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My Journey So Far

My Journey So Far

I honestly did not read your whole background story as it was extremely long and the way this forum is formatted it makes it difficult on the eyes.
But I do respect and appreciate you taking the time to share your wisdom. Thank you for that.

I'm just going to cut it down to the parts the most people browsing through will deem more beneficial to read and learn from.

Basically Just Don't Fall for any girls Traps.

[Image: a4b98dc8e988c8fd6858290ba7919f67.jpg]

Quote: (08-17-2015 02:58 AM)DeepGreen Wrote:  

Hello Everyone,

I am writing this in part as catharsis, and also because I hope that some of the younger guys will read it and be able to glean something useful from it, considering I have been through many of the things they have been through or will go through.

Some wisdom I would like to pass on, about various topics.

-There is no limit to what a woman will do sexually if you turn her on enough.
-Women will always be able to shock you with their nastiness, deception, and disloyalty. They always maintain the ability to outdo themselves.
-Women cannot be controlled, only limited.
-It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.
-The sting of an approach not made will always be worse than the temporary failure of a botched approach.
-We don’t live in a traditional world anymore. There are 7 billion+ people in the world, there will always be more than 50% women, even if it is only 50.001%. Treat women accordingly.
-A woman can only reject you once. Ultimately this is one of the greatest powers she has over you. Even if you get rejected when approaching, you reduce the amount of power she has over you.
-Every rejection makes you stronger.
-Never let a woman reject you more than once.
-Women will rationalize anything to themselves if it makes them feel good.
-You can feed a woman rationalizations to get what you want more easily.
-Women have no sense of accountability.
-Women only recognize something as a problem when it begins to affect them personally.
-Women are more obsessed with sex more than men because they know it is their greatest and only source of true power. Also, look at how much time they spend on makeup, hair product and nice clothes.
-Women prefer an uncaring halfassed lover preoccupied with his own pleasure over a caring beta who attends to their every need.
-If you are unable, or even worse, unwilling to make a girl cry you will never be able to elicit the strong emotions necessary to receive her affection.
-Be prepared to walk away from a woman at any moment for any reason and never be in contact with her again. This is how you will maintain hand/your sanity.
-All women are interchangeable and replaceable when you get down to it.
-Women will do everything they can to control you. The more you thwart them, the more they will want you. The more you acquiesce, the sooner they will look to replace you.
-Because nothing with women is guaranteed, and their nature is so fickle, the only thing you have total control over yourself, therefore the highest goal is to always act like the man you wish to become and not take any shit from anyone or compromise. Hence the importance of approaching, an abundance mentality, and being willing to walk away.
-Men get the women they deserve, and women get the men they deserve.
-Don’t bother over analyzing anything a woman does or says. You either got the bang or you didn’t.
-Women hold the keys to sex, men hold the keys to commitment. Guess which is harder to acquire in today’s world.
-A girl with a boyfriend will have no compunction demanding that you strap her into a straight-jacket with two hours of meeting her. Also, I may or may not have a straightjacket fetish now.
-99% of the time, boyfriends are for show, and no real obstacle/threat.
-99% of all tattoos/piercings have been cummed on.
-All women are like that.

-The biggest lie believed right now is that someone who is not you will want/know what is best for you better than you do. You know what is best for yourself, and no one will want for you what you want for yourself as much as you. That is why you have to be about you more than anyone else, because no one else will do it for you.
-Knowledge is Power. You can accomplish anything you set your mind to. If this does not simultaneously fill you with wonder, excitement, hope and terror, then you do not understand their full implications.
-Your life can change on a dime, and you can initiate this change if you have the will to do so.
-Success is not only a journey who’s path is paved with failure, it is a decision you make to not let anything discourage you or get in your way. Don’t believe me? Read up on Colonel Sander’s life.
-Whatever you do, be the best at it and there is no limit to what you can accomplish. Again see Colonel Sanders.
-If you wish to be successful in anything, prepare to be hated.
-Only take advice from someone if they meet one of these four requirements.
1. They have accomplished what you wish to accomplish.
2. They will be affected by the outcome of your actions.
3. They are actively helping you.
4. They have tried what you have tried.
-The best time to start was a year ago. The second best time is now.
-Refuse to back down, and you will be surprised how quickly the other person gives up.
-Persistence will take you farther than skill, raw talent, or even luck. In fact persistence is how you can most easily create luck for yourself.
-Consistency is Persistence’s twin.
-Champions are made when no one is looking.
-Greatness is impossible without obsession.
-Your life is the product of your actions and no one else’s.
-Countries/cities/neighborhoods are the products of their inhabitants. So if a certain place is a shithole, you know who is responsible.
-People get the leaders they deserve.
-Opportunity does not knock, it stumbles around blindly hoping someone will guide it.
-Who you think you are, and who you were are not who you have to be.
-Not trying is worse than giving up, and giving up is worse than failing.
-Unless you have proof, everything is just an assumption. This applies double to your limiting beliefs.
-Actions will always speak louder than words, and reveal the hypocrisy of others, as well as their greatest weaknesses.
-If someone doesn’t care about something that affects them, then you have no reason to care about it for them.
-Anything that can be measured can be improved. Anything that cannot be measured has associated metrics. Metrics can be measured.
-Everything begins with a single first step.
-Momentum and inertia are two of the most powerful forces in the universe, use them to your advantage.
-If you want to achieve your goals make them measurable, verifiable, set a deadline, and keep track of your progress. Always keep track, even if you have to right down zero for the day.
-Assume the sale. Go for the sale early. Go for the sale often.
-Make hay while the sun is up. Use whatever advantage you have in the moment to the fullest.
-Do not confuse the steps necessary to achieve your goal, or symbols of your goal for the goal itself.
-It’s called Game because it is supposed to be fun and enjoyable. If you cannot derive any enjoyment from simply practicing the Game itself, you need to change your Game.
-It is easier to change and improve yourself than it is to change the world.
-You have the power to create the life you want to live, and be the person you want to be.
-You already have everything you need to begin your journey to accomplish everything you want.
-This is the easiest/fastest to implement and has the most immediate/far reaching benefits. People will treat you according to how you are dressed. The better dressed you are the more you can get away with and people will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the best about you more frequently. Also, it’s one less thing to worry about.

I know this was long, God knows it took me a while to write it, but I hope this was helpful and entertaining. I feel this was mostly for my one benefit because now that I have articulated this I no longer have to carry this weight.

Stay awesome, everybody!!!

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