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Beta Friends: More Women For Me - Hencredible Casanova - 01-01-2012

A buddy of mine just got out of a LTR that is too much detail to go into, but what I can say is it was definitely an emasculating experience for him; he moved to another state for the chick, but he's now back in DC intent on meeting chicks in this city. I've known him for a couple of years now via a mutual friend, but I didn't know him well enough to know whether he's formally studied game so I raised the question. I learned he was familiar with Neil Strauss and mentioned some concepts so I decided to introduce him to the forum and to Roosh's blog. This friend has traveled quite a bit so I was sure he would appreciate the many insights from this source of exceptional info.

Anyway, fast forward to last night when we run into each other at a NYE house party. I asked him what he thought about the Roosh stuff and he said he read a lot of the posts and articles going back a couple years, but concluded that he's fundamentally a relationship kind of guy [Image: undecided.gif]

One of his friends, a fellow lawyer, hears the conversation and says "Is this that guy [Roosh] from DC, kinda Indian/Middle Eastern looking, who talks about how to game women?" I don't say anything and he continues on saying how he met a girl who brought up Roosh's site and how him and her had sex based on what he said in that conversation. He mentioned some details that might have suggested this girl knew Roosh or knew of girls who knew him, but I ended up drinking way too much to remember what was said. All I know is I was left with the impression of how DC can be a small world.

Nonetheless, I really don't understand how guys don't see the inherent wisdom from this community and from Roosh's contributions after they've been shown the light. It's almost as if they are volunteering themselves to allow women to continue emasculating them and robbing them of any remnant of pride in manhood they may have left.

To the gentlemen reading this, consider us the last of a dying breed.

Beta Friends: More Women For Me - Timoteo - 01-01-2012

What men don't seem to understand is that game is crucial within LTRs also. Any number of principles of game can be applied, and frankly SHOULD be applied to assure that your chick doesn't take full possession of your nuts. Men can have healthy relationships, and get chicks to work for YOUR happiness if you keep them on their toes with game.

Beta Friends: More Women For Me - Hencredible Casanova - 01-01-2012

Quote: (01-01-2012 10:49 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

What men don't seem to understand is that game is crucial within LTRs also. Any number of principles of game can be applied, and frankly SHOULD be applied to assure that your chick doesn't take full possession of your nuts. Men can have healthy relationships, and get chicks to work for YOUR happiness if you keep them on their toes with game.

That was my exact sentiment. Game and LTR aren't mutually exclusive camps. Game applies to any kind of situation involving women. Hell, its influence reaches into other areas as well (career/work, friendships, relationships) and anything else that calls for self-confidence, strategy, and overall "alphaness" in order to succeed.

Beta Friends: More Women For Me - scotian - 01-01-2012

I'm so glad I found this site and am getting more into the game mentality, I also like hearing other people's stories about that crazy things they've done in the past, the wild travel adventures, etc. Makes me happy to realize that I"m not alone in my desire to travel, meet new people (especially girls!) and do interesting things, you guys rock!

However, its not for everyone and I try not to judge others (I just fell sorry for them). I just know that so many of my friends are jealous of me when I post shit on facebook about the crazy times I have and some of the hot women I take pics with and post, too bad they bought the whole college-marriage-house-kids deal, hook line and sinker before they really had a chance to enjoy what life is all about. Oh well, to each his own!

Beta Friends: More Women For Me - Private Man - 01-02-2012

Long term relationship Game?

Athol Kay.

Roosh/Roissy to get 'em.

Athol Kay to keep 'em:

You're welcome.

Beta Friends: More Women For Me - blurb - 01-02-2012

Quote: (01-01-2012 11:09 PM)scotian Wrote:  

too bad they bought the whole college-marriage-house-kids deal, hook line and sinker before they really had a chance to enjoy what life is all about. Oh well, to each his own!

Beware of false prophets.

Don't take advice from people who have nothing to lose from the decisions you make.

I almost bought into the whole marriage-house-kids deal ripoff too. If it weren't for stumbling onto the Manosphere, I shudder to think of where I would be in the future.

I feel sorry for those guys who are clueless. They have bought into a lie without knowing it. They have been conned into giving up their most precious resources (money, energy, and most importantly, time).


They've been swindled; and that's a nasty thing to do to the young and naive.

Beta Friends: More Women For Me - Basil Ransom - 01-02-2012

I had similar thoughts recently. I came to the conclusion that American men see submission to the woman as the natural order of things. We're told from birth that saying yes to her every whim is the solution to all relationship problems, and the only one. Sure, you should pick a reasonable woman, the thinking goes, but you still ultimately have to acquiesce to her.

I met up with a friend who's usually out of town, and started connecting the dots... at every point in his life, he enslaves himself to something. First it was his mother, now it's an education to make lots of money so that people will think he's cool, and a dog that he worships. He just needs to be someone's or something's bitch. That's what satisfies him.

But he's an outlier. I don't get that vibe from most American men. They just want a successful relationship without a fight, so they take the path of least resistance, and become a doormat. And that's supposed to be the heart of the success of any relationship. "Communication." She bitches, he obeys.

Beta Friends: More Women For Me - Chad Daring - 01-02-2012

Everyone else already said it, but the idea that you HAVE to be fucking multiple girls to be a player/alpha is a stigma thats worth attacking. I consider myself a relationship guy as well, doesn't mean I dont fully apply game principles to girls I date to get the most out of them. I've got other things to do then chase done new notches just for the hell of it.