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Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

Flaming homosexual movie critic Rex Reed calls out fat ass female "comedian" Melissa McCarthy for being a "gimmick comedian who has devoted her short career to being obese and obnoxious with equal success." and "tractor-sized." To any person with functional eyeballs, these would seem to be reasonable observations. To put it as kindly as possible: this bitch got a real serious weight problem (her blood type is C, for Crisco).

But predictably, white knights and feminists explode in rage when confronted with reality, with the most vitriolic responses you can imagine, including calls for Mr. Reed to be beaten and some telling him to "go ahead and die" (he is 80 years old).

Apparently being a flaming homo and thus by default anti-patriarchy is no longer enough to shield a man from retribution for daring to criticize the feminist agenda, which advocates that you must never call a woman fat, especially if she is fat as hell. Objective reality has no meaning. There is no standard of beauty. No woman is fat, especially one that is grotesquely obese like this blubbery beauty.

In the feminist future, will male children have their eyeballs removed at birth?

Is there any other way that this woman could not be considered morbidly obese and worthy of public mockery?

[Image: premiere-universal-pictures-identity-the...25-414.jpg]

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

I can't believe she's related to Jenny McCarthy.

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

Threads with pictures of such grotesqueries should come with a warning.

I can't have sex with your personality, and I can't put my penis in your college degree, and I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams, so why are you sharing all this information with me?

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

Quote: (02-08-2013 07:53 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

"gimmick comedian who has devoted her short career to being obese and obnoxious with equal success."

[Image: attachment.jpg9890]   

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

some of the comments:

"You sir, are a vile cunt. How dare you call a woman a hippo or say she's tractor sized. I don't know who you think you are but it's a damn shame that at this point in your career you've resorted to trashing the way a woman looks as part of your gimmick here. Your perpetuation of a double standard is equally pathetic because we both know if Ms. McCarthy was a man, you wouldn't even think of calling her fat because you'd get your old ass kicked in a minute. Shame on you."

"Are you kidding me? This is a movie review! You sir, were charged with reviewing the movie and providing an opinion of its plot points and characters. If you lack the necessary word skills or basic common sense to use the thesaurus function in Microsoft Word to come up with your article, you should be relieved of your duties. Reducing to name calling, specifically calling an actress an obese, tractor sized hippo is unfathomable. How dare you. You not only make a giant ass out of yourself, you reveal that you're incapable of writing a simple review with original thought. A real professional would be able to convey their thoughts on the movie without shaming the actors portraying the characters. The New York Observer should be ashamed to employ you and you should apologize immediately."

"Fatphobic and misogynistic. You, sir, are a terrible movie reviewer and clearly have some issues with women, especially funny, successful ones."

below is a picture of her husband. he is either very beta or she is his beard.

Game/red pill article links

"Chicks dig power, men dig beauty, eggs are expensive, sperm is cheap, men are expendable, women are perishable." - Heartiste

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

Personally I think she's kind of funny, but damn....that bitch is a bus.

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

Some other good ones:


"I have never been so disgusted by a movie review in my life. Was it really necessary to go into her physical appearance? If you did not like the movie, just say it. You do not need to put down the actress based on her appearance. Especially when you look like a bitter old queen who has alcohol bloat. I will never read the Observer ever again."

[Image: mindblown2.png]

This one from some random fat girl:


"You are one of the worst movie reviewers ever. If you disliked the movie that is all you have to say. Insulting someone because they have a different body style is simply inhumane. And, might I add, that I know almost everyone in Hollywood and I have never heard of you. Along with the fact that Melissa has been nominated for an Oscar and no one has heard of you?"

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtFsDIEXU2gjvYCoXtrH5...nqa6O0Gn6g]

This one, shamefully, from a man. Do you think his comment is projecting a little?


"C'mon Kevin, give the craggy-faced, droopy-eyed, micro-penised Rex Reed a break. He has to do something to distract from the obvious fact that he can't write (and that he has a tiny penis)."

This white knight seems angry. How much do you think his wife weighs?


"Talk about low class, this reviewer is the definition of it. Rex Reed someone needs to slap you. If that were my wife that you called such nasty names I would kick the living sh*t right out of you. If you don't like the movie that's one thing, but to call women names like you did deserves firing. You should be fired immediately as far as I'm concerned. You have shown yourself to be nothing but a bigot. I say boycott the NY Observer until they fire this low life scum!"

This rare hamster must be entirely post-gender.


"Tractor-sized? Fuck you Rex Reed. She is more of a woman than you could ever dream of being. She's got more talent in a strand of hair than you have in your entire body.

The vitriol is truly insane, and as bad from the men as the women. I haven't seen a single person just stating the obvious: yes, she is obese.

Society remains more blue pill than ever. We have a long way to go.

[size=8pt]"For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”[/size] [size=7pt] - Romans 8:18[/size]

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

Holy fuck. The sheer outrage in these comments is just so... Uh, I don't really have a word for it. It's just sort of bewildering I guess? Like half of these comments are a full paragraph long, and the anger coming off the commenters' mouths is quite palpable. Like I've read all the manosphere blogs on their worst days and there's not a single story I've seen that's ever provoked that level of outrage from men. I've seen articles where the author has used an ethnic slur against a minority and the level of outrage is not even half of what it is here. Am I missing something here? I'm somewhat fat myself and yeah it stings a little to be called fat but it's not something I'm going to get all irate over, Jesus Christ.

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

It never ceases to amaze me how when someone calls ONE woman fat, or a cunt, or ugly, or whatever, that he is accused of saying that about WOMEN, instead of just the individual he was talking about.

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

Am I the only guy who pictures a kickboxer attacking these fat tanks with repeated kicks whenever he sees pictures like this?

Serious question.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

Quote: (02-08-2013 09:14 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Am I the only guy who pictures a kickboxer attacking these fat tanks with repeated kicks whenever he sees pictures like this?

Serious question.

Funny thing is once they've fallen down, they'd still be the same height.

" I gave her an STD, and she STILL wanted to bang me."



Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

I was gonna make a post about this too. I read it on Yahoo. Here is something interesting from the Yahoo article:


There are two sacred rules when it comes to commenting on a woman's looks: Never comment on a lady's pregnant belly before verifying that she is, in fact, with child; and never never -- under any circumstances -- call out a woman for being overweight.


As is the case on these articles, the comments are fully supportive of her and calling him all names imaginable.

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

I'm going to take the high road here. I'm not going to get in the dirt with you all and suggest things like Melissa McCarthy's favorite musician is Fatboy Slim, or that her favorite retro rap group is the Fat Boys, or that she calms down by smoking a phattie.

Nor will I joke that her favorite candy is Chunky, or that her dad drove a Wide-Load, or that she wanted to be a Grateful Dead fan but thought "hippie" was spelled "hippy" and meant something different.

I also think it's truly rude to note that when she makes her directorial debut, she'll be "large and in charge," or that her favorite holiday is Fat Tuesday.

All that would be wrong to kid about.

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

For those of us who've spent much time around many cluster B personality types, we know that some people have incurable pathological mental processes, and are simply best avoided.

We can not cure them. We can not fix them. We can not help them.

I know that participating in a culture war is a strong and even instinctive urge. But really it's mostly a pointless waste of energy that leads to mental clutter and negative emotions all around.

Let the fucked up be fucked up. Avoid them. Work on magnetizing an elite group of friends. Consider that socially you live in the Philippines - it's a sea of barrios surrounding rich neighborhoods. Ignore and avoid the lower classes.

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

Quote: (02-08-2013 08:06 PM)Soma Wrote:  

Threads with pictures of such grotesqueries should come with a warning.
I suggest NSFF - Not Safe For Fapping.

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

Fat women disgust me. And I hate how any fat chick tries to claim she is 'curvy' and not fat. I cannot stand the bullshit around this area.

But - in order to argue against these types of mindsets we need something to address their arguments. It seems a fat male comedian wouldn't get judged for being fat in the same way as a fat female 'comedian' would. And that implies a double-standard which is a giant flashing light for liberal/hamster types.

So - just curious as to how we address that? We could point out that a woman's appearance is more important than a guys. Since a woman's value is mostly down to their looks. Whereas a guys is down to his achievements, status (and - in some cases - looks).

But it is hard using that in an argument since it involves 'red pill' thinking which these broads do not accept. Also - in the 'postmodern' era - everyone chooses the values that they want themselves to be judged by.

Which means we are back to square one. It is fine throwing insults around - but I am just interested in how we can show these delusional people the errors of their way?

It is quite difficult. They think they will be fine since 'men love big boobs', 'they are curvy not fat' and 'lots of guys like larger ladies'.

So - on the one hand these broads think it is unfair to criticise women differently to men for how they look. And on the other hand - no matter how fat they get - the hamster wheel convinces them that a large number of guys will still want them.

All this is without mentioning the sad fat that alot of sad losers do sleep with fat girls (and blaming it on being drunk - or by spouting crap like 'any hole is a goal'). Thus fucking up things for the rest of us.

I am probably over-thinking this. But it is just so depressing when you think how bad things are going to get in the future.

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

Quote: (02-08-2013 08:15 PM)bacon Wrote:  


That's a new one, he gets a point for originality.

Quote: (02-08-2013 08:37 PM)scorpion Wrote:  

Some other good ones:


"C'mon Kevin, give the craggy-faced, droopy-eyed, micro-penised Rex Reed a break. He has to do something to distract from the obvious fact that he can't write (and that he has a tiny penis)."

This white knight seems angry. How much do you think his wife weighs?

The vitriol is truly insane, and as bad from the men as the women. I haven't seen a single person just stating the obvious: yes, she is obese.

Society remains more blue pill than ever. We have a long way to go.

Notice he mentions penis-size, sexual shaming against men by either feminists or their male enablers, when if it was the other way round they would flame it intensely. The hypocrisy is glaring.

Quote: (02-08-2013 09:09 PM)Only One Man Wrote:  

It never ceases to amaze me how when someone calls ONE woman fat, or a cunt, or ugly, or whatever, that he is accused of saying that about WOMEN, instead of just the individual he was talking about.

That's usually down to female solipsism, which has been much discussed on here! Or, if it's from a man, pure white knighting.

Quote: (02-09-2013 08:01 AM)cardguy Wrote:  

Fat women disgust me. And I hate how any fat chick tries to claim she is 'curvy' and not fat. I cannot stand the bullshit around this area.

So - just curious as to how we address that? We could point out that a woman's appearance is more important than a guys. Since a woman's value is mostly down to their looks. Whereas a guys is down to his achievements, status (and - in some cases - looks).

But it is hard using that in an argument since it involves 'red pill' thinking which these broads do not accept. Also - in the 'postmodern' era - everyone chooses the values that they want themselves to be judged by.

I agree with all of the above, and the point about "in the 'postmodern' era - everyone chooses the values that they want to be judged by" was fucking inspired. It is very true, but I think red-pill guys and anti-feminist/liberal women like to be judged on traditional values.

Which are, for men; Masculinity via physical appearance, social value, intelligence, ingenuity and other clearly masculine traits.

For women; Beauty, feminine body shape, nurturing capabilities et al.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

Yeah - the 'postmodern' thing is just another example of bullshit.

When somebody can't win an argument - they start trying to unpick the assumptions underlying your argument.

So often fat chicks will pretend they have a different 'value system' to that promoted by society. And bang on about how happy they are.

Without ever admitting that they are secretly disgusted by their bodies.

The hamster has many inventive ways to rotate the wheel.

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

Roissy has the ultimate anti-chubster saying: "The boner doesn't lie."

All the bullshit in the world doesn't make a difference when these fatties finally land a guy and he has to gobble Viagra like Newman on "Seinfeld" gobbled Chunkies.

Sexual attraction is a primal response in men. It goes up or it stays soft. No amount of "social reconditioning" will ever change that. Melissa McCarthy will never be on a poster on any teenage boy's wall -- unless his dad his punishing him for something really bad.

Quote: (02-09-2013 08:01 AM)cardguy Wrote:  

Fat women disgust me. And I hate how any fat chick tries to claim she is 'curvy' and not fat. I cannot stand the bullshit around this area.

Anyway, if you literally can't get it up and physically feel ill around a woman, that's a pretty good argument that obesity lowers female SMV.
But - in order to argue against these types of mindsets we need something to address their arguments. It seems a fat male comedian wouldn't get judged for being fat in the same way as a fat female 'comedian' would. And that implies a double-standard which is a giant flashing light for liberal/hamster types.

So - just curious as to how we address that? We could point out that a woman's appearance is more important than a guys. Since a woman's value is mostly down to their looks. Whereas a guys is down to his achievements, status (and - in some cases - looks).

But it is hard using that in an argument since it involves 'red pill' thinking which these broads do not accept. Also - in the 'postmodern' era - everyone chooses the values that they want themselves to be judged by.

Which means we are back to square one. It is fine throwing insults around - but I am just interested in how we can show these delusional people the errors of their way?

It is quite difficult. They think they will be fine since 'men love big boobs', 'they are curvy not fat' and 'lots of guys like larger ladies'.

So - on the one hand these broads think it is unfair to criticise women differently to men for how they look. And on the other hand - no matter how fat they get - the hamster wheel convinces them that a large number of guys will still want them.

All this is without mentioning the sad fat that alot of sad losers do sleep with fat girls (and blaming it on being drunk - or by spouting crap like 'any hole is a goal'). Thus fucking up things for the rest of us.

I am probably over-thinking this. But it is just so depressing when you think how bad things are going to get in the future.

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

Quote: (02-09-2013 10:50 AM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Roissy has the ultimate anti-chubster saying: "The boner doesn't lie."

All the bullshit in the world doesn't make a difference when these fatties finally land a guy and he has to gobble Viagra like Newman on "Seinfeld" gobbled Chunkies.

Sexual attraction is a primal response in men. It goes up or it stays soft. No amount of "social reconditioning" will ever change that. Melissa McCarthy will never be on a poster on any teenage boy's wall -- unless his dad his punishing him for something really bad.

Quote: (02-09-2013 08:01 AM)cardguy Wrote:  

Fat women disgust me. And I hate how any fat chick tries to claim she is 'curvy' and not fat. I cannot stand the bullshit around this area.

Anyway, if you literally can't get it up and physically feel ill around a woman, that's a pretty good argument that obesity lowers female SMV.
But - in order to argue against these types of mindsets we need something to address their arguments. It seems a fat male comedian wouldn't get judged for being fat in the same way as a fat female 'comedian' would. And that implies a double-standard which is a giant flashing light for liberal/hamster types.

So - just curious as to how we address that? We could point out that a woman's appearance is more important than a guys. Since a woman's value is mostly down to their looks. Whereas a guys is down to his achievements, status (and - in some cases - looks).

But it is hard using that in an argument since it involves 'red pill' thinking which these broads do not accept. Also - in the 'postmodern' era - everyone chooses the values that they want themselves to be judged by.

Which means we are back to square one. It is fine throwing insults around - but I am just interested in how we can show these delusional people the errors of their way?

It is quite difficult. They think they will be fine since 'men love big boobs', 'they are curvy not fat' and 'lots of guys like larger ladies'.

So - on the one hand these broads think it is unfair to criticise women differently to men for how they look. And on the other hand - no matter how fat they get - the hamster wheel convinces them that a large number of guys will still want them.

All this is without mentioning the sad fat that alot of sad losers do sleep with fat girls (and blaming it on being drunk - or by spouting crap like 'any hole is a goal'). Thus fucking up things for the rest of us.

I am probably over-thinking this. But it is just so depressing when you think how bad things are going to get in the future.

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

Hey...Melissa McCarthy knows she's fat, and her identity is largely wrapped up in being fat. She's an Academy Award nominee, and got nominated for a role in the kind of movie that simply doesn't get honored. I'm sure Rex Reed isn't the first person to comment on her weight in print (though he was particularly mean-spirited). Basically, she's bullet-proof. In fact, she'll always get work because Hollywood NEEDS people that look like her, largely to serve as comic relief. Remember, along with all the film work she gets, she's already the star of a sitcom, "Mike & Molly,"(has won and Emmy for her role, and was nominated twice) as half of a fat couple. That series is BASED on them being fat, in that I believe the backstory of the couple is they met at an Overeaters Anonymous meeting. She has no incentive to change. And of course, the whiteknighting enablers reinforce that.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

I need to make a fake facebook account to troll these sort of things.

It's annoying so many of these type of sites use fb for the comments...

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

Quote: (02-09-2013 11:47 AM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Hey...Melissa McCarthy knows she's fat, and her identity is largely wrapped up in being fat. She's an Academy Award nominee, and got nominated for a role in the kind of movie that simply doesn't get honored. I'm sure Rex Reed isn't the first person to comment on her weight in print (though he was particularly mean-spirited). Basically, she's bullet-proof. In fact, she'll always get work because Hollywood NEEDS people that look like her, largely to serve as comic relief. Remember, along with all the film work she gets, she's already the star of a sitcom, "Mike & Molly,"(has won and Emmy for her role, and was nominated twice) as half of a fat couple. That series is BASED on them being fat, in that I believe the backstory of the couple is they met at an Overeaters Anonymous meeting. She has no incentive to change. And of course, the whiteknighting enablers reinforce that.

I think we should refer to it as weightknighting.

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

Quote: (02-09-2013 02:53 PM)Hotwheels Wrote:  

I need to make a fake facebook account to troll these sort of things.

It's annoying so many of these type of sites use fb for the comments...

It's good for social data mining because tons of stupid people use their real FB accounts, no shame.

Critic calls obese woman obese, feminists and white knights rage

The movie looked awful too. And notice how she looks like she is just tolerating her husband. I'd say that was a good review too.

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