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Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) Data Sheet

Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) Data Sheet

I've spent the last three weeks reading the forum waiting until I was able to register today. There is a lot of good solid info and opinions on here,learnt a fair bit from reading it all. Anyway I've leached enough info of you guys so want to kick off my membership with some info of my own to contribute to the forum.

Bishkek Data Sheet:

I was recently in Bishkek. I'd been to Belarus,Russia,Ukraine,Moldova,Transdniester and had great times in each of those places but I wanted somewhere more exciting to get the juices flowing whilst still remaining within the FSU. The options were the Southern Republics or Central Asian ones. I decided to go Central Asia purely because the name just conjures images of ancient silk roads,vast deserts,remote mountain ranges and despotic leaders. I decided on Bishkek because I found some cheap Russian classes there,really cheap and the visa was the easiest of the 5 republics to get. It was as random as that. I spent a couple of winter months there studying Russian by day and going out at night meeting women. I dated university students almost exclusively ( I'm late thirties - Average looks ) and mostly Kyrgyz too for reasons I shall explain later. IF I had gone out more ( I had studies and hence rarely went out on week nights ) and had a competent wing ( I had to go out solo most of the time which I find much harder ) I could have slept with a lot of girls. As it was I slept with 6 different girls in my 8 weeks. Not an outstanding lay count by any means but I was not looking for numbers and spent a week pretty much with each girl before boredom set in and I went and found another. Anyway,enough about me,let me share with you my opinions about the place...

Introduction: Kyrgyzstan is the wild East of the FSU. The Baltics it aint! If you like things to be orderly and safe then it won't be for you. It's a rugged land ( over 80% is mountainous ) inhabited by a hardy people. It's recent history has been one of revolutions,pogroms and ethnic violence resulting in minorities being burned out of their homes and forced to flee as refugees. There is no McDonalds or KFC or much in the way of Western luxuries,instead you have run down cafes serving local horse meat delicacies and vodka. Their national game is polo played with a sheep carcass ( like in the Rambo film ). Muggings are common,corruption more so,people will advise you not to walk alone at night ( there was an underpass near my apartment where you were guaranteed to get jumped if you used it after dark ) and accidently bumping into someone on the dance floor can result in a mass brawl ( bouncers carry truncheons for breaking up fights on the dance floor - Nice! ). On the plus side it is the most relaxed Central Asian republic,has direct flights from London,it's cheap,no visa hassles to worry about,has a mild climate and is populated by a female population that are great fun and if you play it right,very willing to spend some time with you.

Getting there: BMI fly direct into Bishkek from Heathrow ( it stops en route but you don't get off the plane ). Full price when there is no sale on is about 620 Pounds return. Aeroflot fly in via Moscow for just under 400 Pounds return. Bishkek is also served by Turkish Airlines via Istanbul. Your other option is the train from Moscow. I never took it but I believe it takes about 3 or 4 days. The most common way though is to fly into Almaty and then bus from there. The journey is something like 4 hours I believe.

Visa: One month available at the airport,no invitation required for most Western nationalities. Not available at land borders but there are plans to abolish all visas for Westerners soon.

The City Itself: Bishkek is a run down Soviet built city that differs little from provincial cities you find in the backwaters of Russia. Despite being bang in the middle of Asia there is little Asian influence in the architecture. Lot's of Soviet apartment buildings and kruschovkas. The main street is called Chui. That is where you will find the most popular bar ( Metro Pub ) and the most popular night time meat market 'The Golden Bull' night club. It's a run down city. Very few new build apartments or shopping centres etc. like you find in Riga or Moscow. It does however have everything you need: there are gyms for us lifters,clubs,public swimming pools,international cuisine restaurants,international hotel chains,pizza places etc. The city is also located at the bottom of a huge mountain range which are a 30 minute marshrutka ride from the centre of town. You can easily go skiing or hiking in the afternoon and hit the clubs in the nigh time. Over all it's rough and ready but not an unpleasant place to spend a few months in. I would say it's the most interesting place I visited in the FSU.

Where to stay: I shared an apartment with some friends. The apartment cost 300 US a month but you can get them for 200 US in the micro regions. Utilities were cheap. This is certainly the way to go if you are staying for a while. I'm not too knowledgeable of hotels since I never used one but there is a Hyatt for the ballers and places that cost about 40 a night for the rest of us. Bishkek lacks really cheap places such as hostels so you do need to sort an apartment or couch surf if you want to keep on budget.

Safety: Is it dangerous? It can be. I know two people who were burgled. Two who were mugged. One was attacked by a group of taxi drivers. A few more had fights in clubs with local men. However apart from someone trying to punch me in a club ( and missing fortunately ) I never had any problems or ever felt in any way threatened. People said never to walk after dark and only take taxis but I walked around at midnight after leaving a club and never had problems,I am however 6'3 and have wear a good scowl when I need to. Having said that a foreigner was murdered when I was there so things happen but just use common sense and I'm sure all will be ok. Kyrgyz men are mostly complete dicks. I never made any male friends there. The problem is they love to drink but cannot handle the drink and then act tough and start shit,usually with someone smaller then them. Fortunately they can't fight and hence are little threat,just an annoying inconvenience. One thing you need to be prepared for is walking on the streets with your local girl. Numerous times I had local men,usually taxi drivers saying insulting stuff to the girl whilst we walked past. Calling her a prostitute or something and not realising I spoke enough Russian to understand. Bunch of knobs.

Right let's get down to the nitty griity...

The Women: The population is made up of about 90% Turkic races i.e the Kyrgyz themselves ( about 70% ) and then Uzbeks,Uyighurs,Dungans etc. making the other 20%. And about 10% Russian. Hence that makes Bishkek a poor choice if you are only interested in Russian/Slavic women since only 1 in every 10 women is Russian. From my experience the Russian women tend not to mix too much with the Kyrgyz. For example they tend to hang out in different places,go clubbing in different clubs so if you want to hit on Russian women then you need to think about which clubs to go to on the night out.

Lets discuss the two different races in regards to women and gaming them.

Kyrgyz Women: Kyrgyz women are an Asiatic looking race. In my opinion they are not the most attractive race as in you very rarely see a Kyrgyz 9 ( in fact 8's are not too common either ) but of course everyone finds different looks attractive. They usually have decent bodies and you don't see many overweight women. What they lack in stunning looks they make up for in their fun attitude and willingness to have sex. I found that a lot of them I met had deep insecurities about their looks, a theory I heard from a long time expat was that they are not as beautiful as the Russian women amongst them and they know it. This has led to an in built insecurity. I don't know if that is where the insecurity came from but of the women I met quite a few displayed insecurities about their looks. The students ( your prime target ) in Bishkek are generally poor. They come from families in provincial towns such as Naryn and move into two room apartments with 4 or 5 other girls and relying on tiny student stipends and money from home. Going to a club and drinking cocktails and partying is a big thing for a lot of these girls,this is a huge advantage for us men. The dating rules are the same as in Russia as in the man pays for the girl on the date. You pay for club entry,drinks or the meal if you have one. Nothing else. You don't buy presents,offer them money,help their sick grandmother. You do not ever sponsor a Kyrgyz girl. The way it usually worked for me with kyrgyz girls ( 5 of my 6 lays were with Kyrgyz ) was that I could lay the girl on the second date. The first date at a club was for me to show that I can afford to have fun and let the girl have fun. I'm not talking about spending big and buying endless drinks but rather treating the girl to a few cocktail and a something to eat. Once the girl has seen that you are capable of doing this and you invite her out again she knows that her end of the bargain is to return to your room with you. If she does not sleep with you after two nights out she probably never will and is using you. I saw it happen to a few friends who kept on hanging in there hoping to get laid eventually. Stupidity. Follow my two date rule and if she does not put out then cut her off. Once I slept with the girl I never needed to keep taking her to clubs to keep sleeping with her. Just a few drinks every now and then. I actually found them quite generous. A few times a girl I knew and her flatmates cooked me a meal and bought alcohol so we could all get to know each other at their apartment. It was a really sweet gesture and gave me an insight into the lives these girls lead and their mentality and thoughts about life,relationships etc. Sexually the Kyrgyz are not the most accomplished,as in I never had my brains fucked out by one,however they are willing to learn and try new things are not conservative and they have good appetites. They usually expected me to lead in bed I found ( again the girls I slept with were between 18-21 so it may just be that they were not as sexually confident at that age and that changes as they get older ). I enjoyed teaching them new things and had great times in bed with all my girls. I never found them to be overly possessive and when I did not return calls they always got the message and ceased trying. One time I was seen making out with a girl in a club by a girl I had slept with a couple of night previously. She gave me a dirty look but no more then that,no drinks thrown etc. Overall the Kyrgyz are a cracking bunch of women,I genuinely liked all of the ones I had relationships with and I had a lot of respect for them. Despite some hardships they remained childlike in their sense of fun and innocent outlook. I was very lucky to have slept with two who were true beauties,possibly in my top ten most attractive lays ever however on average they are not stunners. You don't walk down the street constantly turning to look at another passing hottie like you do in Kiev/Minsk etc. However if you go to the right places there are enough attractive ones to keep you happy for a few months.

Gaming Kyrgyz: I cannot emphasise enough how important dress is there. I can boil down what made me so much more successful with the local women then my younger better looking Western buddies to one thing: my clothes. You do not need a three piece suit but you should be giving off the idea that you have a certain affluence. My look was decent jeans,good smart shoes,a well fitted shirt,tie and suit jacket ( I wear mostly designer but that's just what I do anyway. There is no need to wear designer gear in Bishkek since the girls you meet have no idea about labels - just get well fitted and cut clothes ). This style that I rocked opened so many doors with the women. The thing is, we can see a guy in ripped jeans,scruffy Converse and t-shirt and know that the guy can still have spent a shit load of money on that outfit ( as in it's all designer ) or is scruffy but still has a bigger bank balance then me. However women in provincial parts of the FSU don't get that concept. To a Kyrgyz woman,if you dress like a tramp you are a tramp, end of story. Why would you dress like that if you could afford not to??! That's their logic so don't do it. Over dress in this part of the world,not under dress. It will reward you over and over. I would say the same with your hair/beard etc. keep it all neat and well trimmed,be well groomed. Secondly you need to imply or let them know that you are going to hang around for a while and hence give them the impression that there could possibly be a long term future between you both. Make any shit up if you have to but if you let it be known you are in town for a few days you're chances will diminish with the Kyrgyz. Another thing is that in my opinion you need to be direct with the women. I found that direct approaching and then escalating quickly worked best for me. You're a man and men fuck. They know that and so you don't need to hide your intentions or all that not 'conveying interest' too soon theory. I'm not saying go up to a girl and tell her you want to bend her over your washing machine in your apartment, but if you see someone you like,approach her tell her you like her and invite her out for a drink. Don't pussy foot around with these women. They come from a very macho culture ( the men ) and so anything else wastes time and does not always work as well. Again, this is not set in stone but is what worked for ME consistently. Lastly I found that unlike with Russian women where I find I have to suppress my outgoing slightly camp ( no homo [Image: icon_biggrin.gif] ) personality and play it a bit cooler and be more mysterious for want of a better word,with the Kyrgyz you should be as outgoing and fun as possible. Don't try to be cool, just get drunk and have a great time with them. You see, these girls lead monotonous lives in a crappy town and they know that they will most likely lead that life for ever. What they want is the chance to have fun and forget their lives for a night or a period of time. Give it to them. Be ultra talkative,approach everybody,be the party ( from reading his posts I think Mixx would do great in Bishkek with his attitude ) and you will get a lot of women approaching YOU. This worked for me so many times,not always with the 'cool crowd' in the Hollywood pub ( see later in my post ) or the Russian women but with the poorer students from the provinces. I tried to set up a lot of my friends who were not getting any action but I often heard the girls say that such and such a person was too boring. Don't be that person.

The Russians: I never met too many Russians to be honest and since I'd travelled to Russia,Belarus etc. a fair few times I decided to concentrate more on the Kyrgyz women during my stay. However I did spend a night with one and it emphasised the difference between the two races. I met an attractive Russian girl in a Russian pub ( Beer Loga ) and took her out to a club that night. Where as the Kyrgyz were somewhat insecure this girl was the complete opposite. Secure in her knowledge that the Slavs were the superior race ( her view not mine ) she revelled in her stature and natural beauty in a Kyrgyz club environment. We both got drunk,danced and then found ourselves in my bed together the same night. She was much more confident in bed too. I have little to add to the Slavic women debate as it's all been said on this forum before by people far more eloquent and informed then me.

Where to meet women: I won't give a long list of each club etc. just the ones where I had success.

The Metro Pub: This is the ex pat hang out in Bishkek. It's in the centre in an old theatre and is run by an English guy. It has Sky sports and decent food. It's a bar where a lot of Kyrgyz women who work for NGO's or multi nationals work since they come with their Western colleagues. You can do really well here but it's best used as a place to have a few drinks,get in with a crowd and then move with them all onto a club so that you can arrive at the club with some social proof.

Hollywood: This is a bar up past the Vefa Centre ( forget the name of the road ). It's a decent pub where you get tables full of Bishkek's better looking women. A lot of the women who come here are from the nomenklature families and hence are in no way desperate to meet a foreigner as they have wealth. However there are some stunners here and you can do well if you play it right. There are some nice looking Russian girls working here too who I never managed to get anywhere with but someone else might have better luck.

Beer Loga ( some call it 'Anton's' ): I discovered this place towards the end of my stay and wish I'd known about it before. It's in a basement opposite the Vefa Centre and is a cosy pub where only Russians seem to hang out. It's cheap,serves only beer or vodka pretty much,someone always has a guitar and is sitting in a corner singing a Viktor Tsoi song,it's like being in someone's house. Great place. If you only want Russian women then this is your best bet to meet them in a pub setting.

The Golden Bull: An institution in Bishkek. Kiev had the River Palace,Moscow has the Hungry Duck. Bishkek has the Golden Bull. It's almost exclusively Kyrgyz and foreigner. I had great times in here. Foreigners get in free and they all come here to get drunk,dance to western pop music and hopefully meet a future bed partner. You meet interesting people her: Turkish businessmen,US contractors from the air force base,international flight crews,gangsters,prostitutes,aggresively drunk Kyrgyz men and lots of Kyrgyz and Western women. If you can't get numbers or meet a girl here then you need to work on your game,a lot! Loved it here and spent most weekends in there meeting women. I'd heard that it was dangerous and there were fights all the time ( I only got into one in there ) but don't let that put you off. Get yourself suited and booted and go work your magic in there.

Metro Retro Club: A nightclub that is much more orderly then the Golden Bull. You get much fewer drunks here and hassle but it is more expensive. This is one of the few clubs where Russians and Kyrgyz both seem to come. I brought my dates here as it was just a bit less hectic and you could sit down and talk to your girl in peace without some drunken fool falling onto your table. Decent club,worth checking out.

So to sum up:

Will you get laid in Bishkek? If you stay there a week or more and dress right then I can't see how you wouldn't. Be outgoing and direct and you're guaranteed pretty much. If you went out every night with a decent wing you could rack up a huge number of lays if that's your thing. I'll be chasing Russian girls on the Cote d'Azur this summer but next winter I shall be back to explore the rest of the country. Can't wait!

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