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How do girls learn to shit-test?

How do girls learn to shit-test?

This is something i've been thinking a lot about.

How do girls learn the shit-test?

Is it innate and naturally arises when interacting with the opposite sex? Has anyone noticed that a homschooled/shy/introverted girl DOES NOT shit test nearly as much as the normal extroverted girl? Or not?

Is it learned from their friends? From their mothers?

How do girls learn to shit-test?

It is ingrained into them from birth.. All a shit test really is, is her trying to see what you're made of. Females know inherently that they are the weaker sex (even though feminism TRIES to teach them otherwise).. Knowing that she's the weaker sex, she has to remind herself that she is with a tough and reliable man.. Hence the shit tests.

How do girls learn to shit-test?

From shrewish mothers and beta dads. And from pleasan mothers and alpha dads. Girls likely see both growing up.

How do girls learn to shit-test?

Well, I'm wondering if girls learn to shittest like men learn to game?

But shit-testing is 1000x more prevalent than game.

I mean we have to study and contemplate this shit that we call game. And we get better at it the more we do it.

Do girls contemplate and study the "shit-test" too?

Why is the shit-test so much more natural to girls than game is to most guys?

How do girls learn to shit-test?

Think of everything you don't say to someone, guy or girl, because it would result in unnecessary bitching or unnecessary confrontation.

Neither of these are a factor when a girl is talking to you. They don't care (they know you won't nag them or punch them), or will even want to incite drama/confrontation.


How do girls learn to shit-test?

Is it true that girls only shit test if they don't see your apparent value as being equal to (or greater than) their own?

Would your grandfather have faced the same shit tests as you do in the club on an average night out?

How do girls learn to shit-test?

Its instinct. She is testing you to see if you are alpha enough to be mating material or not. But like any instinct it can be exacerbated by the culture.

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

How do girls learn to shit-test?

It's ingrained in their [Image: womanhamster.gif]

How do girls learn to shit-test?

Quote: (03-24-2013 06:42 PM)augen sehen Wrote:  

Is it true that girls only shit test if they don't see your apparent value as being equal to (or greater than) their own?

I can't say I would observe it as such.

Many women will continue to shit test, to gauge your fitness, despite you proving it in the past and clearly demonstrating in your day to day life.

More than anything, this is the tiresome part, having to expend energy in this part of your life.


Would your grandfather have faced the same shit tests as you do in the club on an average night out?

Firstly, the structure correctly put men in a far superior place of acquiring resources. Superiority here was explicit, and virtually all men could demonstrate it. The welfar state has given women an earned wage in a makework job because of her bullshit degree.

Secondly, the overt 'night game' wasn't that functional. Slut shaming made it somewhat of waste of energy. All a man could really do was demonstrating suitability via courting. Remember, the legcy of 'asking the father's for his daughters hand in marriage' was stemmed from the belief that society didn't trust that a pre-menopausal woman had the brains to be able to pick who would be a good spouse. She was as likely to run off with a pirate.

A father, who knew how a man thinks, and a mother who would be better placed to reflect on what is important to a woman after she passed menopause after the tingles mainly went away, wanted someone who was a good provider and would respect her even after she hit the wall.

How do girls learn to shit-test?


How do girls learn the shit-test?
They don't. They just get naturally skeptic when some random guy starts to make moves on them. Just like you would be if I offered you something cool out of the blue, you would examine my offer.


Is it innate and naturally arises when interacting with the opposite sex? Has anyone noticed that a homschooled/shy/introverted girl DOES NOT shit test nearly as much as the normal extroverted girl? Or not?
Introverted girls are not socially savvy. They're not exposed to sex and men that much. Extroverted ones know how guys are and have seen much more shit so they are


Is it learned from their friends? From their mothers?
Natural common sense. What would you do If I offered you free 2 weeks stay in hawaii for free right now? Would you be a little suspicious? Like.. why me? why for free? who are you? what's the catch? it doesn't make sense? what's your interest?


Do girls contemplate and study the "shit-test" too?
Fuck no


Why is the shit-test so much more natural to girls than game is to most guys?
Cause they get approached and bothered by men. Like Chris Rock said it best.... Wouldn't you be skeptic getting offered another dick?

Basically a girl has no idea who you really are. She only knows what she sees. So she wants to see honest signals from you that you're cool. And the only way to see those signals is by watching your behavior in different situations [not listening to our bullshit DHV stories]. So it's not like girls are some kind or mean creatures waiting to humiliate the next guy who talks to them. They just have enough of bullshit.

How do girls learn to shit-test?

Their mothers teach them.

How do girls learn to shit-test?

A Man's Guide To Satisfying The Emotional Needs Of Women

How do girls learn to shit-test?

By being born and realizing how precious the hole between their legs is to a lot of men.

How do girls learn to shit-test?

Quote: (03-24-2013 06:20 PM)guerrilla Wrote:  

Well, I'm wondering if girls learn to shittest like men learn to game?

But shit-testing is 1000x more prevalent than game.

I mean we have to study and contemplate this shit that we call game. And we get better at it the more we do it.

Do girls contemplate and study the "shit-test" too?

Why is the shit-test so much more natural to girls than game is to most guys?

No to your first two questions, and "because that is their nature" to your third.

We can sit here and complain all day about girls shit-testing, but should also step back and imagine what alternatives they have. Answer: Thy don't have any other practical alternatives. GQ-Tx and funky-z have the answers.

Imagine you're an attractive girl. There you go about your daily business and guys are hitting on you from all directions. How exactly are you going to sort out the Wheat from the Chaff (No, I don't know what this is either)? Sure, you could come up with some sort of questionnaire or computer app and ask the guys to fill it on and then rate them. But that's not very much fun is it? Much more fun to play little games to try to work out were each of the guys falls in the hierarchy.

As guys, evaluating a woman is pretty easy. Essentially: Is she hot? And while guys may disagree to a small extent on what's hot and what's not we have no confusion in our own head over whether some particular girl is hot, or not. We barely need even one second to to reach a conclusion.

Sure, women like some things that can be evaluated very quickly (e.g height), but for a woman to come to the same kind of conclusion about whether she wants to sleep with a guy or not takes infinitely longer than for a guy to decide same about a woman. The biological reasons for this are obvious. She has more invested since she needs to carry the (potential)child.

If anyone can come up with a better solution for women than shit-testing that is also fun and emotionally rewarding for them they should write a book about it and go on the Oprah-World TV and lecture circuit. Lot's of money to be made if you really come up with something good.

But to get back to your main questions about whether girls specifically set out to learn how to shit-test. There are some books (Like "The Rules") that seem to do this, but I don't think most women really even register that they are shit-testing. They are just doing what they do. Self-reflection is a almost exclusively male occupation.

How do girls learn to shit-test?

I think it is a natural development of learning to cope with a particular situation. Men are no different. Imagine that you had to deal with 100 used car salesmen every day who were aggressively trying to sell you a car. With so much choice, you would come up with a strategy to narrow down the field and pick the one used car salesman that would be mostly likely be the best for you. A hot looking woman can be approached a dozen times a day which gives her an incredible turnover of experience and accelerates her learning curve. Here BS detector improves and she discovers a simple test can save her loads of time and provide valuable information. Once I was in a position to hire people, and discovered that a simple multiple choice test on the basics worked wonders in filtering people out. Someone would claim to have 10 years of experience, but flunk the test. That's a shit test in a different situation.

Rico... Sauve....

How do girls learn to shit-test?

To paraphrase Nick Krauser “Women shit test the same way men stare at women’s breasts. You can’t help it, you just do it.”

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