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The Fornicators thread - Trumpian - 05-23-2019

As a bottle half full type guy, I couldn't help but notice we have amnesty for the next week.

A final send-off is due.

God-pillers: Your opinion (and decisive forum infiltration victory) are noted but unwelcome here. This is a temp sanctuary for the heathen and unrepentant. Let us discuss our sinful ways in peace.

The Fornicators thread - Disco_Volante - 05-23-2019

I was a virgin until 20, attending church every week. Then a girl at church screwed me over and I got very angry and fucked 14 different girls in 6 months. I could feel girls being more attracted to me.
Before I started being promiscuous, I was awkward as fuck around them. Girls at my catholic school would reject me with only a polite veneer. Even girls don't want you to be a virgin.

Now I pump'n'dump with glee because that's all they are. I can honestly say sexual immorality made me a better man. Had I married young I would've been like those divorced guys who commit suicide at 40 when they realize she's not what you thought she was.

I enjoy casual sex. My notch count is 34, I'm a bit pickier about quality now.

The Fornicators thread - Jetset - 05-23-2019

Was a fairly typical gentle-minded guy in high school. Lost my virginity at 16 with my high school sweetheart. She was a little curvier than I'd date now but sweet. Also cheated on me blowing some guy at 17 so we stopping officially "dating" but kept banging. Picked up my first casual sex partner at 18, a cute blond from HotOrNot who would happily drive a couple hours and split a seedy motel room to get properly dicked. She was a terrible slut but also one of the most honest and fun women I ever bothered with. High school sweetheart is unhappily married to some bearded hipster and sometimes texts me hoping for attention. Slut is happily married to an accountant who she runs marathons with. I'd rather hear from the slut, to be honest. Other than that, bounced around finding women here and there.

Kept at it but got bored and moved away from my quiet hometown at 21 and went on a bender with women. Did not realize I had anything going for me until I moved away, and suddenly it was like hitting a buffet. I didn't know why some things worked but they worked. HotOrNot, MySpace, married women, older women, younger women, college professors, single moms, white girls, Puerto Ricans, Asians, it was good times. Often fucked two in a day, once managed to do three. Most had good experiences with me except a couple I had to cut off hard because they were getting clingy or started thinking they were getting a ring.

In my late 20s, a very beautiful blond with DDDs and I got together and things clicked well enough that we stuck it out. She hated conflict and had a bad run getting married to a guy who turned out to be a mess in her early 20s and didn't want to risk seeing the inside of a divorce court again, which was fine by me. Had five or so great years and in that time I started the dreaded Beta Backslide. She also had a bad family trauma about that time and started getting religious - which was fine - and badgering me to join up with a denomination I do not condone - which was not. Was genuinely thinking about ending it with her because she was becoming completely fucking intolerable on multiple levels, and it was to the point that if we'd gotten married, I would've happily gone through divorce rape for some peace. Still, I love her and our history counted for something.

This forum, ironically, is what kept me out of going back to the single player life for a while. I found it because I was looking for ideas on specific relationship problems I was having. It rang true. I could see which parts of this were my own mistakes. I was able to apply what I learned here and other materials I found through here to get things back under control. We had a bad episode this January where I had to kick her to the curb after she had a severe meltdown, I was able to walk away with zero fucks given knowing I could get fresh pussy that weekend and would have an awesome life ahead of me, even in the short-term. That brought her back to beg to try to work on it. We've made some good memories the last few months, but frankly I think she has some latent seasonal depression that she is not dealing with adequately.

I don't know what will happen, but I'm happy to know that I have the tools to function and thrive if I need to end it, and confidence that I can not just succeed with women through dumb luck but actually understand what has always worked for me and why it works. I have this forum's "pro-fornication" phase to thank for that. I hope sharing my own observations from being young and single has helped a lot of guys navigate their own hard times, too. We've walked guys through catching women cheating, through breaking up with mentally ill girlfriends, through divorces, through simply seeing the red flags for what they are, and I think it's been great.

The Fornicators thread - lonewolf1992 - 05-23-2019

As a guy who was raised in a highly religious education I can say being an overly christian man fucked my game and life. I don't know for you guys, but the 'nice religious' virgin is something I don't buy into. AWALT. Women can fuck you up if you don't have your shit together and you don't have game. Being a nice religious guy is not going to cut it with the virgin girls. Game is a gift given by God. how we use it is our will.

Unfortunately, I'm a fornicator. There are two things in this world that keep me away from going full christian:

1.Christian music. (I hate worship music)
2.Pre-marital sex. (It just doesn't make sense to me to play the monogamous gentleman in this era)

I wish I can elaborate more on this, but being nice and gentle, and being a good guy doesn't work. I don't know why and how are we throwing away all this valuable knowledge we've gathered. It is madness. It's not about promiscuity. I'm fine with guys who want to have LTRs and be faithful, but blaming the guy who is enjoying life and taking advantage of this fucked up system to be more happy and call him a sinner is not a solution.

The Fornicators thread - Shifty - 05-23-2019

I can understand being more LTR oriented but I will never get the no sex before marriage thing. Sex is an essential part of a relationship.

I have a friend who is a 24 year old christian guy, he was in a relationship for 2 years with his girlfriend and he didn't want to have sex before marriage. The girl ended up leaving him, I suspect she was cheating during the relationship too.

The Fornicators thread - Axel99 - 05-23-2019

Out of my 250 lays, I regret 249 of them. It took me 34 years to realize i only needed 1 to be happy. Its places like this that convinced me otherwise and now im a 34yr old, childless, family less, soul less shell of a human.

The Fornicators thread - Shifty - 05-23-2019

Quote: (Today 06:09 PM)Axel99 Wrote:  

Out of my 250 lays, I regret 249 of them. It took me 34 years to realize i only needed 1 to be happy. Its places like this that convinced me otherwise and now im a 34yr old, childless, family less, soul less shell of a human.

Weren't you that guy who got a girl pregnant in a bathroom stall?

So not really childless are you?

The Fornicators thread - RDF - 05-23-2019

Quote: (Today 06:09 PM)Axel99 Wrote:  

Out of my 250 lays, I regret 249 of them. It took me 34 years to realize i only needed 1 to be happy. Its places like this that convinced me otherwise and now im a 34yr old, childless, family less, soul less shell of a human.

Meanwhile, in a thread about "pregnancy scares":

Quote: (12-25-2018 08:09 PM)Axel99 Wrote:  

This happened to me from a girl from monterrey, I blocked her from whatsapp and came back to the US. Problem solved.

Yeah, you might not be a "soul less shell of a human" because of your notch count. Most men here fall somewhere in between "not having any pre-marital sex" and "possibly getting a woman in a 3rd world country pregnant and just blocking her and dipping".

The Fornicators thread - Shifty - 05-23-2019

Quote: (Today 06:40 PM)RDF Wrote:  

Quote: (Today 06:09 PM)Axel99 Wrote:  

Out of my 250 lays, I regret 249 of them. It took me 34 years to realize i only needed 1 to be happy. Its places like this that convinced me otherwise and now im a 34yr old, childless, family less, soul less shell of a human.

Meanwhile, in a thread about "pregnancy scares":

Quote: (12-25-2018 08:09 PM)Axel99 Wrote:  

This happened to me from a girl from monterrey, I blocked her from whatsapp and came back to the US. Problem solved.

Yeah, you might not be a "soul less shell of a human" because of your notch count. Most men here fall somewhere in between "not having any pre-marital sex" and "possibly getting a woman in a 3rd world country pregnant and just blocking her and dipping".

He also raw dogged her and told her he had a vasectomy (lie).

The Fornicators thread - arafat scarf - 05-23-2019

My kind of thread.

Fit, financially independent, free, and I don't plan any time soon to rob myself of the enjoyment of pussy when the occasion is right. I've truly cherished most of my lovers, both their bodies and their company, and plan to continue to do so.

The Fornicators thread - Jetset - 05-23-2019

Quote: (Today 06:09 PM)Axel99 Wrote:  

Out of my 250 lays, I regret 249 of them. It took me 34 years to realize i only needed 1 to be happy. Its places like this that convinced me otherwise and now im a 34yr old, childless, family less, soul less shell of a human.

It's weird because I'm 35 and my only regrets are the ones I didn't bang. You know how many fun sluts I Jon Snowed myself out of because I thought I was supposed to before I realized how stupid I was being?

"She's my queen"

"I don't want it"

"She's my queen"

"I don't want it"

[Image: y6lmahp8l3jz.jpg?width=960&crop=smart&au...15a8ce4d53]

Meanwhile, I have no shortage of married, family-oriented friends who are withered husks because they're trapped with nightmarish wives. The grass is not always greener.

Something tells me you feel dead inside for other reasons.

The Fornicators thread - Hypno - 05-23-2019

Does fapping count? Asking for a friend