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Lessons You've Learned About Girls

Lessons You've Learned About Girls

+1 very to the point

Lessons You've Learned About Girls

Quote: (09-20-2008 05:20 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I can’t tell you how important not giving a shit is. I never met a successful player who cared. The only problem is it’s hard to fake.

Never, ever covet another guy’s girl. You have no idea what he had to go through to get or not get what he is getting.

If you don’t have a method to screen girls, you’re wasting your time.

They’re always more interesting and beautiful before sex. Fantasizing about her before sex will do you no good.

Ice cream dates are cute and sometimes fun, but if you’re going for speed, always get drinks. Just one drink increases the chance of getting laid by at least 50%. Alcohol is sex fuel, whether you like it or not.

Approaching is just one way to get laid, but the one where all you need is the clothes on your back. Always keep your eyes and ears open.

If you can’t close, you’re an entertainer.

You’re not living up to your potential. If you are not approaching at least ten girls a week, you never will.

There’s a girl you like in the bar. What’s your line? If you don’t have one then get one.

Don’t go out if you’re in a bad mood. You’re wasting your time and the girl’s.

You should never compliment a girl, until that time your brain tells you that complimenting her will you in her pants faster. It may take a while for that to happen.

The better you get, the less new notches you get. Your rolodex becomes huge. Sex on demand is all it’s cracked up to be.

If you want average, plain girls, then fit in and go along with current hot trends.

You should be able to talk for hours without stopping. If a crowd wouldn’t form, you’re not interesting. There’s ways to become interesting, but it’s probably not by what you’re doing now.

You don’t need a car, a job, a place, or money to fuck above-average girls. I’m fascinated that some girls have a type that can be described as unemployed but interesting bum.

If there is a possibility you are meeting up with a chick, take two condoms. If not, take one. If you leave your house and forgot a condom, turn back.

There is something you need to fix if there is a girl you are very attracted to but your feet don’t start moving in her direction.

There has to be a moment in the interaction where you think you might lose her, and vice versa. Not caring if things go wrong is attractive.

It’s easier to peel a banana from the bottom than the top.

You have up to a week before you things will go stale. After that it’s probably done.

If you see a guy with a hot girl, it wouldn’t hurt to watch him for a couple seconds. You may notice something.

Be like the soap opera. Master the art of drama and girls will keep tuning in.

Anger is either a huge turn-off or strong aphrodisiac, depending on when and how you show it.

Some girls decide within 3 seconds if she wants to have sex with you. And it’s not only based on your looks. Your stories, experiences, and attitude are broadcasted (or not) as you move through the world.

You must have standards. They can be low but there has be situations where you say, “No I’m not doing it.” In the long run being selective rewards you with more.

You don’t have to dance if you don’t want to, but it sure makes things move a lot faster.

I generally don’t take pictures of girls I like before I get them. I think it sends the wrong message.

If every girl liked the type of guys seen in GQ and Details, the guys you are trying to emulate, I would never get laid.

Once a girl gives up hope that you will get into a relationship with her, she’ll let you fuck her without having to put in any effort.

You’re only as good as your last approach.

Some nights girls throw themselves at you, while other nights you can’t get a beast to give you eye contact. Not everything can be logically explained. Consistency is the hardest part of game.

It’s a pretty good sign when a girl asks you to take her number, but it doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to get anything. There are no guarantees in pick-up, and you’ll be surprised at the girls who do come through.

Always let a girl ask you for your name first.

Your goal should always be at least a make-out, and never the number.

Being a risk-taker or adventurer seems to make up for lack of money or status.

If I’m lazy I like to wait for girls to give me eye contact before approaching. I usually go home empty handed when I’m lazy.

Her friends absolutely hate you, and will do everything in their power, during and after the pick up, to make sure you don’t get it. Having a cool wingman is the only thing that helps.

Girls say I have nice hair, but I wash it once a week… with conditioner. I don’t remember the last time I used shampoo. If a girl likes you and isn’t sure why, she’ll rationalize all sorts of amusing bullshit.

Your game will never stop changing. I remember when I used to grind on girls and dance more than I talked, when I used to pick up girls in clubs and fail miserably in bars. When your game changes, so should your venue selection, or your results will go down.

Don’t jerk off before you go out.

The best way to get her to stop is to gently grab her forearm.

The less educated she is, the more direct you can be. The more educated you are, the harder it is to believe that game works.

I don’t know if I give girls orgasms or not because I never ask. The more I care, the less likely there will be a repeat.

You should have a staple of quick one-liners that make most girls laugh. If you don’t have tested material then you’re just going by luck.

It’s easier to pick up when you are the exotic one. If you look around and all the guys look like you, you might want to try somewhere else.

Some women don’t know how to flirt, so when they insult you or give you advice they are trying to show affection. It’s up to you whether you find that acceptable.

Witty girls who like the back-and-forth banter get old really fast. Sexy and feminine girls never get old.

You’ll bounce back if you care enough.

You may naturally evolve to the point where the more interest you show in a girl, the more she likes you, even though before she’d run away.

Sometimes the best way to get into a girl’s place is to say nothing and just follow her in.

You should have a plan for the most frequent situations, whether it’s approaching, comebacks to common questions, asking girls on dates, getting into the bedroom, and so on. Already know what you’re going to do before you do it.

If you’re running out of things to say, either hang out with a player or read a book.

It’s a myth to think of a certain girl as “end game.” You just age, get tired, and pick one.

I regret I didn’t try harder to get more naked pictures and video. You won’t know unless you ask.

There will be some really bad days, where nothing seems to go right and you forget things you mastered before. It’s okay to beat yourself up about it every now and then.

No guy gets their dream girl, unfortunately. How can she be your dream if you can get her?

I'm like 0-20 with girls who don't drink. Fuck em. Who has the patience?

Lessons You've Learned About Girls

Dont listen to what a woman says.

Watch what she does.

Lessons You've Learned About Girls

Women aren’t goddesses deserving of worship. They are meant to be companion pieces to a man’s already full, well-rounded life. A woman mustn’t be a man’s raison d’etre, and if she is, she won’t be his woman for long. A woman would rather play “second fiddle” to a man with higher priorities than be “everything” to a man with nothing else going for him.

If you’ve been neglecting other important aspects of your life, MGTOW might be an effective short-term solution but it is not a lifestyle to be admired in the long run, as it deprives a man of the enjoyment that can be found in women when they’re correctly managed/properly prioritized.

As with most things in life, there are pros and cons, benefits and drawbacks. Women are certainly no exception. A “9” or “10” might provide you a boost of pride when walking with one on your arm, but due to their inevitable sense of entitlement and greater propensity to cause drama you may not be as happy with one in a long-term relationship as you would a woman of lesser physical attractiveness. Sure, you won’t be as proud to show off a “6” or “7” but if she’s a loyal companion and would make a good mother to your children, it may be a worthy tradeoff.

Generally, upper echelon chicks are better suited as great one-night-stands, fuck buddies or mini long-term relationships, but could, in rare instances, be better relationship material than a 6 or 7, it just depends on the girl.

Bottom line: No girl should be regarded as “one in a million” but “one of a million.” If she leaves you, your life isn’t ruined. As most modern-day women offer little value to a man’s life outside the bedroom, she can be easily replaced. The more value a woman is able to offer you in other areas, (e.g. cooking, cleaning, child-rearing, etc.) the less expendable she is. But even then, as a man whose constantly looking to improve himself and thus raise his own value you should be able to find plenty of women capable of fitting that bill.

If there’s an attractive woman you’re interested in, and you’re unsure of how best to proceed, remember this:

Never treat a woman as if she’s some goddess deserving of worship, treat her like your bratty kid sister.

If you worship a girl who is used to getting worshiped by thirsty guys, you’re not going to stand out from the pack, and you’ll never get to where you want to go. Stand out by not giving a fuck, or at least appearing not to. How can you do this?

Don’t agree with everything she says
Tease her

If she says something stupid or makes an unfunny joke, playfully call her out on it and/or don’t laugh. Also, you mustn’t be afraid to escalate things with her both verbally and physically. If you’re too afraid to “make a move” she’ll know her value exceeds yours and you’ll be left dead in the water.

As Curtis Armstrong’s character in “Risky Business” once said:

“Every now and then, say ‘what the fuck.’ ‘What the fuck’ gives you freedom. Freedom brings opportunity, opportunity makes your future. Say ‘what the fuck’…If you can’t say it, you can’t do it.”

I think some guys make the mistake of wanting a long-term relationship so they won’t have to put so much work into gaming women. This is a logical fallacy of the highest order. It takes every bit as much work, if not MORE, to attempt to keep one woman in all her never-ending fickleness happy than it does to go out and game other chicks.

The problem is, the longer you’re with a girl the more reason she has to believe the pussy pipeline of your past has all but dried up. Without the threat of outside competition to keep her on her toes, the worse her treatment of you will become. This is why you must continue to game other women even whilst in a relationship.

I’m not saying you have to cheat nor am I saying not to. That choice is yours. You do need to keep your skills sharp, however. At bare minimum, you should be approaching girls who catch your eye and make conversation with them. Game is like a muscle, it takes a long time to build and can quickly atrophy if it isn’t used. Should things unexpectedly go south with you and your girl, wouldn’t you rather have the confidence to go out and pick up another right away? Or, even better, already have others in your rotation?

Although it would be nice to be in a relationship with a woman that doesn’t take you for granted, in the long run it’s just not realistic. By becoming her boyfriend you lose your independent essence, a key component of what attracted her to you in the first place. Without that, her attraction to you will eventually fade. And to think, women have the nerve to say men are the only ones more interested in “the chase.”

Once you enter into a relationship with a woman, and commit yourself to an agreement of exclusivity, you lose A LOT of leverage. Women may like security in financial matters, but despite their protestations to the contrary, they don’t like romantic security. Loyalty is a trait men greatly admire, and rightfully so. But if a woman knows she’s got you “on-lock” it’ll turn her snatch drier than the Sahara. It’s boring to them.

It isn’t that women want to be cheated on per se, although some are no doubt gluttons for punishment. It’s that (and this shouldn’t come as any great shock) women want men of such value they’re afforded opportunities to cheat but instead choose not to. However, in the event such a high-value man should happen to stray, it’s not uncommon for a woman to choose to share him with another rather than go without him and whatever he provides.

If you’re a man of more modest value, it’s likely you’ll develop a case of “one-itis” and over-value your girl. The easiest way to avoid one-itis is by not allowing yourself to become a “kept man” in the first place. As a wise man once said, “Always keep two in the kitty.” It’s sound advice.

Lessons You've Learned About Girls

That even if you fuck a girl for hours, make her cum and do everything right, she would still flake because of the endless supply of options she has yet to explore.

There is no such thing as "this girl looks innocent/virgin". You would be surprised 99% of the time.

A woman will never love a man the same way a man loves a woman.

A woman should never be your main goal, but merely a supplementation to reach your main goal.

Lessons You've Learned About Girls

+1 rep point LeoneVolpe.

A woman will shit test you NO MATTER WHAT, so keep your frame.

Don't aim at being Mr. Perfect. Be her paradise.

Lessons You've Learned About Girls

Quote: (12-23-2018 04:44 PM)Rushmore Wrote:  

Dont listen to what a woman says.

Watch what she does.

This is really about it lol.

Lessons You've Learned About Girls

Girls, of any age, are endlessly curious about sex, rough sex, bondage, BDSM, voyeurism, photos, leashes, and kinky sex more than they will ever admit and probably more than you are.

Some girls are dying to be triple filled even if [especially?] you're the only guy in the room.

Lessons You've Learned About Girls

Quote: (09-20-2008 05:20 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I can’t tell you how important not giving a shit is. I never met a successful player who cared. The only problem is it’s hard to fake.

Never, ever covet another guy’s girl. You have no idea what he had to go through to get or not get what he is getting.

If you don’t have a method to screen girls, you’re wasting your time.

They’re always more interesting and beautiful before sex. Fantasizing about her before sex will do you no good.

Ice cream dates are cute and sometimes fun, but if you’re going for speed, always get drinks. Just one drink increases the chance of getting laid by at least 50%. Alcohol is sex fuel, whether you like it or not.

Approaching is just one way to get laid, but the one where all you need is the clothes on your back. Always keep your eyes and ears open.

If you can’t close, you’re an entertainer.

You’re not living up to your potential. If you are not approaching at least ten girls a week, you never will.

There’s a girl you like in the bar. What’s your line? If you don’t have one then get one.

Don’t go out if you’re in a bad mood. You’re wasting your time and the girl’s.

You should never compliment a girl, until that time your brain tells you that complimenting her will you in her pants faster. It may take a while for that to happen.

The better you get, the less new notches you get. Your rolodex becomes huge. Sex on demand is all it’s cracked up to be.

If you want average, plain girls, then fit in and go along with current hot trends.

You should be able to talk for hours without stopping. If a crowd wouldn’t form, you’re not interesting. There’s ways to become interesting, but it’s probably not by what you’re doing now.

You don’t need a car, a job, a place, or money to fuck above-average girls. I’m fascinated that some girls have a type that can be described as unemployed but interesting bum.

If there is a possibility you are meeting up with a chick, take two condoms. If not, take one. If you leave your house and forgot a condom, turn back.

There is something you need to fix if there is a girl you are very attracted to but your feet don’t start moving in her direction.

There has to be a moment in the interaction where you think you might lose her, and vice versa. Not caring if things go wrong is attractive.

It’s easier to peel a banana from the bottom than the top.

You have up to a week before you things will go stale. After that it’s probably done.

If you see a guy with a hot girl, it wouldn’t hurt to watch him for a couple seconds. You may notice something.

Be like the soap opera. Master the art of drama and girls will keep tuning in.

Anger is either a huge turn-off or strong aphrodisiac, depending on when and how you show it.

Some girls decide within 3 seconds if she wants to have sex with you. And it’s not only based on your looks. Your stories, experiences, and attitude are broadcasted (or not) as you move through the world.

You must have standards. They can be low but there has be situations where you say, “No I’m not doing it.” In the long run being selective rewards you with more.

You don’t have to dance if you don’t want to, but it sure makes things move a lot faster.

I generally don’t take pictures of girls I like before I get them. I think it sends the wrong message.

If every girl liked the type of guys seen in GQ and Details, the guys you are trying to emulate, I would never get laid.

Once a girl gives up hope that you will get into a relationship with her, she’ll let you fuck her without having to put in any effort.

You’re only as good as your last approach.

Some nights girls throw themselves at you, while other nights you can’t get a beast to give you eye contact. Not everything can be logically explained. Consistency is the hardest part of game.

It’s a pretty good sign when a girl asks you to take her number, but it doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed to get anything. There are no guarantees in pick-up, and you’ll be surprised at the girls who do come through.

Always let a girl ask you for your name first.

Your goal should always be at least a make-out, and never the number.

Being a risk-taker or adventurer seems to make up for lack of money or status.

If I’m lazy I like to wait for girls to give me eye contact before approaching. I usually go home empty handed when I’m lazy.

Her friends absolutely hate you, and will do everything in their power, during and after the pick up, to make sure you don’t get it. Having a cool wingman is the only thing that helps.

Girls say I have nice hair, but I wash it once a week… with conditioner. I don’t remember the last time I used shampoo. If a girl likes you and isn’t sure why, she’ll rationalize all sorts of amusing bullshit.

Your game will never stop changing. I remember when I used to grind on girls and dance more than I talked, when I used to pick up girls in clubs and fail miserably in bars. When your game changes, so should your venue selection, or your results will go down.

Don’t jerk off before you go out.

The best way to get her to stop is to gently grab her forearm.

The less educated she is, the more direct you can be. The more educated you are, the harder it is to believe that game works.

I don’t know if I give girls orgasms or not because I never ask. The more I care, the less likely there will be a repeat.

You should have a staple of quick one-liners that make most girls laugh. If you don’t have tested material then you’re just going by luck.

It’s easier to pick up when you are the exotic one. If you look around and all the guys look like you, you might want to try somewhere else.

Some women don’t know how to flirt, so when they insult you or give you advice they are trying to show affection. It’s up to you whether you find that acceptable.

Witty girls who like the back-and-forth banter get old really fast. Sexy and feminine girls never get old.

You’ll bounce back if you care enough.

You may naturally evolve to the point where the more interest you show in a girl, the more she likes you, even though before she’d run away.

Sometimes the best way to get into a girl’s place is to say nothing and just follow her in.

You should have a plan for the most frequent situations, whether it’s approaching, comebacks to common questions, asking girls on dates, getting into the bedroom, and so on. Already know what you’re going to do before you do it.

If you’re running out of things to say, either hang out with a player or read a book.

It’s a myth to think of a certain girl as “end game.” You just age, get tired, and pick one.

I regret I didn’t try harder to get more naked pictures and video. You won’t know unless you ask.

There will be some really bad days, where nothing seems to go right and you forget things you mastered before. It’s okay to beat yourself up about it every now and then.

No guy gets their dream girl, unfortunately. How can she be your dream if you can get her?

[Image: giphy.gif]

Game in one post!

Lessons You've Learned About Girls

She doesn't care about you.

All the posturing, her bullshit encouragement for you to get a new job, the late night dinners, the entire farce that she presents to your family and friends. You might think that she really wants you to reach your potential, drain your nuts, and fill your belly to make you happier-but she doesn't actually care about that.

She only cares about what your success and happiness can do for her. She cares about the feels you give her, the value you provide for her, your future and how it relates to her happiness. As soon as that return on her investment reaches the breaking point, where your happiness doesn't equate to her happiness, she's out. Relationships are just a business transaction: what does she give, what does she get. Read the women's sections of online magazines. It's all: I'm giving this, I'm not getting this, I need to be getting this in x months or I'm leaving him!

In short, it's all about her.

Lessons You've Learned About Girls

Look at women in brackets: 21-23, 24-26, 27-29, 31-33, get the picture.

Women in the same 3 year age range tend to have roughly 90% in common. I'm currently dealing with a 25 year old, a 31 year old and a 35 year old, and they are all significantly different women.

The 25 year old is the least desperate, is the hottest and is the most put together. The 31 year old is trying to pregnancy scare me. The 35 year old I am pretty sure I'm gonna ghost, once I extract some grad school-related value from (aiming to do this within 2 weeks, and only see her once in that window).

Lessons You've Learned About Girls

Quote: (12-24-2018 02:27 PM)DonnyGately Wrote:  

Some girls are dying to be triple filled even if [especially?] you're the only guy in the room.

So I need three penises now? Geez. #Hypergamydoesntcare

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

Lessons You've Learned About Girls

Quote: (12-19-2018 11:34 PM)Scoundrel Wrote:  

Women have multiple personalities.

The woman you date is not necessarily the one you'll find yourself married to... and definitely not the same one you'll be battling in divorce court.

Women change — sometimes drastically. How often have you heard a guy refer to his ex-girlfriend/wife as "psycho"? Yet she didn't seem psycho when he first got with her.

This is why it's pure folly ever to seriously commit to a woman. She may be a great girl now... but how will she change, and who will she become over time?

Some dusk from the dark side always creeps through cracks in the mask. But you won't want to take notice of the warni g signals, and pay for it with interests afterwards.
Maybe it's multiple personalities, maybe it's no identity and a suite of masks.
Either case, it's pure follh to commit, sentimentally, "logistically", and legally to a woman.

Quote: (12-20-2018 04:05 PM)quaker13 Wrote:  

Quote: (12-20-2018 02:30 PM)lunchmoney Wrote:  

All women lie.

Say it again for the men in the back that think even the most virtuous woman isn't capable of deceit

It's even worse than that. They are incapable of non-deceit. Even in the 3-6-month-long "real love" period they just can't communicate non-indirectly and dispense completely with pretence and deceit; even self-pretence and self-deceit.

Lessons You've Learned About Girls

Quote: (12-25-2018 12:27 AM)ichm1980 Wrote:  

It's even worse than that. They are incapable of non-deceit. Even in the 3-6-month-long "real love" period they just can't communicate non-indirectly and dispense completely with pretence and deceit; even self-pretence and self-deceit.

I think I understand what you're saying but this sentence hurts my head...more negatives than a table for of spinsters having brunch.

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

Lessons You've Learned About Girls

This whole thread is why being a "player" is the best thing but also worse thing ever.

Most guys been on the positive end of the spectrum(being the "chad", seeing first hand the bad nature of women but being able to enjoy it)

Some guys like me have seen both ends (been cheated on, was the one she cheated with)

Either way it proves female nature.

Most guys on here will NEVER love a woman truly, due to this.

Lessons You've Learned About Girls

Quote: (12-24-2018 10:10 PM)MaceTyrell Wrote:  

Look at women in brackets: 21-23, 24-26, 27-29, 31-33, get the picture.

Women in the same 3 year age range tend to have roughly 90% in common. I'm currently dealing with a 25 year old, a 31 year old and a 35 year old, and they are all significantly different women.

The 25 year old is the least desperate, is the hottest and is the most put together. The 31 year old is trying to pregnancy scare me. The 35 year old I am pretty sure I'm gonna ghost, once I extract some grad school-related value from (aiming to do this within 2 weeks, and only see her once in that window).

[Image: laugh3.gif]


With texting/calling women, less is more.

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Lessons You've Learned About Girls

I will emphasize Roosh's point about not caring. It is extremely difficult to understand, and to try to understand it shows already that you care too much.

That's no joke.

To not care, you have to de-evolve yourself. You have give in to your base impulses, while being hyper aware (but not afraid) of danger- flawlessly avoiding it or confronting it. No planning, no worrying, just living. Stress and other people's opinions of you get drowned out by a comforting background noise like an old, smooth air conditioner in a cheap motel.

Unfamous musicians consumed in their art, surfers and the like have this quality about them. They survive and live effortlessly albeit with a pitiful aire about them. Women love to be in such a world because it gives them a thrilling, emotional escape from their obsessed and tragically flawed mentality.

The men who can have this mind yet still rationalize and plan are the champions among us.

The truth is that the overwhelming majority of us will flail and clench our fists insisting that we do not care. Yet we care. We care because we are terrified to our deepest core of what it's like to live in the unknown. An unknown future with unknown consequences.

Lessons You've Learned About Girls

Quote: (12-24-2018 10:10 PM)MaceTyrell Wrote:  

Look at women in brackets: 21-23, 24-26, 27-29, 31-33, get the picture.

Women in the same 3 year age range tend to have roughly 90% in common. I'm currently dealing with a 25 year old, a 31 year old and a 35 year old, and they are all significantly different women.

The 25 year old is the least desperate, is the hottest and is the most put together. The 31 year old is trying to pregnancy scare me. The 35 year old I am pretty sure I'm gonna ghost, once I extract some grad school-related value from (aiming to do this within 2 weeks, and only see her once in that window).

I agree with this. My first new plate of 2019 is a 34 year old, and she is clearly the most batshit crazy compared to the 27 year old I am banging, and the 29 year old who moved away. The older they get, the more desperate any woman gets.

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