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Man Claims He Had Sex With Woman To Save Her Life

Man Claims He Had Sex With Woman To Save Her Life


A 50-year-old St. George man is in trouble after he allegedly found a female neighbor unconscious on her front porch and allegedly claimed he had sex with her to try to warm her.

Rodger William Kelly told police he inserted his penis inside the unconscious 29-year-old on May 19 because "he was trying to save her life," according to court documents.

"He said he did place it inside of her to try and get her temperature up," police wrote in a probable cause statement filed in 5th District Court.

Police told Kelly that his actions amounted to rape. He was charged Monday with one count of first-degree felony rape.

Kelly told officers that he found the woman passed out in front of her apartment and brought her inside his apartment, changed her clothes and put her on his bed. He said he then lay down next to her and hugged her to try to get her temperature up because she had been outside, then attempted intercourse to warm her.

When police arrived, responding to an unconscious person call, they said they found Kelly inside his apartment giving the woman CPR.

Man Claims He Had Sex With Woman To Save Her Life

This shit seriously made me "laugh out loud."

"I know what to do - she just needs a dick in her." Too much. Well, at least he busted out the CPR after the bang.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Man Claims He Had Sex With Woman To Save Her Life

On the other hand, it appears they had fucked before. Doesn't change the story completely, but it does make it a little different.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Man Claims He Had Sex With Woman To Save Her Life

Look at those comments:


The headline and lede of this story should change "had sex with" to "raped", because an unconscious person cannot give consent to have sex, and without consent it is rape.

First definition of sexual intercourse on Merriam-Webster:


heterosexual intercourse involving penetration of the vagina by the penis

Consent is irrelevant as to whether a penetrative act occurred. Before any issue of consent is relevant, penetration must be established. Sure, in this case, the man freely admits to penetrating the female - making the state's case fairly straightforward (assuming he isn't lying).


Absolutely. Thank you. And the St. George police need a little education, too, for telling the perp his actions "amounted" to rape. It's rape.

Another mindless commenter wanting to prove they know more than police about the issue of rape. "Amounted" language is easily interpreted as the cops telling the man the chain of actions he engaged in will result in a charge of rape at law. Which feeds into this...


Exactly. Rape - is not on any "spectrum" of behavior - period.
It is either consensual - or not.

Good idea for our "All-American Teacher" to use the language of rape not sexual assault. Sexual assault does entertain a wide range behaviors, some not so serious, some very serious.

Rape, traditionally, is male carnal knowledge of a female against her will, sometimes a forcible requirement is in the definition. In the abstract - and I agree completely with her - it is black or white. However, in reality, it rarely is straightforward like this situation. Since it happened in Utah & seems to open and shut case watch to see if this blows up in liberal/feminists spheres.


This harkens back to last year's elections, when some idiot southern senate candidate claimed a woman raped "couldn't conceive, under the circumstances.

In what sense, counselor? Ignorance about rape? Already in the comments, you & your allies don't have a logical grasp of the issues around rape. Further, once again, what did quote by Todd Akin prove exactly? I distinctly remember some of the most hateful rhetoric tossed my way when I ask the person proffering the comment as evidence of rape culture as to what it proved.

I never once got a rational response. A bizarre mix of superiority, accusations of misogyny & rape culture, anger, etc. I was careful to not stir the hornets nest too much, as the issue of rape will never be rationally discussed - especially not with the people who make it their personal cause to end rape.

This is a case of women - and some self-hating men - who need the issue of rape to stick around so they can bolster their self-identity through being against rape. They more they need rape as an issue, they more scary rape culture and more rape culture supporters there are. Very predictable, but very sad.


I'm sure we'll have all kinds of frat boys pleading the same thing in the near future.

Let me guess, this guy is against stereotypes.

What the fuck is the hate around frat guys about? I have been "accused" of being a frat boy before. What the hell is that all about?

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

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