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Officer Writes Ticket, Asks Chick Out, Gets Sued - jariel - 01-06-2012


A Chicago police officer allegedly turned a $132 speeding ticket into a pick-up opportunity when he later tracked down the female driver and asked her out, saying the least he could do for the money he cost her was to treat her to dinner, according to a lawsuit the woman filed in federal court.

Evagelina Paredes filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Chicago, accusing police officer Chris Collins of violating her privacy, according to the Associated Press. She alleges that after she was ticketed on Oct. 22, Collins searched for her address in the motor-vehicle database and left a handwritten note on the windshield of her car, which was parked outside her apartment in the Chicago suburb of Stickney, asking her out on a date.

In the note, a copy of which appeared was included in the court documents and was obtained by the Associated Press, the 27-year-old police officer tried to woo the female driver with humor and a seemingly heartfelt plea.

"It's Chris … that ugly bald Stickney cop who gave you that ticket. … I know this may seem crazy and you're probably right, but truth is I have not stopped thinking about you since. I don't expect a girl as attractive as you to … even go for a guy like me, but I'm taking a shot anyways."

"I did cost you $132 - least I can do is buy you dinner," the note reportedly read.

Weak sauce from dude, but chick is claiming pain and suffering, she's obviously broke.

Officer Writes Ticket, Asks Chick Out, Gets Sued - Cr33pin - 01-06-2012

Quote: (01-06-2012 01:18 PM)jariel Wrote:  

"It's Chris … that ugly bald Stickney cop who gave you that ticket. … I know this may seem crazy and you're probably right, but truth is I have not stopped thinking about you since. I don't expect a girl as attractive as you to … even go for a guy like me, but I'm taking a shot anyways."

"I did cost you $132 - least I can do is buy you dinner," the note reportedly read.

No confidence.... Not very Alpha of him

Officer Writes Ticket, Asks Chick Out, Gets Sued - Giovonny - 01-06-2012

She is probably suing him because he is such a pussy.

If he would have asked her out like a man, she might have dated him.

But stalking her, going to her house and leaving a note on her car. That is some desperate beta shit. She lost all respect for his manhood right there.

And that note..

I don't expect a girl as attractive as you to … even go for a guy like me, but I'm taking a shot anyways."


Officer Writes Ticket, Asks Chick Out, Gets Sued - MiXX - 01-06-2012

We all know that cops are the most beta mofos in the world of law enforcement when it comes to women. Sure thay act very alpha when writing a ticket as they speed through streets in their dept. Harley bikes acting all bad-ass, but when it comes to women, beta shit like you read above is what they spit. They rely on badge-huggers for sex, and hope every woman will offer them sex (most do sadly to get out of a ticket).

I wish there was a way we can get that cops picture so we can create a facebook page and laugh at his ass and humiliate him even more!


Officer Writes Ticket, Asks Chick Out, Gets Sued - Menace - 01-06-2012

Baseless law suit. Just file a 12(b)(6) motion and have it dismissed with prejudice.

Officer Writes Ticket, Asks Chick Out, Gets Sued - Excelsior - 01-06-2012


"It's Chris … that ugly bald Stickney cop who gave you that ticket. … I know this may seem crazy and you're probably right, but truth is I have not stopped thinking about you since. I don't expect a girl as attractive as you to … even go for a guy like me, but I'm taking a shot anyways."

"I did cost you $132 - least I can do is buy you dinner," the note reportedly read.

Jeez, hate yourself some more dude.

Betas just can't get it through their heads that self-deprecation to this extent is not endearing to women-it is disgusting to them.
They're hypergamous-they want to date up. Intentionally signalling that you are below them is a kamikaze strategy... know what, nevermind. Let them keep trying this type of thing. Less competition for me.

Officer Writes Ticket, Asks Chick Out, Gets Sued - JayMillz - 01-06-2012

Once I cashed my check at my bank and the teller called me at my office 15 minutes later and asked me out. When I later asked her what made her call me, she said she was turned on by me telling her she could give me my money "anyway you want to." At the time I thought it was a little creepy that she went into my file to get my personal information and called, but it was a turn on at the same time and we fooled around for a couple of months.

I say all of this to say, this dude acted creepy in the way he went about it. At the same time, the babe is over reacting. He might be subject to disciplinary action.

Officer Writes Ticket, Asks Chick Out, Gets Sued - MiXX - 01-06-2012

Quote: (01-06-2012 05:34 PM)JayMillz Wrote:  

I say all of this to say, this dude acted creepy in the way he went about it. At the same time, the babe is over reacting. He might be subject to disciplinary action.

And in law enforcement jobs, DA means 2 weeks off with full pay that does not count towards your PTO. [Image: dodgy.gif]


Officer Writes Ticket, Asks Chick Out, Gets Sued - Screwston - 01-06-2012

Smells like bacon in here...dumbass cop.

Officer Writes Ticket, Asks Chick Out, Gets Sued - BortimusPrime - 01-06-2012

Fucking double standards. Last time I got pulled over and I asked the cop if there was a baton in his pocket or if he was happy to see me he got all pissed off.

Officer Writes Ticket, Asks Chick Out, Gets Sued - WanderingSoul - 01-06-2012

Fuckin cops, my least favorite people ever. Cops a pussy and super creepy, and the bitch is a gold digging whore.

Does remind me of a good story though. My ex worked at Jamba Juice in college. A cop come in and got a smoothie that she made. Dude comes in a week later saying the girl who made it (my ex) poisoned him and he wanted her phone number and home address. Her boss refused and said they could have a meeting next door at Starbucks if he wanted, with her boss present. My girl showed up with her boss but the cop never did. Of course my ex didn't poison the guy. Who knows what the fuck happened, but the guy was obviously psycho and abusing his power. If he really thought she poisoned him then showing up at her work to get her personal info is not the way to handle it. You're a cop bro, follow the fucking procedures and file a report and move from there. I think the cop ended up looking her up, getting her number, and calling her. I told her no fucking way will she meet the guy and if he calls again to file a complaint and restraining order.

Fuckin cops, hate them so much lol.

Officer Writes Ticket, Asks Chick Out, Gets Sued - jariel - 01-06-2012

One of the problems here is that part of this dude thought that what he was doing would somehow be seen as romantic.

Instead, its seen as classic stalker behavior.

And I figured she was broke:


"This is a single mother. This is someone who doesn't have someone in her home to protect her against an intruder," the woman's attorney told the local Fox affiliate. "And in particular, an intruder who has the force of law behind him."

She's a single mom and she's latin, just add water, she's broke.

The last time I posted one of these cop stories, it was the guy in Miami who pretended to be a cop, pulled a chick over, and since she had a suspended license and wanted to avoid jail, she agreed to have sex with him at a notel.

The problem for him came when the chick served up some good pussy and he ended up blowing up her phone afterwards. She thought his behavior was strange for a cop, and found out he wasn't really a police officer, and he ended up going to jail.