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Moustache - MrRoundtree - 03-18-2019

What's the % of girl in who reastically have a moustache fetish? It seems like it's a thing.

For exemple I shaved my beard to get a stach and my main asked me if I was really going to keep it, I said yes. She didn't seem to like it .

However we had sex and I've never felt her this wet...she was wet all the time while normally we have to use lube so she doesn't get hurt...we talked about it and she said it was partly due to the stache...

Moustache - MrRoundtree - 03-18-2019

I will approach 5 girls every day this week and see the reactions I'll get if I ask for the number or ask them out

Moustache - WomenLuvDeez - 03-19-2019

Cant tell if you're serious or trolling. The stash was "in" back in the 70-80's. Now I only see old guys and hipsters rocking stashes. I'd say go full beard /5 o'clock or take off the stash but before you do, when your girl is coming over one night just shave it into the hitler style stash just for a surprise for her.

Moustache - Hammerhead - 03-19-2019

I noticed a bunch of young Australian dudes wearing mustaches. This chick told me they call them "creepstaches" and she was into them.

Moustache - Zoso - 03-19-2019

I think it would work if you are already goodlooking.

Moustache - TheFinalEpic - 03-19-2019

Since I've started growing one, I would say that 100% of girls have a moustache fetish.

Addendum: it is accompanied by a beard.

Moustache - MrRoundtree - 03-19-2019

I think moustaches might work on a badboy type (see agent Pena)

One of my best brazilian buddies, wing, has a mustache, he locks the Pena look and he gets laid... a lot. His game is good though.

Moustache - scorpion - 03-19-2019

It really takes a certain type of face to pull off a mustache. Most guys can't do it, and look much better with either a beard/goatee of some sort, or just with the light stubble/clean shaven look. If you can pull it off, however, I think it's a pretty boss look. The mustache inherently conveys authority (some police departments actually pay their officers extra if they keep a mustache for this reason) and a minority of women are going to respond very strongly to that. It's probably similar to guys with the bodybuilder look - many woman are turned off by it, but a decently sized minority are super into it and will respond very positively to it. In that regard, it could be a good gimmick to test out if you think you've got the right face for it.

Moustache - MrRoundtree - 03-20-2019

Well I have to shave it because I have a meeting with my boss (that I had not seen in 6 months) and negociate my terms and conditions. I don't want the moustache to be the focus of our talks.

Moustache - flyinghorse - 03-21-2019

To pull off a mustache you better have a good jawline and dark facial hair.

Beards look good on most people as long as the grows thick.

If you're a beautiful man, ala jude law, clean shaven is probably the best bet.

Moustache - Avey - 03-24-2019

Girls typically are against a moustache when I say I'm thinking of shaving my beard.
Haven't had the guts to leave only the moustache but I'm sure I'd turn some heads with it

Moustache - Alpha_Romeo - 03-24-2019

It's a fine line between rocking that 70's porn star look (good) vs being mistaken for one of the Village People (bad).

Moustache - bortimer - 03-24-2019

I started wearing something similar to a Zappa 'stache about a year ago. [Image: a26f414bba099c815335c0846d940467.jpg]

It fits the rest of my look and I have had people tell me (unprompted) that it works for me. I assume it probably limits my effectiveness but I like it so idgaf.

It has also made cougars a layup. My guess is between the mustache, the long hair, and the muscle car, I remind them of men from their youth.

Moustache - EvilStoic - 03-27-2019

I find that women close to you will always tell you the opposite.

I'm growing my hair out now, and i know it looks fucking sick, but they say NO NO NO, you need to cut it! (before other women steal you from us.)

I say keep it.