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Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

Just got Invisalign installed yesterday, and god, it pulls. How many days should I expect the intense pulling feeling with the first set? Been nearly 24 hours.

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

In my late 20s, most likely going to grab invisalign soon. I have some minor crowding in my front two teeth (lower) and a gap in the 2 front teeth (top) with a small overbite as well.

Should I still get braces as you recommended before? Is invisalign that much worse?

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

Great thread.

I have early signs of receding gums and have been advised to start using a Philips Sonicare toothbrush. Will my choice of brush head make a difference? Which one should I choose?
In Russia only ProResults and DiamondClean are available, but I can get any of the following from other markets:
- ProResults
- ProResults compact
- ProResults Gum Health
- ProResults Plaque Control
- InterCare
- InterCare compact
- DiamonClean
- DiamonClean compact
- Sensitive
- Sensitive compact

My dentist also advised me to use interdental brushes. To be honest, I'm not going to do that because it takes too much time. I already brush and floss twice per day. Should I invest in one of those pressure jet things? (can't remember what they're called).

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

when do you drink your ACV? I brush my teeth in the morning and before going to bed and these are usually the time spots where I would like to drink ACV ...

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything


Should I invest in one of those pressure jet things? (can't remember what they're called).

DVY said good things about the waterpik earlier in the thread, but not as a replacement for flossing. I'll probably get one as well.

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

I may have TMJ. What can you do do reduce in ear popping, the feeling that someone punch me the back of my jaw and the fullness in the ears? I'm seeing a dentist for a consultation, hopefully he isn't going to try to push the full teeth crown replacement now. I saw an ENT doctor first which mentioned an open bite deformity and the possibility of TMJ. I could have sworn there would be a ton of wax in my ear but nope.

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

I like the sensodyne toothpaste with the whitener. It is supposedly less abrasive on the teeth. Any truth to this? What toothpaste do you use?

I have not been to the dentist in years and have very healthy teeth, should I be worried at all or do a groupon for a cleaning once every few years or does it not matter? They always say I brush very well but should floss more(I floss like 3 or 4 days a week)

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

Toothbrush or toothpaste matter very little tbh. They are all about the same. Just don't overbrush (talked about before).

As for checkups, I recommend every 6 months just to make sure you don't develop problems.

As always, recommend 2nd or 3rd opinions if you get an onslaught of "work needed" or potential scam vibes.

WIA- For most of men, our time being masters of our own fate, kings in our own castles is short. Even those of us in the game will eventually succumb to ease of servitude rather than deal with the malaise of solitude

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything


I haven't brushed my teeth in 5 years, and I've never flossed before.

Four times a week I pre-game by drinking Listerine. Is this good enough, or should I bump it up to 5x a week to be safe?

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

Quote: (05-14-2016 03:38 PM)Armogan Wrote:  


I haven't brushed my teeth in 5 years, and I've never flossed before.

Four times a week I pre-game by drinking Listerine. Is this good enough, or should I bump it up to 5x a week to be safe?

I'm very curious as to why you don't brush your teeth.

And I'm pretty sure you are not supposed to actually drink the Listerine.

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

@thomas- hes a buddy of mine. Hes joking around....just in case ppl don't know that HA.

WIA- For most of men, our time being masters of our own fate, kings in our own castles is short. Even those of us in the game will eventually succumb to ease of servitude rather than deal with the malaise of solitude

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

Great thread.

How often do you need to get braces checked out, if the process lasts two years?

Does the $4000 include all visits?

Was thinking of getting this done in Latin America, if I can visit with sufficient frequency...

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

Read through this great thread. +1 DVY

The Q&A confirms what some of my more honest dentists have told me:
Your teeth are healthy and look fine. So don't get cosmetic work on your otherwise healthy teeth. It's expensive, damaging, and reduces function.

One cosmetic thing I am glad I pushed for:
After I got my braces off the orthodontist smoothed the small chips and contoured rough edges on my incisors (wrestling and other sports without a mouth guard). Took just a minute. Brightened up my smile. The enamel was already worn exposing the dentin anyway.

Read comments from guys who are concerned on fluoride being toxic:
For a few years I was brushing with a fluoride free toothpaste. I had to order online. Dr Collins I think it was. It had a calcium phosphate ion that a few studies showed was as effective as fluoride for mineralization.

I used that for years and never had a cavity. Though I drank and rinsed with fluoridated tap water... Traveling internationally now so I stopped using it.

Also read comments by a few guys who's girls had bad oral hygiene. Common problem in developing world?

I've had otherwise hot girls with decent teeth (besides stained and yellow for their age), but moderate halitosis. There's really no nice way to tell someone they have bad breath. It's something I just had to mention bc we were dating.

I've tried buying Listerine for girls but often they just won't use it regularly. Most only use it if I bring up her stank breath right before sex. Their idea of oral hygiene seems to accept bad breath and gingivitis as normal [Image: sad.gif]

Also, I guess it burns too much at first because their gums are inflamed? I explained this to a girl who was traveling with me for 3 months.

After a few weeks of monitoring her like a toddler she was doing it on her own. I got the fresh breath I wanted. But it was just masking the problem. In the morning her breath was awful. She had to hop out of bed to rinse before sex.

So this kind of fixer-upper game still makes me sad. One reason I could never have kids with these women. Our children would probably end up with terrible beliefs and habits on oral hygiene. At best our parenting would be st odds. Shame these women don't realize this or they'd probably try harder. It's actually an important factor in my criteria for a LTR. Certainly more important than the cosmetic appearance.

Guys unsure on braces:
Waiting to get braces until college was a mistake but better late than never. I was able to get away with visits every 6-8 weeks bc the wire was more resilient material. I only got ceramic brackets on top 6 to save money. Rubber bands on one side. Never wear my retainer and no shifting after ten years. Do it.

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

Also what do you think of autologous blood replacement for receding gums? My sister had it done by a French doctor in Los Angeles who apparently developed the procedure. It restored her gumline above the roots without surgery. I think she said it was $5000 but insurance covered $3000 or so.

I was thinking of getting it before my gums expose the roots. A few are at the border now. I figure waiting a few years until I'm told it's a problem would worse than doing something about it proactively.

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

Hey DVY, amazing thread you've put together. I have three questions.

1. How much does genetics play a factor in tooth health?

2. How much damage does flavored seltzer water do?

3. So I am close to 30, brush twice a day and try my best to rinse and floss after meals. I see the dentist when I can but, I am currently not insured. Here's the issues, I have a few lifestyle factors that aren't good for my teeth. First is I drink soda with each meal. However, since my early 20's I have needed all my molars treated with fillings. Three of these molars need a root canal. My dentist at the time said it was due to dry mouth from the medication I was taking that these symptoms popped up out of no where. I also have this unusual throat condition and I need the acid from soda to help break down food still stuck in my throat. I am currently trying to see what my medical options are to relieve myself from this affliction. What is my prognosis for my oral health?

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

I have yellow teeth. I dont know if it is because of tartar or maybe I have thin enamel. What can I do? Should I try Listerine Tartar control or maybe scaling? If I have no enamel what can I do? Drink milk?

All you gotta do is ask them questions and listen to what they have to say and shit.

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

How many people go into dentistry only to struggle financially due to not having enough clients? I'm thinking about going into dentistry but am not sure about my business/people skills.

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

Quote: (04-15-2017 08:24 AM)Chris Brown Wrote:  

I have yellow teeth. I dont know if it is because of tartar or maybe I have thin enamel. What can I do? Should I try Listerine Tartar control or maybe scaling? If I have no enamel what can I do? Drink milk?

You can get "Tooth Mousse" to remineralise the teeth.
Yellowness can sometimes be due to low density of the tooth and improve the enamel.

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

What about the gel you put into trays then onto the teeth? Will that whiten my teeth?

All you gotta do is ask them questions and listen to what they have to say and shit.

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

Quote: (05-26-2017 05:04 AM)Chris Brown Wrote:  

What about the gel you put into trays then onto the teeth? Will that whiten my teeth?

Yeah it's called Carbamide Peroxide, however the dentist may suggest you remineralise the teeth before bleaching.

It's a good idea to go see a dentist/oral hygienist for a scale and clean first. A professional clean can make them look a fair bit better and it's a good idea to get any junk off before you try whitening anyway.

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

Not sure if this has been asked before : How do I trust a foreign dentist?

I checked my teeth a few months ago in an international Vietnamese dental clinic. They said I had 5 dental caries. Somehow I didn't trust those SEA people, so I waited to check that back in my hometown with my family dentist (he has a very good reputation). He told me I have nothing.

Dental Health/ Dental Industry- Ask me Anything

Hey DVY, I've been looking into Lumineers vs Veneers and could use some advise.

My understanding is that Lumineers are a brand name of a porcelain product glued to the visible side of the desired tooth whereas Veneers are a porcelain cap covering the ENTIRE desired tooth, thus requiring the tooth to be permanently ground/sanded down.

I'm wanting the procedure for 2 reasons: 1) gum line erosions on me upper incisors and canines which have been slowly worsening since I was a preteen (I'm early 30s now) - I drink coffee but no soda, juice or energy drinks. 2) to whiten my teeth. The erosions are somewhat yellow, and my past dentists/orthodontists have said whitening w/ chemicals would be futile.

Besides $$$, having to be careful w/ the porcelain and potentially needing to replace a Lumineer/Veneer every so often, is there anything else I should be cognizant of? Is there an increased risk of cavities if the tooth is covered? etc?

I'm leaning towards Lumineers at the moment, but am wondering why Veneers seem to be more popular given it seems way more invasive and permanent.

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