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What did you do to improve your confidence?

What did you do to improve your confidence?

Quote: (07-07-2011 11:13 PM)Athlone McGinnis Wrote:  

Quote: (07-07-2011 09:51 PM)spinaroonie Wrote:  

Athlone McGinnis writes like a bitter divorced middle aged white man.

I've gotten the "old white man" comparison often before in real life.

Can't say I'm too sad about it, though. Must come naturally.

[qote]You're only 20 right? You're an articulate black kid on the varsity football team at an Ivy League school.
You oughta be laying the pipe on the blonde sorority sluts at the downscale college next door left right and centre.

1. I won't be playing ball this season, unfortunately(too many injuries).

2. Girls at my school do not care about football or give preference to guys who play-it might, in fact, be the other way around. This isn't the Alabama or Michigan State here.

3. Girls at my school are not particularly fond of black men-that is well known to the black men here. I would not stand a chance with the few cute "blonde sorority sluts" that are here, even if they were attracted to me(and they have been). They have been socialized to avoid my type.

4. There isn't a "downscale college" next door. I won't say exactly which college I attend, but I will say that it isn't in Boston(next door to about a million other schools of lower selectivity), so I have fewer options than I could.


Why so serious son? Don't get sucked in by the bitter nerds on

1. I'm a serious person. Blessing and a curse.
2. I haven't posted on HUS in months.

Anyway, regardless of how I sound, my particular approach to things worked well for me as far as confidence boosting. Take it for what its worth.

Athlone, I don't want to blow up your spot, but I'm guessing you attend Dartmouth, because pretty much all other Ivy League schools are more liberal and in bigger towns/cities, which would increase your odds for getting laid.

I don't know much about the Ivy League schools, but I can see where you're coming from, as far as feeling a little out of place there, and maybe feeling the culture/society/people's perceptions are stacked against you. I'd imagine that, that part of New England, is full of rich, spoiled, stuffy WASP types, that have high senses of entitlement, and the narcisism, and arrogance that comes with it.

But, I got to say that I sense a lot of negativity and pessimism in you. I understand where you are coming from, because I for years fell into this trap, and continue to struggle to not fall into it. If you take the attitude that no women will be interested in you, and make no efforts, than you've already conceded defeat.

Sure there will be the odd cute girl that will make it blatantly obvious that she's into you, but otherwise you'll go day, weeks, months, years... of not approaching women who may very well be interested, just because you are operating on the assumption that they are not interested. You've already lost the battle, by giving up before even engaging in the fight.

I am not trying to judge you or make assumptions about who you are, what you do, and what you don't do, most of what I write is based off my own experience and lack of activity and effort in pursuing women.

I often find myself discouraged by my local scene, when I go out to the bars and there are seriously 6 to 1 guys to girls ratios, only a couple "hot" girls out, and tons of girls in the 4-6 range who act like they're hot shit, just because there are so many dudes thirsty for pussy, trying to spit game at them.

A lot of what it boils down to is how bad do you want it? Right now, I'm make little attempts or effort to do any macking, I'm mostly following a lot of your advice and working on improving myself, (working out, reading, improving my diet, being social, etc.) However, I need to step my game up, I'm getting to the point, where the lonliness, lack of gratification from masturbation, and horniness, is getting too strong and I need to find a new girl.

Once I get to my boiling point, I get out there and put in work. Just like in getting good grades at your Ivy school, building muscle in the gym, learning a new language, etc., if you're not a gifted "natural", you got to put in work in order to succeed.

For some of us the odds are stacked against us for whatever reasons, so we got to work that much harder for success. What you got to decide is what's worse, the dozens of inevitable rejections that you may have to endure in order to secure that piece of ass, or the laziness, comfort, and lack of pain that you will get from not putting yourself out there, getting rejected, but at the same time not getting laid, and being sexually frustrated.

All guys are horny and want to have sex, but I really do believe there is a wide spectrum, and some guys are more mellow, less driven by women and sex, etc. This obvious is a "players" forum, so the average guy here is going to be very driven by women and the desire to have sex. To guys here, that is one of the most important, if not THE most important thing in their lives. That's not the case for everyone, and I try not to judge people based on how "tight their game is", or how much pussy they get, or how hot their girlfriends are. A lot of guys are like that, and it's all just a bunch of superficial bullshit.

Anyways, I've gotten off on a bit of a rant here. My overall point, is to not give up and take a bitter, jaded, and pesimistic worldview. Even though you're a rational person, and a lot of reality is fucking whack, you got to keep your head up and keep a positive attitude. Positivity is attractive, when I was bitter and jaded, I took the attitude of "all girls are a bunch of stupid bitches", and "they're not worth my time, better focus on hustlin and stacking $$".

Also, as far as my own personal experience goes, I had really low self esteem and self confidence, so I was ruled by my self limiting beliefs, that I wasn't good enough, and no cute girl would be interested in me. Most of these things were lurking in my sub-concious mind, and weren't thoughts I would knowingly have, although they were right there under the surface.

Don't be ruled by self limiting beliefs, like I was. Sure there are tons of stupid, stuck up girls that won't give you the time of day, to even display your dope personality, and sharp wit and intelligence. FUCK THEM. They just saved you a breath of fresh air. They're not worth your time. You are a beautiful and valuable human being, and they just missed out on an amazing opportunity to get to know a person that could enrich they're lives. Sure it sucks being rejected, but don't take it personally.

Another thing I sense in you that I totally am guilty of is over-analyzing and over-intellectualizing things. Sure it's important to use your intelligence and ability to analyze, in order to make wise decisions, but often we over-think things, and this works to our detriment. Sometimes we just need to go with the flow, and be in the moment, act on instinct, and almost go on auto-pilot in a way. Often I would over-analyze things to the point, where I'd come up with these outlandish scenarios, make assumptions, and kill my mojo before it even got to start flowing.

There are probably some fine ass blonde haired blue eyed sheltered New England girls, secretly fantasizing about some buffed up black dude, to bring some excitement to their world. Once you get your inner game right, grow some thick skin, and learn not to give a fuck, you will be that guy. Then white dudes, like me will be jealous of you, fucking all the fine blondies.

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