fucking disgusting.

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

It's clear that the real mayor of NYC will be this man's wife.

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

The following passage from the article is quite telling.


Her four years at Wellesley, an all-women’s, liberal arts college, brought both a long-sought social acceptance and a new form of rejection. Her being a lesbian was discovered when a classmate found her in an intimate dorm-room embrace with another woman. “Some of the women in my dorm were totally freaked out by it,” she said.

It was then that her social and political activism took root, building on the belief, articulated by a nascent group of like-minded women in Boston, that black lesbians had something different to say about discrimination and identity than the mainstream women’s liberation movement.

Ms. McCray joined what would become the Combahee River Collective, an influential collection of black feminist intellectuals, many of them gay, who felt overlooked by the 1970s politics of Betty Friedan and Ms. magazine.

“We knew it was revolutionary,” Ms. McCray said. “Just by sitting down and talking to each other, it was breaking through the madness.”

By the time she started a job in the press office of New York’s City Hall in 1991, there was no confusion: she had zero interest in dating a man, a message that Mr. de Blasio, then a lanky, bearded operative across the building, jauntily ignored.

He flirted with her mercilessly, she said, calling nonstop and trying to steal an unwelcome kiss. “I actually told him, ‘Slow this down,’ ” Ms. McCray said. Her resistance became less diplomatic: “Back off.”

But a romance blossomed: Mr. de Blasio, five years her junior, won over her family with an overnight visit that earned him a new moniker: “Brother Bill.”

For Ms. McCray’s lesbian friends, her engagement to Mr. de Blasio, in 1993, was a stunning turn. Not all of them could stomach it. One of them refused to attend the wedding.

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

5 years from now in NYC being a heterosexual male will get you automatically put on the sex offenders list.

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

Here's all you need to about Bill de Blasio, Chirlane kept her last name.

[Image: chuck-headshake.gif]

The rest, the lesbianism, being older and mannish-looking just make this a gourmet dish of failed masculinity.

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

Newsflash: she's still a lesbian, it's just that her sexuality is less important to her than her political ambitions, so she keeps it hush-hush. See: Clinton, Hillary.

Also, this guy De Blasio is as big a fucking chode as I've ever seen. What a disaster this guy will be for the city when elected. He can't even take the lead in his marriage, and he wants to lead one of the largest and most important cities in the world? Get the fuck outta here. I wouldn't trust this chode to run a news stand.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

And people picked this shit over a competent guy whose mistake was sending a few dick pics to an ugly broad?

[Image: GCD8Nt6.gif]

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Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

The choice is obvious: Sam Sloan for NYC mayor!!

sam sloan personal freedom-party-candidate-for-new-york-city-mayor

This guy is a true and crazy Alpha:

Personal website:

[Image: nysun.jpg]
Sam and Sandra Sloan

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

Quote: (10-02-2013 10:53 PM)Sp5 Wrote:  

From his wiki

Samuel Howard Sloan (born September 7, 1944), also known as Haji Mohammed Ismail Sloan

de Blasio and his "wife" knocking out Weinergate and this random guy for top job of America's greatest city? As clear a sign as any that America's decline is real.

[Image: i-m-done-o.gif]

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

Don't forget - de Blasio didn't just beat out Weiner.

After Weiner's sexting scandal, the frontrunner was Christine Quinn, an open lesbian. Everyone assumed she would win when de Blasio came out of nowhere.

Yup - the Democratic nominee and next mayor of New York is married to a lesbian but his main rival had also been a lesbo.

Good luck New York. Personally, I hope Gotham burns.

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

Quote: (10-02-2013 11:01 PM)Hencredible Casanova Wrote:  

Quote: (10-02-2013 10:53 PM)Sp5 Wrote:  

From his wiki

Samuel Howard Sloan (born September 7, 1944), also known as Haji Mohammed Ismail Sloan

de Blasio and his "wife" knocking out Weinergate and this random guy for top job of America's greatest city? As clear a sign as any that America's decline is real.

The Haji part is just another sign of this guy's balls of steel.

There's a lot more to the story:


Sloan studied chess from an early age and left Lynchburg in 1962 to study at University of California, Berkeley; he majored in mathematics and criminology and hosted parties for the Sexual Freedom League before dropping out in 1967.

In 1975, the SEC revoked Sloan's broker-dealer registration. After years of litigation, Sloan in 1978 prevailed in the U.S. Supreme Court. Sloan argued the case pro se. The opposing attorney was Harvey Pitt, who was later Chairman of the SEC from 2001 to 2003. Sloan won before the U.S. Supreme Court 9–0. Sloan is the last non-lawyer to argue before the court.

Sloan has written an extensive lexicon of Khowar, a language spoken in Chitral, Pakistan

Sloan has been married three times. Sloan's second wife, Honzagool, was a native of Chitral and together they had a daughter named Shamema

You could not make his story up. He's got six kids from six women, was on the board of the US Chess Federation, has written several books, worked as a broker and a taxi driver.

Most importantly, he doesn't give a fuck what most of society thinks.

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian


The big problem though isn't with de Blasio or his butt-fucking-ugly wife, it's with the electorate that supports them. De Blasio and his supporters whine about the heavy-handed way that Giuliani and Bloomberg ran New York, and while I'm not a fan of such things as stop-and-frisk, those policies were a necessity to make New York City habitable after the chaos of the seventies and eighties. The reason why Republicans were able to dominate heavily Democratic NYC for the better part of two decades is because New Yorkers knew the score; the namby-pamby, anti-racist peacenik way that John Lindsay and David Dinkins governed turned New York into a crime-ridden shithole.

Crime actually peaked during Dinkins 1st year in office but it started its rapid climb upward during Koch years.Dinkins is forever tied to crime and urban decay yet Koch who was the Mayor for the preceding 12 years is never ever mentioned. I wonder why?[Image: confused.gif] Crime actually started to go down during Dinkins as the crack epidemic was winding down and the Safe Streets program went into full swing. This is another a case, where if you repeat a meme often enough it become fact.

A quick history lesson. Giuliani basically won because the Crown Heights riot and Dinkins just got killed over it by the media. By his second term even White New Yorkers who came in their pants every time they saw Giuliani on the TV started to grow tired of him. Then 9/11 happened and while Bush and the rest of his leadership were hiding in an "undisclosed location" Giuliani was out on TV doing God's work. Giuliani tried to capitalized on this capital by attempting to stay past his term and he got a resounding "HELL NO!!!!"

As for Bloomberg, I would not exactly blag about him being a Republican. Bloomberg is a full blown Democrat, in fact he only changed his registration to Republican because he did not think he could win in a democratic primary. Alen Greene won the democratic primary by doing some race baiting against Fernando Ferrer, Hispanics/Blacks leadership encouraged people to sit out the general election in retaliation. The whole time Bloomberg kept emphasizing that if you look RINO in the dictionary, you'll find his face in on it. That's how he won. The second term he won fair and square, the 3rd one, he straight out brided everybody and their momma to change the city charter, spent 100 million bucks and even then he only won by 55K votes. His opponent was a shitty candidate who barely campaigned and everybody suspected he paid off to take a dive.

As for Stop and Frisk it was a useful law enforcement tool when used correctly but the police started to abuse it. Real life is about check and balances, if you abuse a privilege its only a matter of time before it gets taken away from you. Like the old cliche says, "great power comes with great responsibility." Plus, Stop and Frisk was widely ineffective, Guns and contraband was found in like 5% of the stops. This is one of Bloomberg's tactical mistakes, he tarnished a lot of his legacy protecting a program that wasn't even that effective.

Instead of highly trained cops in specialized units using it, lazy cops started stopping every body and their mothers with no legal basis and because they were on fishing expeditions in order to scam for overtime.


But the Crown Heights riot happened 20 years ago, and the working-class voters that formed Giuliani and Bloomberg's base have all been priced out to the suburbs. In their place are clueless Midwestern hipster fuckwits who enjoy a safe, secure, prosperous New York but have no idea what made it possible. Bill de Blasio is their man, a mayor who caters to the overeducated and undersocialized Gawker crowd, the noodle-necked twerps who've never been in a fight, never been mugged, and live in 90 percent white ZIP codes but honestly believe that evil knuckle-dragging racist Republicans are the only thing keeping America from a glorious thousand-year progressive reich.

LOL. White Flight from NYC actually started with the encouragement of Robert Moses(very interesting man, look him up) when he encouraged poor and middle class Whites to move to the suburbs with low cost mortgages while at the same time keeping Blacks out. NYC became almost an inhabitable shithole because of policies started by him. It was his idea to built public housing projects on the waterfront and gutting mass transit. If you read his biography "The Power Broker" you'll learn that his ultimate goal was to destroy NYC and he almost succeeded.

You really shouldn't be crying a river for Whites who left NYC. Most of them owned their own homes so they made out like bandits when the first RE bubble hit in NYC. You really can not blamed them for cashing out and bouncing. The smart ones went down South where their money goes further, the not so bright ones moved to Long Island which is a sinking financial ship as we speak despite having Republicans run every level of their government from the PTA up to the County Executives.


About the only good thing I can say about de Blasio's coming tenure as mayor is that it might kickstart the moribund art and music scene. The seventies and eighties were an awful time to be a New Yorker, but that era bequeathed some of America's greatest artists: Lou Reed, Talking Heads, Sonic Youth, Suicide, Lydia Lunch, Richard Kern, the list goes on. The neutered New York of Giuliani and Bloomberg has given us Paul Auster, Matt & Kim, and Lena Dunham. I think it was Nietzsche who said that only a culture in decline can produce great art; modern New York is too full of itself.

So while "Bill de Blasio" might be Italian for "David Dinkins," if his idiocy scares all the hipsters and Sam Biddle-types into moving back to their crappy little cul-de-sacs in Wisconsin, I say bring it on.

Crime will go up because its cyclical so it has to go up, but is not going to be nowhere near the late 80's early 90's levels unless there's a new type of crack like drug.

This whole doom and gloom over De Blasio reminds me of President Obama first election, the NY Post has all but lost their minds now.

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

A male politician married to a domineering woman is cause for concern. Di Blasio reminds me of Obama. Obama has his wife who he is afraid of, of course, but also that other chick, Jaret somebody, who supposedly has a massive (unelected) influence in the White House. And he seems to appoint women almost exclusively to positions of power. Supreme court, future Fed chairman and so on. As Seinfeld would have said: His mother must have really done a number on him.

I don't know why some men think it's cute to talk about how their wife wears the pants. Unless it is patently obvious that he is joking it isn't becoming in a leader, and this isn't the case for Di Blasio or Obama.

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

Sounds like a career marriage and not an actual "love" marriage.

They used to do this stuff all the time with monarchies. Marry for power. Cute, some things never change.

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

Di Blasio is probably a homo or low t as well

Meet NYC's next first lady - a narcissistic, domineering ex-lesbian

Doesn't surprise me that he's a pussy-whipped mangina given the way he's running his campaign- that being based on pandering and no substance behind it at all. Keep in mind this is a guy that's the Public Advocate- a job that does precisely nothing, and he did nothing of note in the council.

I met the guy last year and he basically came off the same way- a complete phony that had no character except on how to pander to an audience, which admittedly is the cornerstone of a great politician. Ed Koch was in the same room (who I was fortunate enough to meet a couple of times before his death), another gifted politician but totally different.

I roll around in New York political circles for my job. They all basically say the same thing about de Blasio- a man of no substance that has accomplished exactly zero but sure as hell knows how to run a campaign. They're all voting for Lhota, Democrats and Republicans alike. As am I but with the way he's running his campaign he has no hope in hell of winning.

The funniest thing of all is that there's really very little a mayor can do about income inequality, which is subject far more to national trends (as is crime to a certain, though lesser extent, which is, as one of the posters above me said, a reason why it rose during the Koch years and started to decline under Dinkins, because it started rising/declining nationally too). The job of the mayor is to keep the city's services running smoothly and effectively. Which is something Dinkins did not excel at. And I'm worried that all these yuppies that moved here in the past 20 years will simply vote based on their feeeeeeeelllliiiiings, and forget just how much of a shithole it was in the 70's and 80's (which of course I don't remember, but is something my parents and grandparents certainly told me about).

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