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South Korea to legalize abortion, with 58% in favor - Printable Version

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South Korea to legalize abortion, with 58% in favor - BlueMark - 05-15-2019


The country's constitutional court ordered that the law must be revised by the end of 2020.

Under the 1953 ban, women who have abortions can be fined and imprisoned, except in cases of rape, incest or risk to their health. Doctors who perform the procedure can also face jail.

South Korea is one of the few developed countries to criminalise abortion.

On Wednesday an opinion poll found 58% of the public favour abolishing the ban.

The law was reviewed after a challenge from a female doctor who was prosecuted for performing almost 70 abortions. She said the ban endangered women and limited their rights.


Despite the restrictive law, abortions are widely accessible in South Korea and can be carried out safely.

Women who end their pregnancies are rarely prosecuted, but activists say the ban puts their health at risk and generates social stigma.


A survey last year found that one in five women who had been pregnant had had an abortion, and just 1% fell under the legal exemptions, AFP news agency reports.

Is South Korea becoming another Westernized country, like Taiwan? I remember they legalized adultery in 2015.

Or is this just business as usual behind the façade of a conservative society?

South Korea to legalize abortion, with 58% in favor - Manbeline - 05-15-2019

(((Another one bites the dust.)))

South Korea to legalize abortion, with 58% in favor - Horus - 05-15-2019

Nothing much will change because Korean women were already getting abortions at absurdly high rates. Korean and Taiwanese women love getting abortions only slightly less that they love Hello Kitty backpacks.

South Korea to legalize abortion, with 58% in favor - ilostabet - 05-15-2019

First you legalize usury, which allows for rapid economic and technological growth, and then you have the stage set for the destruction of traditional morality - including killing babies. With this system, sooner or later cultural rot sets in, regardless of the form it takes (K Pop, as an example) it is the same sewer.

Here's a really good video about the absolute soul-killing machine, for artists and consumers, that is K-Pop.

Anyway, same story everywhere. I said it before about Japan, and I'll say it again: there are no Jews in Korea.

South Korea to legalize abortion, with 58% in favor - Rorogue - 05-15-2019

Civilization is the outlier in history- barbarism and chaos is the norm.

We are entering a period of anti-life in the developed world. There is no civilization left to build, nothing to strive for collectively, no reasons to replicate for some great, bright future.

And so we are descending into barbarism, brutality and baseness.

I don't believe much can be done about it.

Just get your survival needs in order, negotiate amongst the chaos, and stand atop the debris. It might be fun.

South Korea to legalize abortion, with 58% in favor - pitbullowner - 05-15-2019

Quote: (05-15-2019 09:01 AM)BlueMark Wrote:


The country's constitutional court ordered that the law must be revised by the end of 2020.

Under the 1953 ban, women who have abortions can be fined and imprisoned, except in cases of rape, incest or risk to their health. Doctors who perform the procedure can also face jail.

South Korea is one of the few developed countries to criminalise abortion.

On Wednesday an opinion poll found 58% of the public favour abolishing the ban.

The law was reviewed after a challenge from a female doctor who was prosecuted for performing almost 70 abortions. She said the ban endangered women and limited their rights.


Despite the restrictive law, abortions are widely accessible in South Korea and can be carried out safely.

Women who end their pregnancies are rarely prosecuted, but activists say the ban puts their health at risk and generates social stigma.


A survey last year found that one in five women who had been pregnant had had an abortion, and just 1% fell under the legal exemptions, AFP news agency reports.

Is South Korea becoming another Westernized country, like Taiwan? I remember they legalized adultery in 2015.

Or is this just business as usual behind the façade of a conservative society?

(((They))) got their grubby little shekel stealers in their economy.

South Korea to legalize abortion, with 58% in favor - 911 - 05-15-2019

Quote: (05-15-2019 10:55 AM)ilostabet Wrote:  

First you legalize usury, which allows for rapid economic and technological growth, and then you have the stage set for the destruction of traditional morality - including killing babies. With this system, sooner or later cultural rot sets in, regardless of the form it takes (K Pop, as an example) it is the same sewer.

Here's a really good video about the absolute soul-killing machine, for artists and consumers, that is K-Pop.

Anyway, same story everywhere. I said it before about Japan, and I'll say it again: there are no Jews in Korea.

There is however, a lot of Jewish/talmudist influence in S. Korea, which like Japan and Taiwan are still essentially American colonies (though not as much so as say, Germany). From a previous post of mine:

The talmudists did actually infiltrate south Korea and Taiwanese cultures, mostly through (((evangelicals))). Especially in SK, where the zio-brainwashing has been extremely virulent:


Talmud Study Now Mandatory in South Korea

Close to 50 million people live in South Korea, and everyone learns Gemara in school. “We tried to understand why the Jews are geniuses, and we came to the conclusion that it is because they study Talmud,” said the Korean ambassador to Israel. And this is how “Rav Papa” became a well known scholar in Korea like in Israel.

Ynet reports: It is doubtful if the Amoraic scholars Abbaye and Rava imagined their discussions of Jewish law in the Beit Midrash in Babylon would be taught hundreds of years later in East Asia. Yet it turns out that the laws of an “egg born on a holiday” (“ביצה שנולדה ביום טוב”) is actually very interesting to the South Koreans who have required that Talmud study be part of their compulsory school curriculum.

Almost every home in South Korea now contains a Korean-translated Talmud. But unlike in Israel, the Korean mothers teach the Talmud to their children. In a country of close to 49 million people who believe in Buddhism and Christianity, there are more people who read the Talmud – or at least own their own copy at home – more than in the Jewish state. Much more.

[Image: PYH2015100814200088400_P2.jpg]

That kind of explains the hostility between Israel/US neocons and North Korea, and why NK arrested Jewish spy Otto Warmbier, who came into the country posing as a Christian tourist.

Japan has been run by local masons who are affiliated to globalists. Very much like in Italy, where the globalists also used the national mafia (Yakuza) to control the country, that's why the Yakuza is allowed to fester in Japan.

China has had a strong globalist influence as well, Mao was a Skull and Bones tool financed by the Rothschilds, but it seems like the country has been slowly weening itself from that influence. You can see that in the way the country is cracking down on baizuo and western cultural faggotry, while its more westernized neighbors Taiwan and S. Korea become ever more infected with that cultural rot.

South Korea to legalize abortion, with 58% in favor - 911 - 05-15-2019

Quote: (05-15-2019 11:01 AM)Rorogue Wrote:  

Civilization is the outlier in history- barbarism and chaos is the norm.

We are entering a period of anti-life in the developed world. There is no civilization left to build, nothing to strive for collectively, no reasons to replicate for some great, bright future.

And so we are descending into barbarism, brutality and baseness.

I don't believe much can be done about it.

Just get your survival needs in order, negotiate amongst the chaos, and stand atop the debris. It might be fun.

That kind of learned helplessness is not helpful, it is the result of the same kind of indoctrination that has brought this degeneracy upon the West. That kind of fatalism is part of the programming.

It started with the counter-culture of the 1960s which zombified the Boomers, and it goes on today with degenerate cultural/predictive programming like the Game of Thrones, which sells the notion that barbarism is a natural, inevitable and desirable aspect of humanity.

The insanity gets amplified by the media, and by the fact that young men are increasingly isolated and lacking a strong, positive foundation of family, faith and national/cultural identity.

We can look past the chaos and build our own family domain. Find logos, strive for a better world starting with your own self, build your family.

Owen Benjamin has been crushing it lately building on that same message, living that path and showing the way forward, his message is really starting to resonate.

South Korea to legalize abortion, with 58% in favor - Johnnyvee - 05-15-2019

The fertility rate in South-Korea is 0.92 at the moment, the lowest of all first world nations. This might add to that trend somewhat. But it`s not really a major issue for them, since they do not replace their population with migrants like we Westerners foolishly do. I doubt they, like Japan, will go down that road. It`s more to do with race differences than culture. They are simply more ethnocentric by nature.

South Korea to legalize abortion, with 58% in favor - 911 - 05-15-2019

Much like Japan, SK has a pretty high population density (actually much higher density at 517/km2 than Japan's 340/km2), so it can handle a natural population decline.

North Korea has a much healthier demography and population growth:

[Image: north-korea-population-pyramid-2016.gif]

[Image: south-korea-population-pyramid-2016.gif]

Abortion is restricted in N. Korea, only allowed under certain conditions. Those who perform it are subject to 3 years in jail. Gender roles are strongly defined and enforced, for instance women cannot wear pants (unless required for work) or revealing tops.

Family formation is encouraged. Local dances are organized where young women wear full-on Korean traditional garb and men wear shirts and ties:

[Image: nk13.jpg]

Meanwhile is South Korea:
[Image: metoo-reenergizes-other-feminist-movemen...-korea.jpg]

South Korea to legalize abortion, with 58% in favor - Aquarius - 05-15-2019

Quote: (05-15-2019 03:53 PM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-15-2019 10:55 AM)ilostabet Wrote:  

First you legalize usury, which allows for rapid economic and technological growth, and then you have the stage set for the destruction of traditional morality - including killing babies. With this system, sooner or later cultural rot sets in, regardless of the form it takes (K Pop, as an example) it is the same sewer.

Here's a really good video about the absolute soul-killing machine, for artists and consumers, that is K-Pop.

Anyway, same story everywhere. I said it before about Japan, and I'll say it again: there are no Jews in Korea.

There is however, a lot of Jewish/talmudist influence in S. Korea, which like Japan and Taiwan are still essentially American colonies (though not as much so as say, Germany). From a previous post of mine:

The talmudists did actually infiltrate south Korea and Taiwanese cultures, mostly through (((evangelicals))). Especially in SK, where the zio-brainwashing has been extremely virulent:


Talmud Study Now Mandatory in South Korea

Close to 50 million people live in South Korea, and everyone learns Gemara in school. “We tried to understand why the Jews are geniuses, and we came to the conclusion that it is because they study Talmud,” said the Korean ambassador to Israel. And this is how “Rav Papa” became a well known scholar in Korea like in Israel.

Ynet reports: It is doubtful if the Amoraic scholars Abbaye and Rava imagined their discussions of Jewish law in the Beit Midrash in Babylon would be taught hundreds of years later in East Asia. Yet it turns out that the laws of an “egg born on a holiday” (“ביצה שנולדה ביום טוב”) is actually very interesting to the South Koreans who have required that Talmud study be part of their compulsory school curriculum.

Almost every home in South Korea now contains a Korean-translated Talmud. But unlike in Israel, the Korean mothers teach the Talmud to their children. In a country of close to 49 million people who believe in Buddhism and Christianity, there are more people who read the Talmud – or at least own their own copy at home – more than in the Jewish state. Much more.

[Image: PYH2015100814200088400_P2.jpg]

That kind of explains the hostility between Israel/US neocons and North Korea, and why NK arrested Jewish spy Otto Warmbier, who came into the country posing as a Christian tourist.

Japan has been run by local masons who are affiliated to globalists. Very much like in Italy, where the globalists also used the national mafia (Yakuza) to control the country, that's why the Yakuza is allowed to fester in Japan.

China has had a strong globalist influence as well, Mao was a Skull and Bones tool financed by the Rothschilds, but it seems like the country has been slowly weening itself from that influence. You can see that in the way the country is cracking down on baizuo and western cultural faggotry, while its more westernized neighbors Taiwan and S. Korea become ever more infected with that cultural rot.

The new law by South Korea is just a nothingburger. Laws itself can't change a society. South Korea will remain one of the more xenophobic countries in East Asia. Hong Kong tied with Taipei are #1 in cultural globohomo in East Asia, with nowhere else coming close.

And on China, Shanghai is just as gay, careerist, and low-birth rate as Seoul, and its only becoming gayer. Keep in mind Korean society has remained highly xenophobic, and I would say its easier for a foreigner to date locals in Beijing/Shanghai than Seoul. All the crackdowns on baizuo by the national government has been hot air that nobody really cares about, while local crackdowns are just hamfisted attempts by struggling local governments to attempt to please the national government. Zero crackdowns on baizuo in areas that western culture actually influences the local population.

Yes there has been crackdowns on some bar streets in parts of Shanghai, but this is because the developers has eyed the land that the bars are sitting on. "Kicking out Western influence" is the least of these worries. The only places that have been fierce in "kicking out Western influence" and "removing baizuo" seem to be in Hebei Province, which has no western influence there at all in the first place. There has been crackdowns on Christianity in Wenzhou, but only because Christians are 11% of the population there and the government is trying to put down dissent.

The main countries that are actually free of globalist cultural influence are North Korea and Iran. But I don't know a single sane person whose clamoring to go live in these countries. Even Moscow, supposedly Megan McCain's "city of Satan", somehow has Shake Shack AND Krispy Kreme on top of the usual McDonalds and Starbucks. That's not "resistance to globalism" in my book. The world is not a black-and-white place. Even within the "globalists" there are different elites from different nations and career backgrounds who oftentimes even butt heads with each other.

Keep in mind that globalist culture-free USSR fell precisely because how uncool it was after the inhabitants found out about Western culture.

South Korea remains one of the most desirable places in East Asia for a reason. Kpop is popular all over East Asia for a reason. Nobody wants to listen to stuffy Communist music or visit North Korea for reasons besides sheer curiosity. And if you actually showed North Koreans what South Korea is like, and gave everybody an option to stay, or go to South Korea, I'd wager that roughly 80% of them will choose to head across the DMZ, of whom at least 80% will end up choosing Seoul and its suburbs. Overnight, there will be 5 million people or something like that left in North Korea if everybody there is given a free choice to leave.

And I'm not praising liberalism either: I saw first-hand how Taiwan's liberalism played a big role in its economic stagnation, brain drain of the middle class to Mainland China (albeit living there as expats not immigrants), and recently, a massive influx of Vietnamese and Indonesian foreign labor. But a hamfisted Soviet-style is not an alternative.

South Korea to legalize abortion, with 58% in favor - Fortis - 05-15-2019

Wait, so you mean you can't just go #shutitdown on everything you don't like if you want to have a balanced society that flourishes for the long-term?

South Korea to legalize abortion, with 58% in favor - Pride male - 05-15-2019

But the devil made me do it, is no excuse. People should be held accountable for their own actions. A slut deciding to get an abortion is up to her.

South Korea to legalize abortion, with 58% in favor - Rorogue - 05-15-2019

Behaving like an animal is not indoctrination, it's our basest nature, and what we've done for the majority of human history.

It's like how everyone blames Jews for porn. The Jews didn't make you watch porn. Something base in you was attracted to it. I mean, fuck, Alex Jones was caught with tranny porn on his phone.

As I said, our default state as humans is animalisticness and barbarism. To be CIVILIZED AS A SOCIETY, it takes a lot of collective effort that just isn't there in the developed world.

I'm not saying don't have a family, but you need to be able to wade through the chaos without getting butt hurt every five minutes. Embrace your primal side and use it to survive.

I am very lucky as a brown man I don't have to think of demographics- I don't see the conditions as great to have a family, so I maybe won't do it.

I can stack the money up, travel the world, game women and live out the next 35-40 years exploring. All while having a connection to God.
Quote: (05-15-2019 04:12 PM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-15-2019 11:01 AM)Rorogue Wrote:  

Civilization is the outlier in history- barbarism and chaos is the norm.

We are entering a period of anti-life in the developed world. There is no civilization left to build, nothing to strive for collectively, no reasons to replicate for some great, bright future.

And so we are descending into barbarism, brutality and baseness.

I don't believe much can be done about it.

Just get your survival needs in order, negotiate amongst the chaos, and stand atop the debris. It might be fun.

That kind of learned helplessness is not helpful, it is the result of the same kind of indoctrination that has brought this degeneracy upon the West. That kind of fatalism is part of the programming.

It started with the counter-culture of the 1960s which zombified the Boomers, and it goes on today with degenerate cultural/predictive programming like the Game of Thrones, which sells the notion that barbarism is a natural, inevitable and desirable aspect of humanity.

The insanity gets amplified by the media, and by the fact that young men are increasingly isolated and lacking a strong, positive foundation of family, faith and national/cultural identity.

We can look past the chaos and build our own family domain. Find logos, strive for a better world starting with your own self, build your family.

Owen Benjamin has been crushing it lately building on that same message, living that path and showing the way forward, his message is really starting to resonate.

South Korea to legalize abortion, with 58% in favor - ilostabet - 05-16-2019

I didn't know about the Jewish involvement specifically, or this talmudic focus, which is very weird.

I do remember reading a few years ago in wikileaks some stuff about SK, that only made it to the mainstream in a very vague way that mentioned the resignation of their prime minister or president, but left out the part about the admission that their government was being run by a secret cabal - like a literal one, with weird rituals and a really cheesy name, the 8 goddesses, which was highly connected to Samsung. Crazy shit.

For sure they have been subjected to incredible social engineering, and K-Pop is the main example, given its cultural impact and pervasiveness.

I was wondering: what is the largest vehicle of social engineering? Academia is the source, they influence the 'culture producers' to push ideas; but at the base, the most influential vehicle is entertainment, and the basic idea at the core is Narcissism, a single cult with as many gods as worshipers. Modern technological societies are absolutely bombarded by entertainment so we can live vicariously through others, and fulfill our imagined greatness on the screen. But why do we crave it? Why is it that it's so easy to subjugate us to entertainment? It is pure escapism. Nothing is being produced. Minds are being dulled. Why do we need to escape and live vicariously through others constantly? I see people watching movies and shows on their phones all the time riding the train, walking the streets, in a park bench. They can't just sit still and look around for a bit. Why?

Because modern urban centers are necessarily dehumanizing, and while overcrowded they are isolating - so the drug of choice is entertainment, which allows them to push even more. And it is not the concept of city that does it, it's the modern technological aspect, the artificiality of life, the near complete separation of men from the natural world and its natural processes. High tech, low life, the depressing recipe for a good cyberpunk novel. We're living it, and some of us are trying to leave it.

I used Germany in the 30s in the Europe Invasion thread as an opposite example but here is a living one: NK. They are an enormously regimented society, to maintain those values that came naturally from natural life, but disintegrate when removed from those constraints. If they were allowed 'freedom', they would transform into SK in a decade, because the result of this system is always the same.