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What would YOU do to her?

What would YOU do to her?

I like threads like this. Responses tell who's cool & who's retarded

What would YOU do to her?

Quote: (03-25-2013 11:45 PM)j r Wrote:  

I agree with Athlone. On the one hand I resent the idea that every passed out skank deserves to be white knighted by "real men." However, I know enough to know that "real man" is just code for simp. And I'm not falling for it.

I have no problem doing something nice for a woman, because I know that there's no way I am ever going to let myself be put in a position to be taken advantage of. To quote Roadhouse, "be nice... until it's time to not e nice."

I don't think anyone was seriously arguing that you should rape a passed out chick. The point is the guy is a colossal douche for (1) making this video, (2) bringing her a blankey and drinky like a little bitch and (3) basically being a puppet with a woman's hand up his ass by making the "real man" comment. You can agree with the substance of the message while still thinking it is something a man should never say aloud and certainly not in the way it is presented by this puss.

What would YOU do to her?

Well, she did leave her shoes on.

[Image: sharpie.jpg]

What would YOU do to her?

Actually, this video is dead wrong but for different reasons than most people might realize.

Reason #1: If someone is passed out drunk, male or female, you need to call someone to get them out of your house ASAP because people vomit while passed out* and choke on it (Jimi Hendrix, John Bonham). If this were to happen, the family could file a massive lawsuit and the police could even decide to call you an accomplice in the death. A drunk person choking to death on your watch should not be your responsibility. How could he be so stupid as to not acknowledge this in the video?

Reason #2: Even if you don't touch the drunk woman, she could dream or imagine you fondled her. And putting that blanket on her and pillow under her head gives her a reason to say "How did all this get here -- and WHAT ELSE DID YOU DO TO ME??!!" As the recent Ohio rape case showed, you don't need penis-to-vagina sex to get charged with rape. She can say she thinks you "touched" her and you're screwed.

So, in closing, this video is showing guys how to step into a potential lawsuit, rape charge, and accomplice-to-murder charge. And as we all know, no good deed goes unpunished these days, so if you follow this guy's advice expect that glass of water to be spat back in your face, both literally and figuratively.

* True story. I once went home with my high school girlfriend and her bro had come home drunk and was in his room. Her mom was "too mad to talk to him," so she sent me upstairs to give him a lecture. He was passed out on the bed gagging on his puke. We had to frantically wake him up, clear his throat and bring him to. We also called an ambulance, although it turned out not to be needed. Had I not gone up there, he'd have died.

What would YOU do to her?

Quote: (03-25-2013 10:54 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

I'll deviate from the majority here and say that I actually agree with the actions displayed in the video.

My philosophy (learned the hard way) is simple: stay away from drunk girls. Don't go looking for them specifically when you're out, don't liquor them up any further than they already have been when you do encounter them, don't go beyond first base with any of them (makeouts only-no fingering or anything beyond that), and, for the love of god, don't fuck them.

None of the views I have expressed above are borne out of any affinity for feminists or their arguments with regard to "rape culture" and the like. Rather, they are borne out of expedience and realism. Nothing good can come out of an attempt to mess around with one of these drunk chicks. This is especially true if you are a minority and the girl in question is white.

Thus, I submit that there is nothing cringeworthy here save for the white-knightish shaming at the end about what "real men" do. This isn't about what "real men" do, it is about what smart men interested in their own self-preservation do. They realize that engaging in sexual conduct with a drunk female puts them at exorbitant risk for the total destruction of their lives or, at a bare minimum, a significant period of time spent carrying the weight of anxiety, negative attention, social stigma and even physical violence brought on by her subsequent complaints to friends, family, administrators or authorities.

They realize that most of the feminist and mainstream media's discourse today in the USA regarding rape accusations is centered around irrationally minimizing the seriousness of false accusations, and they understand that if they are falsely accused of rape (drunk girls present an increased risk of this happening) they aren't going to get a lot of sympathy of help. Nobody will care about their plight save for close family and a couple of friends and they will, in all likelihood, be thrown to the dogs. Again, double this risk if you're a minority and the female "victim" is white.

The only way for men to win this game is not to play. That means avoiding women like this altogether or, if you have any discourse with them at all, doing what the guy in this video did (sans the shaming at the end about "real men"). If the girl sobers up and want to hook up later, then fine. If she sobers up and decide she never wants to see you again, that's cool too. Go rub one out if that bothers you. Maybe you didn't get any action, but that beats a stint in prison or on the sex offenders registry. These females are not worth that risk.

I definitely agree with this--especially about the enhanced risk to (us) black men.

But I also believe in calculated risk-taking. While most of my lays have been sober, the truth of the matter is that I have also banged out more than a few drunk white women---in college and afterward. I went to an "Ides of March" party a few weeks ago and a couple hours in was banging out a freshly graduated and obviously drunk housemate of my buddy. I know the risks---my parents drilled that into me almost non-stop coming up---but she was very attractive and sucked dick like a champ. Like she had an incurable disease and my dick had the antidote. For me, the risk was worth it.

It really is up to each guy to assess the risk/opportunities of each situation and figure out what his risk tolerance is versus the reward. The simple truth is that if you're a player, it's going to be hard to get your notch count up if booze is never a factor, yet fucking passed out girls is not only a crime it's also revolting and deeply unsatisfying. There's a sweet spot for each guy---and oftentimes, it's a moving target. But you can find it if you know who you are, what you are after, and what you are/aren't willing to do to get it.

Part of what's so enervating about videos like this is that they, as a side effect, socialize away the natural risk-taking that is endemic to men. This is quite possibly more emasculating than the notion that guys are dogs for wanting to fuck. I would caution the guys here before letting feminism run-amok completely sterilize them of masculine risk-taking. If your town banned Game under the guise of "street harassment", would you no longer cold approach?

I'll run the risks---but I'll do them intelligently, on my terms and with full awareness of the downside if I'm caught out. You only live once and part of what I want my masculinity to be about is the free and unfettered pursuit of hot young pussy---no matter the risks. The hunt and the kill---as long as they are on my terms to a reasonable degree. Assess each situation on its own merits and on its own terrain and go from there--it's all a man can do really to stay in the Game and not be so scared shitless to make a move on prime pussy just because she's had a few.

What would YOU do to her?

This video was just featured in an article by feminist writer Beth Greenfield on Yahoo Shine, their section for women's issues.

The writer calls it a "beautiful, 26-second PSA" and notes that even though a guy stars, it was conceived by a woman.

I left a comment that was an abridged version of the one I posted above. They seem to have deleted it (shades of the Washington Post). Below is a link to the article. You can also click on the author's name and see her articles, which are so stereotypically feminist it's almost laughable. I'm not saying to bombard her with comments, but here is the link anyway:

What would YOU do to her?

I'd ignore her and thank god that I finally got some time for playing Starcraft II.

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

What would YOU do to her?

I've done it before and I'll do it again, if a girl passes out like that I jerk off and blow a big load right in her hair. Usually I bounce shortly after but there's been a couple of times when I saw the aftermath, the reaction to a big stinky load in a girl's hair is priceless!

Harmless fun, you guys should try it sometime, really.

What would YOU do to her?

Quote: (03-26-2013 07:17 AM)scotian Wrote:  

I've done it before and I'll do it again, if a girl passes out like that I jerk off and blow a big load right in her hair. Usually I bounce shortly after but there's been a couple of times when I saw the aftermath, the reaction to a big stinky load in a girl's hair is priceless!

Harmless fun, you guys should try it sometime, really.

And I'm sure I don't have to write the obvious but... post like these should not be taken seriously.

What would YOU do to her?

What would I do?

I would enjoy the silence until she woke up.

What would YOU do to her?

Squeeze a load on her face and/or hair whilst choking myself with a seashell necklace

What would YOU do to her?

Quote: (03-26-2013 07:28 AM)gandt Wrote:  

Quote: (03-26-2013 07:17 AM)scotian Wrote:  

I've done it before and I'll do it again, if a girl passes out like that I jerk off and blow a big load right in her hair. Usually I bounce shortly after but there's been a couple of times when I saw the aftermath, the reaction to a big stinky load in a girl's hair is priceless!

Harmless fun, you guys should try it sometime, really.

And I'm sure I don't have to write the obvious but... post like these should not be taken seriously.

I`ve done it, seriously.

What would YOU do to her?

Quote: (03-26-2013 04:12 AM)Lemmo Wrote:  

I don't think anyone was seriously arguing that you should rape a passed out chick. The point is the guy is a colossal douche for (1) making this video, (2) bringing her a blankey and drinky like a little bitch and (3) basically being a puppet with a woman's hand up his ass by making the "real man" comment. You can agree with the substance of the message while still thinking it is something a man should never say aloud and certainly not in the way it is presented by this puss.

Plus I think it's pretty clear that any male who would legitimately consider molesting a girl like this is not going to be even slightly persuaded by a dumb youtube video. So what is the point? It's beta game.

What would YOU do to her?

I once was invited to my boys cousins college. His cousin was a girl and she had a bi level house/dorm situation with 3-4 other girls in it. We went out to local clubs and bars got hammered, got pizza and came back to their dorm to sleep. They all go upstairs and she says we can sleep downstairs. Me on the couch and my boy (her couisin) in a sleeping bag on the floor.

We're finally getting settled in talking about dumb shit that happened that night and we start to fall asleep.

All the sudden one of the girls comes walking down the steps. She probably needs some water or something right? No. She comes and sits down on the couch where I'm sleeping.

I get up like, "ahh yeah it's on."

I look at her and notice she's pretty hammered though. So I start rubbing her leg just to feel things out. At first she's showing signs of being into it. So I'm like word. Next I start rubbing her titles. All of the sudden she "wakes up" so to speak and isn't into it anymore. I stop right there once she shows this sign of cunt.

Next morning we wake up and get to my car and head out. On the way home his cousin calls screaming saying I'm never allowed back and that how dare I take advantage of her drunk friend and that she might call the cops even. Saying she woke up to me taking her pants off.

Luckily my boy was there to witness this and defend me otherwise who knows how far she could have taken it.

Point is, why are you walking downstairs and sitting on a couch where I am sleeping if you don't want the d?

What would YOU do to her?

Quote: (03-26-2013 04:12 AM)Lemmo Wrote:  

Quote: (03-25-2013 11:45 PM)j r Wrote:  

I agree with Athlone. On the one hand I resent the idea that every passed out skank deserves to be white knighted by "real men." However, I know enough to know that "real man" is just code for simp. And I'm not falling for it.

I have no problem doing something nice for a woman, because I know that there's no way I am ever going to let myself be put in a position to be taken advantage of. To quote Roadhouse, "be nice... until it's time to not e nice."

I don't think anyone was seriously arguing that you should rape a passed out chick. The point is the guy is a colossal douche for (1) making this video, (2) bringing her a blankey and drinky like a little bitch and (3) basically being a puppet with a woman's hand up his ass by making the "real man" comment. You can agree with the substance of the message while still thinking it is something a man should never say aloud and certainly not in the way it is presented by this puss.

My comment made it pretty clear that I like neither the entitlement mentality nor the white knighting ways of that clip. And what I'm talking about goes well beyond not raping.

I'm talking about, for lack of a better term, being a gentleman. If a female friend of mine, or even a random girl, passed out drunk, I would have no problem being nice, because I know that she would do the same for me. If we are talking about a chick who is a known cunt and someone who has proven to have no regard for me, well she wouldn't be passed out anywhere that I would have responsibility for her in the first place.

Like I said, I'm nice to people until they give me a reason to not be nice.

What would YOU do to her?

Quote: (03-26-2013 08:48 AM)MidniteSpecial Wrote:  

I once was invited to my boys cousins college. His cousin was a girl and she had a bi level house/dorm situation with 3-4 other girls in it. We went out to local clubs and bars got hammered, got pizza and came back to their dorm to sleep. They all go upstairs and she says we can sleep downstairs. Me on the couch and my boy (her couisin) in a sleeping bag on the floor.

We're finally getting settled in talking about dumb shit that happened that night and we start to fall asleep.

All the sudden one of the girls comes walking down the steps. She probably needs some water or something right? No. She comes and sits down on the couch where I'm sleeping.

I get up like, "ahh yeah it's on."

I look at her and notice she's pretty hammered though. So I start rubbing her leg just to feel things out. At first she's showing signs of being into it. So I'm like word. Next I start rubbing her titles. All of the sudden she "wakes up" so to speak and isn't into it anymore. I stop right there once she shows this sign of cunt.

Next morning we wake up and get to my car and head out. On the way home his cousin calls screaming saying I'm never allowed back and that how dare I take advantage of her drunk friend and that she might call the cops even. Saying she woke up to me taking her pants off.

Luckily my boy was there to witness this and defend me otherwise who knows how far she could have taken it.

Point is, why are you walking downstairs and sitting on a couch where I am sleeping if you don't want the d?

It's scary stuff man.

I haven't had anything that bad. But I have had multiple girls (who had boyfriends at the time) be totally into my sexually forward pursuit of them. BUT then the next day the girls flip switch and accuse you of being a pig or sexual monster.

In my case, it was always because these girls' egos absolutely CRAVE the knowledge that they are still desirable to other men. I believe the scientific term for this is attention whoring.

But after they received their validation they needed to save face in the eyes of their friends about cheating on their boyfriend and use the male as the scape goat.

It's funny to see these girls accuse you of "forcing yourself" upon them after they willingly played "just the tip and ouch-ouch you're on my hair" (vince vaughn) and then watch as that fake look of "I'm not a slut, I would never do such a thing" comes over ([Image: tard.gif]) their face.

But... when you know, you know [Image: smile.gif]

Disclaimer: I am not saying nor do I think this was what happened in the Ohio rape case. I think those actions were absolutely fucked up on account of those boys. I am just giving my account on how female rationalisation can make the man seem as the aggressor sometimes when he, in fact, is not.

What would YOU do to her?

Kidneys + black market = profit.

What would YOU do to her?

Quote: (03-25-2013 08:42 PM)Parlay44 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-25-2013 07:57 PM)Wayout Wrote:

How do you embed Youtube on here?

Click the TV icon. Select YouTube. Paste the URL of the video.
[Image: xlI5nHe.jpg]

Here's the vid ...

I would take a dump on her head. I'm not a real man.

What would YOU do to her?

Quote: (03-25-2013 10:54 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

My philosophy (learned the hard way) is simple: stay away from drunk girls. Don't go looking for them specifically when you're out, don't liquor them up any further than they already have been when you do encounter them, don't go beyond first base with any of them (makeouts only-no fingering or anything beyond that), and, for the love of god, don't fuck them.

I know Athlone speaks from hard-learned experience, but if I avoided all drunk girls I would have had 90%+ fewer bangs in my lifetime. Never has there been even a hint of false accusation in my years in the game. Seems a bit draconian to me.

"A flower can not remain in bloom for years, but a garden can be cultivated to bloom throughout seasons and years." - xsplat

What would YOU do to her?

Quote: (03-25-2013 10:54 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

I'll deviate from the majority here and say that I actually agree with the actions displayed in the video.

My philosophy (learned the hard way) is simple: stay away from drunk girls.


The only way for men to win this game is not to play.

[Image: 54546-Cheers-Toast-gif-OLQT.gif]

I agree, if it wasn't for his smug 'real men' talk, then it may be quite a good message he's getting across.

Alas he did it in the most White Knight manner possible, which means he's my ideological enemy and I have nothing but contempt for him now.

We can bitch about feminism all we want, and how laws are in women's favour, but the fact is we need to be taking precautions now as Athlone alluded to.

The unfortunate reality that more and more men are facing upto is that you have to make a conscious effort when interacting with women and be more purposeful in the way you go about things. One false step and you're done (Adria Richards anyone?)

The alternative? Get the fuck out of Dodge and live in a place where women don't treat you with contempt, and like a disposable tampon (hint: South America, Eastern Europe or South East Asia).

However, I will say this - men get what they deserve and if they're not willing to tackle the problem and do something about it, they only have themselves to blame.

What would YOU do to her?

Quote: (03-26-2013 02:02 PM)Caligula Wrote:  

Quote: (03-25-2013 10:54 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

My philosophy (learned the hard way) is simple: stay away from drunk girls. Don't go looking for them specifically when you're out, don't liquor them up any further than they already have been when you do encounter them, don't go beyond first base with any of them (makeouts only-no fingering or anything beyond that), and, for the love of god, don't fuck them.

I know Athlone speaks from hard-learned experience, but if I avoided all drunk girls I would have had 90%+ fewer bangs in my lifetime. Never has there been even a hint of false accusation in my years in the game. Seems a bit draconian to me.

How drunk do you mean? To me a few drinks does not count as drunk for most girls, especially in the US (and presumably UK) where most have a pretty high tolerance by the time they are in their 20s. But if there's emotional volatility, balance issues, slurred speech, inability to follow simple conversation or notice their boob hanging out... I usually don't have a problem saying no to that.

What would YOU do to her?

Girls pass out on my couch once in a while.

I just let them sleep and bang them in the morning.

I have learned to "cut them off" after 2-3 drinks. I want them slightly drunk not pass out wasted. They don't know their own limit so I now define the limits for them.

I don't put a blanket over them because I want them to wake up cold and crawl into bed with me.

I don't touch girls who are passed out unless I am stealing their money! [Image: smile.gif]

What would YOU do to her?

Athlone, a smart guy would perhaps leave the drunk girl alone (not touching her parts) but hey, a smart man would NOT do any of the clowny actions THIS guy does : providing the cunt with a glass of water, a pillow, a blanket to cover her ass... Fuck that shit.

"Fart, and if you must, fart often. But always fart without apology. Fart for freedom, fart for liberty, and fart proudly" (Ben Franklin)

What would YOU do to her?

Quote: (03-26-2013 06:28 AM)dragnet Wrote:  

I definitely agree with this--especially about the enhanced risk to (us) black men.

But I also believe in calculated risk-taking. While most of my lays have been sober, the truth of the matter is that I have also banged out more than a few drunk white women---in college and afterward. I went to an "Ides of March" party a few weeks ago and a couple hours in was banging out a freshly graduated and obviously drunk housemate of my buddy. I know the risks---my parents drilled that into me almost non-stop coming up---but she was very attractive and sucked dick like a champ. Like she had an incurable disease and my dick had the antidote. For me, the risk was worth it.

It really is up to each guy to assess the risk/opportunities of each situation and figure out what his risk tolerance is versus the reward. The simple truth is that if you're a player, it's going to be hard to get your notch count up if booze is never a factor, yet fucking passed out girls is not only a crime it's also revolting and deeply unsatisfying. There's a sweet spot for each guy---and oftentimes, it's a moving target. But you can find it if you know who you are, what you are after, and what you are/aren't willing to do to get it.

You're correct in all of this-each dude must be able to assess the risks for himself and decide what works for him.

For me, the risk of trying to fuck a drunk girl (clearly intoxicated, not just buzzed or having had one or two drinks a at social event) isn't worth the reward and, as most of you know, I came to this conclusion the hard way. I don't care about my notch count (which, for the record, isn't that high), as I've never really desired to build a massive one (quality > quantity IMO).

I know that sticking to this mindset means fewer notches-there are many girls I could have had sex with had I been willing to deal with their intoxication, and I have let several such opportunities pass me by. I'm ok with that. I don't care enough for drunk girls to bother risking my life to fuck them. There was a time when I did care, and I've learned not to. I don't need to learn again.

I also understand that, as a black male, there are plenty of not-so-friendly guys (more than there would probably be otherwise) willing to "teach me" by playing the protective white-knight for the next drunk white American college chick I bother trying to get with, and I don't need to bother with that. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I don't care. I'll play it safe around these women (who are far more entitled and contemptuous than many others around the world) and wait my turn to get to others elsewhere (there are billions of options) with whom courtship carries a lower risk and higher reward.

I won't speak for everyone else, but you guys have my two cents.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

What would YOU do to her?

Unless she was my friend or my sister, I'd do nothing at all.

One of my buddies got thrown under the bus last year because the girl (who was passed out drunk) accused him of raping her.

Whether or not he did it, I can't tell for sure. I do know this though, she had no proof and she woke up in the middle of her drunken haze claiming that she had the weirdest dream.

Campus rent-a-cops and her own spinning rationalizations took it from there. She convinced herself shortly thereafter that she had been raped. After the case, she refused to own up to it, so draw whatever conclusion you want from that.

I also got thrown under the bus for supplying alcohol to minors. I took a bullet for the team because I wasn't the only one. That's the last time I ever volunteer to help out my campus. They're never getting a dime of donation out of me.

“I have a very simple rule when it comes to management: hire the best people from your competitors, pay them more than they were earning, and give them bonuses and incentives based on their performance. That’s how you build a first-class operation.”
― Donald J. Trump

If you want some PDF's on bodyweight exercise with little to no equipment, send me a PM and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

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