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WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

The comments are promising.


How to find a feminist boyfriend

By Lisa Bonos January 2 at 5:20 PM

Lisa Bonos is Outlook’s assistant editor. Follow her on Twitter: @lisabonos.

[Image: fu_mr_rogers.gif]

“I find it really attractive how successful you are,” my date said, leaning in for a kiss.

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Sure, it sounds like a line. But it also sounds like feminism. It certainly made him more appealing than the guy who said, “Wow, you’re really ambitious,” like he was surprised. Or the one who asked, “Why do you work so much?” and “Why would you want to work even more?” when I was angling for a promotion.

It didn’t work out with any of those men, but going out with them made it all the more obvious to me what I want a partner to be: cute, smart, funny and . . . yes, feminist. So go ahead, alert Susan Patton, Lori Gottlieb and the rest of the get-married-already crowd: A 30-something single woman, eggs unfrozen, is telling other single women that they should dare to want it all if they ever hope to have it all.

[Image: womanhamster.gif]

Define what you’re looking for.

Is he a feminist if he proclaims, on a first date, that he could see himself taking his wife’s last name?

[Image: dsnt.gif]

(Maybe his own name is pretty generic.) If he insists on doing the dishes after you’ve cooked dinner together but proceeds to whip the dish towel at your ass, is that playful or objectifying? (Both.) Is he sexist if he cancels an Uber ride because a female driver is on her way to pick the two of you up? (Definitely.)

Of course, way too many guys think they’re feminists but don’t live up to it. A true male feminist is supportive of, interested in and enthusiastic about his partner’s career. He might not expect to earn more than his partner or think that his career trumps hers; a feminist couple might relocate for the woman’s career. Things are moving in this direction: A 2014 study by the moving company Mayflower found that 72 percent of millennials would move for a female spouse’s job, compared with 59 percent of baby boomers.

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Minkowitz thinks that sometimes straight people fear that if they try to have an egalitarian relationship, sexual attraction will suffer. “That’s an unnecessary worry,” she says, “because you can still admire the way a person is masculine or feminine without buying into a whole socioeconomic package that goes along with that.”

[Image: giphy.gif]

“If you’re a woman who wants a man to grab you and kiss you because that’s what sweeps you off your feet, realistically, a feminist man is not going to do that,” says Rita Goodroe, a 38-year-old life coach in Northern Virginia who works mostly with singles. “He’s going to ask for permission.”

I’d rather have permission than confusion.

[Image: trololo-o.gif]

A feminist dater or boyfriend (and yes, feminists have boyfriends) is aware of the ways women have traditionally been held back, by others and by our own accord, and actively pushes against that. He’s sensitive to the fact that women’s bodies are frequently judged, abused and legislated, and takes no part in that. He gets it.

[Image: BIpZU.jpg]

Take care of those titties for me.

WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

Part II


Singles have heard years of married-splaining from Sheryl Sandberg, Anne-Marie Slaughter and others about how you should “make your partner a real partner.” Yes, we know that couples who share housework have better sex lives and that the idea of a man down-shifting his career while his wife takes on more responsibilities at work is more rational than radical.

[Image: fuckthat.gif]

As an experiment, Megan Downey, a 24-year-old social marketing specialist in Washington, has a very succinct Tinder profile: a few pictures of herself and the word “feminist.”

“I was just wondering if there were men out there who were not afraid of the word ‘feminist,’ ” she tells me.

Downey says she heard from one or two guys who wanted to fight about what the word meant.

[Image: clap2.gif]

And then she found one who wasn’t afraid of the F-bomb: A man wrote to her that it was “great to see a feminist on Tinder” — he self-identifies as a Marxist feminist and has studied the history of gender inequality and how it has affected the economy, she says. They saw each other for about three months.

[Image: 80e547fdf601bf1d18d45e081024a401.jpg]

Laurie Davis, the founder of eFlirt, an online-dating consulting company, says there’s been a shift in how people refer to their ideal partners in online profiles. “I see people allude to feminist traits in their profiles,” she says, such as men seeking women who are “independent or similarly successful” — or listing “Lean In” as a book they’ve read recently.

[Image: facepalm2.gif]

Sometimes the signs of a person’s worldview are more subtle. When I spoke to Samhita Mukhopadhyay, a former executive editor of and the author of “Outdated: Why Dating Is Ruining Your Love Life,” she complained about men’s online profiles that list their favorite musicians and writers, but don’t include a single woman. “Everyone loves Thomas Pynchon,” she said. “It’s like: Do you know that women make art, too?”

[Image: jordan.gif]

In fact, I was so bold when it came to love that when I was having trouble mustering the chutzpah to apply for a promotion a few years ago, a friend said to me, “Lisa, if this job were a guy, you would’ve gone on a first date already.”

That was all it took for my workplace assertiveness to kick in.
For other women, though, it might be the other way around.

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[email protected]

Take care of those titties for me.

WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

Haha, nicely done on the gifs. The hilary one makes me want to smash a baseball bat into her face.

WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

Why don't you all go die you evil, narcissistic, feelgood fascist Feminist bastards???

WTF is a "Feminist boyfriend"? Why would any man admit to this given what's been going on recently?

Washington Post continues to decline despite itself.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

GIF game started strong, then faded.

[Image: dodgy.gif]

Just kidding!

The most striking aspect of feminism is how they engage in "marxist and feminist" critiques of the free market and capitalism...then the rest of their ideology is aimed at ensuring women do their damnest to be better practicing capitalists.

If women and feminists are so comfortable with their career decisions, why do they need men to constantly approve and sanction their decisions? Maybe they are afraid of something?

[Image: catlady.gif]

Quote:Old Chinese Man Wrote:  
why you wonder how many man another man bang? why you care who bang who mr high school drama man

WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

Quote: (01-03-2015 12:42 AM)Dusty Wrote:  

And then she found one who wasn’t afraid of the F-bomb: A man wrote to her that it was “great to see a feminist on Tinder” — he self-identifies as a Marxist feminist and has studied the history of gender inequality and how it has affected the economy, she says. They saw each other for about three months.

[Image: 80e547fdf601bf1d18d45e081024a401.jpg]

Disagree with your pic here if you're implying that the guy is a eunuch. It's his strategy to get it on, and it worked for him.

Dudes are finding their place in the ecosystem however they can. If they're low-T white people in the USA, they go full SJW and hope to get status and access to uterus from time to time. Yes we might think they're pathetic and despicable, but I can appreciate the Darwinism at play here.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

Quote: (01-03-2015 01:05 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

Disagree with your pic here if you're implying that the guy is a eunuch. It's his strategy to get it on, and it worked for him.

She's obese.

Take care of those titties for me.

WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

Quote: (01-03-2015 01:16 AM)Dusty Wrote:  

Quote: (01-03-2015 01:05 AM)RawGod Wrote:  

Disagree with your pic here if you're implying that the guy is a eunuch. It's his strategy to get it on, and it worked for him.

She's obese.

That's called assortative mating...let the hogs and near-chromosomal failures find true love together!

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

The comments:


The primary drivers for the funding of early feminism were the factory owners who saw $$$$ in the extra work, and extra buying, of single women.


Fortunately, people who worry excessively about this will breed themselves out of the race.


Will these feminazis start spewing out imaginary charges of being raped 10 years ago soon?

Apt comment taken from


Feminism in general peaked in 2014. Due to inertia, trains take a long time to stop once the brake is engaged, but the brake has been engaged on the feminist train and 2015 starts the decline of it. All their ridiculous ideas, including rape culture and job inequities, will one by one start to fall by the wayside.

Liberalism in general follows the same path. People are tired of it. All the multicultural, tolerance for everyone except white people, political correctness, welfare state BS is wearing on the average, normal, working people of all types who actually drive and power the economy.

May take a while to completely stop and reverse the direction of the train, but the brakes are on at least. Gotta start somewhere.


WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

The comments are almost all against this bullshit article:


I've known a fair number of what one might call 'feminist' men, and I'm pretty sure that 9 of 10 were doing it because they thought it was a good way to get laid.


Every time I hear a woman lecturing people about being a "feminist," it's usually followed by some diatribe about how abortion is really a great thing. That's just sickening and grossly unattractive. Most men outside of the East Coast really don't want to hear a woman telling them about how she wants the right to exterminate their children. Of course there are plenty of men for whom this is not only no problem but even music to their ears, and then these "feminist" women wonder why they are thrice-divorced and doped up on Prozac by age 50.


Ms. Bonos wrote the following opening lines:


“I find it really attractive how successful you are,” my date said, leaning in for a kiss.

Sure, it sounds like a line. But it also sounds like feminism.


Ms. Bonos had failed to recognize that the dude was "smart" enough to dangle a line --a fishing line-- which, he knew, would make Ms. Bonos bite the bait and give him what he was interested in: the pleasure of his lips meeting the lips of Ms. Bonos, hopefully followed before too long by graduation to the ultimate pleasure. (Then he could move on to catching other fish with "suitable" baits.)


I have a feeling that most men do not relate to this. The feminist man is the "purple squirrel"


s this a serious article? It cannot be.

"“I find it really attractive how successful you are,” my date said, leaning in for a kiss."

See? No way this is a serious article. Is it April 1st already?


Your lack of children has allowed you a grand vocabulary and a great number of threaded together sentences (or so the myth would like you to believe).
I say bully to you, so long as you understand two things:
The Europeans and the Japanese are the only cultures actively under-populating the world by choice.
The primary drivers for the funding of early feminism were the factory owners who saw $$$$ in the extra work, and extra buying, of single women.

Take care of those titties for me.

WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

There is one major point that's being missed by the commenters on that article and here. It's a point that's so obvious, yet so hard to see because it's being obscured by the "frame" she's introduced in her article.

Allow me to reframe: The Washington Post has someone that's admittedly this biased and ideologically-driven editing their editorial page.

Yes, they're a "liberal" paper to us, but once upon a time they at least tried to give the appearance of being unbiased. Guess that's over


That said, I'll play into her frame. I, too, once used lines like "I find it really attractive how successful you are." The lines worked. For one thing, I ended up dating one of the leading (and hottest) feminists of the '90s -- now a big shot DC lawyer. Was I feminist? Haha. I was when she was with me! I'd have also said I was a commie, a Buddhist, and a Manson follower -- and would have believed that at the time, as my 24-year-old hormones hijacked my brain.

Except I used a better variation. When she used to froth at the mouth about this or that issue, I'd say things like "You're sexy when you're angry." Worked like a charm. Feel free to steal that. That would be poetic justice since I stole the concept of the line from this old Joe Jackson song, which she reminded me of.

WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

Nothing that this woman says would be bad if this sort of behaviour genuinely actually caused her to love him and be sexually attracted to him. But we all know that it doesn't. Being in total denial of her own preferences and their destructive effects is the main problem about her, not her preferences itself.

She's the classic scorpion from the frog & the scorpion story.

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WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend


Which brings us back to that elusive feminist boyfriend. If the feminist man is all about blending strength and sensitivity, balancing traditionally masculine traits with traditionally feminine ones, it’s a balance women are also trying to navigate.

On that I quote a current divorce fantasy TV series:

[Image: attachment.jpg23839]   

Women don't want to fuck those men and have dated too many exciting Alphas to be satisfied with that feminist boyfriend.

And doing the dishes does not make you sexy - they even admit to it themselves. Here a funny compilation by Rollo Tomassi, where the same journalists claimed in 2008 that household chores will get you sex and then in 2013 suddenly wrote an article that men should not do chores, as women find that to be a turn-off.

WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

I hear they can find feminist men over at r/pegging

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WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

One of the author's latest tweets:

[Image: USHC1QB.png?1]

Was this "interesting" to you? It wasn't "interesting" to me! Or, I suspect, to any other man who's managed to touch a boob in his life.

What IS interesting to me is how little these self-styled sex / relationship experts know about sex or relationships.

I spent most of this year as "friends with benefits" with a girl who writes for Jezebel (yeah, that Jezebel), and publishes about sex and relationships in a few other well-known places. This chick was autism-level in her cluelessness about how relationships function, and yet she makes a comfortable living writing about exactly that topic. She's young, thin, and has a nice ass, so guys hit on her, which she took as evidence of her sexual expertise. Truly the embodiment of "being born on third and thinking you hit a triple."

Come to think of it, that could make for an interesting RoK article...

WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

This broad only need to step outside to appease her hamster since most American men are feminist's best friend.

"I have refused to wear a condom all of my life, for a simple reason – if I’m going to masturbate into a balloon why would I need a woman?"

WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

The article should be titled:

How To Find A Faggot Boyfriend

Now, I'll remind everyone I have nothing against the gays. But I do want to repurpose the term 'faggot' to describe any man that would describe himself as a feminist.

The whole article can be summed up as yet another "I'm so awesome based on feminist standards yet no one desirable wants to fuck me. It's because men are so shallow and awful".

These articles are all the same, just written in a different, albeit always hilarious, way.

WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

I live in San Francisco, probably the most liberal place in the US (I'm including the whole metro which includes places like Berkeley). You'd be surprised at how the guys here (especially the young guys) reject this kind of feminist bullshit. Most guys I know in SF are more like us than the guys portrayed in this article.They want slim and feminine women who are agreeable. They get turned off by the "lean in" types. They may respect a girl for her career accomplishments, but it does not turn them on sexually. The broads who are too aggressive in their career pursuits end up as spinsters (even the hot ones).

Of course I could be like the NY Times columnist who said "How did Nixon win, none of my friends voted for him?"

Nonetheless, I think this article is hype and trying to push a rope. In other words, trying to ignite some wave whereby guys are going to be sexually turned on by feminism by pretending it is already happening.

[Image: catlady.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.

WAPO opinion article: How to find a feminist boyfriend

Quote: (01-03-2015 12:41 AM)Dusty Wrote:  

A true male feminist is supportive of, interested in and enthusiastic about his partner’s career.

Another woman defining her life and intrinsic value by how much money she makes for someone else. Somewhere, the Last Psychiatrist is crying into his rum.

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