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Presidential Debates 2012

Presidential Debates 2012

Romney fucked up when saying 100% towards the end, left it wide open to obama to deliver.

Presidential Debates 2012

Right wingers are calling it a tie, i.e. Romney got ass raped.

Presidential Debates 2012

Binders Full of Women has already gone viral.

Almost 60,000 likes on Facebook and the debate has just ended. Romney losing the post debate spin.

Presidential Debates 2012

Binders full of women? That's what liberals call a big victory tonight? I'm not jumping on that feminist bandwagon!

Presidential Debates 2012

Quote: (10-16-2012 09:54 PM)ManAbout Wrote:  

Binders Full of Women has already gone viral.

Almost 60,000 likes on Facebook and the debate has just ended. Romney losing the post debate spin.

guess theres 60,000 more future [Image: catlady.gif] out there with another few [Image: treehugger.gif] betas in the mix

Presidential Debates 2012

Women vote. What ever it takes. Rmoney was trying to pander to the female vote with his binders full of women and failed spectacularly.

Romney the feminist:


CROWLEY: Governor Romney, pay equity for women?
ROMNEY: Thank you. And important topic, and one which I learned a great deal about, particularly as I was serving as governor of my state, because I had the chance to pull together a cabinet and all the applicants seemed to be men.

And I — and I went to my staff, and I said, "How come all the people for these jobs are — are all men." They said, "Well, these are the people that have the qualifications." And I said, "Well, gosh, can't we — can't we find some — some women that are also qualified?"

ROMNEY: And — and so we — we took a concerted effort to go out and find women who had backgrounds that could be qualified to become members of our cabinet.

I went to a number of women's groups and said, "Can you help us find folks," and they brought us whole binders full of women.

Presidential Debates 2012

You're right, I forgot that the future of this country depends on equal pay for women. It was a totally pertinent question.

Presidential Debates 2012

Bill Maher is hilarious.


Bill Maher ‏@billmaher
Wow, Mitt had whole binders full of woman. Just like a Mormon.


Bill Maher ‏@billmaher
Do i love women? Golly, my great grandfather married eight!

Presidential Debates 2012

123,000 likes, by tomorrow morning this will have a million and be all over the news

128k now in less then 5 minutes

Presidential Debates 2012

Upto 125,000 likes already and it`s only an hour since the debate. That is 125K votes Rmoney is NOT getting.

Presidential Debates 2012

Intrades thinks Obama won. He's up 3½ points so far.

Looks like an Obama victory. Not crushing, but it'll energize his base. Romney's momentum is already blunted, so the question is whether things turn around or it stays level.

I'm still flabbergasted that fat cow had the temerity to involve herself in the debate and correct Romney. That's so fucking outrageous. She would NEVER have corrected Obama.

A year from now you'll wish you started today

Presidential Debates 2012

[Image: 480220_10152188654635285_1209119380_n.jpg]

Presidential Debates 2012

[Image: 545833_10151387760352415_970626706_n.jpg]

Presidential Debates 2012

Quote: (10-16-2012 09:51 PM)ManAbout Wrote:  

Right wingers are calling it a tie, i.e. Romney got ass raped.

Basically. This wasn't a landslide victory in my opinion, but it was a solid win for Obama at a time when he absolutely needed it. This will help to make up for the ass-raping he got last time and it should stop the bleeding/blunt Romney's momentum. Obama may even have earned a vote or two.

Regardless, Romney will have some making up to do. The viral response to some of his statements ("Binders full of women") ought to be particularly concerning. The gains he was making with women were a big part of his recent push-he can't afford to lose ground there.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Presidential Debates 2012

Obama made Romney look like a bumbling beta.

In retrospect Romney should've laughed Obama's aggressiveness off, but he let himself get worked up and it ended up looking like he was begging or squeaming his way to words. Obama just threw out his standard mumbo-jumbo and said it with power and conviction.

As far as voice tonality and body-language goes, Obama won for sure.

On issues, less so. Those who already decided to vote Romney will do so, those who want to vote Obama will also do so. But it's no crushing victory for undecideds.

A year from now you'll wish you started today

Presidential Debates 2012

Clear victory for Obama. Romney did well, but Obama came out with the energy that we're used to. If this Barack Obama had been present in the first debate, the election would be over. I think this victory will halt Romney's surge, especially with women after his "binders full of women" comment.

Presidential Debates 2012

Obama was more aggressive which he needed to be. I think he lost ground on clearly stating his plans because he was overly aggressive. I think having a plan is better then attacking someone who has a plan. It should be interesting to see how this pans out in the next week.

Presidential Debates 2012

[Image: tumblr_mc0o1kj8g11rj8amio1_400.jpg]
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[Image: tumblr_mc0pb9Qgg61qi4taso1_1280.jpg]

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Presidential Debates 2012

Binders full of women = binders of females' resumes.

God you guys are acting like total fags if you think that's even a gaffe.

How about the flat out lie by Obama that he called the attack in Libya a terrorist attack when he didn't and then that fat cow comes to his rescue?

You libs are focusing on "binders full of women"??

Yep, there's not irrationality in that at all......

Presidential Debates 2012

Quote: (10-17-2012 02:16 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

Binders full of women = binders of females' resumes.

God you guys are acting like total fags if you think that's even a gaffe.

How about the flat out lie by Obama that he called the attack in Libya a terrorist attack when he didn't and then that fat cow comes to his rescue?

You libs are focusing on "binders full of women"??

Yep, there's not irrationality in that at all......
He called it an act of terror. Maybe Mittens shouldn't have been a dumbass and start an argument of semantics in weak attempt to save face.

Is the name calling really necessary?

Presidential Debates 2012

Quote: (10-17-2012 02:57 AM)porscheguy Wrote:  

Quote: (10-17-2012 02:16 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

Binders full of women = binders of females' resumes.

God you guys are acting like total fags if you think that's even a gaffe.

How about the flat out lie by Obama that he called the attack in Libya a terrorist attack when he didn't and then that fat cow comes to his rescue?

You libs are focusing on "binders full of women"??

Yep, there's not irrationality in that at all......
He called it an act of terror. Maybe Mittens shouldn't have been a dumbass and start an argument of semantics in weak attempt to save face.

Is the name calling really necessary?

I don't think telling you that you're "acting" like a fag for being irrational is the same thing as name calling.

And Candy Crowley has since corrected herself.

Candy Crowley admits she got it wrong and that the President did not refer to Benghazi as a terror or terroist attack. She commented, "I think actually, you know, because right after that, I did turn to Romney and said you were totally correct but they spent two weeks telling us that this was about a tape and that there was this riot outside of the Benghazi consulate, which there wasn't. So he was right in the main, I just think that he picked the wrong word."

Presidential Debates 2012

Quote: (10-17-2012 02:16 AM)Fisto Wrote:  

Binders full of women = binders of females' resumes.

God you guys are acting like total fags if you think that's even a gaffe.

How about the flat out lie by Obama that he called the attack in Libya a terrorist attack when he didn't and then that fat cow comes to his rescue?

This seems like a semantic exercise.


No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character, or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for. Today we mourn four more Americans who represent the very best of the United States of America. We will not waver in our commitment to see that justice is done for this terrible act. And make no mistake, justice will be done.

Which "acts of terror" were being referred to in this context? Though the term seems to be used generally, it also seems that the Benghazi attack itself is being included among the "acts of terror" mentioned in the first sentence (hence the need to include in this speech any mention of the term "acts of terror" at all and its relation to American character, values, etc). I suppose that this is not the only possible interpretation here, but I don't see the implausibility, and apparently neither do some of the fact checkers here. That just seems like a logical conclusion to me, and I'd find it hard to conclude otherwise.

We can go ahead and play semantics all day and twist it anyway you like (several media outlets, including the one you've linked to, are already doing this), but that's how I read it.

I'm sure Crowley read it the same way, but she still should not have interrupted regardless given the semantic possibilities here. Romney (as my prior links will show) was not entirely wrong about the administration's handling of the issue in the two weeks following Obama's first statement on it.


You libs are focusing on "binders full of women"??

Not a lib, but I do think the phrase was funny. We all know what he meant-we're making fun of the way it sounded.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with the whole "internet meme" phenomenon, but this is usually how they begin.

No need to take it too seriously.


I don't think telling you that you're "acting" like a fag for being irrational is the same thing as name calling.

See? More semantics.
The reality is that your statement can be interpreted either way, and there's not much point in debating about it. It is an insult regardless of which interpretation you try to push.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Presidential Debates 2012

I'm still not voting for Obama, but I will give him credit for coming out on top this time. If Obama had lost this debate, he would have been in big trouble.

Still, I think a good analysis of why winning this debate is not as big of a deal is povided below:

Presidential Debates 2012

Here's namecalling "You're a fag"

Here's admonishing lame behavior "God you guys are acting like total fags if you think that's even a gaffe." (see how someone has to meet certain qualifications, then it only addresses the behavior in this circumstance?)

Do you know what semantics is? It's the branch of linguistics and logic concerned with meaning. Does that not strike you as important? Because the way you use the term seems to be as if the word doesn't have credibility.

Athlone, I've long since lost respect for your ability to hide your liberal bias, please stop pretending you aren't, the only reason you aren't hidden is because I enjoy looking at your posts on "what do you guys consider a 10?" from time to time.

God knows I don't know how you find the time.

Or make these mysterious "memes" you speak of.

Oh, and I think it's very much the context that defines what the pres was talking about, after all the official position of his administration for 2 weeks (roughly) was that it WASN'T an act of terror. It seems to me he was speaking in the generalities he always does.

Presidential Debates 2012

Quote: (10-17-2012 05:36 AM)The Texas Prophet Wrote:  

I'm still not voting for Obama, but I will give him credit for coming out on top this time. If Obama had lost this debate, he would have been in big trouble.

Still, I think a good analysis of why winning this debate is not as big of a deal is povided below:

Most of the questions were Anti Romney chosen by the moderator who rushed to his defense, gave him an extra 4 mins of speaking time in a 90 minute debate, and allowed him an extra retort that was supposed to have gone to Romney.

QUESTION: Mr. President, Governor Romney, as a 20-year-old college student, all I hear from professors, neighbors and others is that when I graduate, I will have little chance to get employment. What can you say to reassure me, but more importantly my parents, that I will be able to sufficiently support myself after I graduate? Romney answered this one easily, but the question itself was framed from a leftist point of view. It is no president’s job to guarantee anyone employment after they graduate. All a president can do is create the conditions for economic growth, which provides jobs. Score this one as a neutral question.
QUESTION: Your energy secretary, Steven Chu, has now been on record three times stating it’s not policy of his department to help lower gas prices. Do you agree with Secretary Chu that this is not the job of the Energy Department? This question was directed to President Obama, and it was clearly an anti-Obama question. This led to an exchange in which Obama ended up claiming that low gas prices lead to economic recessions.
QUESTION: Governor Romney, you have stated that if you’re elected president, you would plan to reduce the tax rates for all the tax brackets and that you would work with the Congress to eliminate some deductions in order to make up for the loss in revenue. Concerning the — these various deductions, the mortgage deductions, the charitable deductions, the child tax credit and also the — oh, what’s that other credit? I forgot.
OBAMA: You’re doing great.
QUESTION: Oh, I remember. The education credits, which are important to me, because I have children in college. What would be your position on those things, which are important to the middle class? This question was so great for Obama that he decided to help the questioner along with it. She was trying to get Romney to talk about how he was going to hurt middle income people by getting rid of deductions for them. Romney answered it beautifully, and took the bat out of her hands.
QUESTION: In what new ways to you intend to rectify the inequalities in the workplace, specifically regarding females making only 72 percent of what their male counterparts earn? It was at this point that the questions began coming completely off the rails – about 40 minutes into the debate. From here on in, nearly every question was based on false liberal premises, like the nonsense that women are paid less than their male counterparts, which has been debunked repeatedly. Crowley allowed this question specifically to help Obama recover female votes.
QUESTION: Governor Romney, I am an undecided voter, because I’m disappointed with the lack of progress I’ve seen in the last four years. However, I do attribute much of America’s economic and international problems to the failings and missteps of the Bush administration. Since both you and President Bush are Republicans, I fear a return to the policies of those years should you win this election. What is the biggest difference between you and George W. Bush, and how do you differentiate yourself from George W. Bush? This question was clearly submitted by David Axelrod. It’s absurd. Why not ask Barack Obama how his policies differ from those of Jimmy Carter?
QUESTION: Mr. President, I voted for you in 2008. What have you done or accomplished to earn my vote in 2012? I’m not that optimistic as I was in 2012. Most things I need for everyday living are very expensive. It’s tough to score this one an anti-Obama question, since it’s the most obvious question of this campaign. But it clearly didn’t help Obama, so we’ll score it that way.
QUESTION: Mr. Romney, what do you plan on doing with immigrants without their green cards that are currently living here as productive members of society? This question was geared by Crowley to help President Obama among Hispanics, despite his utter lack of a record on immigration. There is no way that Crowley would have approved a question for President Obama on his failure to enforce the border or to comply with the law.
QUESTION: We were sitting around, talking about Libya, and we were reading and became aware of reports that the State Department refused extra security for our embassy in Benghazi, Libya, prior to the attacks that killed four Americans. Who was it that denied enhanced security and why? This question was obviously anti-Obama. Sadly, Crowley had no interest in getting an answer from the President on it. In fact, when Romney called Obama on his Libya cover-up, she jumped in to save him with a false fact-check she later walked back.
QUESTION: President Obama, during the Democratic National Convention in 2008, you stated you wanted to keep AK-47s out of the hands of criminals. What has your administration done or planned to do to limit the availability of assault weapons? Precisely nobody outside the far left cares about this question. Nobody.
QUESTION: The outsourcing of American jobs overseas has taken a toll on our economy. What plans do you have to put back and keep jobs here in the United States? Clearly a set-up for Obama to hit Romney about his supposed penchant for outsourcing.
QUESTION: Hi, Governor. I think this is a tough question. To each of you. What do you believe is the biggest misperception that the American people have about you as a man and a candidate? Using specific examples, can you take this opportunity to debunk that misperception and set us straight? This is a straightforward, non-partisan question.
So here’s the final tally. There were 11 total questions. Six of them were clearly and obviously anti-Romney. Three were anti-Obama. Two were relatively neutral (and one of those leaned toward Obama). The questions that were anti-Obama were also the two most obvious questions of the evening: why are gas prices high? And what have you done to earn re-election? The questions against Romney were the height of absurdity, ranging from gender gap nonsense to gun control to outsourcing.
Something else worth noting: Romney actually answered the questions he was asked. Barack Obama didn’t.

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