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Lists of References and Books

Lists of References and Books

What are some of you guys top 10 Books, websites and/or listings for Pick up?

Im both new and old to pick ups.

-Old: Because I was always sort of a natural at talking to girls in general. I have always been money in this area and yes over the years I have had my share of women due to my gift of the gab.

-New: Becauase until just a few months back I never read and/or bought into any of this PUA stuff. I'm starting to see some good ideas in and around the forums (specifically in the area of cultural differences etc)

*I still have to admit though that about 50% of the PU stuff I read still comes accross as a little silly to me.

Lists of References and Books

It might not be the best help to you, because you sound like a bit of a "natural" when it comes to game, but I have enjoyed this site called It is hosted by Mark Sparks a Canadian PUA and "lifecoach" who also appeared on "Keys to the VIP." Basically it's a free site with 25 min. interview series with PUA's, dating coaches, social dynamic experts, etc., there are something like 20 interviews on there, the best one is probably with the PUA "Cajun".

Lists of References and Books

Before I was not a natural.

Now, I'm better than many naturals who never read anything, especially once its past the initial opener and "shiny thing" phase that the girl goes through in stimulating environments when meeting guys.

However, there are still many naturals better than I am.

The great thing is, though, I can observe them and analyze the behavior to become better because of having read about game. Whereas, they would have little reference point to be able to observe someone and improve themselves past the point that they are at, if they aren't versed in any theory beyond what is instinctual for them.

There's a certain crossover where you can become level with and even surpass naturals through reading and, more importantly, conscious practice in improving yourself. Also, I think that many naturals (other than the best of the best) are proficient in one part of their game but incredibly lacking, or dysfunctional, in other parts of their game. Active reading and practice should lead to a very well rounded guy when it comes to game. However, a guy wjo has been with a LOT of women will have an advantage over anyone, no matter what. Just the fact that he can get a lot of women, without paying for them in some way, is testament to his effectiveness. Anyone who wanted to dispute his 'game' would have to put up similar numbers.

As far as reading material, the books that helped me the most were:
"The way of the superior man" by Deida (?)
"Mode One" by Curie
Various other tidbits that you can find in articles which will give you a framework for not acting unattractively.

A lot of pickup material is extremely silly, outdated, or otherwise obsolete once you get to a more advanced point. I don't read about pickup anymore, save on Roosh's site. If I do, its very frequent that I am reading material that is either described better and deeper by someone else in the past, or is put out by some self proclaimed pickup coach who has more holes in his game than swiss cheese (anyone using something like "the cube" in their anecdotes is an obvious newbie and shouldn't be teaching), or whose stories come off as outright fabrications. There's a alot of money in this stuff, and therefore a lot of flimflam and copycats out there now. Part of learning game now would be sifting through the noise. My advice is to focus on the older PUA guys who teach direct game, and as well as the better guys who write the deep theory type of stuff for your inner game.

Lists of References and Books

Very cool OG & Hydro, thanks. There is always room for improvement and I'm natural in some ways, but of course I need to tighten up a few things as well.

To sum up my game, I'm naturally an outgoing person. Make em laugh, make em smile, and close. But, I think after reading some of the stuff I've been reviewing over the last several months is that I'm a little too aggressive at times. I'm sort of like the friendly meathead (I'm not a dick or a bully) but I'm def type A and sometimes I get impatient landing the more shy or timid chicks. If a girl likes machisimo and an outgoing guy then I'm in , but if a girl likes the more smooth approach or is intimidated by a strong personality I often don't have the patience or the closer for that. I mean part of that is me, and won't change.... I'm fine with that, but another side would like to polish my game and make it more well rounded.

Lists of References and Books

Thats funny...lucky for you, the friendly meat-head types are usually not hard up for girls. I have a feeling that just some minor refinements would exponentially increase your success.

Some women are intimidated by meat-heads. I think its a product of the feminized society a little bit. But, in general, try to have some real conversations with these girls, not just party-time flirtation type of stuff, where they can see the real you a bit more. This will allow them to take their guard down.

They will still respond to being led and directness afterwards, but they need to know that they are going to be safe and that you are a real human beyond your sexuality. Once you can show them that, they will be dying for a real man like yourself to take them. You will be the best of both worlds. DONT give up your directness and natural game, just be a well rounded human being in their eyes. You may have to be 'cute' as well as direct and meat-head-like.That will be the total package for them. Make sense?

I think shy/nerdy chicks tend to be the better girlfriend material (as long as their self esteem isn't too low). If your looking for that type of relationship, then its worthwhile to learn how to land them.

Now knowing what I now know about you, I would say that Zan Perrion's material would be perfect for rounding you out. Its much different than the normal material, which is geared toward shy guys. If your coming from the other end of the spectrum, then Zan will teach you how to become more of the "romantic bad boy" that is idealized by most women, even above the standard "player" style bad boy. His material isn't easy to get your head around, because it deals a lot in how you perceive women and he's a natural and therefore doesn't completely understand guys who don't think like him, but its worthwhile to get into for a guy like yourself. Just don't be put off by his very sincere, but his respectful-to-a-fault of women, tone and language.

Lists of References and Books

Yeah again Hydro appreciate your feedback. I will check that out.

Lists of References and Books

No man, and I mean NO MAN should go without reading the constitution of brotherhood - a.k.a "The Bro Code"

If you plan on swooping and integrating with other Bro's, these are rules you must respect at all times!

Urban Dictionary defines the bro code as:

A living document, much like the Constitution. Except instead of outlining a government, or the Bill of Rights, or anything even resembling laws, the BRO CODE provides men with all the rules they need to know in order to become a bro and behave properly among other bros.


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You can even get an Iphone/Ipad/Kindle edition....GET IT NOW!


Lists of References and Books

How I raised myself from failure to success by Frank Bettger

I've worked in sales management for a couple Fortune 100 companies since I was 24..the same skill set needed to convert clients is the same skill set needed to pull women

Women want 2-b sold. They want to know your F.A.B. statement..The features, advantages, benefits of giving up the booty 2 u...unless she's a slimy whore who just wants some d.i.b.

show her your
commitment by action

but most importantly this book talks about the importance of being bible, playbook, data sheet can deliver my opinion the more organic you are the better the results...good luck bro

Lists of References and Books

Yeah Caramel I'm with you on the organic thing.

I've always said from the start, that bieng yourself is the best thing. I read through many forums and allot of guys think they need to peacock out and have some rehearsed lines (while a little of either of those is ok at times...) the point is not to change our essence just harness what we have naturally. Roissy said it best by stating something to the tune of every type of guy having a fan the braniac should not be trying to act like the tough guy, the rock star should not be trying to act like the lawyer etc...just harness what they already have and run with it. More importantly is that not every girl is going to like your type, but there are tons that will. Of course the braniac with a little edgyness or the athlete who can flex his mind will really show a natural contradiction that women love.

This is all interesting to me. I don't think even if I wanted to I could really change who I am at my core, but to learn a different approach is never a bad thing.

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