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Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - Donald Duck - 12-31-2011

A young musician hanged himself after a girl he had become infatuated with removed him as a ‘friend’ on Facebook.

Simon Foxley, 21, became interested in the girl after meeting her on the social networking site.

But when he told her of his romantic feelings, she ‘unfriended’ him – removing him from the list of people who could view her profile page and photographs.

When he frantically tried to get back in contact with the girl, her friends began bombarding him with abusive messages telling him to leave her alone.

Hours after reading one of the messages – which ended with the words: ‘Go and die’ – the music student from Hyde, in Gloucestershire, hanged himself in the garden of the family home.

His body was found by his father Graham, 56, and his 18-year-old brother, David.

Yesterday, his devastated family said that being ‘unfriended’ and bullied on Facebook had been ‘the final straw’ for the talented drummer – who they described as a ‘shy’ and ‘sensitive’ boy.

His mother, Diane Foxley, 55, said: ‘Simon suffered from a lack of confidence, but we were making real progress with him.

‘We just didn’t teach him what girls could be like occasionally. He was down about it – then he got the Facebook messages.’

Mr Foxley’s family told how the 21- year-old had become infatuated with the girl after corresponding with her over Facebook.

The pair had exchanged ‘thousands’ of messages, but never met in person and were not boyfriend and girlfriend.

It is thought the girl removed Mr Foxley from her list of Facebook ‘friends’ after he confessed that he was in love with her – feelings she did not share.

Mr Foxley, described as a ‘shy, sensitive lad’ who ‘always put others first’, then began to receive threatening messages from her male friends warning him to stay away from her.

His family said the final message, which told Mr Foxley to ‘go and die’, had finally made his mind up.

His father Graham Foxley said: ‘He had been thinking of it [suicide] previously, and obviously that comment led him to do it that night.’

Mrs Foxley, a librarian, appealed to young people to be aware of the dangers of cyber-bullying.

‘The boys that made those comments to Simon would not have done it face-to-face,’ she said. ‘It was only because it was over the internet. They were trying to warn Simon off but they did not realise how sensitive he was.

‘If they could have seen him, then they would see that if he was told something he would go and do it.

‘Being told to go and die was the final straw. I would say to anyone, please be aware of the dangers of social networking sites and keep an eye on your sensitive young people.

‘We do not want another family to go through this hell.’

Before killing himself, Mr Foxley wrote a suicide note to the girl and his family.

He also left a will he had written himself, and had carefully laid his wallet out on the desk in his bedroom.

In his suicide note, he wrote: ‘Thank you for everything that you have done for me.

‘I hope you all make the most of your lives and cherish the people and the moments you share with them.

‘I can’t say sorry enough times for it to be the slightest bit good.’

His family said Mr Foxley had been insecure about his small stature, slow physical development and acne.

But they said he was slowly becoming more confident and had started a foundation degree in music at the Academy of Music and Sound in Swindon just a few weeks before he was found dead in the early hours of September 21.

Mr Foxley’s mother said she did not want any criminal investigation into the messages – but wanted to spread the word about the hurt they could cause. Recording a verdict of suicide, Deputy Gloucestershire Coroner David Dooley described the online messages as ‘heartbreaking’.

Simon’s brother David said: ‘We had so much in common and we shared so many moments growing up, we would always be there for each other.

‘He was one of the lucky ones who could have had a career in something he loved.

‘He is an inspiration to us all and will forever have a place in my heart.’

More than 570 friends and family joined the Facebook page ‘RIP Simon Paul Foxley’ in the wake of his death.

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Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - Beyond Borders - 12-31-2011

That's heartbreaking for sure. But to have someone's message to on FB saying go and die be the final straw means you definitely have some issues already.

Sad nonetheless.

Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - pitt - 12-31-2011

I think some people give a fuck a lot. I had many girls deleting my msn before in my younger years but did i really give a fuck? NO..i think most of people live unhappy lives because they give a fuck a lot..i clearly dont give a fuck and its been a great tool for my happiness.

Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - soup - 12-31-2011

This sucks. There are so many useless things that are taught in high school, but proper socialization (ie. game-class for guys), one of the most important things in life, is left out.

Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - Riker - 12-31-2011

I wonder how that person that put go and die feels now.

Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - alchemist - 12-31-2011

Quote: (12-31-2011 11:22 AM)soup Wrote:  

This sucks. There are so many useless things that are taught in high school, but proper socialization (ie. game-class for guys), one of the most important things in life, is left out.

So true. This story is an extreme but unfortunately not isolated example of the consequences of many unhealthy trends in modern western society. No doubt this guy's parents and teachers were well-meaning and brought him up to be nice, caring and sensitive but this left him woefully unprepared for life and the realities of human relations. If you're a well-meaning young guy and you follow the advice of your elders only to find it results in rejection and ridicule, bitterness and low self-esteem are naturally going to follow. Some guys are smart or lucky enough to recognise the direct correlation between their behaviour and their results and change their attitudes accordingly but it's also easy to choose the wrong path as we see with this guy here.

Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - Excelsior - 12-31-2011

Quote: (12-31-2011 07:52 AM)Donald Duck Wrote:  

We just didn’t teach him what girls could be like occasionally. He was down about it – then he got the Facebook messages.’

There you go. The story of millions of men around the western world-clueless about women.
Some of them will pay the ultimate price for this ignorance.

Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - speakeasy - 12-31-2011

He didn't kill himself over that girl. That was just the catalyst, the tip of the iceberg. He had to have had a myriad of other issues eating him alive to get to that point. She was just the tipping point.

Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - Timoteo - 12-31-2011

"Yesterday, his devastated family said that being ‘unfriended’ and bullied on Facebook had been ‘the final straw’ for the talented drummer – who they described as a ‘shy’ and ‘sensitive’ boy."

This is it right here. He was a troubled young person, and this last disappointment pushed him over the edge. I don't blame the girl for unfriending him...he probably made her feel extremely uncomfortable. But the whiteknighting and threats is where it goes overboard. His mom is right - people with cybercourage write things they'd never say in person.

In all the years I've been goofing around on the internet, I've always tried to remember that it's a real person on the other end I'm dealing with. Every now and then you'll run into a person that you feel is taking your "friendship" a bit too seriously, and developing certain feelings. Some people are on the internet because they live in a place where they are physically isolated, while others are emotionally or mentally isolated like this guy, who have a hard time socializing normally.

Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - Saladin - 12-31-2011

Quote: (12-31-2011 12:11 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

He didn't kill himself over that girl. That was just the catalyst, the tip of the iceberg. He had to have had a myriad of other issues eating him alive to get to that point. She was just the tipping point.

Exactly. There's no way anyone would kill themselves over a girl unless they have massive issues that were already making life hell for him.

Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - Samseau - 12-31-2011

Quote: (12-31-2011 12:11 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

He didn't kill himself over that girl. That was just the catalyst, the tip of the iceberg. He had to have had a myriad of other issues eating him alive to get to that point. She was just the tipping point.

Truth. But it's still sad he killed because of a worthless girl.

It's almost like the beta who never believed he'd never enter the genepool and just off'd himself.

Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - Only One Man - 12-31-2011

Poor kid. I guess I'll never understand why some people take things so seriously that they decide to end it all. Nobody is really to blame in this situation it's just kinda one of those tragic things that happens. The kids who threatened him and stuff definitely crossed the line, but for every person that kills themselves over that kind of stuff, there's a million that don't. It sucks for the girl, too, as I'm sure this will haunt her for the rest of her life. The dad said the kid had talked about suicide before right? Maybe they should have done more about that although it's pretty easy to say that in hindsight. It's just a terrible situation for everyone involved and I don't know if there's really anything society or anyone can do about this kind of thing.

Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - Saladin - 12-31-2011

Quote: (12-31-2011 03:16 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (12-31-2011 12:11 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

He didn't kill himself over that girl. That was just the catalyst, the tip of the iceberg. He had to have had a myriad of other issues eating him alive to get to that point. She was just the tipping point.

Truth. But it's still sad he killed because of a worthless girl.

It's almost like the beta who never believed he'd never enter the genepool and just off'd himself.

Reminded me of this video.

Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - Deluge - 01-01-2012

Quote: (12-31-2011 04:41 PM)torontokid Wrote:  

Quote: (12-31-2011 03:16 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (12-31-2011 12:11 PM)speakeasy Wrote:  

He didn't kill himself over that girl. That was just the catalyst, the tip of the iceberg. He had to have had a myriad of other issues eating him alive to get to that point. She was just the tipping point.

Truth. But it's still sad he killed because of a worthless girl.

It's almost like the beta who never believed he'd never enter the genepool and just off'd himself.

Reminded me of this video.

LOL don't remind of me that torontokid bahaha. Actually, they should make that video required viewing for everyone joining the forum.

Side note: I think fathers have a responsibility to raise their sons with game so they can avoid the pitfalls a lot of us go through in our teens and even into our twenties. And if you don't have sons yourself, then your nephews etc.

Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - Magnum - 01-01-2012

Very sad.The worst part is,oftentimes the girl and her cunt friends wont even give a fuck.I know a few guys who topped themslves over girlfriends/wives ect.

The bitches are usually so devestated that they have to go out and bang 3 new guys just to get over it!

It's a good lesson...You cant ever let yourself get to the point where you are relying on any other humans validation just to make life worth living.

If a chick dont like you,fuck her..theres another 3.5 billion of em' out there.

RIP Simon.

Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - scotian - 01-01-2012

Sad story for sure, I can't imagine being that depressed and obsessed over a girl!

Maybe its because I have a sister and grew up around many female cousins, but I've always known how to talk to women, I don't really get nervous around them, if anything, they piss me off and annoy me, especially young girls today, when I hear a chick say "...I was like totally whatever..." I get a strong urge to punch them in the throat!

One thing that I never did was get caught up with women, I've actually been fairly apathetic about chasing women and getting into relationships, to the point where I thought I was a bit weird! I'd just rather do shit I like doing than obsessing over some chick, I find that by doing this, women just end up around me anyway, its more natural.

I'm SO glad I came of age before all this internet social networking shit came around, we actually had to go meet girls in person and never sat home for hours playing games and staring at a screen, unlike now! lol

Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - Gmac - 01-02-2012

Good riddance. I have no problem with weak men taking the pussy way out.

Harsh but true. I've been through some messed up experiences with girls, but I'd never kill myself over a rejection regardless of how seemingly cruel.

Natural selection at work.

Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - Timoteo - 01-02-2012

"I'm SO glad I came of age before all this internet social networking shit came around, we actually had to go meet girls in person and never sat home for hours playing games and staring at a screen, unlike now! lol"

That hasn't changed. People still go out and meet each other in person. All dating sites/social networking sites have done is open up another avenue. Now, in addition to going out, you can also PRESELECT people you might want to meet, and eliminate some of the chance involved in finding someone you might want to fuck. You still have to meet them and spend a little time (hopefully, very little!).

I think for people in rural, isolated areas where there isn't a lot going on socially, dating/networking sites are a godsend. You can target a person you're interested in, and do the chat-to-phone-to-cam to meeting thing. If anything, cellphones have been more detrimental to how people communicate. Even after folks meet face to face, after that point they don't talk anymore - they TEXT!

Beta kills himself after girl unfriends him on Facebook - BortimusPrime - 01-04-2012

Suicide is the coward's way out, I just hide under my desk for three weeks every time someone's mean to me on the internet.