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random thoughts on game

random thoughts on game

The following are lessons from a white guy in his mid thirties doing night game in bars over the past few years in Brooklyn N.Y.:

1. Learn how to accept rejection. The women that you approach do not know anything about you. How can you allow their possible rejection affect the way that you feel about yourself? Do not be reactive with your emotions. Once you detect disinterest on their part, immediately bail and look for another. When originally starting out I would leave bars furious that a specific women would not give me attention. Accept that just because you have grown the balls to approach the hottest girl in the bar does not mean that she will be interested in you. Eventually rejection will just be a subtle background noise, instead of the ego crushing blow that it initially is.

2. Learn how to read body language. I recommend the book "The Definitive Book of Body Language" by Allan Pease. Once you master this you will see all face to face interactions in a new light. Its like being granted a new superpower. You will become aware of every touch of the hair, flick of the face, and crossing of the arms.

3. Read Roissy's blog, Roosh's blog, Krauser's blog, the Mystery Method Books, and "God is a Woman" by Ian Colburn. Avoid wasting your money on Paul Janka's online club. Krauser and Roosh offer more insight for much less money.

4. After your initial approach start touching your target almost immediately. Establish that you are comfortable touching her on the back of the shoulders first, then proceed to touching her around the waist. If your body language is congruent she will comply. Most of my successful pickups happen very fast, from 10 to 30 minutes. If it takes hours talking to a girl then you have probably missed several opportunities to escalate kino and you will lose her.

5. Use the commotion in the venue as an excuse to talk very close to her ear. As your mouth will be close to her ear, start to sporadically and gently touch the hair in that area with your lips and cheek. This is the precursor to kissing her. Its ridiculous how easy it is to go from her ear to her mouth. However, avoid extremely loud venues where music is being performed. If she can't hear you, you will be wasting your time.

6.Go out solo. Talk to as many people in the bar as possible. At first the fear of walking into a crowded venue by yourself may seem intimidating. After pushing yourself again and again you will become addicted to the rush of entering a room full of strangers and being able to swim in the deep end all by yourself. Disregard judging people, you are a human talking to other humans. Let those who think that they are cooler, smarter or wittier than you think that. If you are o.k. with yourself, there should be nothing that a stranger can say to affect your emotions.

7. Keep your drink at your waist.

8. If a woman "accidentally" bumps or brushes against you, it is no accident. Jane is trying to get Tarzan's attention.

9. Be the first one to pull away during the first kiss. A guy with restraint will be communicating his lack of neediness and control of the situation. Don't be afraid to literally push her off of you, after you sense her interest in you. Trust me, she will be coming back for more. If you get swept away in the makeout, she will inexplicably drop you and find something else.

10. Don't obsess over your looks. No exercise at the gym is going to make you taller or turn your bald head hairy. Women are not as fixated on beauty for mate selection as men are. She does not want to feel your muscles big boy. If you are trying to improve your looks, money would be better spent on better clothes and shoes than a gym membership.

random thoughts on game

This is a good post, and basically an "outline" of stuff newbies need to internalize when getting into "the game".

You touched on a lot of good points, especially the first one on rejection, it's so basic, but so true, yet hard for a lot of guys to overcome this hurdle, and de-program themselves from the automatic negative reactions from being rejected.

Sure, no one likes being rejected and sometimes when dealing with the hot American super-bitch you can be blown out in a bad way... But, you can't let it get to you and get in your head and affect your emotions. I remember G-Manifesto wrote to be a true player, you need to have "ice running through your veins" or something to that affect.

I have a handful of friends, that aren't even in the game, because they are too afraid of rejection. They basically just hang out with the other bros getting drunk, eye fucking the shit out of girls, talking about how hot they are, and how bad they want to fuck them. But, these guys never have the balls to approach, they fear rejection too much. Therefore they never get laid, and if they do it's once in a blue moon, when all the stars, and planets align just so.

Fear of rejection ties into approach anxiety, they are intertwined and interrelated, kind of like a "two headed monster", but not always the same exact beast. You can not care, whether or not a woman rejects you, but if you have too much anxiety, are too in your own head, over-analyzing, or worrying about what you're going to say, or that you can't think of anything to say, you're not even going to approach in the first place. Some guys are just too nervous and pussy out.

Which brings me to another important point, DO NOT use alcohol as a crutch, (maybe if you're a complete newb and you need a little liquid courage, I understand), but if you've been in the game for a minute, check your alcohol intake. I never quite understood this before, when Roosh posted about using alcohol as a crutch, but now I see it every time I go out.

Guys that need to down 3 or 4 mixed drinks before they can open their mouth to spit words. Not only does their game get sloppier, but their standards drop, and possibly get wiskey dick in the event that you do bring a girl home. Your game will jump leaps and bounds if you can step to women and spit proper game when only slightly buzzed or sober. Having a couple drinks may help your game, but at a certain point you cross a point where you get sloppy and it works against you.

I agree about the importance of body language, it will help you to read women much better, and understand when to escalate, pull back, or eject. I am currently half way through "The Definitive Book of Body Language", so far it's a good read, and I recommend it, but wouldn't necessarily say it's going to instantly turn you into a jedi or anything. Reading attraction signals is huge in the game, a lot of guys are completely oblivious to when a woman is interested in him and giving him signals, I know in the past girls gave me vibes, but I just had my head so far up my ass, I couldn't tell.

You're point # 4 is also crucial, kino is essential!! This is what sexualizes the interaction and makes it clear to the woman that you are interested in her and want to be more than friends, and that you're an experienced guy, who is capable of escalating the interaction. I have a friend who is such an asexual beta, he has no idea how to flirt, or how to sexualize an interaction with a woman. I always tell him he needs to work kino in with women he's talking to, but he has too much anxiety and always worries it won't be well received. He will hang out with a girl 2 or 3 times and never run kino, then act all surprised when he get's stuck in the friend zone, after being all androgynous and not showing his sexual interest or dominance.

9.) This is money, not something I've given too much thought to, but an excellent point, it makes sense, and I need to be more aware of this, and make sure too pull away first.

Lot's more I could add, good insights, basic stuff, for guys who've been in the game for a while, but it's always important to revisit the fundamentals. Any newbies or lurkers, internalize these points, because this is one of the best summarizes I've seen in a while.

random thoughts on game

Quote: (02-18-2012 05:57 PM)plasticthing Wrote:  

10. Don't obsess over your looks. No exercise at the gym is going to make you taller or turn your bald head hairy. Women are not as fixated on beauty for mate selection as men are. She does not want to feel your muscles big boy. If you are trying to improve your looks, money would be better spent on better clothes and shoes than a gym membership.


- women are visual
- muscles attract bitches
- working out is cheaper and better for you than trying to spend enough to get the look

random thoughts on game

Quote: (02-18-2012 10:50 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (02-18-2012 05:57 PM)plasticthing Wrote:  

10. Don't obsess over your looks. No exercise at the gym is going to make you taller or turn your bald head hairy. Women are not as fixated on beauty for mate selection as men are. She does not want to feel your muscles big boy. If you are trying to improve your looks, money would be better spent on better clothes and shoes than a gym membership.


- women are visual
- muscles attract bitches
- working out is cheaper and better for you than trying to spend enough to get the look


Looks aren't something that are going to turn a no-game having fool into a super stud on their strength alone (like fame or high status), but they are in the camp of things (along with money and intelligence) that definitely can give you an edge. I know several guys who kill it; in terms of body a few are similar in build to me (I'm 6'3 195, tall and athletic), the others are pure muscle, their faces range from cro-magnon to pretty boy. I do not know a single obese player, I'm sure a few exist, but it's the exception, not the rule.

random thoughts on game

Interesting take, and welcome to the forum.

1. Is a gimmie, and anyone getting into this should be ready for rejection.

2. How does that book stack up against 'What Every Body is Saying'? I've never heard of the book you suggest, but the one I just named is by a former FBI-agent.

3. I agree on not wasting your money on anything game related, or online for that matter, you have to pay to be a member of; however, I doubt it is necessary to read that many blogs to get better with your game. Then again, I've never read Krauser's, that Colburn book, and I feel the 'Mystery Method' is very out-dated at this point.

4. This is going to vary from player to player and their strategy. I do advocate touching very early though. I can recall a recent pick-up where I went to touch a girl, but she recoiled while her friend was very receptive. The friend then became the target.

5. I've never tried that, as I prefer to not make out at a venue, but wait until she gets to my place, or me to hers. Your 'move' seems to make sense though.

6. I agree with going out solo, every man should. I disagree with being the idiot talking to everyone in the bar. That just doesn't make sense. Post up, ideally sitting at the bar in a packed venue, and talk to the people that come up to get drinks. Not only can you hit on a lot of girls this way, but you often get free drinks too.

7. It really doesn't matter if you shove the drink up your ass, just don't use it as a shield between you and any chick. Agreed though, a lot of guys miss this.

8. Indeed.

9. Agreed, although again I prefer to keep her waiting until I can get to her place/my place, unless I don't think that is possible. The car/taxi works too.

10. DISAGREED! While not obsessing over your looks is good, you need to hit that gym. Muscles never hurt a guy's chances with a girl, and if you're really out of shape you're not gonna get too far, unless your game is on par with Casanova's.

random thoughts on game

When I visited America I was surprised by how weak the coffee there is.In Greece we rely on heavy quantities of strong coffee to keep high energy,concentration and speed.Many guys even approach with coffee in hand to keep up the high level.

Another thing I practise is to listen to Russian rap it is a music which makes you feel unstoppable and you concentrate on girls.Women like this unstoppable,aloof frame.Russian rap can drive away the obstacles in your environment(guys trying to block you,screaming voices,shop owners looking at you angrily for disturbing possible clients,police watching) you really do not give a shit about the surroundings if you listen to Russian rap.Other rap however does not have the same effect on me it is not so liberating it is a lot more compromised.With Russian you really get into Russian mode(hedonism,aggression etc).

random thoughts on game

1.What is more important is how to recognize rejection quickly.In fact the best is to be rejected immediately in no time.If you get rejected ASAP no other girl in the venue will have noticed this and you have plenty of time to proceed.In reality in club you search for rejections.The more you get rejected the better means that you work the numbers game.

Guys realise that women view the whole procedure from exactly the opposite side.These are their thoughts more or less:

1.If I reject him the low quality guy quickly and politely he will go to other girls.So he will disturb more girls so better to reject him quickly and harshly that he will not have the courage to talk to other girls.

2.If the guy is in the grey zone (not exactly a catch but medium quality) I will beret give him some time to talk before I reject him.Because if I reject him ASAP he will have plenty of time to hit on other girls and maybe one will like and join him and I do not want this because this may seem I made a wrong choice and I may feel bad about it.

3.If the guy is really top class I can either hook up with him or reject him after long conversation.Here the conversation will be long for sure because I want to have the pleasure deriving from rejecting an alpha(huge boost to ego) which will be reduced if the alpha gets time to talk to other girl so he either hooks with her or she also gets the pleasure to reject him so my pleasure will be half because I have to share it with another girl.

By rejecting an alpha I also give guys a message to up their game more so I serve my sisterhood because they will be benefited if guys up their game.

I tried to describe the weird and incomprehesnsible logic girls use when rejecting a guy.So every rejection which happens quickly is in your favour( if it is polite) girls are aware of that and will try to avoid doing you this favor.

This is one thing I noticed first time with polish girls back in 2001.They gave polite rejections very quickly meaning they had also been resigned of many other commonly used by women weapons.

The other classical dilemma that tortures many girls is:Should I be open to approach with the danger of being hit and annoyed by inferior quality guys or should I be more closed with the danger of having quality guys scared and not trying even to approach me?Girls always think about this how open they should be(sometimes it changes by menses,days mood,experience,irrelevant facts having happened during the day,alcohol consumption etc).

random thoughts on game

Quote: (02-18-2012 06:40 PM)OGNorCal707 Wrote:  

This is a good post, and basically an "outline" of stuff newbies need to internalize when getting into "the game".

You touched on a lot of good points, especially the first one on rejection, it's so basic, but so true, yet hard for a lot of guys to overcome this hurdle, and de-program themselves from the automatic negative reactions from being rejected.

Sure, no one likes being rejected and sometimes when dealing with the hot American super-bitch you can be blown out in a bad way... But, you can't let it get to you and get in your head and affect your emotions. I remember G-Manifesto wrote to be a true player, you need to have "ice running through your veins" or something to that affect.

I have a handful of friends, that aren't even in the game, because they are too afraid of rejection. They basically just hang out with the other bros getting drunk, eye fucking the shit out of girls, talking about how hot they are, and how bad they want to fuck them. But, these guys never have the balls to approach, they fear rejection too much. Therefore they never get laid, and if they do it's once in a blue moon, when all the stars, and planets align just so.

Fear of rejection ties into approach anxiety, they are intertwined and interrelated, kind of like a "two headed monster", but not always the same exact beast. You can not care, whether or not a woman rejects you, but if you have too much anxiety, are too in your own head, over-analyzing, or worrying about what you're going to say, or that you can't think of anything to say, you're not even going to approach in the first place. Some guys are just too nervous and pussy out.

Which brings me to another important point, DO NOT use alcohol as a crutch, (maybe if you're a complete newb and you need a little liquid courage, I understand), but if you've been in the game for a minute, check your alcohol intake. I never quite understood this before, when Roosh posted about using alcohol as a crutch, but now I see it every time I go out.

Guys that need to down 3 or 4 mixed drinks before they can open their mouth to spit words. Not only does their game get sloppier, but their standards drop, and possibly get wiskey dick in the event that you do bring a girl home. Your game will jump leaps and bounds if you can step to women and spit proper game when only slightly buzzed or sober. Having a couple drinks may help your game, but at a certain point you cross a point where you get sloppy and it works against you.

I agree about the importance of body language, it will help you to read women much better, and understand when to escalate, pull back, or eject. I am currently half way through "The Definitive Book of Body Language", so far it's a good read, and I recommend it, but wouldn't necessarily say it's going to instantly turn you into a jedi or anything. Reading attraction signals is huge in the game, a lot of guys are completely oblivious to when a woman is interested in him and giving him signals, I know in the past girls gave me vibes, but I just had my head so far up my ass, I couldn't tell.

You're point # 4 is also crucial, kino is essential!! This is what sexualizes the interaction and makes it clear to the woman that you are interested in her and want to be more than friends, and that you're an experienced guy, who is capable of escalating the interaction. I have a friend who is such an asexual beta, he has no idea how to flirt, or how to sexualize an interaction with a woman. I always tell him he needs to work kino in with women he's talking to, but he has too much anxiety and always worries it won't be well received. He will hang out with a girl 2 or 3 times and never run kino, then act all surprised when he get's stuck in the friend zone, after being all androgynous and not showing his sexual interest or dominance.

9.) This is money, not something I've given too much thought to, but an excellent point, it makes sense, and I need to be more aware of this, and make sure too pull away first.

Lot's more I could add, good insights, basic stuff, for guys who've been in the game for a while, but it's always important to revisit the fundamentals. Any newbies or lurkers, internalize these points, because this is one of the best summarizes I've seen in a while.

Great post and a well deserved +1 from me. Good comment on his friends, mine are exactly the same and i used to be that guy too.
I'll have to start reading some books on body language some day.

@Non Pareil : Your sentence "their faces range from cro-magnon to pretty boy" cracked up.

Book - Around the World in 80 Girls - The Epic 3 Year Trip of a Backpacking Casanova

My new book Famles - Fables and Fairytales for Men is out now on Amazon.

random thoughts on game

Another important topic is when you should start the approach.There are several tactiques guys use:

1.Many come to the club check it for half an hour about hot girls,possibly available girls,girls without boyfriends and then do the move.

2.Others watch around till some guys start the pick up.Then they decide to proceed or not according to the response the first guys took from the girls.If they see the girls receptive these guys come as trailers and talk to them and their friends.So be careful when you open a girl there is always another guy watching you and checking her reaction to you to see if he should proceed or not.In this way the trailers minimize the danger of rude rejection and hitting on totally unwilling girls.

3.Another category of guys waits till late so some girls will get drunk to make their move.By this time they will also have drunk essential quantities of alcohol so they are going to be less inhibited.

A dirty variant of this is the guy who comes at the club at 3.00-4.00 in the morning when most girls have left but the horny ones have stayed.

So what strategy should you choose?Hit immediately,after some guys give you the green light or wait till late when alcohol effects take place?

Here is what I usually do.If the club is packed with guys I start approaching by the time I enter the door.In this way I spread confusion to the ones who wait till others start the pick up.They had not seen me before.Also girls were not aware of my presence.Moreover the guys who are going to start pick up in 30 minutes get nervous,lose balance and start approaching earlier than they planned because they fear that sb else will steal the girls before they move.So their whole strategy is eradicated and they are going to make several mistakes due to miscalibration.

When there are many girls in the club and less guys I take my time to judge what target is the best and in what sequence I should hit on them.When I see that the balance gets distorted due to more and more guys coming inside the club I make my move and approach the first pair of girls.

For sure when you hit girls in a row you draw lots of attention from other guys.That is why an athletic build is essential you are very likely to get into some conflicts not everyone is happy that you destroyed their strategy or kept them off balance by hitting their targets first and threatening to get all the girls off play.

random thoughts on game

Allow me to elaborate on 10: Don't obsess over your looks.

Yes I do agree that women like a fit guy, and a muscular guy is even better. If you are overweight it will work against you, so exercising and working out at a gym will help. However, I read too many posts that over emphasize the benefits of getting pumped up at the gym in regards to picking up women. I have been just as guilty as anyone, but I don't think my being in shape has been a large factor in my success with women. As long as you are skinny, or of average build you should pass that test. A fat guy should lose weight.

Your targets are not judging your physique as you are theirs. Men are predominantly searching for physical beauty in their partners. Women are looking for a combination of traits including social dominance, status, and humor among other things. They look for beauty also but it is not held in such high regard for mate selection.

random thoughts on game

dont underestimate how much going to the gym can increase your confidence. and confidence is that number one trait to have when gaming or in life in general.

random thoughts on game

good points everyone. I have a few to add.

- Women will swoon if you indirectly or even directly tell them main game concepts and apply them to their life/a situation. I was studying with classmates. One girl (older maybe 25), with a fiance would look at me while we were studying (like an extended IOI kind of look) we all went to lunch, she was saying how she was so stressed about the coming midterm. I said "look, heres the key to doing well on this test: be irrationally self confident, walk in there KNOWING you will annihilate the test and don't let anyone tell you otherwise" she instantly lit up smiled, eyes glimmering, vagina tingling (presumably) and she said yeah sure and punched me playfully in the arm and looked at me for a little bit longer. I had multiple midterms that week and every girl I studied with I told the same thing, they all had the same reaction, they all LOVED IT.

- don't be afraid to remove your presence as punishment for bad behavior. also don't be afraid to change your mood/demeanor quickly. In the summer I had a girl over, I had to go to the bathroom and when I came back she was snooping through my computer looking at my internet tabs etc. I took the mouse from her asked her what the fuck she was doing and told her she better leave. She began crying, I didn't budge I made her leave. Radio silence for a few days. she says shes sorry, still no movement on my end. 2 days later shes telling me how i'm like no guy shes ever met before, how i make her wet and how devastated she is.

random thoughts on game

Quote: (02-18-2012 10:50 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (02-18-2012 05:57 PM)plasticthing Wrote:  

10. Don't obsess over your looks. No exercise at the gym is going to make you taller or turn your bald head hairy. Women are not as fixated on beauty for mate selection as men are. She does not want to feel your muscles big boy. If you are trying to improve your looks, money would be better spent on better clothes and shoes than a gym membership.


- women are visual
- muscles attract bitches
- working out is cheaper and better for you than trying to spend enough to get the look

It depends on her educational level. The higher, the less "being ripped" will be of importance. An athletic appearance can never hurt, of course.

random thoughts on game

Quote: (02-19-2012 01:18 PM)plasticthing Wrote:  

Allow me to elaborate on 10: Don't obsess over your looks.

Yes I do agree that women like a fit guy, and a muscular guy is even better. If you are overweight it will work against you, so exercising and working out at a gym will help. However, I read too many posts that over emphasize the benefits of getting pumped up at the gym in regards to picking up women. I have been just as guilty as anyone, but I don't think my being in shape has been a large factor in my success with women. As long as you are skinny, or of average build you should pass that test. A fat guy should lose weight.

Your targets are not judging your physique as you are theirs. Men are predominantly searching for physical beauty in their partners. Women are looking for a combination of traits including social dominance, status, and humor among other things. They look for beauty also but it is not held in such high regard for mate selection.

While it is true that working out will improve your odds of banging girls, by maybe even 10% or more, let's not forget the real benefit of going to the gym:

Increased health, which translates to everything in life, but also for a man's ability to remain in the game for decades.

Your body is a machine, and needs regular maintenance to be effective.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

random thoughts on game

Quote: (02-18-2012 05:57 PM)plasticthing Wrote:  

8. If a woman "accidentally" bumps or brushes against you, it is no accident. Jane is trying to get Tarzan's attention.

9. Be the first one to pull away during the first kiss. A guy with restraint will be communicating his lack of neediness and control of the situation. Don't be afraid to literally push her off of you, after you sense her interest in you. Trust me, she will be coming back for more. If you get swept away in the makeout, she will inexplicably drop you and find something else.

10. Don't obsess over your looks. No exercise at the gym is going to make you taller or turn your bald head hairy. Women are not as fixated on beauty for mate selection as men are. She does not want to feel your muscles big boy. If you are trying to improve your looks, money would be better spent on better clothes and shoes than a gym membership.

This is a very nice post.

I really like number 8. Was once at a funeral a few years ago (before I got into pickup or anything), and since I was chatting with a few family members and many strangers but ignoring the girls (not related to them of course), a really hot blonde chick, maybe an 8 by this forum's standards, decided to open "my set" by brushing against my back with her breasts. I thought it was an accident. I had no idea what to do but she chatted and gave me her phone number anyway.

I sort of have a bone to pick with 10 though. Ever since I started working out (doing my convict conditioning routine/Hades Method), the random attention I have gotten from girls (even passersby on the streets) has increased probably threefold. Just doing basic pushups, bodyweight squats, and full bridges will turn a chumpy looking dude into instant alpha because it immediately corrects beta body posture. I used to slouch while walking and now that my back is completely straight, girls seem to go out of their way to compliment my scruffy appearance.

random thoughts on game


To follow up on 8, because I'm one of those who has until recently remained ignorant to the tells women give, how do you follow up on the incidental contact?

Do you just say "hi"? Then what? Feign injury and get her laughing? Go direct but slightly more subtle than Clint Eastwood in High Plains Drifter such as "if you wanted to get to know me all you had to do was to say hello"?

Random escalation is my Achilles heel right now.

random thoughts on game

Great list. May seem like people are picking you for #10, but it's only because they agree with everything else.

Quote: (02-19-2012 01:48 PM)lurker123123 Wrote:  

dont underestimate how much going to the gym can increase your confidence. and confidence is that number one trait to have when gaming or in life in general.

Was thinking this too. Even if women disregarded looks entirely, most men will experience increased confidence from working out. If getting a 300 lb bench press makes you think you're awesome, your swagger will be that much stronger.


It depends on her educational level. The higher, the less "being ripped" will be of importance. An athletic appearance can never hurt, of course.

I'm not sure if it's that, or it's because upper class men are simply less buff. You *will* stand out more for being buff in classier venues, and not in a bad way.

random thoughts on game


If she makes initial physical contact, with a brush or bump against you, then just follow up indirectly with an opener. Do not act like it was a big deal, its the elephant in the room you don't talk about. Even though it may seem like a big come on to you, do not reciprocate it as such. Just be aware that she is interested in you, she will welcome your approach.

random thoughts on game

Quote: (02-19-2012 01:44 AM)Nonpareil Wrote:  

Quote: (02-18-2012 10:50 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (02-18-2012 05:57 PM)plasticthing Wrote:  

10. Don't obsess over your looks. No exercise at the gym is going to make you taller or turn your bald head hairy. Women are not as fixated on beauty for mate selection as men are. She does not want to feel your muscles big boy. If you are trying to improve your looks, money would be better spent on better clothes and shoes than a gym membership.


- women are visual
- muscles attract bitches
- working out is cheaper and better for you than trying to spend enough to get the look


Looks aren't something that are going to turn a no-game having fool into a super stud on their strength alone (like fame or high status), but they are in the camp of things (along with money and intelligence) that definitely can give you an edge. I know several guys who kill it; in terms of body a few are similar in build to me (I'm 6'3 195, tall and athletic), the others are pure muscle, their faces range from cro-magnon to pretty boy. I do not know a single obese player, I'm sure a few exist, but it's the exception, not the rule.

A good tip would be get into a profession or business where you'll be in more contact with desirable chicks,why just rely on the bar and club,you spend most time at work.

I agree that hot women interested in status,security and money are quick to overlook physical let downs.

Here's an example,Harvey's what being succesful in the movie business can do for you if you're morbidly overweight and plug ugly.
Would she be his wife if he wasn't in the position he is in?

[Image: attachment.jpg4905]   

random thoughts on game

Quote: (02-18-2012 10:50 PM)WestIndianArchie Wrote:  

Quote: (02-18-2012 05:57 PM)plasticthing Wrote:  

10. Don't obsess over your looks. No exercise at the gym is going to make you taller or turn your bald head hairy. Women are not as fixated on beauty for mate selection as men are. She does not want to feel your muscles big boy. If you are trying to improve your looks, money would be better spent on better clothes and shoes than a gym membership.


- women are visual
- muscles attract bitches
- working out is cheaper and better for you than trying to spend enough to get the look

this is exactly what i was about to say, muscles attract more bitches then a 200 pound pair of shoes and its more permanent

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