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Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

I'm seriously starting to think that the Government has been blowing smoke up my ass regarding HIV/AIDS.

I was watching that HBO special on Liberace the other night (which was mega-gay but really good), and when it was over I started doing some online reseach on Liberace.

Turns out that he died from AIDS in the 1980's (told everyone he was on a "watermelon" diet), and was completely in the closet until the end.

So then I saw that his boyfriend of 4-5 years was still alive today. I was like wtf???

Accordingly to his ex-boyfriend, he always "GAVE" it to Liberace and never received, and somehow he never got infected.

THen I was watching basketball with my crazy, drunken, uncle, and Magic Johnson was on the screen.

I asked my uncle "how the hell did Magic bang his wife 300x and she didn't get infected?" It doesnt make any sense.

Magic said he was "partying hard" in LA at the time. And I am assuming that he must have banged some famous females. Everyone who is famous in LA ends up hanging out with some other famous people, how come there wasn't any famous females to die from AIDS??

My uncles claims that Magic is extremely gay, and he must have got it from some other dude.

So I said "what about in Africa?" "Ton's of straight men contract Aids in Africa."

My uncle responsed " they must be butt fucking like crazy" "Nobody bangs more than the mormons', and AIDS is almost non-existant in UTAH"

Something just doesn't add up.

Can you mostly get it from receiving in the ass?

I had this discussion with a Puerto Rican girl a couple weeks ago, and she showed me a picture of her diseased uncle on facebook. She said he got AIDS in the 80's and was straight.

I didn't want to break her heart, but the guy looked extremely bisexual.

Alot of the "straight" guys to get infected in the 80's were obviously in the closet.

Anybody a Doctor here?

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

Quote: (06-08-2013 12:40 PM)TheCaptainPower Wrote:  

My uncles claims that Magic is extremely gay, and he must have got it from some other dude.

This brings up a number of interesting questions. First of all, Magic has a son who is gay. Is being gay hereditary or genetic in any way? I knew a guy once who was flaming, and his sister (not a twin) was a broad-shouldered lesbian. Small sample size, obvi, but homosexuality appears to run in their family.

The other interesting thing you raise is if in fact AIDS cannot be acquired through straight sex, then this has been one of the biggest PC cover-ups in history! Because that is not the info the gov't and media is promoting.

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

Something doesn't add up. I remember in the 80's it was the "gay men's health crisis", and you couldnt donate blood if you had gay sex.

I wonder if prostitutes stopped offering any type of "butt sex" that the rates drop even further...

Overall, hopefully they cure it in the next couple years.

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

Males can get it from sex with a woman who's infected its just way more unlikely. The rates are very low.

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

I researched it and wrote an article on it:

Basically, if you don't fuck men or do needle drugs, AIDS effectively doesn't exist. Professional whores don't even get it, provided they stay off needle drugs. Also, straight whites are less suceptible than blacks, and Hispanics to a lesser extent. Whether that's due to differences in promiscuity, safe sex practices, healthcare usage, anal sex, genetic susceptibility, I don't know.

Something like a quarter of all gay men in the US have AIDS/HIV. The media never breaks out the statistics so that it becomes apparent how overwhelmingly this disease is confined to sodomites, druggies and fag hags.

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

Quote: (06-08-2013 12:56 PM)Emmanuel Goldstein Wrote:  

I researched it and wrote an article on it:

Basically, if you don't fuck men or do needle drugs, AIDS effectively doesn't exist. Professional whores don't even get it, provided they stay off needle drugs. Also, straight whites are less suceptible than blacks, and Hispanics to a lesser extent. Whether that's due to differences in promiscuity, safe sex practices, healthcare usage, anal sex, genetic susceptibility, I don't know.

Something like a quarter of all gay men in the US have AIDS/HIV. The media never breaks out the statistics so that it becomes apparent how overwhelmingly this disease is confined to sodomites, druggies and fag hags.

Just want to point out that there's a huge difference from measuring the odds that you will catch hiv from any particular vagina, versus the odds of catching it from one you know is infected

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

Well so far so good. I have yet to get AIDS from pussy.

I always thought women could get AIDS way easier than men could.

On the topic of AIDS though, a buddy's dad witnessed a car accident on the highway so he pulled over to help out. The car was flipped. He cut his hand just a little on the flipped car and then grabbed a man in the car to pull him out. The mans blood got on my buddy's dad's hand. Three months after the accident he discovered he had AIDS.

Or perhaps that was his cover story.

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

If you have genital herpes and have an open sore on your dick while hitting it raw, you can contract it.

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

The African situation is unique. The strains present there are more aggressive and a lot of dodgy things went on in many of those countries in regard to "testing" and research in which whole prison blocks of African men where infected with the virus as a means for testing since in those days an African inmate was cheaper to run medical tests on than animals here in the West. Many of these men were released back into the population after various political shuffles and conflicts took place.

Immune systems and effects to the vrisus play a role. Also maybe the possibility since circumcision is more common in Africa due to religious reasons may have something to do with it but I am just guessing on that one.

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

I agree with the Captain. I too have being interested in the whole HIV CAUSES AIDS hypothesis.

Not because I don't believe it - but just because it is interesting watching the huge debates that surround it. It is like 9/11 tutherism. You may not believe in the conspiracies - but it can be interesting to watch people debate them.

The whole thing is pretty weird. I may look into it properly at some point since there is a book on the origin of AIDS which I am going to be reading soon.

Still - the debate around the HIV/AIDS debate can be pretty fucked up. Here is a guy deliberately injecting himself with HIV infected blood.

Just to prove his point.

He died a few months later of AIDS. So one imagines he already had HIV when he carried out this stunt.

There is a documentary on YouTube trying to promote this viewpoint. Here is the trailer:

Like I say. These people are probably batshit crazy. But - I still find it interesting to look into their views. Partly to try and understand why people come to hold such views. But also because you often learn interesting shit along the way.

A bit like Alex Jones. A nut - but he throws out interesting facts from time to time.

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

From wikipedia:


Several scientists have been associated with HIV/AIDS denialism, although they have not themselves studied AIDS or HIV.[9] One of the most famous and influential is Peter Duesberg, professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California, Berkeley, who since 1987 has disputed that the scientific evidence shows that HIV causes AIDS.[21] Other scientists associated with HIV/AIDS denialism include biochemists David Rasnick and Harvey Bialy. Kary Mullis, who was awarded a Nobel Prize for his role in the development of PCR, has expressed sympathy for denialist theories.[58] Biologist Lynn Margulis argued that "there's no evidence that HIV is an infectious virus" and that AIDS symptoms "overlap...completely" with those of syphilis.[59] Pathologist Etienne de Harven also expressed sympathy for HIV/AIDS denial.[60][61]

Additional notable HIV/AIDS denialists include Australian academic ethicist Hiram Caton, the late mathematician Serge Lang,[62] former college administrator Henry Bauer, journalist Celia Farber, American talk radio host and author on alternative and complementary medicine and nutrition Gary Null, and the late activist Christine Maggiore, who encouraged HIV-positive mothers to forgo anti-HIV treatment and whose 3-year-old daughter died of complications of untreated AIDS.[63] Nate Mendel, bassist with the rock band Foo Fighters, expressed support for HIV/AIDS denialist ideas and organized a benefit concert in January 2000 for Maggiore's organization Alive & Well AIDS Alternatives.[64] Organizations of HIV/AIDS denialists include the Perth Group, composed of several Australian hospital workers.

Like I say. Don't listen to these denialists. I am not advocating their views.

They are probably all insane.

I am just linking to it since I find such fringe views to be quite interesting in their own right.

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

As for the situation in Africa. It is possible that the number of people with AIDS is exagerrated in order to try and claim more funding/aid from western health organisations.

At least that is a claim made in the trailer above.

Just passing it along.

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

Anyone else love the scary government adverts from the 80's about AIDS? Nothing more fun that the government trying to scare the shit out of people.

I was conceived in the 1980s. And looking back at these adverts it is a miracle I was even born. Considering how frightening the act of sex must have seemed back then.

That second video is great. Imagine taking a girl on a date to a cinema - and seeing that trailer before the film started? WTF?!

Would be interested to hear from the older guys. Did the AIDS panic make it more difficult to pull back then?

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

Quote: (06-08-2013 02:36 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

From wikipedia:


Kary Mullis, who was awarded a Nobel Prize for his role in the development of PCR, has expressed sympathy for denialist theories..[60][61]

Like I say. Don't listen to these denialists. I am not advocating their views.

They are probably all insane.

I am just linking to it since I find such fringe views to be quite interesting in their own right.

Kary Mullis is obviously insane. it's a good thing he developed his PCR research before his brain turned into sh!t

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

Okay - Austraila wins this round.

I don't think I will ever sleep again after watching this one:


Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

Quote: (06-08-2013 12:56 PM)Emmanuel Goldstein Wrote:  

I researched it and wrote an article on it:

Basically, if you don't fuck men or do needle drugs, AIDS effectively doesn't exist. Professional whores don't even get it, provided they stay off needle drugs. Also, straight whites are less suceptible than blacks, and Hispanics to a lesser extent. Whether that's due to differences in promiscuity, safe sex practices, healthcare usage, anal sex, genetic susceptibility, I don't know.

Something like a quarter of all gay men in the US have AIDS/HIV. The media never breaks out the statistics so that it becomes apparent how overwhelmingly this disease is confined to sodomites, druggies and fag hags.

Pretty stark. Virtually nil for straights and 25% for gay men! I can only recall knowing a handful of gay men who were "out"; one of that very small group was open about having HIV.

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

Pretty much, no.

They get HIV from straight sex in Africa due to a practice known as dry fucking.

That tears up the vaginal and leads to a lot of bleeding.

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

Quote: (06-08-2013 02:57 PM)GameTheory Wrote:  

Quote: (06-08-2013 02:36 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

From wikipedia:


Kary Mullis, who was awarded a Nobel Prize for his role in the development of PCR, has expressed sympathy for denialist theories..[60][61]

Like I say. Don't listen to these denialists. I am not advocating their views.

They are probably all insane.

I am just linking to it since I find such fringe views to be quite interesting in their own right.

Kary Mullis is obviously insane. it's a good thing he developed his PCR research before his brain turned into sh!t

Yeah - really smart people can have really nutty beliefs. Look at Webster Tarpley for instance. Or anyone who is religious. In my opinion that makes them nutty - even though that includes some of the smartest people in the world.

As for Kary Mullis. He believes a lot of nutty things:

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

It's pretty alarming that people are actually confused about this. I mean after all the campaigns and stuff... but ok.

The short answer is, yes, you can get HIV "from pussy". The actual chance is really quite low, it increases when someone has AIDS and not just HIV. Basically the viral load in their bloodstream exceeds a certain limit and naturally they become more infectious.

What are the odds you ask? Well, different studies have delivered different data. It's somewhere between 0.1 and 10% when you have unprotected sex with someone who is known to be HIV+. Another thing to note is that the risk of spreading infection is also elevated during the initial primary infection (that often presents like a flu) and in people who are HIV+ and have others STDs in combination.

As part of preop exams from time to time people request HIV tests and they come back positive and to be honest whenever an HIV+ patient explains to me that it was just one time they strayed or didn't protect themselves I am indeed sceptical, because the chances are quite low if you have sex with someone who by all means seems fit and healthy. Usually it's people who are fucking around unprotected, or doing IV-drugs and sharing needles, are gay, bisexual etc etc etc.

Incidently, my first ever patient as an intern coming fresh from medschool was a 43 year old married mother of two who was admitted to my internal med bedward because she had a bad flu and maybe pneumonia. Yeah, she turned out to be HIV+. She had been to africa on a vacation, not for the first time, without her husband. She was a sex tourist and caught HIV+. I'm sure she's still alive and all. No idea how she sold that one to her family though. It took me only a day or so to think of HIV and to order the HIV test and get her to agree to it (that's the law where I was at the time). I remember feeling like I was the man man for getting it right when it came back positive.

As for africa. They fuck a lot. Especially in sub saharan africa. They also have a weird habit of using ... these pebles... that contain uh, I guess it's Natrium(?) that dry up the vagina. They actually urge the girls to insert them to make the sex more pleasurable for the men. Anyway... then they fuck, unprotected naturally, and obviously with lubrication the chance of a microtear/injury with bleeding is highly increase. Voila, 20-30% of folk get HIV+. They're not all gay and having anal sex. They might as well be though. I worked for a couple of months in the DRC. They gather, have some drink, dance a little and by 10 o'clock everyone vanishes and they just go and fuck, random combinations, from 14 yo and up. They just go off in some brush and poke around a bit. It's really not surprising that aids is so widespread if you witness what is considered a regular social evening in subsaharan africa. No idea what it is, maybe it's the heat, maybe it's because there's really nothing else to do, the tvs hardly work, the powers probably out or the guys have just more convincing game. Take your pick.

Maybe quick mention on blood product transfusions (such as say coagulation factors for haemophiliacs): you're pretty screwed when you get a product from someone who has hiv+. You're looking at 90%+ infection rate. Yes, this indeed happened a lot back in the day, a reason why gay people's blood was rejected for donation for a long time. Naturally nowadays, at least in most coutries as far as I know blood products are double tested for HIV, Hep b/c etc.

And yes, people have gotten HIV from helping other people who were injured. Dentists and surgeons have contracted HIV when injuring themselves in the course of their daily activity. There's actually a strict protocol to follow nowadays if someone injures themselves and blood products are involved (thorough cleansing and a course of antiretroviral treatment, as well as testing on both the patient who's blood was involved and the professional hurting themselves day 1 and 8 weeks later).

At the end of the day, odds add up. It's just statistics. Fuck 100 times unprotected with random people, even at a 0,5% chance of contracting HIV, you probably still have a 5-10% chance having contracted it because you've maybe slept with 10 people who are HIV+, because each of them has likely fucked 100 people without protection.

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

I think your fine here but watch out if your traveling. I've read that in Thailand they have a variant that the vagina transmits a lot more easily.

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

Quote: (06-08-2013 03:07 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

Quote: (06-08-2013 02:57 PM)GameTheory Wrote:  

Quote: (06-08-2013 02:36 PM)cardguy Wrote:  

From wikipedia:


Kary Mullis, who was awarded a Nobel Prize for his role in the development of PCR, has expressed sympathy for denialist theories..[60][61]

Like I say. Don't listen to these denialists. I am not advocating their views.

They are probably all insane.

I am just linking to it since I find such fringe views to be quite interesting in their own right.

Kary Mullis is obviously insane. it's a good thing he developed his PCR research before his brain turned into sh!t

Yeah - really smart people can have really nutty beliefs. Look at Webster Tarpley for instance. Or anyone who is religious. In my opinion that makes them nutty - even though that includes some of the smartest people in the world.

As for Kary Mullis. He believes a lot of nutty things:

the problem with Kary Mullis is that he thinks it's the rest of us are are the lunatics

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

Quote: (06-08-2013 03:08 PM)Travelsick Wrote:  

What are the odds you ask? Well, different studies have delivered different data. It's somewhere between 0.1 and 10% when you have unprotected sex with someone who is known to be HIV+. Another thing to note is that the risk of spreading infection is also elevated during the initial primary infection (that often presents like a flu) and in people who are HIV+ and have others STDs in combination.

Your stats are way way way off.

If your stats were accurate, HIV woudl be spreading like a pandemic through the straight community.

I'm old enough to remember the fear and hysteria surrounding HIV.

Blue pill = treating gay sex and its attendant risks with straight sex.

Every straight man should read this expose on the HIV lie/scam and start having sex without worrying about a bogeyman:


Straight men and women make up 90 percent of the population, but they account for only 15 percent of non-childhood AIDS cases. Only 6 percent of men with AIDS, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says, contracted the virus from straight sex. And even that figure doesn’t hold up to a closer look. Several studies now suggest that most men who claim they got the virus this way are lying. They got it from sex with other men or sharing needles with addicts. Those studies also show that many women listed in the straight-sex category are either IV-drug users themselves or have likely contracted AIDS from sex with an IV drug user..

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

HIV is a leading killer of black women, though.

Herpes rate of black women is around 50%.

Herpes + infected woman = highest risk possible for HIV.

Even though the risk of HIV infection is exaggerated, avoiding black women would be prudent.

Amazing how society keeps the truth from people about such things.

HIV = a black and gay problem. It's simply not a problem for the heterosexual community or for whites.

The stats (this is all from CDC sources) are what they are:

The study finds that women and blacks were most likely to be infected. HSV-2 prevalence was nearly twice as high among women (20.9 percent) than men (11.5 percent), and was more than three times higher among blacks (39.2 percent) than whites (12.3 percent). The most affected group was black women, with a prevalence rate of 48 percent.


By the end of 2008, an estimated 240,627 blacks with an AIDS diagnosis had died in the US. In 2007, HIV was the … third leading cause of death for black women and black men aged 35–44.

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

Look up Peter Duesberg and his wrks.

"Feminism is a trade union for ugly women"- Peregrine

Can you contract AIDS from a vagina?

Mike, HIV is currently classified as a pademic. Maybe not in your biblical hollywood terms, but in WHO terms, HIV is a pandemic. Check the WHO site. That's what it is. So... it's spreading like a pandemic because that justifies public health officials calling it such.

As for transmission risk:

from yours truly, the CDC.

penis in vagina 5/10000 = 0.005% according to that. 1 time. Have a partner, who is HIV+, have intercourse with them 100 times, you go into those single digit percentages.

Remember these are theoretical estimates.

Even if HIV+ becomes under control next week it will have killed 100-120 mio people, mostly in Africa.

It should really be in everyone's interest to eradicate HIV. Now, you ask me, am I sure about this data, how do I know HIV really is what I think it is and the government didn't design it to kill us, or at least scare us, what is taught and written in medicine books is actually true? I don't. Maybe it's all bull. Maybe everything I do is total bull and I should rather be pricking people with needles in the right spot. But whatever, it won't make me any happier 2nd guessing everything constantly.

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