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Numbers management

Numbers management

How do you guys manage your numbers, e.g. how long do you keep a new number? Do you have any backup system for new numbers? [Image: huh.gif]

Today I met this 8, but something went wrong and number got deleted. I am still frustrated and eating my fingers, about to throw away this I-phone... I need to update my database system, any tips and tricks? Also my phone is going overload...cant differentiate Jessica 1 from Jessica 2 and Jessica 3....

All help is appreciated. peace.

"Fart, and if you must, fart often. But always fart without apology. Fart for freedom, fart for liberty, and fart proudly" (Ben Franklin)

Numbers management

I put a feature next to the name. Like I have 5 mikes. Mikecrack, Mikeweed, Mikebroke, etc. Jesstits, Jessslut, Jessgrocery

Numbers management

I do similar to Mech except since I am dealing with small town girls I use first name and town she lives in.

I almost never delete numbers but may have to start soon.

Numbers management

Quote: (03-20-2012 03:14 PM)michelin Wrote:  

How do you guys manage your numbers, e.g. how long do you keep a new number? Do you have any backup system for new numbers? [Image: huh.gif]

Today I met this 8, but something went wrong and number got deleted. I am still frustrated and eating my fingers, about to throw away this I-phone... I need to update my database system, any tips and tricks? Also my phone is going overload...cant differentiate Jessica 1 from Jessica 2 and Jessica 3....

All help is appreciated. peace.

When you're putting the number in, add after the girl's name something like the place you met her as well as what you talked to her about.

Like if you met her at the Tweety Pie Barn Grill; and you talked to her about going surfing, write Angela Tweety Wants Surfing.

You have to be careful they don't see you have to keep notes though.

But if you are getting a lot of numbers, if she sees 20 names under "A" that are women you may be kind of blown anyway.

Maybe something positive might help "Angela knows tides surfer tweety"
then if she sees it she might be flattered.

For obvious damage prevention, I would avoid crude phys description "great tits" etc.

I was deleting numbers really harshly then realized I was sometimes getting pissed over nothing with chicks who might have banged had I been more patient. This is in EE, where they are not typically sluts except bar chicks. Once they really openly friendzone you if you are a wimp like me and tend to go back, you might want to delete.

Numbers management

This thread reminds me. One time I had this broad put her name in my phone and it was not til later did I realize I had smashed a coworkers soon to be ex-wife. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Numbers management

I just use a free contacts manager for iPhone from the App store. Any one of them will do.
I make groups called Girls, Prospects, Fucked, Newbies ...etc.

New girls go in the Newbies group. After a while I move them into Prospects then Fucked.

There's usually a Company field. I'll enter where I met them Taco Bell, Shoprite, Massage Girl NYC [Image: lol.gif]

I don't care about snooping. I don't let anyone touch my phone. My friend names his sluts with Guys' names
in his phone so his girlfriend doesn't get suspicious. He's not too tech savvy though.

Team Nachos

Numbers management

Where's my damn phone...

let's take a look:

Jessica Bday *bar name*
Jessica *bar name*

I know who at least three of them are this way, because I can just reference the bar I met them at. You can substitute a bar for a coffee shop or month or whatever, but it does help to add more after they put their name & number in your phone.

Numbers management

Girls are big into star signs so one way I differentiate the same names in my phone are like this:

Name: Jessica-Taurus-Brunette
Company: Likes Suishi, slutty, lives in Hollywood

Later when gaming the girl you can throw out something about their sign etc. It increases your 'sincerity' greatly because the girl will think she's special that you remembered her star sign, hair color and that she likes damn puppies.

If I didn't follow this system I wouldn't have a clue generally as to who is who.

Numbers management

I break the numbers up between two phones. That way if see the list they only see half of it. I tend to put their town or the town that I met them in as their last name. That way if I am headed that way I have a better chance to set something up with them.

Numbers management

Numbers management is one of my strengths, I think. When I was using an old-style phone, I'd do what the other guys are talking about above, except with parentheticals.

Amy (Trader Joe's)
Sophia (Israel)
Katya (Ballet)

I even went so far as to incorporate their little nickname into my game. "How do you want to be memorialized in my phone as: Nancy, Ugly Shoes or Nancy, Volleyball?" Girls get into that kind of bullshit, and it added some nice light-heartedness to the number-close. Thank me later.

Nowadays, I have a fancy smart phone with a notes section in the contacts, so I add a bit of data in there. A place to record dates is something that I really needed in the old phone and now have (date, location of meeting are especially important). I still use an old system of a piece of note paper with all of my active prospects, annotated with marks for who needs to get pinged.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Numbers management

I do it by the freeway they live off of, the county they're in or where I met her.

Numbers management

My advice is different,

I don't believe in number management, because after 3 weeks, I delete the number.

Why? Because if she really wants to meet up, she will call or text me.

If I chase to often or persist on the meetup...that puts me in a really bad position...Even if i get to the date...I have alot of work to undo.....due to chasing her.

My philo, is not to chase.....I use to do number management (chasing)....but for every one lay you get from number management...there are 100 flakes to go with it.....Its just not worth it for me...

To each his own. I just got tired of the chase and realize its just not worth.

Just a thought....

Numbers management

i have two groups active and inactiver in my phone.
In the active groups i put my current leads. Once a girl flakes on me or doesnt respond after i sent out 2 texts i put her in the inactive group.

I also carry a small notebook and make notes about the chick when i get her number bc im horrible about remembering all this stuff.
For example "Aneta, x years old, comes from Y, studies at Z, likes unicorns"

So when i get on a date i can whip out my notebook and grab some basic facts about her to bring up at the date.
When a number turns stale i cross out the name from my notebook.

This is all for daygame btw, in nightgame i try to go for the bang ASAP and try to avoid numbers.

Numbers management

"Mikecrack" from my phone got busted last night. Again.

Numbers management

Quote: (03-21-2012 03:00 AM)jerome Wrote:  

My advice is different,

I don't believe in number management, because after 3 weeks, I delete the number.

Why? Because if she really wants to meet up, she will call or text me.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

Numbers management

Numbers? What are those for again?

I agree with Jerome. Girls who want to meet me again will call or text. Otherwise go for the same day/night lay.

If you can't bang her, then go for the number. Ask her out on a date the following week. Either she picks up the phone and accepts, or you never hear from her again. If she makes up some excuse that she's "busy" then just say "okay" and wait to see if she calls you back.

Don't chase, big waste of time.


I don't chase 'em, I just replace 'em

- Biggie Smalls

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Numbers management

Quote: (03-21-2012 10:26 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (03-21-2012 03:00 AM)jerome Wrote:  

My advice is different,

I don't believe in number management, because after 3 weeks, I delete the number.

Why? Because if she really wants to meet up, she will call or text me.

LOL, nice video.

Its just an opinion. I don't believe in chasing. It didn't work for me. Just an opinion. Because it puts you in a bad position.

Numbers management

I worked a short job as a canvasser after I left law school. Shit job.

But, there was a black guy on crew who had mad game. He would pick up girls all the time. He had videos on his cell phone of him meeting young blondes and making out with them, etc.

He told me his strategy: "I jus' give 'em my number... tell 'em if they wanna meet me, they can call."

He showed me his text log: 10 different girls on the front page texting him. Dude was 23.

I thought to myself, "How the fuck does that work for him?" But now I know better.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Numbers management

Quote: (03-20-2012 07:15 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

I even went so far as to incorporate their little nickname into my game. "How do you want to be memorialized in my phone as: Nancy, Ugly Shoes or Nancy, Volleyball?" Girls get into that kind of bullshit, and it added some nice light-heartedness to the number-close. Thank me later.


This also works in reverse. When you give them your name, you can tell her to put something funny for you.

In Colombia, I tell them to put "Tigre mi gran amor" (my great love).

You can be creative with this. The most important thing is say something flattering to you, phrasing it like it came from her voice.

This makes them laugh. And if she complies, she'll get flashbacks to that moment when she sees you in her contacts.

Mi Gran Amor works extra well for Latin America. It's also the chorus of a catchy merengue anthem. Any time she sees those words, this upbeat song will start up inside her head.


Numbers management

Number management works, but there is a consequence to it. Even if you get sex.

Lets look at this on a deeper level. From dating experience.

If you notice from your own experience, when you chase, even if you are able to get out on a date , lets say 1 month later. The date usually is no fun, conversation sucks, you have to start over, no passion, heavy LMR, and even if you have sex with her. The sex sucks. And than you ask yourself, was that even worth go through all of that. ROI.

There's a tendency with girls that are being chase: 1)after sex or the date she doesn't want to see you again, 2) the sex sucks 3) LMR heavy interaction, 4) the date is not fun......basically its no fun.....

If you don't chase, the dates tend to be more fun, there is little LMR or none. The conversation are fun...and most importantly the sex is awesome.

When a man chase, it puts him in a really bad position, it doesn't mean he can't recover. It just mean there will be alot of investment on his part (time, energy, mind) to get her out. Chasing fucks with a man's mind, every time you look at that number it affects you mentally.

Numbers management

I don't delete numbers because I want to know who the hell it is when they contact me months later.

Numbers management

Jerome, you sent me a private message but I can't reply. You have private messages disabled.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Numbers management

Quote: (03-21-2012 12:41 PM)jerome Wrote:  

Quote: (03-21-2012 10:26 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Quote: (03-21-2012 03:00 AM)jerome Wrote:  

My advice is different,

I don't believe in number management, because after 3 weeks, I delete the number.

Why? Because if she really wants to meet up, she will call or text me.

LOL, nice video.

Its just an opinion. I don't believe in chasing. It didn't work for me. Just an opinion. Because it puts you in a bad position.

I don't think anyone here believes in chasing. Sending out random, low-investment pings or mass texts to "dead" numbers can re-ignite a potential bang.

Numbers management

Jerome my experience is completely opposite. Not only have I gone out with girls that flaked on me but I also had good dates, and good bangs.

There are at least 2 other guys chasing her at the same time. Let them find out those guys are losers then she'll answer your call and agree on the meet up.

Numbers management

Quote: (03-22-2012 01:55 AM)soup Wrote:  

I don't think anyone here believes in chasing. Sending out random, low-investment pings or mass texts to "dead" numbers can re-ignite a potential bang.

Precisely. No one is talking about chasing, or anything close. It's about following up on your leads. At the end of the day, a minority of girls will take the initiative to chase you. If she's good-looking, she has dozens of sausages hitting her up constantly. Even if you're high-value, you have blast through that wall with a little bit of interest and angling. It's silly, in my book, to sit around and wait for the girls to come to me.

Unless you're a rockstar or Johnny Depp, you're missing out on opportunities for this laziness, fear, reluctance, or arrogance--whichever it is. Girls are not wired to chase and, even when they do, it'll be an aberrant act, not something that they do because your "game is so tight." This is simply a failure to understand the nature of most girls.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

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