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What if women don’t need guys any more?

What if women don’t need guys any more?

I stumbled across this article in Toronto's Globe and mail (AKA slop and pail), just another feminist rant about how women don't need men, there's no good men left and most guys are content to smoke dope and play video games, one line really caught my interest though:

" Liza Mundy, author of the just-published book The Richer Sex, met Ms. Hinojosa and a lot of other women like her. There’s Sami, the software engineer who tells men she’s a music teacher. There’s the young lawyer and her colleagues who tell men they work as hairstylists when they go out on the town. They have a lot more fun that way.

Interesting, are you guys intimidated by high achieving career women, or would you rather hit on a waitress or hairdresser?

What if women don’t need guys any more?

I'd simply rather not deal with a woman who thinks her career path gives her carte blanche to be a condescending cunt, but thats just me. I'd bang and even date a software engineer, but you know every conversation would end with the phrase "you just dont understand"

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

What if women don’t need guys any more?

I came across that earlier today, and thought that was a load of shit - that guys will reject hot girls because they have a good job. Honestly, I haven't experienced this in person, nor encountered anyone who has. I have banged and will continue to bang chicks above my pay grade, and I'm not intimidated. If you don't define yourself in terms of your paycheck and what some schmuck in an office says, you shouldn't care either. I'm also smart, so that even if a chick thinks she has more status than I do, she won't feel smarter than me.

Maybe these is that the *woman* starts to feel the man is inadequate, and they blame the relationship's eventual failure on the man's non-existent insecurities. Or that these women just are not attractive but they can't face up to that.

What if women don’t need guys any more?

You know ...I got a call the other night from an old friend of mine, Laura. She's married with 3 kids now. We got on the topic of relationships. She mentioned that she's done having kids and just got a tummy tuck and breast implants(guess who paid for that).

She mentioned they've been talking divorce and she said she'd be perfectly content living alone with her kids and not having sex anymore. She's not interested in dating or sleeping with strange men. She's 32ish.

I found it weird. Then I googled Female Celibacy and found this article.

Team Nachos

What if women don’t need guys any more?

Quote: (03-28-2012 05:19 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

I came across that earlier today, and thought that was a load of shit - that guys will reject hot girls because they have a good job. Honestly, I haven't experienced this in person, nor encountered anyone who has. I have banged and will continue to bang chicks above my pay grade, and I'm not intimidated. If you don't define yourself in terms of your paycheck and what some schmuck in an office says, you shouldn't care either. I'm also smart, so that even if a chick thinks she has more status than I do, she won't feel smarter than me.

Maybe these is that the *woman* starts to feel the man is inadequate, and they blame the relationship's eventual failure on the man's non-existent insecurities. Or that these women just are not attractive but they can't face up to that.

Im curious you think guys would be more prone to banging uglier chicks if they're "just a waitress"

I feel like the lower brow female jobs carry a kind of "just for practice" connotation with them. They seem more disposable.

Now the article stated "when they go out on the town" which is just fancy talk for "goes to trendy bar/club to get drunk and dance in a circle" and the kind of guys that are gonna be on the prowl there are pump and dump guys, so the lower job titles might actually make them seem more approachable, not because its less intimidating, but because the guy thinks she's gonna be an easy lay because "she's just a hairdresser"

Chef In Jeans
A culinary website for men

What if women don’t need guys any more?

I would rather date a hairdresser than a software engineer. My friend married an Engineer. She's fat, a princess, high maintenance and totally dominates the relationship.

Sex is one thing. But I'm only going to date or (gag) marry a woman that looks up to me. Even then I need to be 150% sure before I take that leap.

Team Nachos

What if women don’t need guys any more?

Okay I have a question about feminists. The sluttier a girl is growing up, is she more likely to become a feminist? A lot of the sluttiest gutter skanks I know seem to have jumped on the man hate female superiority train once they reached college.

What if women don’t need guys any more?

I don't really care what a person does for a living, male or female.

If I found a girl lying about her profession, (i.e. she said she was a music teacher then didn't know about music) I'd get rid straight away. Dishonesty is dishonesty, full stop.

I don't think I'd ever be intimidated by a woman with a high-powered job. a) Because most high-powered jobs are as useless as low-powered ones, and b) Your job doesn't make you any better than anyone else. Really, you're still just a monkey with a super-power brain like the rest of us humans.

The only thing I'd be scared of is the mind-numbing conversation about some area of the 'service industry' that I've got no interest in.

As for the idea that there are women who don't need men? Haha. The American Dream Revisited: My Life with a $100k Desk Job, 5 Cats and One Shot from the Sperm Bank.

What if women don’t need guys any more?

This is the thing that women fail to understand. Men generally don't care what a woman does for a living. It isn't why he selects her. Her profession, salary, credentials, etc. etc. are a benefit to her, not him. A man only cares if he can tolerate your personality, and is he attracted to you. That's it. Women want to blame all relationship issues on male ego/insecurity, because they're the ones that don't ever want to compromise to make it work. And women believe that if they make more, or have a certain amount of juice at work, that it should translate to her relationship with a man. But at the same time, the coochie dries up if you're too much of a doormat and don't challenge her enough. That's why we discussed on other threads the importance of POUNDING them out good and hard when you get the opportunity to let 'em know how it's going to be.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

What if women don’t need guys any more?

Whenever I read these articles, I google image search the women whose names appear in the article.

What if women don’t need guys any more?

This also feeds into the belief that men lie simply out of sinister motivations, while women lie for their own protection or out of practicality. They lie simply to deceive just like anyone else, for their own selfish reasons. A man is more likely to want to buy you drinks if he thinks you don't make as much...HA HA!

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

What if women don’t need guys any more?

Quote: (03-28-2012 04:54 PM)scotian Wrote:  

I stumbled across this article in Toronto's Globe and mail (AKA slop and pail), just another feminist rant about how women don't need men, there's no good men left and most guys are content to smoke dope and play video games

and fuck "real dolls" or their hands - so they don't really need women.
Works on ranting feminists like a charm [Image: smile.gif]


Interesting, are you guys intimidated by high achieving career women, or would you rather hit on a waitress or hairdresser?

For relationship - someone with a stable job and income similar to mine.
For sex - this doesn't matter, although personally I'm avoiding the waitress/bartender type crowd.

What if women don’t need guys any more?


“College is built for the female brain,” anthropologist Helen Fisher told Ms. Mundy. “What do you do in college? You sit. You read. You write and you talk.”

What if women don’t need guys any more?

Quote: (03-28-2012 06:35 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

This also feeds into the belief that men lie simply out of sinister motivations, while women lie for their own protection or out of practicality. They lie simply to deceive just like anyone else, for their own selfish reasons. A man is more likely to want to buy you drinks if he thinks you don't make as much...HA HA!

Lying is a language to women. They speak in code and metaphors. They're masters of misdirection and half-truths. It's amazing.

A fuck buddy of mine invited me to a party one time. She was there with her new boyfriend. So her and I are talking in front of him and the conversation is getting a little too specific and personal. He was getting uncomfortable. It was something else watching her throw out misdirecting statements like "Not that you would know" and "It's been so long since I've seen you".

Bitch I fucked you last month!! [Image: lol.gif]

When you're the other guy and you know the truth it's so easy to pick out their bullshit. Try it sometime. It's a great learning experience. Get friendly with your fuck buddies and socialize.

Team Nachos

What if women don’t need guys any more?

I don't think it's that men are turned off by a woman's successful career, it's just that ambitious career women tend to be insufferable cunts.

What if women don’t need guys any more?

The problem with men dating women who earn more than them is a very real one. For sex it doesn't matter. For relationships/marriage it does to a HUGE number of me.

The reason, in addition to men no longer having the traditional "provider" role, is that the decision making and power dynamics of the relationship become completely skewed. Many women have a "what's mine is mine and what's HIS IS MINE" mentality when it comes to finances in a marriage. The housewife has absolute control over the little bullshit money she makes from her home business (selling Tupperware, Mary Kay, etc), AND she still wants input in EVERY major decision on how the man spends money that HE EARNED.

I cannot count how many times I have seen men have to ask their non-working wive's for PERMISSION to spend their own money on a major purchase. Husband want to buy a Harley, gotta ask the wife. Husband wants to go on a hunting trip in Canada with the boys, gotta ask the wife. Husband wants to convert the basement of the house HE PAID FOR into a rec-room/entertainment room, gotta ask the wife. Husband wants to take flying lessons, gotta ask the wife.

Now, when the woman makes more money, this shit doesn't happen. Wife wants to buy a new car but the husband thinks it is too expensive for the family, "Fuck you, It's my money , I'll do what I want with it." Wife wants to buy a house that the husband doesn't particularly like, "Fuck you, It's my money , I'll do what I want with it." Wife wants to take the family to Hawaii for vacation, but the husband wants to go to Disney World instead, "Fuck you, It's my money , I'll do what I want with it."

Also, society looks down on men who earn less than their wives. Many men get the impression that they are not "real men" because they don't make as much. This is a button that women are all too willing to push during arguments, or just to get what they want. There was at least one reference in the article about a woman not wanting to marry the father of her child because it would be "like having another kid." This phrase is telling. Society has no problem with adult women being financially dependent on men, but the only time a male can be financially dependent on a woman is if he is a child. His social status has gone from head of household to dependent minor.

Add to that the fact that women DON'T WANT to marry guys who make less than them, and their natural hypergamous nature, and you have a situation that is ripe for infidelity. At the end of the day, no matter what they say, many women just don't respect guys that earn significantly less than them, PARTICULARLY if they are seen as slackers. If a woman believes that the reason her man is not making money is because he is slacking or not applying himself as much as she then is she will be ESPECIALLY receptive to men who make more money and are seen as ambitious.

I have personally swooped slacker dudes' wives and girlfriends for this very reason. Some educated woman who is making money as a nurse or teacher is dating some guy who works in retail at the mall, or is sometimes unemployed, then she runs up to a another guy who is also well educated and making more money. It is EXTREMELY easy to get these kind of women to step out on their men. The crazy part is that of all of the cheating women I have known, these feel the LEAST GUILTY about cheating on their men.

What if women don’t need guys any more?

Some women don't need men and vice versa. Women who make a lot of money, well if you are the slacker take advantage. His many men are paying alimony to exes who earn meager wages if any nd are living an easy lifestyle. Time to play that "equality" card women like to manipulate.

I know a guy who is 30 and is living with a woman with 2 young kids. Usually most men would not even consider something serious with this type of woman, but turns out she had an ex who played in the NHL and is living very comfortably. He works, nothing spectacular, but he is set. No mortgage, goes on vacations regularly. Lives better than most men if you take tht into consideration.

What if women don’t need guys any more?

Quote: (03-29-2012 11:48 AM)tomtud Wrote:  

Some women don't need men and vice versa. Women who make a lot of money, well if you are the slacker take advantage. His many men are paying alimony to exes who earn meager wages if any nd are living an easy lifestyle. Time to play that "equality" card women like to manipulate.

I know a guy who is 30 and is living with a woman with 2 young kids. Usually most men would not even consider something serious with this type of woman, but turns out she had an ex who played in the NHL and is living very comfortably. He works, nothing spectacular, but he is set. No mortgage, goes on vacations regularly. Lives better than most men if you take tht into consideration.

I think most men are too proud to live this way. That isn't a criticism of this guy however. If a man isn't bothered by this arrangement, I say go for it. She has no reason to resent him, because she's riding on another guy's hard work herself. One guy's paying, while she enjoys the companionship of another guy that she doesn't have to ask for anything. And he obviously isn't totally freeloading - he still has to buy groceries, etc. He just doesn't have to do the heavy lifting financially.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

What if women don’t need guys any more?

Quote: (03-29-2012 04:44 AM)joehoya Wrote:  

If a woman believes that the reason her man is not making money is because he is slacking or not applying himself as much as she then is she will be ESPECIALLY receptive to men who make more money and are seen as ambitious.

I have personally swooped slacker dudes' wives and girlfriends for this very reason. Some educated woman who is making money as a nurse or teacher is dating some guy who works in retail at the mall, or is sometimes unemployed, then she runs up to a another guy who is also well educated and making more money. It is EXTREMELY easy to get these kind of women to step out on their men. The crazy part is that of all of the cheating women I have known, these feel the LEAST GUILTY about cheating on their men.

Exactly, this is reality and EVERY man intuitively knows this, that's why most guys won't date women who are higher on the socioeconomic ladder. The risk of her cheating and being impregnated by some alpha guy who has higher status is too high. Just as no man would choose the wrinkled 40 year old over a hot fertile twenty year old, no woman want's to date/marry down.

What if women don’t need guys any more?


Totally agree. The problem isn't men who do not want to date rich women, it's that women do not want to date poor men.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

What if women don’t need guys any more?

Despite the fact that they would regard him as a sexist SOB women should read Freud if they want to understand themselves, their desires and their actions (which they don't it seems). So much of women's misundertsnding and confusion regarding their predicaments is due to the fact that they are projecting their desires and feelings as women onto men, thinking that men will be impressed by their power and achievements, like they would if observing same in a man. It's comical they can't grasp this.

If she's hot the "99%""+ of men couldn't give a flying fuck about what it is she does for a living. Lawyer. Engineer, hairdresser, abbatoir worker. It doesn't matter (except if she is a prostitute). Of course there is already a Seinfeld skit that goes into this.

Women, in order to be more attractive to the 99% (of men) need to:
(1) Be hot and/or try to appear to be hot. i.e. watch their weight, dress well, make up etc. etc.
(2) Have an "agreeable" personality. This means that they consider whatever bitchy means to them and then be the opposite of that.

It really is that simple. It's not rocket science. And, no, them being a rocket scientist doesn't particularly mean anything to us.

What if women don’t need guys any more?

Quote: (03-29-2012 04:44 AM)joehoya Wrote:  

Many women have a "what's mine is mine and what's HIS IS MINE" mentality when it comes to finances in a marriage. The housewife has absolute control over the little bullshit money she makes from her home business (selling Tupperware, Mary Kay, etc), AND she still wants input in EVERY major decision on how the man spends money that HE EARNED.

There is no "his" and "her" earned money in the marriage, it is "our" money. It is not just a nice idea, it is what the law says, and it is worth making sure the girl you are about to marry understands and accepts that.

Anyway, the whole idea of living together in a relationship is to work FOR each other, as the combined power of a group working together exceeds the sum of the individual powers significantly. There is little, if any, reason to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't support you, not even talking about someone who works against you.


I cannot count how many times I have seen men have to ask their non-working wive's for PERMISSION to spend their own money on a major purchase. Husband want to buy a Harley, gotta ask the wife. Husband wants to go on a hunting trip in Canada with the boys, gotta ask the wife. Husband wants to convert the basement of the house HE PAID FOR into a rec-room/entertainment room, gotta ask the wife. Husband wants to take flying lessons, gotta ask the wife.

That's a very good idea. Not only because the money belong to both of them, but also to avoid financial holes in cases when, for example, she wants to go to shopping trip to Europe at the same time he wants to go to a hunting trip in Canada.


Now, when the woman makes more money, this shit doesn't happen. Wife wants to buy a new car but the husband thinks it is too expensive for the family, "Fuck you, It's my money , I'll do what I want with it."

Does it really happen like that? I have a few married friends whose wives make more than they do. There is absolutely no "it is my money" attitude, not to mention the "fuck you" attitude - which for me would be enough to end the relationship right away - if you say "fuck you" to each other, this means you are treating each other worse than you'd treat strangers. So why would you even stay together? makes no sense to me.


Also, society looks down on men who earn less than their wives. Many men get the impression that they are not "real men" because they don't make as much.

Why do you think so? My impression is that the society overall doesn't give shit how much anyone makes. Some crazy people do, but I wouldn't call them "society". It is just what you accept for yourself.

What if women don’t need guys any more?


Interesting, are you guys intimidated by high achieving career women, or would you rather hit on a waitress or hairdresser?

There are studies which show that women who earn more money than their husbands are more likely to cheat on them. In that sense, it's perfectly rationale to be wary of high achieving women.

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