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Help with my text game, please

Help with my text game, please

Greetings all.

I have been reading Roosh and Roissy for awhile. Am going through a divorce and have two small girls. I recently turned 41 but people consistently guess I am 32. (Good genes.) I am 6'2'', athletic and have blue eyes. I have been told by several women that I look like Harry Connick, Jr.

As far as occupation goes, I am a Captain with the fire department. Not trying to brag with all of this, just trying to paint an accurate picture as this info figures in the text exchange below.

So here is the situation: I met this 26 yo Belorussian girl in May and we went out once. Did not bang her. Was somewhat of a beta on the date. Afterwards we exchanged texts for a while and it kind of fizzled out. In July I ran into her roommate at a street festival and spent the afternoon walking around with her.

The next day I get the following text from her

Her:Hey! I've seen your guys from fire department- they r not in good shape- u as a captain, should keep an eye on them)))) how r u? do u still have my number?

We exchange a few texts but it aggravated me that she would never pick up her phone. Even if I called right after I received a text. From reading here, I guess this is common for girls from the FSU? So I figured I fumbled this one.

But after spending so much time here on the forum for the past few weeks I decided to try and reopen her. The exchange started Friday, Sept 7th.

Me: How do I say "You make a beautiful bride" in Russian? (11:08am)
Her:Ahahah-if i text it to u- i am not sure u'll get it but ill try-"y tebya cracivaya nevesta"

So I waited a little while and then called her knowing it would go to her voice mail.

Her: Sorry I am working- it sounds perfect!!!! (12:41pm)
Me: Spasibo (1:13pm)

Her: Why do u need it???? (1:42pm)
Me You didn't tell me "Your ass looks fat in that dress", right? (5:13pm)
Her: I am not so bad (immediate response)

Her: R u on russian wedding????(5:47pm)

Me: What are good/naughty things to say to the bridesmaids? (6:37pm)
Her: Do u want good or naughty???? (7:12pm)
Me: Good. But will make them act naughty [Image: biggrin.gif] (7:56 pm)

Her: Sorry- i was busy...(11:32pm) {she is a waitress}
Her: i don't know what it can be- tell in english i'll translate....

Next day Saturday September 8th

Me: Wedding tonight. Keep your phone on. (11:30am)

Her: I am wedding now))))) (12:19pm)
Me: Pics of u in a sexy dress!!(12:31pm)

At 1:19pm she sent a great shot of her in a tight red dress and all made up. With the dress and all made up she is a solid 9.

Me: Ha! i knew it would be red.
Me; Don't forget to keep your phone on. Spasibo. (4:17pm)

Her: Ahahahah...Red's the color of the whole wedding)))) keep in touch- NP (4:19pm)

Today September 9th.

Me: Legs are sore today from all dancing. (3:05pm).

So that is where I am at. I want to try and get her out Tues or Wed night this week. Preferably Wed because I won't have the girls that night.

I read Tut's post on logistics and getting them back to your place and thought it was brilliant. THat is what I am shooting for. So what do you think, can I salvage this girl? Any advice/comments/criticisms are welcome.

PS Does anyone have any idea what the NP in her last text may mean?

Help with my text game, please

While I was typing this up she texted me the following.
Her: Ha-Ha_Ha!!!!!It's not so easy to impress us- today in the morning at 5am security kicked us out from underground, the we had brkfst, and fell asleep at 8....(3:51pm)

It was 40 minutes after I texted her last.

Help with my text game, please

Move on. Don't let the below happen to you again.

List of mistakes:
1. Russian bride = puts her on defensive
2. Letting her control the conversation by bringing up the quasi sexual comment on being naughty or good. You took the wrong bait.
3. Saying she's a solid 9... Pedestalizing her
4. "Keep in touch" - you're now her orbiter
5. "security kick us out" = I have already fucked someone else likely at the wedding as well
6. You're still goin back and forth with 0 plans after 4 days
7. Just ask her out end it
8. NP = no problem

Just go for the kill now, ask her out. If you fail who cares man, if you succeed great! Either way she'll be ugly in 7 years anyway.

Help with my text game, please

Westcoast has everythign covered, make her either reject you or date you. If you never get rejected you aren't running anywhere near your potential.

Help with my text game, please

Ouch, WC. I thought I did pretty well. I didn't respond to her texts right away. I didn't answer her questions. I gave her instructions of things to do and she did them. Over all I thought I did everything right.

But as I reread the exchange alongside your listI can see some of your points. I have a lot to learn.

I sent her the following text last night after I read your post:

Me: So you had a fun night, too? Good.
Do u want to hang out later this week? (Roosh verbatim)

I sent that at 9:38pm last night. It is 4:45pm Chicago time and still no response. I guess I have my answer...

Time to go out and meet more girls.

Help with my text game, please

Hey! I've seen your guys from fire department- they r not in good shape- u as a captain, should keep an eye on them)))) how r u? do u still have my number?

Your text back should have been:

"scouting out my boys?"

You're a fireman captain, your game must be more "swoop her off her feet" and less "indirect snake like".

You're a Captain! You're not average.

You're starting out just like everyone else, you don't "remember" the text messages at the most important point... When she first contacted you. This is similar to night game where a lot of guys say "shit happened". The faster that changes to i made xyz happen the more girls you'll be getting.

See what I mean below:
"We exchange a few texts but it aggravated me that she would never pick up her phone. Even if I called right after I received a text."

Help with my text game, please

Watch this video by Roosh (if you haven't already):

"She's just like every other ho." This has got to be your mindset when dealing with any girl you are gaming to bang.

Help with my text game, please

Funny you posted this. I was thinking the same thing as I watched it.
Update: No response from Belorussian girl. Shocking.

Tried getting the number of the receptionist at the dentist yesterday but she told me she had a boyfriend. I told her I wasn't asking her to marry me. She replied that they lived together. I told her that would probably make things more difficult but I could be discrete if she could. She smiled and thanked me for the interest but blah, blah, blah.

Have to keep putting one foot infront of the other.

Help with my text game, please

Back when I was pretty beta (I guess I'm a recovering one now), I would get down when I would approach a girl and get turned down.

Now I approach so much, I literally can't get disappointed when they turn me down. It literally lasts a minute, then I forget I even approached.

Like anything else, the more you do it the less any one particular time means to you emotionally.

Help with my text game, please

The best text game is not to fall into a trap of texting too much. WC covered it pretty well but for goodness sake you are a fireman and a Captain!!! Your value is so much higher than most cats on the street, act the part.

The response to an eager text like that should have been "who is this" or said "fine" when she asked how r u.

I understand you are new to the social scene again, just trying to convey how brutal it can be out there. Saying too little is always better than saying too much or trying to be cute or funny. ALL young girls play the stupid text game, not only russians.

Our New Blog:

Help with my text game, please

Caractacus Potts my words are not meant to be discouraging. You're in a different spot where her pussy will get wet just by hearing what you do.

What makes girls quiver
"KPMG Accountant"
"Fire Fighter Captain"

You're going to have to adapt your game a bit for your profession and lifestyle. If she thinks you're a pussy for a split second she'll dry up faster than coffee grounds on a coffee date.

Not meant to put more pressure, you're just going to have to care less and less. This will make you "fit" into what she wants, a fireman who sweeps her off her feet.

Help with my text game, please

Don't call her ever again. Just text invite her over to your place to have some wine and end a movie. If she's into it, she'll come. If not, move on.

Or better yet, just drop it and learn from this situation and move onto the next. If she contacts you again, do the above.

Good luck, Captain.

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