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No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

honestly what a pussy

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

i didnt hear any sound, did he just call her a cunt or something?

the guy is obviously drunk and angry i agree with the first commenter "just keep walking... somewhere she deserves it for turning back and trying to talk to that douche" there is literally NOTHING she could have gained from yelling at him, but society has told her there will be a white knight to protect her at any turn.

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

I don't understand what she's trying to achieve by arguing with him?..

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

To me it looked like after he put his arm around her, she spat on his face. That's why he reacted the way he did.

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

This has nothing to do with white knighting. That dude is a straight up douche and should have never hit her.

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

If you look closely he spat in her face the first time they walked by. Sure if white knights didn't exist she probably would not have confronted him but the guy is a pussy regardless.

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

Quote: (03-14-2012 10:30 AM)Skyhigh Wrote:  

This has nothing to do with white knighting. That dude is a straight up douche and should have never hit her.


I have no idea what white knighting is all I see is a girl getting a forearm smash off a guy for which there is no fucking excuse for. Low life scumbgag and I hope karma pays him a visit soon.

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

He's just some white trash, stumbling around while piss drunk. Personally, I wish guys like this would get their asses kicked.

Here's what happened, in that video, as best as I could understand:

- Man is wasted, stumbling around
- Man tries to throw some game a girl
- Girl tells him to fuck off
- Man spits on girl
- Girl becomes furious
- Girl goes back to yell at him
- Guy pretends to be apologizing and puts his arm around her
- Guy smashes her face

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

Quote: (03-14-2012 11:08 AM)Samseau Wrote:  

He's just some white trash, stumbling around while piss drunk. Personally, I wish guys like this would get their asses kicked.

Here's what happened, in that video, as best as I could understand:

- Man is wasted, stumbling around
- Man tries to throw some game a girl
- Girl tells him to fuck off
- Man spits on girl
- Girl becomes furious
- Girl goes back to yell at him
- Guy pretends to be apologizing and puts his arm around her
- Guy smashes her face

Yeah, not really sure why this is posted in the Game forum.

And not really sure what is the purpose of posting this video is either.

The title "No White Knighting in this Video!" seems like whoever posted this thinks its cool.

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

This is a perfect example of two idiots engaging each other:

1. The dumb-ass drunk dude shouldn't have spit at her when she didn't like his shitty game.

2. The girl shouldn't have turned around and tried to confront him after passing him. She should have let it go or, at worst, cussed him out and kept going. I would never go head-up with a guy that I knew was stronger and more aggressive than me. That's basically what she did.

3. Dude shouldn't have sucker-punched her.

As I tell girls all the time. I'm truly for equality--and not in some cynical way. I don't think women or men should have special exemptions when it comes to these matters. I don't want to see anyone getting sucker-punched, bullied, or "abused." What's wrong with this picture is not that the guy hit a woman, it's that someone sucker-punched somebody else after spitting on them. Even though both were in the wrong, the dude crossed the line more and first.

That said, it was foolhardy for that girl to physically confront a sloppy-drunk man, with the full confidence that she wouldn't be hit or that someone would come to her defense. I agree that this is borne from rampant white-knighting and a legal system that throws the book at men who hit women--for no other reason than they're women and irrespective of whether they were the aggressors or not. Women have basically forgotten the dangers of getting in an angry dude's face.

Most guys, who have never been the beneficiaries of this, know better.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

Quote: (03-14-2012 11:26 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Even though both were in the wrong, the dude crossed the line [i]more

Where was the girl in the wrong,when she got spat on or when she took a forearm smash to her face? And to say the dude crossed the line 'more'. Really?! Where did she cross it at all?? By asking the dude why he spat in her face?!

Seems to me some are trying to lay some of the blame on the girl. Bang out of order.

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

Just because I have an exclamation mark in the title does not mean I think it's cool. I think it's wrong on many levels.

Tuth nailed it on the head with his post.

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

Quote: (03-14-2012 12:06 PM)Vorkuta Wrote:  

Quote: (03-14-2012 11:26 AM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

Even though both were in the wrong, the dude crossed the line [i]more

Where was the girl in the wrong,when she got spat on or when she took a forearm smash to her face? And to say the dude crossed the line 'more'. Really?! Where did she cross it at all?? By asking the dude why he spat in her face?!

Seems to me some are trying to lay some of the blame on the girl. Bang out of order.

Tuth -

I get your "logic" here, but the girl did nothing wrong. (Sure she made a mistake, but the blame falls 100% on the weesh guy).

This is the kind of guy that makes it harder for all of us to pick up girls.

Hopefully Karma pays him a visit.

I still don't get why the person posted this and seemed to think it was cool.

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

Quote: (03-14-2012 12:12 PM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

Tuth -

I get your "logic" here, but the girl did nothing wrong. (Sure she made a mistake, but the blame falls 100% on the weesh guy).

The guy is 75 percent wrong here, but to say the girl did nothing wrong is false. She escalated the situation by: (1) re-engaging the dude well after he was walking away; (2) casting off her friend who was trying to hold her back (an aggressive move); and (3) then getting in the guy's face. Don't get me wrong: the guy is a fucking pussy. But we can't absolve the girl 100 percent. She didn't "want to know why the guy spit on her." She knew. He was a drunk asshole who tried hollering at them. She wanted to confront him about it. Let's face it.

If we had to pick one person to blame, it was the guy, for sure. He spit on her (a form of violence) and then cheap-shotted her. But, the girl should have known better. The dude was super-drunk and obviously looking for trouble.

See below:

Guy is walking away. Is at a safe distance. The interaction is over.
[Image: attachment.jpg5351]   

Girl turns around after having left the scene of the spitting incident. She probably learned that her friend had been spit on and decided to re-engage the guy, who turns around--likely in response to an insult.
[Image: attachment.jpg5352]   

Girl narrows the distance between them. She brushes off her friend who is trying to hold her back. This is the classic "let-me-go-I'm-going-to-confront-this-idiot" gesture that dudes do when they're going to scrap. This is almost always an act of escalation.
[Image: attachment.jpg5353]   

Girl further narrows the distance. Gets in the guy's face. Note the forward lean in her posture. Is likely shouting at him and/or cussing him out.
[Image: attachment.jpg5354]   

Summary: This was a silly re-engagement and escalation by the girl. Yes, the guy started it--and is therefore more to blame. She should have known the guy was drunk and looking for trouble. Why she chose to physically confront him (by entering his space and posturing physically) is beyond me.

EDIT: I agree that the subject heading of this thread (especially the exclamation point) makes it seem like the OP is celebrating the incident. It's good to get clarification that he's not doing that. It's a fucked up situation all around, to be sure.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

Imagine this was between two guys, Salty Stan and Preachy Paul. A lot of guys, not necessarily at this forum, would say that Paul totally 'deserved it' because he wasn't 'street smart.' As in, "yo man, if you got shot in South Central, it's no one's fault but your own." This mentality, is very common. It's not usually applied to women, but if it were, the girl would clearly be at fault here.

That said, I think that's a retarded way to look at things, man or woman. Yes, this probably would not have happened if she hadn't instigated, but he crossed the line by initiating violence and is *morally* cuplable for what happened. Besides, if you're getting called out for something you shouldn't be doing, I'm not going to side with you. Siding with you would just mean empowering the strongest thug on the block.

If a guy were mouthing off to you, is it okay to just clock him outright, without a warning? What if you know he wouldn't get violent otherwise, that he'd just keep it verbal? Plenty of guys think it'd be okay to clock Mr. Big Mouth in that situation. So they should be okay with what happened here. Personally, I think it's unacceptable to clock someone who you know isn't a threat, unless there was some extreme harassment involved, and you gave forewarning that you were ready to throw down. Of course, most fights with men don't follow that pattern anyway, men usually *are* ready to get violent, so a different tack is needed.

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

This piece of shit should be shot in the balls and left to die a slow death. A guy like this doesn't deserve to live.

Who the fuck does such a thing?

Or am i beta for being a white knight?. Cant believe some of you are actually sticking up for the guy because the girl responds to being spit in the face which is possible the big insult ever. Check your head !

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

I agree that it's guys like this that make running street game more difficult. I'm not condoning what he did, but she is an idiot for thinking she could get away with getting in the face of someone who clearly lacks respect for anyone.

10/14/15: The day I learned that convicted terrorists are treated with more human dignity than veterans.

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

Initially, I was shocked until I saw that this was in Cochester, England and then it didn't surprise me.

Guys, this event took place in England and they are built differently out there. Most of you are in North America which leads the world and sets trends when it comes to behaviour in Anglo countries.

I've seen this behaviour growing up. I think I detailed in one other thread that during the Notting Hill Carnival, I saw one young felon fly kick a lizard in the small of her back for acting disrespectful when one cat was trying to talk to her.

As refined as they seem, English people can be very savage and barbaric. North Americans are more handy with the tools (guns) but the English work with Stanley knives, headbutts and overall mayhem on a close up personal basis.

Living there, I've seen more sudden acts of violence than I have seen in several other countries.

Bus driver knocking out some guy with a very heavy right hand to the face.

Two boys scrapping. One had the blade in his hand so it emerged between one of his fingers almost like a Wolverine claw. When he swung on the boy, he punctured the boy's cheek.

I knew one girl who got punched up by this guy because she wasn't giving out the punani.

I saw one girl getting dragged around like a rag doll by her boyfriend in broad daylight by this community centre. When one of the guys I was playing ball with asked what was wrong, she turned to him and told him to 'FCUK OFF' extremely viciously.

I know North Americans are handy with the tools, a lot of you guys carry pieces proudly but there still seems to be a certain decorum about how you guys function. You still have a certain valor and a moral schema that is enforced by the law in North America.

Political correctness is nowhere as high in the UK. So a lizard getting an elbow smash as unacceptable as it seems on paper, is not a surprise to me, coming from England.

The point I am trying to make is that Europe is an entirely different animal. That's why when you guys start mentioning how lovely France is, England is, reciting your beloved history books, I smile..because you would gasp to see what goes on in the inner urban cities of the major countries in Europe.

When the Brits get a few pints down (have a few beers), they are one of the most dangerous civilians out there.

I knew one of the guys from the rugby team who, every time we would go out and he had a few, he would target a beta and start some shyt (like pouring his beer slowly on the guy's back). If this beta ever tried to puff up his chest in bravery, this guy would stomp the piss out of him.
Went home with someone else's blood on his dress shirt every night.

Read Trainspotters and observe Begbie's behaviour to understand how the Brits can operate. Even though Francis Begbie was from Scotland, trust me his behaviour was very atypical of the British yobs.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

Here's a video that's a little trickier:

Doing this in front of the children was clearly wrong, but without the children, the situation is much more ambiguous.

Guy was clearly acting in a threatening manner (kicking tv and getting in her face), but the things she said and her actions clearly escalate the situation. Also she hit him first.

I generally feel like if you hit someone, you shouldn't be surprised if you get hit back even harder, regardless of gender. However, justified or not, he probably shouldn't have hit her if only because with the way society and the court system is, he'll be getting fucked for sure.

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

Lol if that was his camera how did the video leak?

Either way she did hit him first but he should NOT have punched her back in the face like that. She's at least a foot shorter (unlike the whale in the first video) AND MORE IMPORTANTLY with kids present.

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

Quote: (03-14-2012 02:08 PM)Laser Wrote:  

Here's a video that's a little trickier:

Doing this in front of the children was clearly wrong, but with the children, the situation is much more ambiguous.

Guy was clearly acting in a threatening manner (kicking tv and getting in her face), but the things she said and her actions clearly escalate the situation. Also she hit him first.

I generally feel like if you hit someone, you shouldn't be surprised if you get hit back even harder, regardless of gender. However, justified or not, he probably shouldn't have hit her if only because with the way society and the court system is, he'll be getting fucked for sure.

Now because this is American, it shocks me. Rules are laid out there (here).
I feel sorry for that poor little lizard though. She was as skinny as a shoe string and acts of violence in front of the poor little tykes [Image: sad.gif]



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

Quote: (03-14-2012 09:45 AM)BrownBear Wrote:  

I don't understand what she's trying to achieve by arguing with him?..

I agree with Tuthmosis on this one - that's what typically happens when two drunk idiots meet together. Yeah, "blaming the victim" is looked down in America, but I don't care. In vast majority of non-victimless crimes the victim does share some blame. And this is a typical case here. I thought everyone in UK knows that if you're arguing with a drunk aggressive dude, you better get ready to fight.

This doesn't make him right - but I wouldn't say he's 100% at fault here.

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

I watched this video several times again, on slow-mo, and noticed that when the guy tries to hug the girl, he seems to wince (between 0:25-0:27). I think the girl may have rabbit-punched him in the nuts or something. Watch it super closely--he bends a little and makes a face before swinging. Keep your eye her right arm, and then his face. A couple of seconds after walking away, you can see him cradling his crotch with both hands.

Again, not excusing the dude's behavior (since he started the whole thing), but it certainly complicates the discussion--a lot.

Tuthmosis Twitter | IRT Twitter

No White Knighting in this Video! (caution: comments are beta- read at your own risk)

Quote: (03-14-2012 05:24 PM)Tuthmosis Wrote:  

I watched this video again on slow-mo and noticed that when the guy tries to hug the girl, he seems to wince (between 0:25-0:27). I think the girl may have rabbit-punched him in the nuts or something. Watch it super closely--he bends a little and makes a face before swinging. Keep your eye her right arm, and then his face. A couple of seconds after walking away, you can see him cradling his crotch with both hands.

Again, not excusing the dude's behavior (since he started the whole thing), but it certainly complicates the discussion--a lot.

He was grabbing his dick before they even approached. I can't see the rabbit punch...



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

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