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The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - MrLemon - 03-14-2019

>My old insurance agent retired. A woman agent took over. She immediately fucked up my insurance policy increasing it from 200/month to 800/month. No way to fix it.

>I went to a barber shop full of chinese women barbers, because it was 10.00 cheaper. Got a rotten haircut.

>I hired a woman lawyer (several years ago). She was competent but did ZERO to advise me how to keep out of a bigger mess. She just let me stumble and charged me for every microsecond of her time. A good male lawyer would have told me how to avoid more trouble. That's what makes him worth such a high rate.

>Woman doctor: great for women and children, but if you're a male over 40, she'll s let you die -- an older male, you literally do not exist in her eyes. Male doctor: some good, some bad, but at least they'll try.

>My friend the entrepreneur hired a woman engineering manager, after I warned him he was being a fool. She was, of course, a fucking disaster and he fired her after she ripped his team apart. Might go bankrupt as a result...for small companies, even a small mistake can kill you. See my many prior posts on this topic.


These are the decisions you have to make if you want to survive in today's world. In general, don't hire women. Plus women are already controlling the economy, so hiring them must makes it that much worse.

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - LeBaron - 03-14-2019

My best friend hired a 50 years old woman when he started his own business. One year later business was good and he was about to open a new one in another city. She agreed to get promoted and manage the new one. Just before the opening she quits suddenly. He lost a considerable amount of money having to pay rent for an agency that he coudn't operate plus because she left sales took a hit in his original agency.

I warned him not to hire a 50 years old woman when he started but he didn't listen. He will never employ a woman again.

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - Going strong - 03-14-2019

Corrected: "Never hire a woman for anything important in your life, except sucking your dick under the desk".

[Image: 714362300.JPG]
Would Hire.

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - Deepdiver - 03-14-2019

∆ Would hire as Executive perks...

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - Vladimir Poontang - 03-14-2019

What nonsense is this? I don't see a problem hiring women.

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - MrLemon - 03-14-2019

Quote: (03-14-2019 06:44 PM)Vladimir Poontang Wrote:  

What nonsense is this? I don't see a problem hiring women.

Thank you. That was delicious.

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - Thot Leader - 03-14-2019

Quote: (03-14-2019 05:43 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

>I went to a barber shop full of chinese women barbers, because it was 10.00 cheaper. Got a rotten haircut.

>Woman doctor: great for women and children, but if you're a male over 40, she'll s let you die -- an older male, you literally do not exist in her eyes. Male doctor: some good, some bad, but at least they'll try.

Agree with your OP except for these two. Women can cut hair, the problem is you went to a discount Chinese place. As far as doctors go, I'd say women are more likely to power trip and not give a shit about you, but only slightly. I've seen female doctors who were excellent and males who were utterly useless. Millennial male doctors fucking suck, they're bigger bitches than the women.

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - MrLemon - 03-14-2019

Quote: (03-14-2019 07:45 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Quote: (03-14-2019 05:43 PM)MrLemon Wrote:  

>I went to a barber shop full of chinese women barbers, because it was 10.00 cheaper. Got a rotten haircut.

>Woman doctor: great for women and children, but if you're a male over 40, she'll s let you die -- an older male, you literally do not exist in her eyes. Male doctor: some good, some bad, but at least they'll try.

I've seen female doctors who were excellent...

I respect your opinion, but let me ask, how old are you?

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - Psygnosis89 - 03-14-2019

I was working in an industry (fashion) you'd think they'd excel in and they're still unreliable and have zero passion towards the craft usually.

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - captain_shane - 03-14-2019

Some women are amazing at their jobs, better than guys are. Tell this bitch she should stay under a desk and suck a dick:

[Image: Why_Barbara_Corcoran_never_invests-e9720...da43f3fc7c]

Her firm did billions in sales before she sold it.

Obviously this woman is an anomaly, but you shouldn't bypass talent just because she has a slit between her legs.

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - The Father - 03-14-2019

Quote: (03-14-2019 06:02 PM)LeBaron Wrote:  

My best friend hired a 50 years old woman when he started his own business. One year later business was good and he was about to open a new one in another city. She agreed to get promoted and manage the new one. Just before the opening she quits suddenly. He lost a considerable amount of money having to pay rent for an agency that he coudn't operate plus because she left sales took a hit in his original agency.

I warned him not to hire a 50 years old woman when he started but he didn't listen. He will never employ a woman again.

50 yr old woman better than 30 yr old woman (less drama, fewer false allegations, no maternity leave). But i'd take a man over most 50 yr old women, any day.

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - Repo - 03-14-2019

I've hired men and women and have had winners and losers from both. As I've gotten older, I think the key difference is men are more keen to sniffing out incompetence in other men, and less so in women. Especially betas. Also, women with the same skillset as men are more likely to cause drama.

How did your tech startup with the attractive female sales rep work out? Learn a lesson from that?

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - The Father - 03-14-2019

Quote: (03-14-2019 07:45 PM)Thot Leader Wrote:  

Millennial male doctors fucking suck, they're bigger bitches than the women.

Strike "doctors" and the comment is even more accurate...

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - Easy_C - 03-14-2019

Quote: (03-14-2019 08:13 PM)captain_shane Wrote:  

HerHis firm did billions in sales before she sold it.

Obviously this woman is an anomaly, but you shouldn't bypass talent just because she has a slit between HerHis legs.

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - Delta - 03-14-2019

Could be due to me working in STEM and mainly dealing with an atypical, heavily vetted subset of women, but I haven't found this to be remotely true.

And even if there was a correlation between being female and being shitty at your job, the conclusion to *never* hire a woman is still idiotic.

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - Garuda - 03-14-2019

Tbh, I'd rather deal with American women than imported H-B1 visa holders or the incoming artificial intelligence.

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - MrLemon - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-14-2019 10:13 PM)Delta Wrote:  

Could be due to me working in STEM and mainly dealing with an atypical, heavily vetted subset of women, but I haven't found this to be remotely true.

And even if there was a correlation between being female and being shitty at your job, the conclusion to *never* hire a woman is still idiotic.

No, if there was a correlation between X and being shitty at their job, then the conclusion to *never* hire X is precisely the correct solution.

That is exactly the formula that any successful person would follow, should follow, and does follow.

Yes, you can pop up a specific, heavily vetted subset of women that you think disproves my statement. However if you live your life in a way that ignores the odds, and hires people despite the fact that they are, in general, going to be less effective at protecting your health/career/finances, then you are going to end up losing more frequently than the guys who choose their people more carefully.

That's my strategy anyway.

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - MrLemon - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-14-2019 08:32 PM)Repo Wrote:  

I think the key difference is men are more keen to sniffing out incompetence in other men, and less so in women. Especially betas. Also, women with the same skillset as men are more likely to cause drama.

Well put.

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - MrLemon - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-14-2019 08:13 PM)captain_shane Wrote:  

Some women are amazing at their jobs, better than guys are. Tell this bitch she should stay under a desk and suck a dick:

[Image: Why_Barbara_Corcoran_never_invests-e9720...da43f3fc7c]

No offense but this isn't a good example. So she's successful for herself. So what?

I very plainly indicated in the post that I was referring to how well she works....FOR ME.

Sure, she's great at her job. For herself. For me, or you, or any other guy, she's not going to do shit.

Oh sure, maybe if you're 30 and tall and handsome, a woman will take pity on you and hire you, or do a good job for you. You 30 something guys don't know shit about this. When you hit 50, you become invisible to any woman. You no longer can serve her, and she mentally casts you into the pile of rubble outside the palace gates. If she's a doctor, she'll be less likely to do the extra test that could literally save your life. If she's a lawyer, and you're in trouble, she's less likely to file that form that nobody else understands. If she's a boss, she will fuck you so hard and so fast, and you will be out in the cold that instant.

Men, on the other hand, are more likely to take care of other men. Nobody is as sympathetic to a damaged man, than another beaten down old man. Sure, it's not much, but that little bit of extra care may save your life.

I work the odds.

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - BlueMark - 03-15-2019

I was on a transatlantic flight, the menu had something in 10 USD and 10 GBP. The European stewardess charged me for 10 GBP and when asked to change it to 10 USD, she said "it doesn't matter, they're the same amount."

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - Mage - 03-15-2019

Women and men enter work with different attitude.

For men work is a must. Men must earn their own money and make their own career, name and fame to be accepted in society. A man can switch one job over other (entrepreneurship being just another form of work in this sense), but he cannot exit the sphere of working altogether or he becomes a loser, useless to society and shunned and cast aside by all.

For most women work is a game. They can exit this game any time by finding a provider man or relying on beta orbiters and government safety nets. Women use work as a place to socialize and to try to increase their status if they project and think it is going to raise their SMW. Some like positions of power a position gives over people so they gravitate to being HR or government bureaucrats.

For this reason women have less stake in the game.

I believe there are some exceptions and some women can be good at their work, but since you can never know before is this is the rare woman like that it is justified to be prejudiced about women in workforce.

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - Nordwand - 03-15-2019

The opinion of a DNGAF high flier, who caught a lot of flak for sticking his head above the parapet on the subject:

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - RWIsrael - 03-15-2019

OP I get what you're saying, but you never hired any of those women. You enlisted their services, which were shit for you as a client.
The employer who hired these women got his money's worth - increased insurance premium for the agency, money for the law firm.
Sure They fucked you but as a hire they brought their boss money. Women sales reps, estate agents and lawyers are some of the most ruthless when extracting money from a client.

I guess your point stands if you expect those clients to be recurring customers , but some businesses you'll only need a few times in your life so they are all about squeezing the most money out of you and moving on to the next sucker.

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - Aurini - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 03:33 AM)RWIsrael Wrote:  

OP I get what you're saying, but you never hired any of those women. You enlisted their services, which were shit for you as a client.
The employer who hired these women got his money's worth - increased insurance premium for the agency, money for the law firm.
Sure They fucked you but as a hire they brought their boss money. Women sales reps, estate agents and lawyers are some of the most ruthless when extracting money from a client.

I guess your point stands if you expect those clients to be recurring customers , but some businesses you'll only need a few times in your life so they are all about squeezing the most money out of you and moving on to the next sucker.

He says, gloriously missing the point of the argument for the sake of being technically correct.

The "never hire a woman for anything important in your life" thread - Glaucon - 03-15-2019

Quote: (03-15-2019 08:12 AM)Aurini Wrote:  

He says, gloriously missing the point of the argument for the sake of being technically correct.

Technically correct is the best type of correct